Chapter 1

Moving on
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It was a dark Saturday night for Dahyun.




Even though she was on semester break, she wanted to spend those three weeks with her girlfriend, maybe going on a spontaneous trip but now, everything was canceled.

Not only has she lost her girlfriend Sana but also her best friend Tzuyu. The only person she could trust was her little sister Chaeyoung, who was traveling through the Atlantic with her friends Mina and Momo.


Chaeyoung was so excited to travel around the world after graduating High-school and Dahyun didn't want to ruin the trip by telling Chaeyoung her troubles. Even if said troubles included being cheated on by two of the most important people to her.

She just couldn't believe that something like this was happening to her. Dahyun was with Sana for two years and she just couldn't understand why they had to lie to her and do such a betrayal.


She gets that Sana has been losing feelings for her. Dahyun was feeling the same but instead of cheating they could have just broken up or tried to solve their problems by just talking truthfully to each other.


Dahyun doesn't even know who she hates more. Tzuyu was her best friend since middle school. The two talked about everything, so why did she never tell her about her feelings for Sana?


Just remembering how hard her best friend was crying after they confessed about sleeping with each other. Dahyun had to leave the apartment, needing some space. She didn't know where to sleep. Her parents' house was on the other side of the country, she didn't have other friends than Tzuyu and Jeongyeon, but Jeongyeon is Sana's best friend, so she decided against it.


As a college student, she is rather broke, so she needs to find another location to sleep. It was already 11 pm. They would usually be in the middle of a movie marathon. But whatever, at least she knows the truth now and doesn't have to think about it.


She was happy to hear at least that it was the first time and that they weren't ing around behind her back the whole time. She chuckled at the word 'Happy'

Nothing in this situation should make her happy, but maybe she didn't feel too mad because her love for Sana had been dying for a while now. Or she couldn't think straight because of the weather



" it's getting colder"

Dahyun whispered to herself.


It's the end of fall and she wasn't wearing a jacket. The only she grabbed before running out were her phone and purse. Now that she is walking all alone, she regrets it. She wanted to scream but decided against it. It was dark outside, and she wasn't in the mood to get attention from some creepy people, who were also walking around.


With a sigh, she continued walking until she found a café. She quickly got inside and went to the counter getting herself a hot chocolate. She took a seat in one corner and went through her phone, trying to distract herself.


It was a bad idea since she saw left calls and messages from Tzuyu and Sana. She shut her phone off and focused on her hot chocolate.


"Excuse me Miss, but we are closing in 5 minutes"

Dahyun looked up to see an employee smiling at her.


She looked at the time and gasped, not having noticed that she was already an hour there. She quickly got up with her cup and bowed


"I'm sorry, I lost track of time"

Dahyun apologized and wanted to take her leave when the employee stopped her


"Aren't you in my Korean class?"

Dahyun squinted her eyes before recognizing the girl in front of her


"Right, you sit in the front row if I remember correctly"

The girl nodded



"Correct. I'm Jihyo. You're Tayeon?"



"Dahyun, almost right"

Both chuckled and Dahyun didn't really know what to do



"I know it's not my business, but what are you doing here at this time?"

The shorter girl chuckled in embarrassment and sighed



"I just found out that my girlfriend and best friend slept with each other. Now I walk around not knowing where to go"


When she saw Jihyo's expression she apologized



"Sorry, I didn't want to bother you with my drama"



"No, it's fine. Being cheated on . I was in the same shoes"

Dahyun's eyes widen






"Yep, but my girlfriend didn't sleep with my best friend but my brother"



"Okay you won"

Jihyo chuckled at Dahyun's words



"How did you move on? Did you forgive them?"



"It left a small scar for sure. I forgave my brother but my ex was just a who jumped from left to right"

Dahyun nodded, hoping she could forgive her best friend someday as well



"But hey, the good thing is, after being cheated on, I realized my feelings for my best friend and now we are together for four years"



"Uhhh High school sweethearts"

Dahyun teased, making the taller girl blush slightly



"Jihyo, we're closing"

Another employee called out, making the two girls stop talking


"Sorry that I stopped you from working and thanks for brightening my dark night. I guess I see you in class"

Dahyun said, ready to go out, but Jihyo stopped her



"Would you like to sleep over at my apartment? You said you don't know where to go"

Jihyo suggested.


It sounded really nice, but Dahyun was unsure


"I don't want to bother. Also, I think your girlfriend wouldn't like that"

Jihyo then chuckled


"Nayeon and I live together. If it makes you feel better, I can call her and ask, but I wouldn't want to leave you alone"

Dahyun smiled and nodded.


Jihyo excused herself, telling her to wait at the counter since she noticed that Dahyun wasn't wearing a jacket. The heartbroken girl watched how the two employees cleaned up the café and helped in between so that they could move faster.

She then had to wait for a moment since the two had to go change. The other employee got out first and said goodbye to Dahyun, telling her that Jihyo would follow soon since she had to count the money for the day and make some notes for the shift tomorrow morning.



While waiting Dahyun noticed a car halting in front of the café. She tried to look inside but then a girl got out and walked to the café. Dahyun, being the best customer, informed her that the café was closing. The brunette girl chuckled before stretching her hand out



"I'm Nayeon, Jihyo's girlfriend. Nice to meet you. You must be Dahyun"

Her eyes widened after getting who stood in front of her. She shook hands with the girl



"Sorry, could have guessed who you were"



"It's fine. Jihyo told me a bit about your case. Hope it's okay with you"

Dahyun chuckled in embarrassment



"It's fine. I'm just very thankful that I don't have to sleep under a bridge"

She joked around but saw a worried look from the taller girl. Usually, she hates being pitied, feeling like she is a burden, or the people are just fake, but Nayeon seemed so genuine.

Before she could say something to take the girl's worry away, she was handed a jacket by Nayeon


"Jihyo told me you forgot yours"

Dahyun thanked her, not really knowing what else she could say.


Luckily Jihyo got out with a smile, pecking Nayeon's lips and telling them to go out of the café. She turned the lights out, locked up, and made her way to the car, where Nayeon and Dahyun were already sitting in the car.


Nayeon then told her they would need half an hour to their apartment "Maybe I just bring more people to sleep over at our apartment. It's nice to go home with a car instead of using public transportation"


Jihyo then turned to Dahyun


"Nayeon never picks me up from work. I should thank you instead" Dahyun just chuckled


"You have a driver's license yourself. You can just take the car"

Nayeon then said, not able to glare at her girlfriend since she had to concentrate on driving.


"There are no parking spots. You know how busy the city is in the middle of the day"

Jihyo defended herself. Dahyun just listened to them bickering around, not noticing that she had fallen asleep.


Nayeon wanted to ask Dahyun about her major, only knowing that Jihyo and her were sharing a class but when she looked at the back mirror she smiled sadly, nudging her girlfriend to show her the short girl


"She seemed really down when she was sitting there all alone"

Jihyo said, recalling the moment when she saw Dahyun sitting in the café


"You looked just the same when you found out your brother betrayed you"

Nayeon explained


"Yeah, but I had you. She sounded like she has no other friends or family she could talk to"

Nayeon hummed and then looked at Jihyo when they stopped at a red light


"Maybe she could stay with us for a week, and we help her move on. I don't think she would mind new friends"

Jihyo thought about it for a moment, looking at the back seat at Dahyun, and sighed.


"Maybe you're right. I hope she isn't like me"



"You mean stubborn with too much pride?"

Jihyo frowned at it



"Yes, someone like this"


"Avoiding everyone and building walls?" 


"Yes Nayeon I got it" but her girlfriend wasn't done



"Someone who turns into a cold-hearted person, being mean without reason and saying things she doesn't mean?"

Nayeon couldn't help but chuckle when she saw Jihyo's expression.


"Sorry, Sweetie but you were a nightmare to deal with"

This made the younger girl chuckle as well


"I guess I was lucky to have you by my side"


"Awwww you can be so cute if you want to"


"Now you ruined it"

Nayeon just chuckled quietly, not wanting to wake up Dahyun.


For the rest of the ride, the couple talked about their day and some ideas about what they could do with Dahyun to help her move on. When they arrived home, the couple thought about waking up their guest but decided against, seeing how peacefully the short girl was sleeping. Being the stronger one, Nayeon picked Dahyun up carefully and carried her to their apartment


"Are you okay?"

Jihyo asked when they were in the elevator


"She is very light, so I’m alright"

The older girl commented.



Inside their apartment, Jihyo quickly prepared their sleeping sofa in the living room while Nayeon used the kitchen counter as a support because Dahyun was slowly getting too heavy for the girl.


When everything was done, Nayeon put her on the bed, taking her shoes and the jacket off before putting the blanket on her. The two then got ready themselves and went to bed, kissed each other good night, and fell asleep.



Dahyun was very confused when she woke up the next morning. She looked around, seeing an unfamiliar room. However, when she thought about yesterday's happenings she sighed.


She was a bit embarrassed that she had just fallen asleep and that they had to carry her up but after feeling a little guilty she also remembered about the cheating.


A tear rolled down her cheek.



"Hey, you're awake"

She heard a soft voice saying.


She quickly wiped the tear away before looking up to see Jihyo with a bunch of clothes


"The shower is free if you like to go. Here are some clothes to wear"

She said, and Dahyun was thankful she didn't comment on the tear.


"Thank you, also for carrying my up your apartment"

Jihyo chuckled at the comment



"It's fine. You must have been really tired"

Right after Jihyo said it, Dahyun's stomach growled making one chuckle and the other smile in embarrassment


"And hungry. Nayeon and I just wanted to prepare breakfast. Do you have any wishes?"


"Cereal would be just fine"

Dahyun answered but it seemed to be the wrong answer when Jihyo looked at her with a frown


"That's not a proper breakfast. Go shower and be surprised. Nayeon and I are amazing cooks. Well, I am"

Dahyun thanked her again and took the clothes.


Jihyo sho

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh that 😭😭
jauregay4pizza #2
Chapter 1: please update soon author, I'm looking forward to reading how this story unfolds!! You are amazing and your writing is on point.