
Extraordinary You

Every human being is born with a red thread of fate tied around left pinky that connects them to their soulmate. Under a normal circumstance, the other end of the thread is invisible but it always points in the direction of the soulmate. However, when their fated person is close enough, the two threads will automatically connect and pull the two people together, forming an eternal bond that grants them true love.









For some reason, Kyuhyun's red thread just stupidly floats in the air while pointing at the sky. And his long-time crush, Yesung hyung, doesn't even have a red thread to begin with.




"Look, our red thread forms a heart-shaped knot when we cuddle!"

"Get that thing off my face, Lee Hyukjae."


Kyuhyun growled and shoved his smug hyung away. Ever since Eunhyuk hyung and Donghae hyung realized that they were soulmates through their connected red threads, the Lee Couple had been enjoying showing off to him who burned in jealousy. He had absolutely no idea why but his red thread of fate was different from the others. Rather than pointing in the direction of his soulmate, it just... floated... in the air... pointing at the sky... Heechul hyung once told him jokingly that his soulmate might be an alien from outer space (and he tricked Donghae hyung to write on the older's new TV with a permanent pen as a revenge.) He used to believe that being unique was good but not anymore, not when his "uniqueness" could potentially break his heart...


"Aww, I'm jealous of you two. I wished I had a soulmate too..."


Kyuhyun's heart made a "thump" sound like he just dropped it on the floor. Looking across the living room, he saw Yesung hyung smiling at the EunHae duo while observing their red thread with great interest. In turn, Donghae hyung held the main vocalist's equally small hand and tilted his head in puzzlement.


"How come Yesung hyung doesn't have a red thread of fate? I don't get it."

"Isn't it obvious? This hyung isn't nor— Ack!"


Eunhyuk hyung who got hit by a deadly slipper of the oldest among them yelped and hid behind his boyfriend's back. Yesung hyung cursed but didn't want to hit the fake maknae so he just left the couple be. Suddenly, the dark-haired singer met his eyes and beamed, and Kyuhyun's heart produced an embarrassingly series of loud noises. Despite his irregular heartbeat, he made space for his beloved hyung to sit down next to him. Then, his whole body melted when the shorter man leaned on him. Ah, Yesung hyung smells good...


"Cho Kkuru~?"

"Yes, hyung?"

"I want you to be happy so I hope you find your soulmate soon!"


Kyuhyun wasn't happy anymore!


"Hyung, you should stop asking for the impossible, especially when I already gave up myself."

"What? Why? Don't ever give up on finding true love, Kyuhyun-ah!"

"Do you really not know, hyung? I'm not normal, just like this stupid thread of mine."


Kyuhyun scoffed and showed his left pinky to the older man. The stupid red thread still religiously pointed at the sky instead of, well, his crush who literally sat beside him. The imaginary bitterness in his mouth and his chest was so strong that he felt irritated. So, to vent out his anger, he harshly tugged the red thread hoping to tear it apart. However, the mystical thread refused to give in and it only tightened around the digit harder, resulting in the tip of his pinky slowly turning pale. Ugh, he can't even get rid of this stupid thread!


"Kyuhyun-ah, stop! Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!!"


Just when Kyuhyun started to lose feeling in his pinky, Yesung hyung intervened by grasping his hand clenching around the red thread. The older man slowly and gently unclasped his hand to intertwine their fingers. Then, his beautiful-hearted crush held his left hand and left a feathery peck where the thread of soulmate was.


"Kyuhyun-ah, you're no ordinary but not in a negative meaning. Your extraordinary existence is a special gift that blesses us with joy. Don't ever talk yourself down."

"Yesung hyung..."


Kyuhyun tackled his kind hyung full force into a bear hug, so strong that both of them fell on the couch. Lying on top of the smaller man, he nuzzled his face in the crook of the man's beautiful neck to hide his flushed face. Damn. He almost kissed Yesung hyung and ruined their brotherhood! But it wasn't his fault that his crush was just too freaking adorable! How could he resist his Ye's charm!? Impossible!


"Yah! Just get married already and get a room!"


Shindong who witnessed everything from the kitchen raised his chopsticks and protested. Kyuhyun blushed harder while still hiding his face after hearing the word "Marriage". Yesung hyung and him, getting married? Well, he did love the sound of that—


"What are you talking about, Shindong? Kyuhyun-ah should only marry his soulmate whom he loves!"


—He no longer liked this word now! Not if his betrothed wasn't Yesung hyung! To stop his crush from further sprouting nonsense, Kyuhyun squeezed the older man and seized the opportunity to lightly kiss the smooth skin. Instead of getting flustered as he hoped, the singer just giggled with a melodious voice and patted his head as if he was dealing with a kid, not a potential future husband. Aish! This dense hyung! He huffed despite his giddy heart that reacted violently to the loving touch. In fact, he was so happy that his body felt like it was floating. However, he would never let Yesung hyung find out!


"I'm angry so I'm going to hug you to death!"

"Aigoo~ Who upsets our baby penguin~?"

"...I don't care who annoyed Kim Kyu but get the off me you oblivious lovebirds!!!"


Heechul who got squashed under the two men while watching TV peacefully shouted and cursed the younger men's ancestors.




Today, Kyuhyun still cursed his stupid red thread as usual.



"Yesung sunbae, I-I think my red thread of fate is pointing at you!"

"Aww, it does appear to be the case, except I don't have a red thread myself... I'm sorry..."

"S-Sunbae, please don't apologize! I didn't show it to make you feel bad. I just want to have a chance to talk with you more..."

"I see! In that case, how about—"

"Yesung hyung, it's our turn to perform next."


Kyuhyun smoothly put himself between his beloved hyung and a male junior. He held Yesung hyung's hand and smiled charmingly at the younger man, though his gaze showed no trace of friendliness. The hoobae who caught the hint turned pale instantly. The young man hurriedly bowed and left them, even ignoring a call from his idol. Yesung hyung tilted his head but didn't think much about it. The older man tugged his hand to get his attention.


"Kkuru, let's go. We shouldn't keep those guys waiting."

"It's fine, hyung. I was lying."

"Eh? I thought it would be our turn soon?"

"Three more groups. I came here after Ryeowook told me that a junior wanted to meet you."

"Yep! He said that I was his idol and his inspiration to become a singer. Isn't he cute~?"

"Not at all. I'm way cuter."

"That's up for debate though."

"Yesung hyung!!"


Kyuhyun pouted but it only made his crush chuckle more merrily. Although he wanted to get angry at the other man, his lips betrayed him and widened into a whipped smile. His hyung is cheating again! Staring at the main vocalist's beautiful smile, he felt like falling in love all over again as he spoke up sincerely.


"There's something that leaves no room for debate though."

"Eh? Are you going to say that your cuteness is absolute?"

"It's yours, not mine."


"You're definitely way cuter than everyone else, Yesung hyung, especially your happy smile."


Kyuhyun smiled while grasping the man's small hand tighter, hoping to convey his undying love to the other party. Please! Make Yesung hyung understand his heart! He wished earnestly but the Goddess of Love and Luck didn't side with him. The older man just beamed radiantly and squeezed his hand back in a good mood.


"Thanks, Kyu! You're my cutest dongsaeng too!"


Ouch. That was a critical hit. Kyuhyun sobbed inwardly as his (unintentionally) cruel crush let go of his hand and skipped ahead. Is it because they aren't tied by the red thread of soulmate? That's why his feelings never get through Yesung hyung? Kyuhyun sighed but quickly recovered. He stared after the older man's slender but no doubt strong back that slowly moved farther away and smiled. Well, at least his words made Yesung hyung happy.



In fact, his cute hyung seemed so happy that his steps looked more like gliding than walking.




"Yesung hyung! Watch out!!"



During their practice for Super Show 8, Yesung hyung mistook a turn and stepped off the stage into the air. Kyuhyun shouted a warning and sprinted towards the yelping older man. His panicked heartbeat raced up tenfold to the point that he saw the fall of his crush in slow motion. As if life imitated a movie, his burst of speed still felt too slow while his hyung's slow fall felt too fast. Nevertheless, just like in a movie, he managed to catch the main vocalist in time and Yesung hyung fell into his arms. After making sure that the clumsy hyung didn't bruise himself and telling their members and staff so, Kyuhyun pulled the older man into a crushing embrace instead of letting him go.


"Yesung hyung!! You just shortened my lifespan by four years!"


Kyuhyun whined but got no response. Yesung hyung neither brushed it off nor apologized for worrying him. Rather, the smaller man just stared at him intensely. Just when he thought that his ears might betray him by reddening, his peculiar hyung beamed gorgeously.


"Kkuru, you caught me!"

"Obviously! Did you think that I would stand still and do nothing?"

"Well, normally, no one caught me when I fell so your worry surprised me, not the members, not even my family."

"What are you talking about, hyung? Everyone cares about you so why won't they catch you?"

"Reasons, reasons~"


The silver-haired singer hummed a vague answer while detaching himself from his embrace, much to Kyuhyun's disappointment. Although he was curious about his crush's weird statement, he was too busy reprimanding the older man for potentially skipping meals again.



Why else would Yesung hyung weigh so light like a feather?




"Kkuru~ Catch me!"



Kyuhyun almost had a heart attack when his hyper crush suddenly let himself fall forward after getting his attention. He dropped the concert cue sheet and rushed to save the cutest troublemaker. Yesung hyung fell precisely in his arms and had a nerve to rub his chubby cheek against his chest. Aish. He really is going to die from this guy one way or another.


"Hyung... Not this again!! I'll grow old from worry before you get white hair at this rate."

"But you'll still catch me, right?"

"That's not even a question."

"I see~"


Yesung hyung smiled softly to himself and pushed himself up, and Kyuhyun regretted not seizing the opportunity to hug his crush longer. However, deep down he knew that his body failed to react because, even though Yesung hyung was right in front of him, his stupid red thread of fate still ignored the older man. It just stubbornly pointed up at the sky. Why? Is his soulmate a bird or something?


"Kyuhyun-ah, I've been thinking about your unique red thread of fate, actually."

"H-Huh? Yes? What is it about this stupid thing?"

"Jeez, don't bully it! Anyway, I-I was thinking... Like, have you ever thought that... Um, you know, that..."

"Hyung, we'll go home before you finish talking if you keep beating around the bush."

"O-Okay. So... I was thinking... What if your soulmate was a cloud?"

"Yesung hyung, I can't hear you. Can you repeat that?"


"Hyung~ Don't tell me you already forgot what you just said~? I know you're getting old but isn't that too early for a memory issue?"

"Aish! You damned brat!! I said what if your soulmate was a cloud that was why your red thread pointed at—"


Yesung hyung was stunned and went quiet. Kyuhyun was equally stunned too because... Did his hyung basically just hint that...?


"Yesung hyung, could it be—"

"Ahh! I said nothing and you heard nothing!!"


Before he got to ascertain the truth behind the surprising outburst of his crush (who might also secretly have a crush on him), Yesung hyung shouted angrily and stomped away, leaving Kyuhyun grinning like a fool with a thunderous heartbeat. He used to believe that his beloved hyung was oblivious and that all of his flirtatious signals went over that big head. However, it now seemed like he was oblivious too. How come he failed to notice that Yesung hyung liked him? Most importantly, how come his silly hyung failed to realize that he also loved him!?


"Ah, the dummy lovebirds finally achieved an enlightenment!"

"About the damn time!"

"Now, do us a favor and get married already!!"


A collective protest from the Super Junior members helped eradicate any lingering doubts in his mind. Kyuhyun grinned wider until his mouth felt hurt. It seemed like he needed to be more active in pursuing his beloved hyung if he wanted to get through the dense man (he realized it before Yesung hyung so he was still smarter than his hyung.) If his red thread was too stupid to do anything, then he would make a move himself.



After all, Yesung hyung is the one and only soulmate he needs.




His one and only soulmates avoided him like a plague.



Although Kyuhyun found out that his crush was actually his future boyfriend, they had yet to start a relationship because his (supposed to be) lover kept running away from him whenever they had a group schedule. Outside of Super Junior activities, both of them were busy with their personal projects that they didn't have a chance to talk properly. He could have called or texted his hyung but he chose not to do it. He wanted to look into Yesung hyung's eyes when he confessed and vice versa. One month later, however, Kyuhyun begrudgingly accepted the truth that he should change his tactics. If openly chasing his beloved hyung only resulted in the faster the older man running away, then he just had to hide his claws and lay low, waiting for the jumpy cat to approach him. A perfect opportunity showed itself up when he caught a sudden flu and couldn't get out of the bed. Surely, Yesung hyung must come to see him, right?



Yesung hyung never came.








"Cough! Y-Yesung hyung...?"

"Sorry to ruin your hope but it's me."


Kyuhyun's limited energy evaporated from his body after he saw that it was Ryeowook who stepped into the room. He flopped onto the bed and pouted to show his frustration while his best friend put a bowl of steaming congee on a bedside table. Today marked the fourth day he got sick but he still couldn't see even a shadow of a certain Cloud hyung. Why? Why won't Yesung hyung come to see him?


"He really is the worst hyung in the 21st century! —Cough!! Cough, cough, Aish..."

"Stop sulking and eat your meal so you can take a med."


The eternal maknae tried to dig him out of the bed but Kyuhyun protested by turning away and hugging his sister penguin.


"I'm not going to eat anything until Yesung hyung comes here. I don't feel like eating anyway."

"Huh? Yesung hyung hasn't dropped by yet?"

"Yeah— Achoo! Cough, h-he's a big meanie. Even though I was sick, he only showed up in my dreams!!"


Ryeowook gave him an incredulous look of disbelief.


"You're so hopeless. Both of you. I'll remove myself from here to avoid catching the stupidity. Bye."

"What? Jeez, he has no mercy even for a patient..."


Grumbling about his savage friend, Kyuhyun forced himself to eat a few bites of the meal in order to take a fever reducer. After that, he went back to sleep and drifted off while still whining about his cruel crush.




Kyuhyun woke up in the middle of the night because the med effect already wore off. He was too tired to reach out for his phone so he couldn't tell the time. While he was lying in misery, a cool towel touched his heated cheek and gently wiped it. He blinked hard as he tried to make out a silhouette hovering over him. After he saw a pair of familiar beautiful eyes belonging to his beloved hyung, he realized that he was dreaming again.


"Yesung hyung..."

"Hush. Try to drink some of this and take a med."


Kyuhyun nodded obediently and let the dream Yesung hyung helped him up. Then, his kind-hearted hyung who was as caring as ever even in a dream carefully fed him some warm soup and refreshing honey lemon juice. The dream Yesung hyung also rubbed his tummy soothingly while humming a lullaby after he was done with the light meal and medicine. Despite the gentle treatment from the older man, Kyuhyun felt down and got teary a little bit, knowing that all of this was a fragment of his imagination.


He knew that it was a dream because Yesung hyung was sitting cross-legged in the air before his eyes.


"Hyung... Don't leave me... This is my dream so— Cough! S-Stay with me..."

"I can't. I don't want to bother you, Cho Kkuru."



When the flying Yesung hyung in his dream attempted to leave, Kyuhyun hurriedly reached out to snatch the adoring small hand and said the first thing coming to his sluggish mind.


"You're never a bother to me, hyung, because I love you."



He flinched when the dream Yesung hyung raised his voice and he accidentally let go of the older man's hand. Without him as an anchor, his crush floated higher until the man almost hit the ceiling. The main vocalist seemed to be mumbling something but his exhausted mind caught nothing. While he tried to squint into the dark, Kyuhyun realized that his stupid red thread still pointed at nothing in the air instead of his most beloved hyung, even though Yesung hyung also floated in the air next to the said thread. Kyuhyun immediately whined and sulked.


"Cough, this dream . I hate it. I hate you too, the dream Yesung hyung!"

"A dream...?"


The floating Yesung hyung paused his mumbling after hearing his accusation. A short while later, his crush floated down to hover right in front of him and smiled kindly, though his voice sounded a little sad.


"That's right. This is just your fever dream. Sleep tight, Kkuru."


A soft touch landed on his warm forehead and he was beyond overjoyed, realizing that his crush just kissed that place. He didn't hate this dream anymore! Kyuhyun ignored his red thread of fate floating next to the older man and happily lay down as his hyung instructed. He couldn't stop grinning while Yesung tucked him in and planted another gentle kiss on his cheek.


"Good night, Kyuhyun-ah. You'll wake up from this dream and feel better soon."



Kyuhyun closed his eyes and dozed off to a slumbering land accompanied by his hyung's calming humming. His thoughts before falling asleep were a bit messy and jumbling as he tried to keep the dream Yesung hyung with him longer. He had so many questions that he wished the replica Art-liked Voice would answer in place of the real one who refused to visit him.



The question that puzzled him the most was; why was Yesung hyung in his dream flying?




Not long after he fully recovered from flu, his beloved hyung stopped avoiding him even though he hadn't pulled off his plan yet. Kyuhyun made an assumption that the older probably felt guilty of never visiting him so he became affectionate again. Obviously, he wisely utilized this golden opportunity to seriously pursue his hyung. He still vividly remembered the dream Yesung hyung's sweetness and he wanted to experience it in real life. He no longer held back his feelings and always flirted with the older singer given a chance. He became very touchy and clingy. He no longer teased the older and praised him sincerely. He also called and messaged the lonely hyung whenever his hectic schedules allowed. If he had a free time, he cooked something and visited the Kim family with gifts. In a nutshell, he behaved as if they already were in a relationship. Kyuhyun thought that he showed his love for Yesung hyung obvious enough and that his crush would finally realize it.


However, his actions only increased the gap between them.


Although Yesung hyung still indulged his every whim and spoiled him rotten, with his many years of experiences as "Yesung Watcher", Kyuhyun sharply noticed that the older man tried to put up a wall between him. Of freaking course, like hell would he allow it! Therefore, he decided to put an end on their ambiguous bonds and advance to a next step in a relationship.





"Hyung, let's talk."



On one fine fall afternoon, Kyuhyun cornered his hyung after successfully luring him to the dorm. Yesung hyung's eyes darted to the left and right as if he was looking for an escape route. However, he wouldn't let it happen. He was tired of having hope that they could become an item, only for the older man to run away. So, he snatched the shorter man's attention back at him by holding his endearing small hands. Then, when his nervous crush looked at him, he went for a straight punch right at his hyung's heart.


"Kim Jongwoon, I love you, not as a dongsaeng who admires his hyung, but as a man who wishes to spend the rest of his life with you. Plus, I know you love me too so let's cut to the chase and get married."

""W-Wait a sec. Kyuhyun-ah, don't be too hasty. Are you sure about this? I'm not your soulmate... Look, even when I'm right in front of you, your red thread still ignores me..."


Yesung hyung smiled in a self-deprecating manner and gestured at the red thread pointing at the sky with his pouting lips. True to the older's words, his stupid red thread of fate never once gave a sign that Yesung hyung was his soulmate, not that he cared about it. Kyuhyun grasped the smaller hands tight when he sensed that the other man tried to break off the hold.


"To hell with this stupid junk. I choose my own soulmate and I choose you!"

"B-But... The red thread... It's never wrong... I... Never heard of... Other people... Soulmates... We love each other... But..."


Despite his best effort to hold them, Yesung hyung's compact hands proved to be very strong and they eventually were yanked back. Then, his anxious hyung kept mumbling something while fidgeting. Kyuhyun perfectly understood the older man's jumbling speech despite that and he was frustrated. Yesung hyung was worried that he might be hurt later if they were to part for whatever reason because they weren't soulmates. Yes. His hyung didn't even care if he himself might be hurt too. This frustratingly kind-hearted hyung only worried about him. Kyuhyun sighed. How should he convince this worrywart that he loved him enough to risk— 



Kyuhyun's train of thoughts went to a sudden halt when he saw Yesung hyung LEVITATING in the air.



"Yesung hyung..."

"I-I know! Just, give me time! I know you love me and I love you too! But, still, I, what if..."

"Not that, erm, hyung, you're levitating..."



Yesung hyung who just realized the state he was in cursed and flailed his limbs helplessly. However, his body only floated higher until the ceiling stopped him. The older man who now levitated and spun slowly as if the gravity was a joke to him groaned and covered his face, all the while Kyuhyun just stared at his (literally) extraordinary hyung with his mouth agape.


"... What in the world is happening? Am I dreaming?"

"...No, Kyuhyun, this isn't a dream. You just found out that I'm not a human being, though I look exactly like one."

"What? Are you... like, an alien? N-No offense though!"

"Yes, I am from outer space. Appa and Eomma told me that they found me falling from the sky after they made a wish to a comet for a son. The Earth's gravity barely has any effect on me. So, when I got flustered or absentminded, I tend to accidentally levitate..."

"For real? What the— Does those guys know—?"


Kyuhyun paused when he recalled how the older man once told him that no one ever caught him when he fell. Of course! No need to catch someone who can fly! He glared and the cute sheepish smile of the other person only proved that his assumption was correct. Everyone in Super Junior knew, except him.


"Well... They accidentally found out about it too so I had to tell them... About you... Kkuru, it's not like I want to hide it from you... Just... It slipped my mind..."

"You forgot to tell me that you were actually a superhuman?"

"Yup... I mean, I was busy pondering how to become your soulmate when I didn't have a red thread due to my special origin... I even tried to float next to it that night but it still ignored me... I love you so much but we're too different to be together... Literal different species, if I say so..."


The more his hyung rambling on, the farther the man floated away from him (probably unconsciously). Right now, Yesung hyung was hugging his knees while his levitating body flipped languidly. At the same time, Kyuhyun was trying to wrap his mind around the amazing discovery. It was neither Yesung hyung didn't have a soulmate nor he wasn't Yesung hyung's soulmate. His freaking literal 4D hyung wasn't an Earthling so he wasn't born with a red thread of fate!


Then, by that logic, could it be that his red thread of fate was special for a reason too...?


Kyuhyun cast a doubtful glance at the thin red thread on his left pinky. Although it still pointed at the sky instead of the person who had his heart, he felt like it looked more divine today for some reason. Then, an unbelievably absurd idea struck him, absurd but amazing. He caught the end of the red thread and gave it a gentle tug, not because he wanted to get rid of it but to test something. As he suspected, the red thread mysteriously could be pulled to any length he desired. After getting it long enough, Kyuhyun made a cowboy lasso and swung it over his head. Aimed. And threw.


"A-Anyway, maybe we should keep it casual because we're not— WHAT THE !!?"

"Ah, I finally caught the naughty kitten who kept running away~"


The makeshift lasso was thrown beautifully and precisely over the levitating man on the ceiling. It then hugged around the said man's torso and captured him. While Yesung hyung was cursing, Kyuhyun whistled in glee as he pulled the red thread while stepping backward to the couch. After sitting down, he tugged the thread and made the captured hyung sat in his lap. To avoid any potential complaints, Kyuhyun captured the chatty mouth next and kissed until the those hands wrapped around his nape instead of hitting his shoulders. Breaking off their lips, he snorted at his hyung's dreamy and flushed look. He couldn't help and the parting red lips, startling the smaller man out of his reverie.



"Do you get it now, hyung? No matter how far you try to run away, I'll always catch you because I choose you as my soulmate. I love you, Yesung hyung."

"Really...? Even if I'm not normal? I mean, I'm not even a human..."

"Kim Jongwoon, you're no ordinary but not in a negative meaning. Your extraordinary existence is a special gift that blesses my life with joy, and I wouldn't have it any other way."


Yesung hyung's beautiful eyes widened in surprise when he was told comforting words that he used to say to him long ago. Then, his hyung beamed with slightly teary eyes and chuckled.


"I guess someone as awesome as us can't date anyone else but each other, eh?"

"Exactly. The world will get in trouble if we don't contain our awesomeness~"


Finally resolving the soulmate issue, Kyuhyun happily resumed the kiss. He maneuverd his (now) lover onto the couch and deepened the kiss until Yesung hyung moaned his name amidst their tongues messing around. While the older man was distracted trying to breathe, another wonderful idea came to his mind.


"Yesung hyung~"


"I used to curse my red thread for being useless but I realized now that I was wrong. Actually, I think it's quite versatile~"


Blinking cluelessly, Yesung hyung looked down at his own body and blushed after realizing that his wrists were completely bound by the red thread from his left pinky. Kyuhyun smirked and nibbled his hyung's earlobe, before whispering in his ear.


"How about we test it together? Baby?"



Kyuhyun lifted his stunned lover and carried the older man to his bedroom. He planned to make up for the time they wasted by being oblivious. Most importantly...




He wanted to see how many types of knots he could pull off on his Ye hyung's y body with his awesome red thread of soulmate~




Author's note:

Happy KyuSung Day 2024! 🐧💙🐢


How far were you in the story when you realized the twist? How many hints did you catch along the way? I wrote it like Hansel and Gretel dropping stones to find their way  :P 

About the twist, acually, I did think about going another direction of kyusung being together despite not being meant to be. However, I wholeheartedly and hopelessly romantically believe that kyusung are soulmates. So, you got Cowboy Kyu catching the extraordinary Ye and tied him up to himself instead  xD  As for what kind of knot play kyusung would have after the end, I'll let it to your imagination 🤭


Take care and love you!    <3


PS. I did a fanmade video for KyuSung Day! From a popular song "Dear Future Husband" by Meghan Trainor~ You can watch it on YouTube here! Enjoy~

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Chapter 1: For a second I thought Yeye was actually really a cloud prince thats why Kyu's thread was so high 😆 but I love the idea that Kyu's thread has a better purpose in kyusung bed 🙈

This was so fun to read thank you author-nim ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 1: I thought pretty quickly that there's something going on, but this was not one of my guesses xD
400 streak #3
Chapter 1: My imagination? Wait, don't you know that I have a big big imagination? 😁😂

Eniwei, it's truly cute and sweet! I can't with Kyu being so in love with our Sungie 🥰

Gonna go watch your fanmade!
400 streak #4
For a second I thought it would be angst, thanks universe I checked the tags 😂 gonna read it ASAP
Chapter 1: I really thought Yesung was actually just a soul at first and they will never be together but phew, thank you so much for this cute story 🏻