
Selene 6.23
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A group of three girls alighted the heavily-tinted black van and as if on cue, flashing lights filled the carpeted walkway. This doesn't seem to bother the girls though, who were all clad in casual clothes and in their barefaces, after being in the industry for 15 years. Gasps of awes coupled the camera flashes as the queens of metaverse and hyperpop made their way through the red carpet and wide smiles were plastered on their faces as they waved at the press and fans who has been waiting for them since noon that day for the culmination of their year-long world tour. Midway, the girls stopped to face the crowd to greet them. Fans were shouting and calling their names from different directions, mostly from individual fansites, whose camera lenses captured each and every movement of the members. For a decade and a half of being active in the industry, the girls have already become familiar to a number of their fans, despite many hiding their identities with fask masks and baseball caps, especially fansite masters who have almost always been present in each and every one of their events. There have been a couple of friendly interactions with them and aespa have always wished that they could do more for them, so as much as possible, they try to wave "hi" and do a few poses to their fansites as a simple gesture to repay the unending love and support they received from the start.

Karina, in particular, has been dubbed as the group's queen of fanservice due to the amount of fan interactions she's had with fans over the years. It has always been her habit as well to look at her fansite master in the eye and not just their lenses and personally greet them whatever the circumstances are. There has also been reports about her kindness through multiple sightings of her treating fans with snacks even during her non-work-related trips and outings and they also claim that she remembers the avid ones as she greets them by their given names. The list of why Karina is an angel sent from above can go on and on and Minjeong, Selene 6.23's fansite master - Karina's fansite - won't mind writing them down even if it will take forever.

Minjeong can still remember the fateful day she met her -  the moon who shines so brightly even in the dark sky - like it was just yesterday, and just like the moon, she can only do so much as loving her from afar.

"Ackkk" Minjeong grunted when she felt a sting on her finger after popping her can of soda open. She squinted her eyes to check the severity of her wounded finger and saw a little blood oozing out which made her curse inwardly.

"Here," a piece of unopened Shin-chan bandaid appeared between her eyes and finger, "wash it first with water and soap then cover it with this" the strip was then gestured closer to her face and instead of getting it, Minjeong turned to look at owner of the voice and was then greeted by a smiling brunette with heavenly features that makes even the word "beautiful" an understatement.

"Jimin-ah, c'mon!" a voice from the other side of the convenience store echoed and the brunette woman then grabbed Minjeong's other hand and placed the piece of bandage on her palm. But even before the stunned girl could open to thank the kind and pretty stranger, she quickly disappeared out of her sight leaving her staring blankly at the bandaid.

Minjeong sighed, "Jimin, huh?" she whisphered to herself with a little smile and thought that the girl was a little familiar.

Over the next few days, Minjeong's visit at that particular convenience store near her work became frequent in the hopes of bumping again onto the nice stranger to thank her - her lame excuse to get to know the pretty woman - but almost a month have passed and there was no sign of the brunette so Minjeong resigned at the thought that maybe the girl was not from anywhere  near the area.

Exactly a month after, a suprising news came from Minejong's workmate when he mentioned that a certain "Karina" was named as the first member of the upcoming girl group that SM Entertainment will be launching. When he showed her Karina's pictures, she had the shock of her life as she was sure as hell that it was exactly the same person at the convenience store she knew to be "Jimin".

The rest then was history on how Minjeong became a self-proclaimed number one fan of Karina. Minjeong knew her bounds and limits though, contenting herself through admiring the girl from afar through her camera lens.

A painful realization she have always been carrying is that no matter how close Karina seems to be and no matter how loud she shouts her name, - just to have her look at her even for a split second - she will never reach her. Minjeong will only just be one out of the many people that Karina will pass by.

And sometimes by some sort of a miracle after constantly repeating her mantras of "please look at me", like right now, Karina looks at Minjeong's lens as if looking right through her eyes then smiles - each second captured not just by the camera but also by Minjeong's heart, followed by what the younger girl could swear was a "Hi, Minjeong-ah" that the idol mouthed. She didn't know how Karina knew that it was her behind that face mask, bucket hat, and bazooka lens, but air got caught on making it difficult to swallow and sh

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574 streak #1
Selene 6.23.... Even just the title makes me cry....
Psykotato 29 streak #2
Chapter 1: I thought it won't end well😭
Gyeolui #3
Beautiful story 🥰
No_looksies #4
Chapter 1: Wooow! You got my heart in a grip for a moment there..but that twist at the end was quite surprising and unexpected.. they were idols and minjeong sacrificing herself like that...oof
Glad that they can be together now! All the best to them ☺️