
Being In Love is Sickness
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There is this certain someone I am about to tell you right now. He smells like a flower that grew in the direction of the sun despite absurd obstacles. 


He has the whole galaxy in his eyes. And right under his nose, he wears the happiest curve. Don’t ask me about his soul. Because I too, wish I had the right word to describe how the hell it touches mine in the most sparkly way possible. 


And when I think I couldn’t get any gayer, he slaps me across the face again. I thank him for that. 


His name is Lee Taemin.




There is this spesific event that led me to meet the Lee Taemin. It was when I visited Taesun’s house for some university projects. It was rather strange that we have been friends for years, yet I have never once went to his house. I didn’t have reason for that, I guess. 


However that day I was on my way to meet him somewhere else but the rain was pouring so hard, I cursed myself for not bringing umbrella. I was coincidentally closer to his house than to the meeting point. So he picked me up with his parent’s car.


“Where is your car, Minho? I know you have one but never use it?” Taesun handed me a towl.


“I prefer walking.” Yes, I do go anywhere by walking. Don’t ask me why, I just like it. It’s healthy and walking barefoot is healthier. I always feel like as if I’m kissing the earth with my feet.


“Well, that sounds like you.” I was the only one that walked barefoot on the first day of university. Well, I still am. 


After some quick chit chat we worked on the project. We decided to create an informative and educational video. We wanted to tell a story about how important it is for children to get quality education. And fact is, even after more than 70 years of independence, we still talk about education equality. This is a very important issue for me and Taesun as two students who share the same dream: a teacher.


We wrote and planned a lot of things. Taesun is more organized than me, I admit. But in this case I just knew my videography skills was everything we needed.


Taesun was typing on his laptop, sitting on the study chair and I was standing hovering over him kind of, when someone barged in the room without knocking. 


“Hyung. Are you going to…” 


Taesun and I turned to the door. It was him with water still dripping from his wet hair to his shoulder in a sleeveless top, and toothbrush in his hand. 


“Why don’t you towel dry your hair first before entering someone else’s bedroom? Because the way your long hair get so tangled is just so not aesthetic to me.” Taesun said annoyed.


“Sorry.” Taemin turned and closed the

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970 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho got through him after all..
Thank you so much for sharing.
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 2: Adorable... like Minho said... actions speak louder than words..and the fact that Taemin never accepted to date him but Minho is still there always and not pressuring him, have made him win him over! :)
fireheart6v6 #3
Chapter 1: YESSSS for a sequel plssss 🙏🏼💕💕