SP-2 Scene Unlocked

Professor Kang is Getting Married and I Want to Know with Whom
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[Joohyun confessing to Seulgi] UNLOCKED 🔓


“WHY the heck are you clapping?” 

Seulgi couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow while looking at her best friend who couldn’t help but to cheer for the on-screen couple. The two are in Joohyun’s place, spending Friday like they usually do together these days. 

It was the ending of the webtoon-based drama that Joohyun had been religiously watching for the past months. And just like the usual happenings, the ending was altered. The drama didn’t go with the original ending in the webtoon. While Joohyun rejoiced since the leads of the story finally got their happy ending, Seulgi didn’t like what happened. 

“This isn’t something that you should rejoice about, Hyun…” Seulgi placed her can of beer on the coffee table before leaning on the couch and crossing her arms. “This is a huge disrespect to the author of the webtoon. It’s also a let down to the actual fans of the story.”

Joohyun immediately stopped clapping and glared at Seulgi. “I am a fan of the webtoon, remember? But I am happy that they got the ending that they deserved!”

“Ending they deserved?” Seulgi repeated. “There’s obviously a reason why they didn’t end up together in the original story. The guy was a casanova. Even if he indeed showed that he might really have sincere feelings for the girl, he kept making her insecure. I can’t believe they made the girl choose the guy rather than choose herself just like the webtoon ending.”

“Why are you talking like that?” Joohyun asked with a frown. She then emptied her own can of beer before opening a new one. “Shouldn’t you support the guy?”

“And why would I support him?” Seulgi asked back, also with a frown. 

“Hmp.” Joohyun went to go for another chug. “Jae-beom-ssi is still dreamy. He and Rahee deserve to be together.”

Seulgi looked at the screen once again. The leads were already having their final kissing scene. It was a happy ending but she’s really not happy about it. “What do you even like about that guy? What’s so dreamy about him? Is that kind of person really your ideal type? You were serious about your ideal type discussion back in high school? You really like guys like that?”

“Why do you have so many questions?” Joohyun rolled her eyes before throwing popcorn at Seulgi. “Just be happy that they ended up together at least in the drama, okay?”

“Whatever. I believe the original ending would give more justice. I’d like to see their breakup scene being acted out. I wonder how the author feels about this.”

“It’s called an adaptation for a reason, Seulgi. You can’t have it 100% matched.”

“The ending is a very important part of the story. You can’t mess that up.” Seulgi just sighed. She stood up and headed towards the door.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Joohyun asked, almost stumbling when she tried to stand up.

“Gonna go smoke.” Seulgi thriftily answered. 

“Y-You can just smoke on the verandah though.” Joohyun looked really confused because Seulgi would just smoke on the verandah when she’s staying.

“I forgot to buy earlier. Already puffed them all.” Seulgi wore her shoes and grabbed her jacket that she hung by the clothes rack by the entrance. “I’ll be back quickly. Slow down on drinking. There’s a horror movie that I want to watch with you. Let’s watch that when I come back.”

Joohyun’s door closed and the girl was left alone. She went back to her seat, grabbed her beer can back, before hugging her legs. “Is she for real? She wants me to watch a horror movie knowing that I live alone and get scared easily!?”

The professor then quickly chose a random romance movie just to prevent Seulgi from putting up that scary movie. Joohyun started watching by herself and kept drinking in the process.

“Why am I so into romance stories these days? I guess my age is already getting into me…” Joohyun then turned to the direction of her door and envisioned Seulgi coming back and a smile already curved up her face.

It’s been quite a while since Seulgi started spending more time with her. After becoming a professor, she completely stopped her nightlife. She wasn’t that active anymore anyway but she chose to completely just get rid of it. She would just have a drink with some friends from time to time but there’s no traces of recent flings at all.

If there are things that didn’t change then that would be her style, the way she talks and the way she handles things. Though the other higher ups had nothing to say about her ways, she was already reprimanded by a certain senior professor but Seulgi refrained from changing. Everytime she and Joohyun talk about it, Seulgi would always have the same answer.

“We live in a time where more kids are having divorced parents. And having someone who personally experienced the pain of parents divorcing, I would never trust someone who is trying to project themself blameless. Also, you know how stressful academics have been to everyone and parents’ huge expectations don’t help at all. I am just here to help the students discover and hone their talents and abilities. I don’t want to be so legalistic.”

She’s not a factory machine that would produce the same models of students–That’s what Seulgi would always say at the end. 

Surprisingly, Seulgi is actually loved by her students. Even students that she doesn't mentor would come to her for advice and would comfortably share their thoughts and feelings to her. She's really close to them like some sort of an older sister and most people from the school management really appreciate Seulgi's approach to things. It's just really impossible to please all people. 

"Why are you spending so much time with me lately?" Joohyun bit her lower lip after subconsciously saying that question out loud. She's been wondering why Seulgi always hangs out with her a lot lately. And when you say a lot then it's indeed a lot. They'd go to school together and go home together. If Seulgi doesn't come to her house then it would be her being called to Seulgi's house. Joohyun would only be able to rest her eyes from seeing Seulgi during weekends where the girl would lock herself in her work room. 

Joohyun had been wanting to ask about it but she just couldn't confront Seulgi about it in fear of making things weird. She doesn't want to make things awkward especially now that she's really having so much fun being with her. It felt like Joohyun was having the time of her life.

It's been two years since Seulgi became a professor and two years since they started spending more time with each other. Joohyun understands that it could be because they are working in the same field and in the exact same school and even in the same department, but she couldn't help to treat the time they spend together special. 

She's in love with her best friend in the first place.

Joohyun took another chug before burying her face on her knees. She closed her eyes and ran another simulation of her telling her feelings for Seulgi. Of course she wants to tell her. Of course she wants to express herself. It's been years since she's suppressing how she really feels. She got used to being on the sidelines, watching how Seulgi played with fire, fell in love and got broken. Of course she wants them to be together too. Not just as best friends but as official lovers. 

She believes that no one can love Seulgi like she loves her. 

But it's never easy given the fact that she once rejected the love Seulgi has offered her.

"Seulgi doesn't like the past going after her..." Joohyun whispered to herself as her eyes closed. "And to Seulgi, the Joohyun that she fell in love with once is nothing but part of her past."

Joohyun felt her heart clenched. “Confessing to her would only mean losing her.”




JOOHYUN woke up at the sound of people screaming. She slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a cannibal scene. The girl shrieked in fear and was about to run away but a sturdy arm caught her and didn’t let go of her.

She then heard familiar cheeky laughter while looking at the hand that was holding her by the waist–it was Seulgi. And just by looking at it, it seemed like she was sleeping wrapped on the girl's arm while leaning on her shoulder. Joohyun turned red in an instant. 

"W-W-What the heck!?" Joohyun pushed her away, spilling the newly opened can of beer that Seulgi was holding. "W-What are you doing watching that kind of thing!? And why are the lights off!?"

"Come on, Hyunie... Turning the lights off is a must when watching scary films~" Seulgi took a sip of her spilled beer. "You woke up in the good part."

"Good part!?" Joohyun grabbed the remote and exited the film. "No one would ever want to wake up in that kind of scene!"

The other girl just laughed while scratching her cheek. "Sorry~" Seulgi stood up and opened the lights and laughed once again at the sight of Joohyun's dishevelled hair. "You were already asleep when I arrived so I just switched to another movie."

"You didn't go home?" Joohyun asked. "You should've just gone home."

"Hm?" Seulgi turned to her with a curious face. She looked up before she answered. "I just had a feeling that you would search for me if I wasn't here when you woke up. That's why I stayed. I guess I should've just gone home. Haha."

Seulgi just raised her beer. "I'll just finish this one and go home."

'Seulgi, what if I tell you that what you're doing is illegal? Those lines together with that look in your face makes me want to fall harder on you, idiot!' Joohyun rolled her eyes and searched for her unfinished can of beer but it was nowhere to be found. Seulgi noticed her and immediately gave her the answer. 

"I already drank it." The girl nonchalantly said. "You were already drunk with two cans so I thought you don't need it anymore."

"I am not drunk! I was just sleepy!" Joohyun snatched Seulgi's can and drank from it. "Don't decide for me!"

"Here goes the lightweight amazon woman~"

Shaking her head, Seulgi just opened YT on the smart TV and started playing music. She didn't go to get more alcohol and just watched Joohyun finish the can. She knew that the other girl had already reached her limit and to her there's no point to continue drinking further.

"What are you looking at?" Joohyun asked after she took a good chug.

"Nothing~" Seulgi just smiled. "I just think you're really cute. I still wonder why you're not together with anyone. Don't tell me you're really looking for someone like Jae-beom."

The smaller girl frowned "Are you stupid?" 

"I am." Seulgi chuckled before looking intently at Joohyun again. "Don't look for a guy like that. You deserve someone that will treat you well and will love you with everything."

'She still thinks I am straight.' Joohyun pouted. 'And why is she even talking like this as if she's going somewhere? She's so annoying.'

"Why are you pouting?" Seulgi poked her nose. "Don't tell me you're really looking for a womaniser?"

"What if I am?" Joohyun asked back with those tipsy eyes, surprising Seulgi. "What if I am really looking for a womaniser to be my partner?"

"Hyunie...?" Seulgi worriedly reached out to her and held her free hand. "That's crazy. Don't do that."

"Yeah... I might be really crazy." Joohyun held back Seulgi's hand. Blame it on the alcohol, blame it on the atmosphere, blame it on whatever but Joohyun's suppressed feelings don’t have any plans on staying hidden that night. 

“Seulgi, I…” Joohyun felt a little hard to breathe. She didn’t know what exactly was going on but she knew she had to. There’d be no other chance. She had to do it that night or else she would be forever jailed by her feelings for her best friend. “Seulgi… Actually I…”

“You’re already drunk, Hyunie.” Joohyun flinched when she felt Seulgi’s palm on her head. Seulgi was smiling gently at Joohyun which made the latter’s heart race even more. “Let’s call this a night. I’ll also go home.”

Seulgi tried to

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1761 streak #1
Chapter 24: Just checking in! Hope you are doing well authornim and adjusting to your new chapter in life! I am officially on summer vacation! Hope everyone else are doing well!
Kimchi43 #2
Chapter 24: I'll be waiting patiently ;-;
areytrea #3
bro someone spoil please, i just wanna know if there is good cute joygi in here, not interested in anything else someone pleasee tell meee
264 streak #4
Chapter 23: Finally I'm up to date with this story. I can't wait for what's to come. Thank you author 🧡
1761 streak #5
Chapter 23: Rereading this chapter and oh my gee
bluejin #6
Chapter 24: take your time author-nim!
bluejin #7
Chapter 23: haha that fourth wall break at the end so cute
bluejin #8
Chapter 22: hoho sooyoung is back but it doesnt matter anyways.. seulgi is joohyun’s lover
zjkdlin0121 #9
Chapter 24: congrats cut-nim💗💗
1761 streak #10
Chapter 24: Congrats on your new chapter in life Cut-nim!!! Take your time and rest! Thank you for always sharing your stories with us! See you in the next chapter!