2-4 River's Pursuit of Romance

Professor Kang is Getting Married and I Want to Know with Whom
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"IS everything okay?"

Yujin twitched when Jimin suddenly came into view. The other girl then pointed somewhere with her hand and Yujin quickly looked at where she was pointing. It was their mentor, Professor Kang, glaring at Yujin's way while her hands were on her waist.

Yujin's eyes widened at the realisation and immediately apologised to the professor. She's been spacing out and she got caught.

"Even though this is just a mentor-mentee meeting that has no impact in your grades, I still hope that you focus on the things that I say since it might help you in your career in the future." Seulgi sighed as she shook her head. "Yujin-ssi, I know you're a... ehem... a little distracted right now but please don't make it so obvious!"

"P-P-Professor!?" Yujin shouted, which made the other students laugh. She couldn't look at Jimin who was sitting beside her because it would be really obvious.

The meeting ended just like that. When Yujin was on her way out with Jimin walking beside her, Professor Kang gave Yujin a sneaky thumbs up. The student immediately turned red once more and dashed her way out.

Seulgi just laughed at Yujin's reaction before taking a stretch. "That girl is surely wasting her opportunity... I thought she would take the chance to talk a lot more with Jimin since I purposely made them seatmates."

The professor let out a deep breath before smiling. "I guess she's starting to be aware of something else."

"Let's head together to the theatre club, Yujinie~" Jimin cheerfully said after stepping out of Seulgi's office but the other girl's attention was on her phone. "Yujin?"

"A-Ah!" Yujin jerked when Jimin invaded her personal space again. "S-Sorry, were you saying something?"

The other girl pouted a bit. "I said let's go to the theatre club together."

"Ah, right..." Yujin raised her phone a bit. "Let's wait for Minjoo, we–"

Yujin's phone vibrated and she quickly looked at the message only to scowl at the contents of it.

"What's wrong?" Jimin got even more curious.

"It's Minjoo..." Yujin sighed, her eyes fixed on her phone. "She said she may not be able to join us in the theatre club today. She's doing a feature article."

"Feature article?" Jimin repeated. "Ah, right. The two of you are part of the school publication, right?"

"Yeah..." Yujin thriftily answered while focused on typing her message. Jimin just watched the other girl until she noticed someone familiar behind Yujin.

It was Minjoo. The girl stopped in her tracks when she noticed Jimin looking at her way. Jimin was about to greet her but Minjoo violently shook her head as if she's in a rock concert before running to the other side.

"Uhm... Where is Minjoo now?" Jimin asked, her eyes lingering towards the direction where Minjoo ran before finally looking at Yujin.

"She said she's still at Professor Bae's office and—huh?" Yujin's frown deepened when another message came from Minjoo.

[Good luck. Make the most of the chance Prof. Kang has given you.]

"What the—"

"Is something wrong, Yujinie?" Jimin asked worriedly, tilting her head to the side in the process. 

With a deep sigh, Yujin weakly shook her head before finally smiling again. "It's nothing! Let's go to the theatre club~"




WHEN Yujin and Jimin arrived at the theatre club, Seungwan was already doing an acting exercise with the actors. She was already introduced to the club by Prof. Kang and Prof. Bae before they proceeded with their mentor-mentee monthly meeting. 

“Doesn’t this make you even more excited?” Jimin asked with her eyes fixed on the stage.

“Right.” Yujin also smiled. “How does it feel to have your work be used in a play?”

“Very excited… and nervous at the same time.” Jimin’s arm folded as she placed her hand by her chest. “The management was asking Professor Kang to write a story for this anniversary’s stage play but she declined their request. She said that it would be the best time to showcase the talents of the students so they still proceeded to use a student’s work this year as well. To have my work used at this special event is really a dream come true and a nightmare at the same time.”

Yujin laughed a bit to lighten the mood. “I understand. The expectation is really high because first, it’s the school’s 50th anniversary and big peeps are coming. Second, you won over our seniors. And third, Professor Kang selected your story herself.”

Jimin smiled before giving her a playful punch on the shoulder. “Thanks for reminding me.”

The other girl just laughed while scratching the back of her head. She was actually internally screaming at that time. “This is a burden that you should be proud of. Just enjoy every part of it and learn from the experience”

Jimin took another look of Yujin’s face which took the latter aback. “I didn’t know that you could deliver lines like that.”

“H-Huh?” Yujin repeatedly blinked fast. “W-What do you mean?”

“Hmm… Let’s just say you have this image stuck on you because of the noise that you did during the mentor designation. You didn’t let the management sleep that day. Everyone thought that you’re really obsessed with Professor Kang.” Jimin finished her sentence with a cute snicker sending electric shock to Yujin. “It was all thanks to Minjoo that you got to be Prof. Kang’s mentee, right?”

“Well… Ha-ha… Yes, Minjoo gave way to me.” The other girl kept scratching the back of her head while laughing awkwardly. “It’s indeed true that I am a fan of Prof. Kang. She’s one of the reasons why I am dreaming to become a writer anyway.”

“A fan who’s spacing out during a meeting with her idol?” Jimin softly elbowed her. “You’re really something. Did something happen between you and Minjoo?”

Yujin’s eyebrows shot up. “Between me and Minjoo?”

The long-haired girl just smiled as she shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing—Oh, it seems like they're done with the little workshop.”

Jimin waved her hand to someone and Yujin traced who it was. She then saw Minjeong waving back at Jimin with a smile on her face. The same smile quickly disappeared when Minjeong noticed Yujin together with Jimin. She’s obviously not pleased with Yujin’s presence and the latter could only smile apologetically knowing that it was her who made a not so good impression to Minjeong the first time they met.

“Stay here, Yujinie. I will just give some snacks to Minjeongie.”

“Okay.” Yujin gave the girl a nod before she ran towards her friend. Yujin then took a seat somewhere but her eyes were fixed on the two friends. She watched how Jimin handed the snack to Minjeong and even helped wipe the sweat on her forehead with a towel.

“So the snacks are for Minjeong-ssi.” Yujin nodded to herself while still watching the two. She was then reminded of how Minjoo would bring her sports drink and help in cooling her down during matches back when she was still playing basketball. “They must be really, really close.”

"Minjoo..." Yujin uttered the name of her best friend under her breath as she sank to her seat. "Man... Why am I getting so worried now that she'd be facing her crush? Are you doing well, Minjoo?"

"Hello~" Yujin almost fell from her seat when someone suddenly greeted her. She heard familiar chuckles while she tried to get back in place. Her eyes widened when she recognised who it was. 

"W-Wendy!" She shouted which made the older woman laugh. 

"Come on, don't call me like that. It may be true that I am Wendy but in this world I am Seungwan." The actress then pointed at the seat beside her. "May I sit beside you? Yujin-ssi, right?"

"Y-Yes!" Yujin straightened her back. "Thank you for remembering my name, Director Son."

"Just Seungwan-unnie is fine." Seungwan said as she sat. 

"B-But, it would be weird to call a friend of my professors like that. It feels like I am calling them unnie as well."

Seungwan let out another snicker with that comment from Yujin. "Then how about Seungwan-ssaem? Director is just a bit too much for me. I also told the theatre kids to call me that way too."

"Ohh, alright! I'll call you that." Yujin said with a smile that reminded Seungwan of Seulgi. The actress just sighed before looking back at the stage. 

"I heard a lot about you from Professor Kang." Seungwan started, which made Yujin twitch. "It seems like you two are playing a game, huh?"

"W-Well..." Yujin looked away in embarrassment. It seemed like her mentor was already confronted by Seungwan about her engagement but didn't reveal anything about the fiancee again. "I-I am really sorry for giving her the idea."

"You gave her the idea?" Seungwan repeated curiously.

"Well, I rushed to her office after the announcement and asked her about it. But then she likes playing games with me and we ended up with this kind of setup..." Yujin sighed. "Anyway, Ssaem! Do you want to know who the girl is?"

"Of course!" Seungwan answered right away. "I have to know who it is so I can devise a plan on how I can steal Seulgi from her."

Yujin had to blink her eyes in disbelief. It felt like she heard something similar before but more sinister. (Go back to “Professor Kang Professor Kang is Getting Married but She Hasn't Proposed Yet” Chapter and press Ctrl + F then search for “ants”) "Y-Yes?"

"I guess Seulgi hasn't told you about that, huh?" Seungwan crossed her arms as she made herself comfortable in her seat. "I told her that I will be fighting for her."

Seungwan noticed the speechless Yujin at the edge of her seat after that declaration and she couldn't help but snicker again. "Yes, I told her that. I don't really know if I have any chance to win her heart back and how much time I have left before you figure out who the girl is but I will surely give it my all but of course, in a fair fight."

"F-For real?" Finally, Yujin managed to talk. "Even after how you guys ended your relationship?"

"So, you're aware of how we ended, huh?" Seungwan pouted a bit. "It's true that it was all because I chose to be controlled at that time. There's no one else to blame but me since I was the one who made the decision. You don’t know how scared I was when they first found out about me and Seulgi. They even threatened that they would interfere with Seulgi’s career. At that moment, the idea that it would be best for Seulgi to be away from me that’s why I chose to give her up. Also, I was raised to please my parents and I had no fangs to bite back back then."

"Ssaem..." Yujin called, seeing Seungwan's eyes getting misty somehow shook her heart. 'Damn, how to be you, Prof. Kang? First, the ever-gorgeous Ice Queen and now another beautiful woman is aching because of your engagement announcement? How many more of them are suffering now because of you?'

There was a smile in Seungwan's face one could also trace regret and bitterness in that smile. Just by seeing that Yujin could tell that she cried about this stuff more than she should've. Yujin felt her chest tightened. Seungwan was forced to break up with Seulgi because of her parents' point-of-view. What if the same thing happens to her in the future when she gets into a relationship?

"I tried fixing myself just like what they always told me. It was hard for me but I had to push both Seulgi and Joohyun away because that's what they made me believe. I have a future I need to face and being with Seulgi won't lead me anywhere and Seulgi’s future would be ruined if she stayed with me." Seungwan could only shake her head in embarrassment.

"But look at me getting so desperate now."

The actress took a stretch to give herself an excuse to wipe the tears verging to fall.

"I'm sorry to ask this, Ssaem but... after everything t

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1752 streak #1
Chapter 24: Just checking in! Hope you are doing well authornim and adjusting to your new chapter in life! I am officially on summer vacation! Hope everyone else are doing well!
Kimchi43 #2
Chapter 24: I'll be waiting patiently ;-;
areytrea #3
bro someone spoil please, i just wanna know if there is good cute joygi in here, not interested in anything else someone pleasee tell meee
255 streak #4
Chapter 23: Finally I'm up to date with this story. I can't wait for what's to come. Thank you author 🧡
1752 streak #5
Chapter 23: Rereading this chapter and oh my gee
bluejin #6
Chapter 24: take your time author-nim!
bluejin #7
Chapter 23: haha that fourth wall break at the end so cute
bluejin #8
Chapter 22: hoho sooyoung is back but it doesnt matter anyways.. seulgi is joohyun’s lover
zjkdlin0121 #9
Chapter 24: congrats cut-nim💗💗
1752 streak #10
Chapter 24: Congrats on your new chapter in life Cut-nim!!! Take your time and rest! Thank you for always sharing your stories with us! See you in the next chapter!