ㅤ ㅤ ❛  the crew !

ㅤ ㅤ ❛  내 첫 사랑, we meet again ⋆ㅤ apply open!


hi, i'm back with descriptions for the trio <3 i am sorry that i took too long to post this. i hope you like them and feel free to ask questions about any of them! here are some more trivia and dynamics of the trio just so you have an idea how their crew will work ^^ 


unmyeong and gu jiwon: never ending bickering. they are total opposites when it comes to the things they like but when the cameras roll and their work starts, they are both serious and unmyeong also takes advices and suggestions from jiwon from time to time.

gu jiwon and maeum: they are kind of awkward when together but work surprisingly well with each other. jiwon listens more when maeum gives him the task- thus unmyeong let her handle jiwon when they work together.

unmyeong and maeum: people around maeum wouldn't dare to mess with him because of how protective unmyeong towards her best friend. the two friends are perfect pair since they fulfill each other's weaknesses.


senior film major joo unmyeong is known for her persistent energy and dedication. throughout her university life, unmyeong gained her reputation for the films that she directed. several professors have praised her for her work and several recommendations for media companies. unmyeong has a strong presence, identified by her stubbornness. she refuses to settle for anything less than perfection and has high expectations for both herself and everyone around her. she is motivated by her strong will to succeed, pushing beyond the limits for creativity and expects the best of her team.


though she might seem as unapprochable, unmyeong is a real softie and a bit of a hopeless romantic. no one has thought of her doing a documentary with love as the main subject. but truthfully, the idea for this documentary is for his high school first love who doesn't seem to remember her now.



do maeum is the complete opposite of unmyeong. they have been friends since freshmen and known for her timid personality. but together with unmyeong, maeum is also known for her skills. a talented cinematographer and script writer, they make the perfect match. the two are pairs for most of their works, and as unmyeong says, she never fail to surpass her expectations. maeum is a girl of few words and mostly listens within the sidelines. unlike unmyeong, maeum is fine with anyone as long as they do their job right.


at first, maeum is quite hard to talk to but once you get to know her, she has her own way of showing how much she cares. she just enjoys watching the world from the sidelines.



because of his natural charm, gu jiwon, also referred to as guwon, is the department's resident handsome boy. because of his attractive appearance and his popularity as RIZING's bassist, he is a famous figure on and off campus. however, what makes him different from the typical pretty boy is his somewhat unexpected reputation as the department's "lazy guy". jiwon seems to have a carefree attitude on life and always depends on his friends to get him through any issues that may come up. despite his frequent recklessness, he is well-liked for his kind nature and the way he interacts with others.


however, gu jiwon is deeper than his public  reputation. he has a solid love for filmmaking that he received from his father. even though he may be seen by many as the carefree, laid-back person, his commitment to the cinematic world reveals a another part of him that is sometimes disregarded. jiwon finds comfort in his love of films as he balances the responsibilities of his academic life with the pressures of his career as a bassist, and band member. maybe soon, his passion for filmmaking will come to surprise people who think of him just as a pretty boy who lacks motivation in life.




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❛  wma  : Tapi5ka's review is up! i am sorry if it took too long ;; might release a soft deadline date one of these days, please stay tuned!


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Chapter 3: Thank you for the review! Also nope his parents didn't separate they're still together. Glad you enjoyed the dramatic story lol.
Chapter 2: this is a beautiful concept! brainstorming my characters up now! <3
Chapter 3: Definitely gonna apply for this very soon
14 streak #4
Chapter 5: Professor patting unmyeong on the back kinda sus
Hoping for more teasers soon!
Chapter 5: the teaser sounds interesting already!! can't wait for it!
Chapter 3: thank you for the review! i'm sorry for my late correction, i have done it based on what you stated and i changed the interview section a little too!
Chapter 3: ahhhh thank you for the kind review!!! you're correct in that jiho had feelings for moonshin first >:) some nice little ~family drama~ HAHAHA

i too have a love hate relationship with jiho LOL and i'm glad you enjoyed their story!!
14 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hi thank you for the very nice review, I'll make the changes asap!
14 streak #9
Chapter 2: Hi hi I added a little something to the comments section of my app, please do take a look at it before you finish / publish my review!
i love coming back to aff bc of one very specific fic