Chapter Four

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As if the rain was bringing a path of theirs; for them.


10:23 am


The morning rain had left the traces on the wet road of Seoul; the sky bringing a fresh air and a seep of daylight throughout as the rush of people continued for the Saturday morning and an indication of a rest for half of the population yet the other half had a long way for the rest; the work, and the purpose on their shoulders were too heavy to give in to the rest. 


And a heavy footfall of a muscular man strolled outside the building, an NGO; Hopeful Homes. 


“This is getting messier.”


Se-Ju sighed, looking back at the entrance gate of the building which he just walked out before pacing to his Jeep; his mind in a mess after the interrogation of two females being abducted overnight, one of them was a child, and it had happened thrice, but no trace of the criminal behind the deed nor he was able to find them. 


One thing was sure that the happenings were not of one man's doings; there was a whole group of criminals hidden in the darkness. 


“Oh my goodness, another abduction.” 


“The world is falling apart.” 


“What are the police even doing nowadays?”


The whispers of the people echoed faintly around the restaurant; the high society women had nothing better to do than gossiping around at the privileged restaurant showed how much free time they had in their hands, and Iseul had spoken through her mind with a nonchalant blink of her neutral eyes; the women sparing glances at their table from time to time had her avoid their eyes to the extent of being darned interested in the breakfast she was having at the moment. 


The stares weren't just because she was a known figure but another known figure was seated across from her, the anchor who happened to be her mother; Jeon Yeona. 


The topic of the gossip and the incident last night was shown on the news by her; Iseul glanced at her mother having her breakfast silently as her almost crinkled hands cut her omelet gracefully while her late 40s figure appeared noble as how she always had carried herself throughout the years. 


Yet the silence between them was the most dreadful thing Iseul could feel; not even the first time, because throughout the period of nine years, she hardly had any conversation with her nor her mother tried to initiate just like throughout the years from her childhood and she hardly want to face her after the happenings happened nine years ago yet she was here because her schedule wanted it. 


Because her mother wanted to have it all because of the societal and public services; that's what their relationship was and had been. 


Their talks were small and all about happenings around them. 


“I heard your show was a success.” 


Yeona commented, after swallowing the bite as she placed the fork down on the plate before looking at her daughter to find her munching her bite while opting for another one; Yeona could get daughter's behavior yet she couldn't bring herself to act otherwise, things have been too messed up for it yet the heaviness of it was residing on her chest. 


“Is your work bearable?” 


Iseul nodded, gobbling another bite. “Yes.” 


She couldn't react much to her words; it wasn't the first time she was asking about her work, and progress, but there was a time she wanted to have it yet not anymore. 


“Have you thought about marriage yet?” 


Now that question surely had her stop her actions with the fork, as her eyes met her mother's neutral ones and Iseul placed her fork back on the plate. “What, marriage?” 


“You have turned thirty-one this year; do you plan to stay single?” 


Iseul sighed, “Thirty-one isn't a very big age,” She trailed off, taking a sip of her espresso as the liquid burned enough. “Besides, I'm not interested in marriages or dates.” 


“But you have to.” 


“For what reason?” Iseul tilted her head; the strands of her open hair brushing her black chiffon top shoulder before she continued her meal with a neutral expression. “I have no interest in pleasing the society or public to comment on my personal life.” 




“Mom,” Iseul uttered, her eyes neutral yet a sharpness in her tone as she completed her sentence, “I will take care of my matters on my own; I'm grown up enough to decide for myself so you don't have to put your concern anymore.”


Yeona stared at her for a moment; a reflection of hers and Tae-ha was in front of her which she couldn't embrace before and now she wasn't in the state of it as she sighed; her expression still aloof. “Suit yourself then.” 


An uncomfortable silence around them; not even the first time and the public service of a breakfast was over. 


“What is even marriage?” 


Iseul mumbled, drying her hands as she stood before the counter of the washroom; the reflection of hers attired in a chiffon top tucked in her high-waist dark trouser beamed a class of her choice of having the dark outfits because the bright colors didn't appeal her anymore like it used to do where the white shade being her favorite one had reminded her unpleasant moments to embrace it now. 


“Marriage is all about rates in the market now.” 


She slid down her flares sleeves to her wrist leaving the wristwatch in the sight; her eyes taking a glance of the time which was almost twelve in the noon before looking herself in the mirror as she fixed her hair behind her back gently enough while taking a good glance at her silver studs only to frown at the shine because it reminded her of another silver shine. 


“No, not ruining my already ruined day.” 


She grabbed her phone from her purse before checking the live rates of her brand; last night's show was a success where her brand was in the top of the list and Iseul's lips curved in a subtle smirk of satisfaction, especially surpassing Song Hong-Ju's brand. 




The name popped up with a call and Iseul was quick to answer it. “Yeah, Ji-eun, are you alright?” 




Iseul frowned; a concern rushing. “Why?” 


“I'm bored; I have nothing to do at home and I feel like my hormones are getting worse than this morning so I need a good break.”


Iseul could understand; this morning both of them had a morning walk for almost an hour because Ji-eun felt like it while Iseul had to comply considering the amount of times she had gotten bratty than usual before wanting to rest afterwards as having the weekend gave her the opportunity after hitting a successful show last night; Iseul was proud of her. 


“You can shop.” Iseul suggested, tucking her strand behind her ear before taking the sunglasses from the purse while listening to Ji-eun's excited tone, “Will you tag along?”


“I have work.” 


“Who works on weekends?!” 


Iseul shrugged. “Me.” 


“Keep it on hold for tonight and take a break with me for once, Iseul!” 


Iseul grimaced at her loud tone before smirking mischievously. “Give me a nice invitation.”


“Will you be kind and honorable to honor me with your mighty presence to the shopping, Ms. Jeon Iseul?” 


Iseul had to bite her lip as she chuckled out loud before humming and grabbed the purse while walking out, “Get ready, I'm coming in a few to pick your grumpy up,” With that, she had hung up before finding herself out of restaurant; the daylight of the sun had her eyes squinted yet the sky was in patches of clouds. 


“Hope it doesn't rain today.” 


Iseul sighed, before wearing her sunglasses and her heeled steps had walked down the path to her black car like the elegance she had carried throughout the way. 


And a daylight of the sunlight had beamed through the glass window of the familiar penthouse; the balcony door still closed, and the silence surrounded the place except the sound of running shower as within a few seconds, Baekhyun had walked out of the bathroom in his gray sweatpants while his upper torso bare with a towel around his neck for him to wipe off his hair by the end of the fabric. 


A faint scar of a slide blade over his right upper arm in sight. 


His figure stood in the kitchen; a water bottle in his hand as the next second, he was gulping down the liquid before his fingers brushed through his silver damp tresses back for a few strands to fall over his skin and his eyes stared through the glass window to find a beam of daylight through as he put the bottle on the counter before strolling to the living room. 


He plopped himself on his couch as he scrolled through his phone; the rates of his brand in the current numbers to find it in a good one that had his lips turn in a upside-down curve before scrolling through more to see the articles about the last night's incident, along with the show being a successful one, and one of the familiar brand name coming into his sight taking the place on the top of the list. 


And the name had beamed that familiar almond eyes in his vision. 


He his lips with a light groan. “Not now.” 


He was quick to dial a familiar and his always and only go to number as within a few minutes he had heard the hoarse sound through.“What?” 


Baekhyun frowned. “You're still sleeping?” 


“It's the weekend, man.”


Baekhyun's forehead creased in realization as he leaned back. “What's my schedule, Lee?”








“An hour ago.” 




“Just done.” 


“Then, go back to sleep.” 


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Why do I have nothing in my schedule?” 


“The only schedule you have is a dinner with Choi Myung-Soo tonight and Because it's weekend,” 


He heard Kang-min's voice in an airy manner as if he was sitting to continue, “People spend weekends resting like any common human being like me,” He paused, with a yawn, “And you don't, so spare me a sleep, please.”


Baekhyun's lips pressed; his cheeks puffed in a pondering manner. “No.” 




“Hang out with me.” 




“Pick me up in a few, Lee.” 




Baekhyun grimaced at his loud tone before hanging up with a slight chuckle; no matter how much he was aloof, bothering and teasing Kang-min was something he could never get enough of, though he was the only one he had to hang out with. 


It had been a long time since he had nothing in his schedule and he wanted himself to indulge in something to be busy because he had been surviving his days so the mere thoughts don't haunt him; his eyes stared at the sight of the daylight with a few patches of clouds. 


“I hope it doesn't rain today.”










2:02 pm



“I still wonder why you decided to choose to do your own thing instead of going for your family business.” 


Baekhyun uttered, his eyes roaming around the shining interior of the mall that he had been walking around for half an hour now; the strawberry shake in his hand from the nearby Café while his other hand holding the paper-bag which had a brand new watch he just purchased a few minutes ago before taking a sip from it as they walked down the floor of the first floor. 


“I wonder why you keep asking me even after knowing about it.”


Kang-min strolled beside him with a literal done look toward him and Baekhyun turned to him with a shrug, “I'm curious because it could have benefited you.” 


Kang-min breathed out, “Sure,” He trailed off, sliding up his long sleeve of his white t-shirt tucked in the blue jeans while his black hair in a casual down. “But I would have been like a slave who would have a high title but no power of my own words,” He paused, looking at Baekhyun again with a shrug. “I didn't want that so I chose where I feel comfortable and it's in my own zone of life.” 


“You still can't do what you want.” 




“You got me here.” 


Baekhyun shrugged; a playful expression on his face and held back his smile the moment Kang-min rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that's the only difference in my zone; can't you get a partner for yourself whom you can go around on weekends with instead of me?”


Baekhyun stared at him for a moment before his lips. “But having a partner needs to have a will of trust, and a safety for oneself,” He trailed off, as his lips curved in an amused smile. “And unfortunately I don't have both.” 


“Is it because of the happenings?” 


Kang-min's question had him sigh, “Do you know what my father's last words were when I had the last conversation with him from Spain?” He mused, and threw the empty cup of the shake in the trash, before running his fingers through his hair up softly as he met Kang-min's curious eyes with a serious glint of his eyes. “Do not trust anyone and anything unless your heart wants it because the mind can be confused but the heart isn't.”


Kang-min tilted his head; his hands in his pockets. “Did you?” 


“I did,” He mumbled, an unpleasant memory of a certain woman crossed his mind; the almond shaped eyes and he his lips with an amused chuckle, “Because my heart wanted it even though my mind stopped me and I was proven wrong for giving in to my heart,” He trailed off, his chest tightening as he swallowed before looking at Kang-min. “So I have decided to use my mind because heart confuses you more; I don't have time to play heart to heart things, besides, the situation we're in right now doesn't much confirm our safety either.”


Kang-min frowned. “Why would you say it like that?” 


Baekhyun tilted his head with a playful glint in his eyes, “Are you afraid?” He nodded, patting his shoulder, “You're free to back out whenever you want to; it's my fight anyway.”


Kang-min scoffed. “I did so much for your arrogant ,” He shook his head with another scoff, “And this is what I get in return.”


“Arrogant ? Did you just curse me?” 




“You want to get fired?” 


“We're not at work, Mr. Byun.” 


“This little .” 


Kang-min was walking ahead with Baekhyun scoffing with a roll of eyes; his feet chasing him in a style of his own as he shoved his hand in his pocket of his black jeans accentuated with a black polo shirt while his hair in a down brush to his skin yet a sight to behold like the people around him had been. 


Nothing new and nothing to react at. 


And those two familiar figures had walked past the boutique shop; the glass door showing the spacious room with the hanging outfits around and in the middle of the room was seated Iseul on the couch with her eyes scrolling through her phone resting her right leg over another while surrounded by the light music around the room. 


Until a certain music had beamed and Iseul's fingers halted followed by an anxious feeling rushing through her system. 


Merry go round of life. 


Her heartbeat quickened; the sudden flashes rushed through her head like a jolt as her grip tightened and a shaky breath left her parted lips as she closed her eyes calming herself down by the squeeze of her nails to her palms; her jaw hardened and she immediately swallowed before her lips. 


“Excuse me?” 


“Yes, ma'am.” 


Iseul didn't meet the eyes of the saleswoman as she uttered her words. “Change the music, please.” 


“Alright, ma'am.”


And the next minute, another music had beamed where Iseul had sighed a deep breath; her back leaned against the backrest while her eyes still closed like the grip of her nails loosening as she stared at the reddish skin of her palms with an empathy of how much does she have to go through to stop torturing herself like this? The answer was still not in the mind, nor her heart. 


Mind wasn't ready and the heart wasn't supposed to be used anymore; it had been too broken to be. 


“Are you alright?” 


Iseul was quick to look up to find Ji-eun standing in front of her attired in a yellow midi dress where Iseul gave her an upside-down curve of her lips as her head tilted. “Not bad, Eun.”


Ji-eun's forehead creased. “I asked, are you alright?” 


“Of course.”


Iseul had grabbed the lemonade cup as she sipped through it but seeing Ji-eun standing still had her sigh, “I'm alright, just feeling under the weather,” She paused, giving her an assuring nod, “Shall we put this in the cart?” 


“Yeah, it's comfortable.”


“Good for you.”


“I got another one.”


Iseul nodded towards her as Ji-eun was already gone to try another dress; she was quick to get back to her previous task of scrolling the phone while sipping her lemonade until a feminine voice had went through her ears but Iseul kept her eyes on the phone to put attention to it since she wasn't much pleased about the presence of hers; Song Hong-Ju.


“Goodness, didn't see you there, Ms. Jeon!” 


There we go; Iseul sighed, and nodded with her eyes still on her phone, “Yeah, keep doing that, Ms. Song.”


“Goodness, you don't have basic courtesy of returning the greeting, Ms. Jeon.”


Iseul heard her words; taunt, and a scoff but she could imagine her devilish smile of putting her down whenever chance she could get which she thought was right now and Iseul had lifted up her head to find the exact predictable look on her face as the woman stood in her elegant dress yet was filled with opposite words. 


Iseul's head tilted. “We have never been on greeting terms to show courtesy,” She trailed off, placing the straw between her lips as she continued her words afterwards. “Besides, no one is here to watch your show, so you can put your act down now, Ms. Song.”


A scoff left her lips. “Unbelievable.”




“How is it, Oh, Ms. Song?”


Ji-eun was standing in her formal dress; her brown hair behind her waist as Iseul had to admire her silently yet her eyes had a slight softness but seeing Ji-eun's confused expression that she indicated towards Hong-Ju had Iseul shrug with a roll of eyes as the next minute, Hong-Ju was standing by Ji-eun. 


“Hello, Ms. Hwang.”


Ji-eun had to nod at her as she found the latter smiling at her, completely showing how fake it appeared. “I heard the show was a hit and your services were great as always, but are you alright?”


Iseul and Ji-eun exchanged a look as Ji-eun faced her again. “Yes, why?”


“You were seen running and Ms. Jeon chasing you, is everything alright, I mean I heard you broke up your engagement-” 


“Why is it your concern?” Ji-eun cut her off; her expression serious as she crossed her arms to herself while Iseul silently sipped her lemonade with an interest as Ji-eun continued, “Thank you for your compliments, though, I hardly believe if they are genuine but you should stop right there instead of going too personal in my space; I hate it.”


Hong-Ju's face paled; a nervous smile on her face. “I was just concerned-” 


“Goodness, you mustn't know the basics of personal space, Ms. Song.” 


Iseul had stood up as her heeled feet stopped by them; her hands locked behind her back as she stared at Hong-Ju with her sharp eyes, “There's a limit to get into one's space and predictably you're always crossing it so it'll be better if you stop there before I start to cross my limits.”


Hong-Ju's face hardened. “You think you can do this just because you're on top?” 


“And you're doing this because you're not and it shows.” Iseul replied back; a sass in her eyes and a sharpness in her tone. “If you want to fight with me, fight like a business woman you claim yourself to be instead of ing like a typical jealous woman,” She paused, with a tilt of her head and a smirk on her lips. “It's not fun to have you as a rival.”


“Jeon Iseul, you're such a-” 


“?” Iseul's forehead creased. “I guess I am,” She shrugged. “A beautiful one indeed.” 


“Ma'am, are you ready to purchase the dresses?”




The next moment, Ji-eun and Iseul were walking out of the boutique as both of them exchanged a look of impressiveness for each other and a high-five of their palms as they walked down the floor exiting the mall behind them. 


“You really can't stay still, do you?”


Ji-eun mused as she fastened her seatbelt on the passenger's seat while sparing a glance at Iseul doing the same with a shrug. “She starts it and I have no interest in giving her the last word.”


Ji-eun couldn't help but chuckle. “ing.”


Iseul had to give her a smug expression as she started the engine to get out of the parking lot as the car drove smoothly ahead until another car had came into the path of hers; she was quick to hit the brake while her arm reaching out to hold Ji-eun's figure in reflex before her eyes narrowed ahead through the windscreen only to find the familiar face of a man; Byun Baekhyun. 


“Why am I meeting every unlikable person today?” 


And the latter had the same glint in his eyes to find the familiar woman; his frown deepening in a wonder of seeing her unexpectedly in the middle of his path. 


Her eyes sharpened as she honked for him to move back; his head tilted at her doings as his lips curved in a slight smirk before leaning his elbow on the window while brushing his fingers through his hair without doing her accord as his eyes bored into hers silently yet in a battle of their own. 


“Are we going to stay here overnight?” 


He heard Kang-min's tired voice and Baekhyun shrugged. “Depends.”


“We don't have time for this, Baekhyun-ah.”


Baekhyun narrowed his annoyed eyes at Kang-min who urged him to continue driving before another horn had beamed from the latter's car to find Iseul still having the glint of annoyance in her eyes; the same rage. 


“Can't you just pass by them? I'm tired already.” 


And Ji-eun's plea had her huff as the next minute she had driven past his car as his lips twitched in a triumphed smirk yet the mere gaze of theirs in those seconds was silently intense enough like the heating tinge of daylight surrounding in the dark place in the middle of their path. 


The path for the known beings to clash again. 










8:15 pm 



The visage of the star worthy restaurant stood through the lights as the man waking through the entrance of it had stood in the middle of the place; his eyes scrutinizing the view of golden lights surrounding the walls and around the high class people where in the middle of those was seated the familiar figure of a man; the same aged man, Choi Myung-Soo. 


“I already lost my appetite.”


Baekhyun mumbled, shoving his hands into the pocket of his beige colored pants while his black button down tucked in; the slid up sleeves to his elbows gave a display of his wristwatch as his silver tresses were in a neat upwards style yet the expression of his face appeared aloof, and sharpening at the sight of the man. 


The more he looked at him, the more he wanted to push him down and the fact he had to wait for it till then seemed more dreadful. 


“I hope I'm not late.”


Baekhyun approached his seated figure as he met his eyes; his insides churning at the way he found the same glint of mischievous observation in his eyes from last night before the aged man smiled. “Not at all.”


Baekhyun had given him a nod before taking the chair across from him in a leaned back position while his leg over another as he stared at the aged man. “Your new collection is doing well, Mr. Choi.”


“That's all of the hard work of my employees,” The latter gave him a chuckle. “You're humble enough to compliment me and have time for me at last, Mr. Byun.”


“I can't ignore the opportunity for long.”


Baekhyun leaned his forearm on the armchair to interlock his hands and Choi Myung-Soo nodded; a smirk on his lips. “Opportunities indeed are hard to ignore especially if it's beneficial.”


Baekhyun maintained the eye lock. “Precisely.” 


“Shall we order something?” 


“I'll just have wine.”


“No dinner?”


“I can't eat food from outside,” Baekhyun tilted his head. “Especially when I don't know if it's edible or not.”


Baekhyun didn't trust him; the dinner was just an opportunity to get close to him as he wanted to keep his enemy closer to get more information but keeping him closer was the risk of getting attacked because he wasn't oblivious to not to know what the man was capable of doing even after knowing whose son he was; Baekhyun couldn't take the risk. 


He had been through this before and he wasn't going to make the same mistake again. 


His forehead creased. “I hope I'm not rude.”


As if he cared about it. 


Choi Myung-Soo shook his head, “No, I like how careful you are,” He trailed off, gesturing to a waiter to approach them as he continued, “It shows how careful you are with your business and life, though, I doubt if it comes in genes.” He paused, with a fake smile. “I apologize if it was rude of me; I was just merely showing my reaction to how a son and father could be so different.”


“Yes, you should apologize.”


Baekhyun stated; his jaw clenched as he tried to hold back his anger yet his eyes had gazed down the aged man sharply enough for his smile to drop and Baekhyun liked the subtle change of expression of his nervousness; the fact that his father had worked under his factory with all honesty yet this man and who knows how many people with him framed him all together for the crime he never did. 


Smuggler. Traitor. Betrayer. 


The names still ring in his ears by the people who called his father like that and he could never forget how he had survived those years living in that misery after his father and mother died and he knew it very well that it was all planned. 


“And I wonder if you're so petty about my father then what led you to have a dinner with his son, Mr. Choi?” Baekhyun tilted his head, one of his eyebrows raised, before a smirk curled his lips “Guess, being on top doesn't differentiate one's pettiness.”


Choi Myung-Soo had a look of anxiousness as he chuckled nervously. “You took it to your heart, I was just surprised to see you grown-up so much.” He trailed off, drinking a few sips of water while Baekhyun was watching him nonchalantly; enjoying the sight before grabbing the glass of wine from the waiter who just put it on the table, “There are somethings a businessman should be careful with,” 


Baekhyun swirled the liquid slowly before meeting Choi Myung-Soo's eyes, “Personal and business matters shouldn't be meddle together,” He trailed off, taking a sip of it as it burned down his throat, “And I'm really sensitive about my things especially when it's about my people, same goes for Lee Kang-min, he's my person, so I hope you watch your words next time because I won't.” He paused, leaning forward to put the glass on the table. “And, I didn't think I'd have to tell you about this considering the experience you have had in the business industry.”


“I guess you haven't had the best experience.”


He added with a slight smug smirk on his lips and the aged man had smiled back at him; the smile Baekhyun observed was a mischievous one again as Choi Myung-Soo had swirled his own wine. “I might start to have one with a new business partner.”


“We'll see about that.”


Baekhyun leaned back with a gesture of toasting the wine glass with him as he gulped another gulp burning down his throat yet he couldn't ignore the devilish smile of the aged man; he was planning something and Baekhyun had to plan something more huge. 


And the dreadful business dinner continued with a few more talks about business for an hour till it was time to get it over. 


“Is that you, Mr. Choi?” 


A familiar voice of a male echoed and Baekhyun's eyes got a sight of the familiar man; the one whom Jeon Iseul was having a conversation with on the evening they had met again after the clash and he watched Choi Myung-Soo standing up to greet him. “Mr. Hwang, how are you doing?” 


“Busy but bearable.” 


He replied before he met Baekhyun's eyes; a sense of strange feeling rushed through him yet he didn't avert his observing gaze where Choi Myung-Soo was quick to gesture towards the man, “Mr. Hwang, meet Mr. Byun Baekhyun, my soon to be business partner.”


Mr. Hwang had held out his hand for a handshake; a mischievous yet intense glint in his eyes. “Hwang Oh-Seong.” 


Baekhyun stared at him for a moment before standing up to shake his hand. “Byun Baekhyun.”


And an eerily intense gaze of their eyes with a known observation. 


“I would've chatted but I've got an appointment.” Hwang Oh-Seong told to Choi Myung-Soo and Baekhyun had observed their gestures; their behavior of familiarity and a sense of strange feeling as he shoved his hands into his pockets with a sharpness of his mind again until Hwang Oh-Seong had faced him with a smile. “I'll see you around, Mr. Byun.”


Baekhyun just gave him a nod back as he watched him walking away but another sight had him frown; Hwang Ji-eun was walking behind him along with another middle-aged woman and he couldn't help but get curious again. 


“I hope the dinner was fine, Mr. Byun.”


He heard Choi Myung-Soo as he met his eyes to find him smiling, “I apologize again for my misbehavior; I was reminded of a past but I should have been careful.”


Baekhyun nodded. “As we should be.”


“I hope to meet you again with just business between us,” Choi Myung-Soo held out his hand; an expression of a deal with him and Baekhyun shook his hand with a nod. “I shall see you soon, Mr. Choi.” 


Except it won't be a business but a personal battle with him and this time he will be the one winning over. 


Baekhyun had sat down again; he should have left the place after Choi Myung-Soo's exi

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0 points #1
Chapter 20: My heart hurts for them.....they have gone through a lot of things . I teared up when beak cried and the way iseul comforts him 🥺🥺🥺🥺 my babies 😭😭😭
They are falling for each other . I'm enjoying it soooo much .
How you explain every emotion, it's like I'm watching it . Thank you so much for writing such a fantastic story.
Chapter 20: Not me squealing here whenever they wake up together. (That "you can touch me all you want, sweetheart") like hello sir!?!? You can't just drop these words and expect us to function normally. They both deserve the world ✨
Chapter 19: The flashback scenes are so precious. The innocence of them fills my heart with love 💕 now CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE OBVIOUS TENSION BETWEEN THEM??? like it's so so damn suffocating. Let's just lock them up in a room(Baek will enjoy it to the fullest 😏) Both of them are so hot on heels. Can't handle all this tension. Not a strong soldier for THIS BAEKHYUN!
Chapter 18: Where can I find this Baekhyun for myself?? Ughhh Just reconcile already!
Chapter 17: Iseul, my precious baby don't hurt so much. Everything in this chapter made me cry😭😭😭
Chapter 2: Do you guys know how to save the progress on here?
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: BaekSeul's moment is sooo precious 💙🥰
Ayla12 #8
Chapter 20: They are so cute, I wanna cry right now 😭. I wonder how you can write the story so beautifully, niaa🥺❤️. All the details of their actions are written so concisely. You're such a good author🌟.

In Chapter 15, I love how you portray Baekhyun as a husband who doesn't want to give up on his wife. He's really trying his best to console Iseul🥹. And Iseul didn’t even hesitate with his actions. C'mon Iseul, please acknowledge that Baekhyun is already falling in love with you!

In Chapter 16, you give us a cheeky Baekhyun. Despite being sick, I love how considerate Iseul is towards him—taking care of him, calling her mom to ask for recipes, and even staying beside Baekhyun until he falls asleep. Iseul, you deserve to be there beside Baekhyun; you deserve all the love in this world, dear❤‍🩹❤‍🩹. (Thank you for considering the idea before authornim, my heart is full when reading it 🥺❤️)

I can feel how lonely Baekhyun was back then when he had no one around to take care of him when he was sick. It's okay, Baekhyun, you're not alone now. I love when Iseul comforting Baekhyun, and when Baekhyun let his guard down and cried in Iseul's embrace, my heart is wrenching!! Huaaa, please, both of you deserve the whole world❤️❤️. I love this pair so muchh.

Thank you so much niaa for writing this beautiful and amusing story. Looking forward for another exciting chapters! Have a great days ahead authornimm💜💜
Chapter 20: Damnnnn both of them,just kiss😘already.