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Almost three years have passed, Jiyong found himself slowly moving on from Taeyeon. He forced himself to let go, reassuring himself that she had found someone new. Ever since their brief encounter at the grocery store, where he overheard her affectionately addressing someone as 'honey', he couldn't deny the reality staring him in the face. It was the most obvious sign that she had moved on, and he needed to do the same.


It had also been quite some time since he entertained thoughts of her in a romantic light. Their interactions had shifted from the intimate moments they once shared to casual smiles exchanged during work-related events. Despite the pang of nostalgia that occasionally tugged at his heartstrings, Jiyong found himself surprisingly content with this new dynamic. They were now just friends – nothing more, nothing less. This realization brought a sense of relief and acceptance to Jiyong's heart. He understood that clinging to the past would only hinder his own growth and happiness. Instead, he chose to focus on building a fulfilling life for himself, independent of his past relationship with Taeyeon. And as he embraced this newfound freedom, he discovered a sense of peace and contentment that he hadn't felt in a long time.


As Jiyong mingled with the group of girls and his fellow Big Bang members at a charity event, he found himself half-listening to their conversations while discreetly scanning the room for her. Even though their romantic relationship was over, he harbored no ill feelings towards Taeyeon and hoped they could start a newfound friendship. Amidst the chatter and laughter, Seohyun, the host of the charity event, approached him with a smile and mentioned that Taeyeon would be attending. A flicker of anticipation sparked within Jiyong as he welcomed the news. Perhaps this could be the opportunity they needed to reconnect as friends. After all, he reasoned with himself, the past was just that – the past. With a renewed sense of optimism, Jiyong decided to immerse himself in the evening's festivities.


As the night progressed, the venue became a bustling hub of activity, with guests flooding in, dressed to the nines in their glamorous attire. Surprisingly, Jiyong found himself genuinely enjoying the company of his friends, the lively atmosphere of the event lifting his spirits. Amidst the music and laughter, he made his way to the bar, deciding to grab another drink. As Jiyong reached for his drink at the bar, a sudden collision interrupted his movement. Startled, he looked down to see a little girl who had bumped into him. His initial surprise quickly melted into a warm smile as he knelt down to her height, concern evident in his eyes.


"Are you okay?" Jiyong's voice was gentle as he addressed the young girl.


The girl, with shy eyes, nodded in response to his question. Jiyong couldn't help but notice the familiarity of her name as she introduced herself.


"Jiyeon? That's a beautiful name," Jiyong remarked softly, a rush of memories flooding his mind to a time when he and Taeyeon had dreamed of naming their daughter just the same. "My name is Jiyong."


Curiosity piqued, Jiyong couldn't help but inquire about the whereabouts of Jiyeon's mother. His concern heightened as he realized the bustling event could potentially pose risks, especially for a child.


"Where's your eomma, Jiyeon?" he asked gently, scanning the crowd for any sign of distress.


With a worried expression, Jiyeon looked around, unable to spot her mother amidst the sea of adults surrounding her. "I don't know," she replied softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Without hesitation, Jiyong scooped the little girl up into his arms, offering her a better vantage point above the towering figures of the adults. His heart swelled with a mix of protectiveness and compassion as he held her close.

"Let me know if you can see her, okay?" Jiyong's voice was reassuring as he gently swayed from side to side, providing comfort to the young girl in his arms. Despite the unexpected turn of events, he was determined to ensure Jiyeon's safety and reunite her with her mother. As Jiyong carried Jiyeon, both scanning the bustling crowd for her mom, Jiyeon suddenly pointed excitedly in a direction. Amidst the sea of people, Jiyong struggled to discern where exactly she was gesturing. However, his attention was soon drawn to a woman who seemed to be scanning the crowd with a group of friends, all sharing a collective purpose.


As the woman and her friends approached closer, Jiyong's gaze followed Jiyeon's pointed finger. Could it be? Jiyeon was indicating towards Girls' Generation. Was Jiyeon's mom one of the members? Confusion clouded Jiyong's thoughts as he tried to piece together the implications of this revelation. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Jiyeon's voice snapped him out of his reverie. “She’s there! Can you see her?" she asked, her tone filled with excitement.


As the members of Girls' Generation drew nearer, Jiyong's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. But then, as if the universe had conspired against him, the girls came to an abrupt halt just a few feet away. Their faces displayed a myriad of emotions - horror, shock, disbelief.


As Jiyeon sensed her mother's presence, she wriggled out of Jiyong's embrace and dashed towards the group, her little legs carrying her swiftly into her mother's waiting arms. Kim Taeyeon enveloped her daughter in a tight embrace, showering her with worried kisses and murmurs of anxious questions. As he witnessed their reunion between Taeyeon and Jiyeon, Jiyong found himself utterly stunned, rooted to the spot in disbelief. His mind raced as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what he was witnessing. How could this be happening? The implications of this realization left Jiyong reeling, his mind struggling to process the whirlwind of emotions crashing over him. The sight of Taeyeon embracing a child who appeared to be around three years old triggered a flurry of thoughts in Jiyong's mind.


Three years ago, they were still together. The timing was too precise to ignore. Could this child be his? Why hadn't Taeyeon ever mentioned anything to him? The name 'Jiyeon' seemed to fit perfectly into the puzzle, and with each passing moment, Jiyong's confusion morphed into anger.


His mind raced, replaying memories and scrutinizing details, searching for any hint or clue that might confirm his suspicions. But the more he dwelled on it, the more his frustration and resentment grew. How could Taeyeon keep something like this from him? The thought of potentially missing out on three years of his daughter's life ignited a firestorm of emotions within him.


As Jiyong grappled with the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions swirling within him, tears welled up in his eyes, their reflection shimmering against the glass surface nearby. His heart felt as though it had been torn apart, shattered into a million irreparable pieces by the shocking revelation unfolding before him. The mere thought that Jiyeon could potentially be his daughter sent shockwaves through his entire being, leaving him reeling with disbelief.


In that moment of overwhelming confusion and anguish, Jiyong knew that he couldn't confront Taeyeon in the midst of his emotional turmoil. He understood all too well that yielding to his impulsive urges would only serve to exacerbate an already complex situation. With great effort, he forced himself to take a step back, to inhale deeply and compose himself before taking any rash actions.

With a heart weighed down by sorrow and a mind tangled in a web of unresolved inquiries, Jiyong reached a painful conclusion: he had to depart. Amidst the turmoil of the moment, he yearned for a respite, a sanctuary where he could untangle the jumble of emotions besieging him and find clarity amidst the confusion.


As he turned to leave, a distant voice pierced through the cacophony of his thoughts. Tiffany and a few of the other girls’ urgent call for him to wait echoed faintly in the background, but Jiyong's mind was consumed by the deafening silence of his inner turmoil. It enveloped him entirely, drowning out the world around him as he grappled with the weight of his revelations.


With each stride, Jiyong felt as though he were plunging deeper into the labyrinth of his own mind, the tumult of his thoughts threatening to overwhelm him. The once-familiar sounds of the bustling street melted away into a mere whisper, drowned out by the relentless turmoil within him. Solitude beckoned to him, offering a sanctuary where he could co

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 6: Please update.
Chapter 6: Finally! jiyong and Jiyeon met. I hope we can see how Jiyong can start being a father to Jiyeon and how they will both heal from this. Taeyeon is so brave and forgiving here… thanks for the update.
Chapter 5: And I do believe, despite the past, Jiyong deserve to know about Jiyeon’s existence. :)
Chapter 5: That was painful. I can feel Jiyong’s longing for her. It’s too sad to know about Jiyong’s predicament towards Taeyeon. I hope there will be a second chance for them. And baby Jiyeon, I hope she can meet her daddy. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 1: A good read for my aff comeback! thank you for this, author...
Lemonesky #6
Chapter 4: I waited for this story, i like it. I hope you can keep it written and still healthy for updates. Btw, sorry my english not good enough. Next please 🥰
Chapter 4: I keep waiting for your lovely update. Thank you for this. My heart aches for the both of them :( i hope jiyeon will know about her daddy. As per mommy Taeyeon, she is so brave carrying it all…
Chapter 3: hiii, new readers here! omg each chapters made my heart hurts for them🥹
Chapter 3: Wow. That was fast update, thanks a lot! Jiyong’s guilt here is so palpable. It does not cross his mind that Taengoo might be pregnant. He thought she is battling an illness. The part where he sing his heart out is my favourite. I am looking forward in Taeyeon’s POV. Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 2: It was really hurtful on Taeyeon’s part. Jiyong is hurting too but Taeyeon got it bad plus she is worrying about her unborn child. I really wonder how she will deal with the aftermath of this. What will happen in the following months? Her baby bump will start to be visible. I am excited for your update. I love the angst. Thank you.