Stand by U

A Treacherous Wife
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Seulgi and Irene had been best friends since they entered the same kindergarten school that even their parents had difficulties to separate them. Why? Because they simply wanted to spend each hour being together; playing seesaw, making castles from the sand, pretending to be a mother and father with a doll as their daughter, and such.


No one could blame her. Irene was a newcomer to their neighbourhood and Seulgi was the only kid that could accept Irene. She was from the state so she could barely talk Korean. Seulgi was there for her, even though the poor kid couldn’t understand what Irene was saying. Yet, the older woman didn’t give up. Irene would convey her words into hand movements and Seulgi would patiently pay attention until she got what Irene was saying.


Time changed a person or so what people said. Years passed by and they were already in junior high school. They weren’t as close as they used to. Irene became more open and friendly with people while Seulgi was timid and preferred to spend her day alone. Irene’s friends often invited the red hair to play with them, making the time for them together was lessened drastically. Irene often told Seulgi to go home first because Irene wanted to go to her friends’ house to watch the movie together or simply chatted until the sunset.


The senior high school years weren’t any different. In fact, their distance became wider. Irene was no longer had time for Seulgi. She would go to school with her boyfriend while Seulgi only had Wendy who would loyally pick Seulgi from her house and went to school together. Seulgi secretly watched after Irene. She was afraid Irene would meet bad persons and be hurt by them.


Wendy always said to Seulgi not to be worried too much because well, practically Irene had had a different world. Seulgi lived on earth while Irene lived in the skies which were thousands of feet away. Irene still lived beside Seulgi’s house but for Seulgi, it was like Irene lived in a different country. Why? Seulgi wasn’t even sure she could meet Irene once a week. Even if she could, they would only exchange glances and Irene would immediately turn her head away; it was like Irene felt disgusted with Seulgi and yes, the latter noticed it yet she couldn’t do anything.


Irene’s boyfriend never liked Seulgi in any way. Seulgi was once invited to Irene’s 17th birthday that was held in her house. Irene’s parents invited Seulgi because they thought Seulgi was still as close as she used to with Irene. Besides, Irene’s parents liked Seulgi since the woman was kind and often delivered food to them. Little did they know that their daughter didn’t like Seulgi; well not anymore at least.


Wendy became one and only best friend of Seulgi until Wendy introduced Seulgi to Sooyoung. Wendy and Sooyoung weren’t like Seulgi; they sometimes liked hanging out and they have made numerous attempts to invite Seulgi to their hangout places. Often, Seulgi said no but rarely Seulgi would say yes.


They entered the university after graduating from high school. Accidentally, Seulgi, Irene, Sooyoung, and Wendy went to the same university. They surely took different departments. Seulgi went to civil engineering, Wendy and Sooyoung majored in Business and Irene chose international relations. It made Irene more famous and of course, more unreachable for Seulgi.


Irene was known as a player. She would only date handsome, rich, and famous guys in their university. Sooyoung knew one member of Irene’s group. Her name was Jessica so, at times, Sooyoung would obtain information related to Irene and would inform Seulgi. The poor woman didn’t mind being shunned by Irene as long as she knew that Irene didn’t associate with bad persons.


Irene’s longest relationship was 5 months so everyone was shocked when they knew that Irene had been together with a basketball captain for more than 6 months. Irene loved the man for he was rich, handsome, cool, famous, and also kind. It was like Irene got a lottery for having him as her boyfriend and she couldn’t be happier about it.


They graduated from alternately. Seulgi was the one who graduated first at the age of 22 years old with a great GPA. She immediately got a job in a well-known company with a good position and salary. She was happy but at the same time lonely for she didn’t have a lover and her best friends hadn’t done with their studies while as Irene; let’s just say she was still had a long way to go to the graduation ceremony. But finally, Irene graduated at the age of 24 years old and got a job even not that great.


Seulgi’s parents were rich. They had Korean fast-food restaurants that had been opened in different countries all over Asia. Irene’s parents were also rich; her father was a renowned lawyer in town and rewarded as the top 10’s lawyers with the biggest payment in Seoul. Irene’s mother was a novel writer it was sold well. One time, her book even got the bestseller romantic novel of 2012. So yeah, that’s how great their families were.


One night, Irene was having a huge fight with her 4 years boyfriend. He was caught kissing a random girl when he was drinking at one of his best friend’s bachelor parties. He defended himself by saying that it was totally unintentional and that he wouldn’t do that if he was sober. Irene couldn’t accept that and threatened him, saying that she would do the same and even would do worse such as making out with a random man while being drunk.


Irene was a woman of her words. Her boyfriend forgot that fact and stood up to save his pride, saying that she wouldn’t even dare to do that. With wrath, anger, and disappointment clouded her mind, she runs and went directly to a club she often visited with her best friends. Too bad, that night she was alone since none of her best friends knew Irene would go to the club. It was unplanned after all.


What’s funnier was the fact that Seulgi went to the same club on the same night. She had to go there because her boss was having a birthday and invited people in the same department to go on karaoke and have lots of drinks. Seulgi was never one to drink. She realized that she had a low tolerance of alcohol so unless she was with Wendy (who had a very high tolerance of alcohol), she wouldn’t dare to touch alcoholic drinks.


Seulgi was with another 12 people in the large room and she was bored. She was the only one who ordered an alcohol-free drink. She wanted to escape from the room even only for some minutes. She then told her friend that she needed to go to the restroom and went out of the room. She descended the stairs and she almost gasped finding Irene who liked on the edge of the unconscious and was now being flirted with an unknown man.


“Irene-ah. What are you doing here?” Seulgi quickly approached Irene.


“Hmm? Do I know you?” Irene smirked and hit the table; asking for another shot.


“Who are you? She clearly doesn’t know you so shoo and leave her alone. I will be the one to drive her home tonight.” The man clearly annoyed when she told Seulgi that.


“Irene-ah. It’s me, Seulgi. We lived beside each other.” Seulgi ignored the man and retried.


“Ooouuhh.. Seulgi. Hello, Seulgi~ Long time no see~” Irene responded.


“Good that you remembered.”


“Excuse me, Mr. whoever you are. She is my friend and you better get the hell out of here before I call securities.” Seulgi turned to the man and glared at him.


“Fine. Tsk. Party pooper.” The man protested under his breath but eventually get lost.


“Hey, you should stop drinking. You have been drinking too much.” Seulgi reminded. She looked at the piles of empty glasses beside her.


“What? I am no drunk~ a little dizzy that’s all. It’s because of that jerk! Just wait and see! I will make him regret underestimating my threat. Who does he think he is, huh!? Does he forget that his girlfriend is beautiful! I am beautiful,, right?” Irene looked at Seulgi after done with her mumbling.


“Yes, you are. Very beautiful indeed.” Seulgi had a crush on Irene since high school and it continued up until now. Perhaps, that’s one of the reasons why Seulgi had never had a boyfriend even though she had been getting beautiful since then.


“I know I am. Thank you for being honest.” Irene winked.


“Now, please stop drinking. You will have a headache tomorrow. Besides, don’t you have work? Come on, Irene-ah. I will drive you home. Besides, it will give me a reason why I should go home earlier.” Seulgi took the glass away from Irene’s reach.


“Give that back to me, Seulgi! We are no longer close so you have no right to tell me what to do!” Seulgi was shocked hearing it from Irene. It was the truth but to hear it directly from her crush; let’s just say it quadrupled the pain.


“I know! But I always think of you as my best friend since kindergarten and it hasn’t changed.” Seulgi reasoned out.


She knew arguing with the current Irene would be useless but she had to make it clear; that Irene was and would always still be her best friend despite of everything. Feeling kind of stressed and hurt due to the revelation; Seulgi gulped the drink she had in her palm and put down the already empty glass on the table. She wiped with the back of her hand afterward.


“Whoaa! I think I know now~” Irene giggled.


“What?!” Seulgi asked.


“I would stop drinking only if you are the one who will drink it. You can only stop when I say it so. How’s that?” Irene smirked.


“Stop being-“


“Well, if you don’t agree~ Yaah! Bartender!!! Give me more here!!” Irene cut and rose her hand. Two glasses filled with strong alcoholic liquid came.


“Fine then! Tsk!” Seulgi took both of the glasses and drank it in one go, making Irene laugh and ordering for some more.


Glasses after glasses were served and it didn’t take long for Seulgi to finally lose her mind. Her friends on the above floor were wasted already that they didn’t realize Seulgi hadn’t come back since she excused herself to toilet. Seulgi remembered she saw how happy Irene was when Seulgi took the drinks in her place. She smiled to herself; it’s been too long since they were like this; hanging with just the two of them; being happy in a world only they could understand. The last thing Seulgi remembered was Irene protested how hot it was and that Seulgi too had to her clothes before going to sleep.



“Seulgi! Irene! Yah! What are you two doing!?” Seulgi was too dizzy to even process what happened. She felt her head was like being hammered and the screams added the dizziness.


“Yah! Wake up this instant! What a shame! I never knew my daughter would be gay!” Seulgi felt a slap landed on her left cheek and that’s when she could finally open her eyes for real.


“Mom? Dad? Why are you here in my room?” Seulgi asked softly; her voice was cracked. Seulgi was about to yawn and rub her eyes when her hand felt something soft on her palm.


“Oh My God!” Seulgi scooted away. She didn’t know who the person was but she was sure it was a woman; judged from the long and black hair.


“You finally awake! Mom, close the door!” Seulgi’s father growled. Seulgi still couldn’t understand what had happened. One thing for sure; she was and so was she.


“Who is that woman?! You disgraceful daughter!” Seulgi felt a hard slap on her left cheek and automatically, her head tilted sideways.


“Ugghh!!” The woman moved. Seulgi, Seulgi’s father, and Seulgi’s mother stopped every movement.


“What’s happening here?” The woman sat up and all of them gasped in unison.


“Joo-Irene??” Seulgi’s mother held Seulgi’s father from behind, afraid that he would get a heart attack for seeing the view before him; Irene and Seulgi in one bed. What else could have happened?


“Se-Seulgi?!” Irene finally reacted after she had shaken her heart several times to lessen the headache.


“You have a lot to explain, girls.” Seulgi’s father gritted his teeth and turned around; dialling Irene’s father number.


Seulgi and Irene got dressed and none of them had uttered any words since they were caught being and sleeping in one bed. They were grown-up women so they didn’t need to be told what they had done the night before. Irene could feel the difference; she felt slightly sore in that area while Seulgi felt her right hand a little bit stiff and yes, she too knew what had happened.


Irene couldn’t remember what lead her to do that with Seulgi. She felt stupid for doing it with a woman knowing she had a boyfriend already. Well, it’s obviously not her first time but undoubtedly, it would be an experience she wouldn’t forget easily. Irene was thinking about how to tell her boyfriend about this. She promised only making out but worse; she had slept with a woman. Meanwhile, Seulgi felt her fortress crumbled. Now she was so sure, it would be hard not to fall deeper with Irene.


“What happened, Irene? Tell me what uncle Kang said wasn’t true!” Irene’s father barged in onto Seulgi’s living room and interrogated Irene immediately.


“What, Dad? It was totally accidental, okay? Don’t exaggerate it~” Irene answered lazily.


“I am not exaggerating but what you have done is too far! I know your habits, Joohyun! I never forbid you from going out with your friends; clubbing, dating with your boyfriend but why did you do this to me?! Didn’t you know it would ruin my reputation as a lawyer?!” Irene’s father finally burst out.


 “Look, Dad! What I have done with Seulgi was unplanned. We can pretend nothing happened and no problems will come.” Irene sighed.


“Seulgi. Nothing happened between us, alright?” Irene turned around and glared at Seulgi.


“I disagree. They have to be taught to be responsible for what they’re doing.” Seulgi’s father butted in.


“Oh come on, uncle. Don’t enlarge the issue here.” Irene frowned.


“Respect your elders, Bae Joohyun.” Irene’s father strictly said.


“What do you have in mind, Hyun Joong-ah?” Irene’s father asked his friend to slash his neighbour for decades.


“We both know that having outside of marriage is a sin in every religion.” Irene’s father nodded and let him continue.


“So, I am saying they have to be married to each other to be responsible for their sins.” Seulgi’s father said. Irene gasped. Seulgi almost fell from her seat and Irene’s father stayed calm.


“But, isn’t it wrong to marry the same gender?” Irene’s father argued.


“It is but what they did was much worse. I don’t want my daughter to be laid by an irresponsible person. So, I demand Irene marry her.” Hyun Joong said firmly.


“Are you crazy?!” Irene stood up from her seat.


“IRENE!” Joo Won, Irene’s father scolded his daughter.


“Seulgi, take Irene to your room and don’t come out until we say so. Now!” Hyun Joong spoke and Seulgi could only sigh; standing up and led the way to her room, followed by anxious Irene.



And so the wedding was held 2 months after that day. Joo Won agreed with Hyun Joong’s idea that the girls had to be punished hard. Besides, Joo Won just knew Seulgi was much better than Irene’s current boyfriend. If Seulgi were a boy, Joo Won would give Irene to her even if it meant he had to have an endless argument with Irene beforehand. Now that fate had supported the condition; he wouldn’t say no to Seulgi to be his daughter in law.


Irene was never been felt this worst. She argued; protested; even did a demonstration that she wouldn’t come home for a week plus she wouldn’t eat for 3 days yet it failed to change her father’s settled mind. Her father threatened her; saying that he would take all the facilities from her if she was still being stubborn. Feeling afraid and insecure, Irene finally said yes to the pastor when he asked her whether she wanted to accept Seulgi or not.


How about Irene’s boyfriend? The man was devastated hearing the news but Irene ensured him that nothing would separate them; that Irene would never sleep with Seulgi and that she would still have a relationship with him or even be more intimate than before. Seulgi of course had no idea about Irene’s plan. She innocently or more like idiotically thought that everything went well; that finally God hears her out and gave her Irene as her bride.


Wendy and Sooyoung had been suspicious all along. They just knew there must be something that Irene hid under her sleeves until the latter would easily say yes to her. Wendy and Sooyoung had warned Seulgi but the latter only smiled. Seulgi somehow realized Irene would never love her but she promised to herself to at least make Irene felt loved and happy. She made a vow that she wouldn’t leave her; in better or worse just like how she promised in front of God before the altar.


“Don’t think I will sleep with you, Seulgi! I will never again let you lay your hand even on my precious hair!” Irene warned Seulgi as soon as the married couple entered the bridal chamber.


“I understand.” Seulgi smiled.


‘Only the first day and she is already like this’ ´Seulgi sighed.


“Good if you are. Now you better find another room to sleep in. I need to make a call with my boyfriend.” Irene gestured Seulgi to leave the room.


“Then, where will I sleep? We only rent one bedroom. Besides, our parents and families sleep in rooms nearby. What would they say if they found out?” Seulgi complained.


“It’s for you to find out and for me not to care. Now shoo!” Irene threw her mobile phone and got off of the bed. She walked to Seulgi and pushed her back until Seulgi was standing in front of the door.


“Goodbye.” Irene slammed the door right before Seulgi’s eyes.


Seulgi was shocked; too shocked that she couldn’t process what just happened. Irene who was also her official wife since hours ago just dumped her from the bridal chamber. It was too unbelievable and too much for Seulgi to accept. Wendy and Sooyoung had warned her how her marriage life with Irene wouldn’t be a disaster yet Seulgi unheeded it. Then why Seulgi still stubbornly proceeded? It’s simple because one, Seulgi loved her and two, this way, Seulgi could see Irene every day because they would live under one roof.


“Seul, why are you here?” It was Yunho, Seulgi’s big brother.


“Oh. I thought I left my phone somewhere. So I will go to the lobby and ask the receptionist.” Seulgi quickly made a reason out of nowhere.


“I see. Then you better hurry. Usually, no one would get out from the bridal chamber until the morning came if you know what I mean.” Yunho winked and walked away; going to his bedroom.


“Now, what do I do?” Seulgi asked herself as she walked to the elevator; trying to find a getaway place until the sunrise.


Seulgi knew Irene was still having a relationship with her boyfriend and she accepted it or more like constrained to accept it. Seulgi also had a hunch about how her marriage would be. She had calculated it well but she failed to predict how much hurt she would get from Irene.  She too had thought to say no and just declined the marriage idea but she didn’t want to disappoint her father. Hyun Joong was the one who initiated the marriage idea so it would disrespect her father’s decision if she said no. Right?


Irene was never once involved in marriage preparation. It was all Seulgi who did it. Well, of course, Seulgi would always lie to her parents and Irene’s parents; saying that Irene always helped her in deciding the dress, decoration, etc. Seulgi always stood up for Irene; defending her while Irene cheated on her with her boyfriend doing something sinful only God knew.


Sometimes, Sooyoung and Wendy would alternately help Seulgi; accompanying her to choose the bride’s wedding dress, the types of food that would be served, and such. Seulgi felt so thankful for her friends were always there for her since college. What’s weird was the fact that Sooyoung and Wendy were in charge of picking the wedding ring. Seulgi gave them the liberty to do that since she didn’t want to falsely hope and feel happy for an uncertain matter; which was Irene’s loyalty and love.


Seulgi decided to just go to the rooftop on the highest floor. If she were right, the hotel had a bar and pool upstairs, so maybe she could unwind her problems and cool herself down. Seulgi pressed the floor button and was waiting when her mobile phone suddenly vibrated in her pocket. The caller was Sooyoung. Seulgi hesitated whether she should pick up or not. She didn’t want her friends to pity her further should they know what’s happening to Seulgi currently. She waited until the screen went dark again. Not long after, it vibrated again and this time was Wendy. With a sigh, Seulgi finally pressed the green button.


“What is it Wendy-ah?” Seulgi sounded annoyed.


“Where are you right now?”


“In my room of course.”


“Don’t lie to me, Seul! I knew you’re outside. I could hear the wind breeze you know. Let me repeat, where are you?”


“Hotel. Rooftop.”


“Got dumped by your highness?”


“Don’t bother to ask if you knew already. What do you want? If there’s nothing important, I would hang up.”


“Go to lobby now. We are on our way to pick you up. We just knew this would happen so be glad that you have us as your best friends. We will arrive in 10 minutes. See you soon.”


“See you.” Seulgi replied when they hang up already. A small smile appeared. Well at least, she still had people who cared for her.



The marriage was disastrous. Irene would rage at Seulgi for no reason or sometimes went as mean as kicking Seulgi out of their house just because she wanted to have ‘private’ time with her boyfriend. Sooyoung and Wendy were always there for Seulgi even when Seulgi didn’t tell them to do. They would call Seulgi at the right time or simply picked Seulgi up from her office or club in the middle of the night. Seulgi felt guilty for always troubling them but they said it was okay because they felt bad for Seulgi. Well, this night was one of the nights where Irene would dump her out.


“Why did you come home so early? I told you to be home after 3 am right?” Irene greeted Seulgi with her harsh words when the latter was trying to take her shoes off.


“I am tired of work, Irene-ah. You never allow me to come home before nine. I don’t even have anything to do at work. I have done it all, even the work that’s due next week.” Seulgi explained.


“Well, it’s none of my business. I told you to go home after nine because usually at that time, I would be sleepy so I won’t need to see your face. In the morning, you will leave before I wake up.” Irene nonchalantly said; totally didn’t care whether her words would hurt Seulgi or not.


“I can always go to my own room and you don’t need to see my face that way.” Seulgi smiled; faking her mood when she just felt her heart being shattered with Irene’s brutal honesty.


“Nope. He will come over tonight and have a sleepover so I don’t want you to be here. Be thankful for I am nice enough to give you chance to change your clothes. You have one hour before he comes so you better use it wisely.” Irene immediately left to her room before Seulgi had even a chance to reply.


‘I am used to her attitude. But why does it still feel hurt?’ Seulgi chuckled bitterly. Not long after, her tears seeped out from her eyes.


’You are a strong woman, Seulgi. See, even your name reflects it all; calm. I need to be calm and just do as she said and everything will be alright.’ Seulgi clenched her chest; the place where her heart was; telling it to bear it a little while longer; until Irene felt fed up with her and maybe demanded a divorce because she; Seulgi would never divorce Irene unless Irene wanted it to do so. Hey, they were barely married for 3 months and the worst scenario hadn’t come.


Seulgi went to her room; a room which supposedly used as a guest room. Irene said she didn’t want to be in the same room so Seulgi had to move out. Luckily, Seulgi had another vacant room so she at least could still sleep in the bed. Seulgi retrieved her towel and went to bathroom to have a quick bath. She only had one hour to do it all so she needed to be fast.


When Seulgi had done, she went to the kitchen and warmed the food she had bought earlier. She always did that; bringing Irene dinner and preparing her breakfast. She would ask her office boy to drop Irene’s lunch and dinner. She didn’t want her wife to be hungry. She knew Irene couldn’t cook so she did it all. Irene had quit her job a month after the marriage. Irene commanded Seulgi to give her money; at least half of Seulgi’s salary and as usual, Seulgi obliged it. Seulgi had a stable job with good income so Irene didn’t need to work to fulfil her necessity; including her shopping habits. Even Irene often gave her boyfriend money; the money Seulgi had earned.


“Irene-ah. I am leaving. I have warmed your dinner. It’s in the kitchen.” Seulgi knocked on Irene’s door.


“Goodbye. Don’t bother to come home.” The reply never once felt nice to hear but at least, she still responded.


“I will see you. I will directly go to work so I will come home tomorrow night.” Seulgi added.


“Whatever.” Irene’s answer made Seulgi’s tears continued to fall.



“Welcome back, Mrs. Seulgi.” Seulgi looked up to see her secretary was still there.


“Krystal, why are you still here? It’s passed 7 already.” Seulgi was startled seeing Krystal.


“I thought to file up my documentation when no one was here. It would be easier.” Krystal offered her a smile,


“How about you, Mam? Why did you come back? Did you leave something?” Krystal asked back.


“Me?” Seulgi halted, thinking what to answer her.


“Have you had dinner?” Krystal shook her head shyly.


“Do you have a plan after this?” Again, Krystal shook her head.


“What do you think if we have dinner after this? I too haven’t had proper dinner.” Seulgi smiled sincerely, showing a dimple that never succeeded to come out when she was with Irene. Why? Because when she was with Irene, she could never smile willingly.


“Sure. Let me save this file first.” Krystal said nervously. Never once had expected her boss, the person she admired would invite her to dinner.


“Take your time.” Seulgi sat on the vacant chair beside Krystal. It surely made Krystal more nervous about having Seulgi this close to her. Krystal quickly pressed save button and shut her computer down.


“Do you bring car here?” Seulgi asked while they walked to the lobby.


“I use public transportation,” Krystal answered.


“Good. Then we can use my car.” Seulgi smiled and led the way. They chatted things related to work on their way to the restaurant that Seulgi chose.


“What do you want to order? It’s my treat.” Seulgi gave the menu to Krystal.


“What’s the best seller in here?” Krystal closed the menu book; giving up for she didn’t know what she wanted to eat either.


“I recommend you to eat ribs eye steak. The size is just perfect and I guarantee you will be full until the morning comes.” Seulgi sweetly smiled.


“Ribs eye steak it is then.” Krystal nodded and gave the menu back to the waiter.


“What do you want to drink?” Seulgi asked again.


“Can I drink something alcoholic?” Krystal asked hesitantly.


“Two ribs eye steak and red wine. Thank you.” Seulgi told the waiter.


“You haven’t told me why you went back to work.” Krystal started the conversation.


“Curious woman, aren’t you?” Seulgi raised one of her eyebrows.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” Krystal looked at the floor, feeling shy.


“I got a file left at work so I intended to have it back. It’s important for tomorrow’s meeting.” Seulgi lied. There’s no way she would tell her secretary about the family issue she was having with Irene.


“Why didn’t you just text me, I would send it by email to you.” Krystal said.


“And how am I supposed to know that you’re still at work?” Seulgi chuckled.


“Oh. Right.” Krystal’s eyes then roamed to Seulgi’s finger ring and found wedding ring encircled the finger. Her heart sunk at the revelation; it turned out that she adored Seulgi more than she ever thought.


Seulgi had been her boss for the past 2 months and never once she had been improperly treated by the latter. Vice versa, Seulgi might be the best superior she had ever found. Seulgi was so considerate; she would easily let Krystal went home when she got her period and so understandingly let Krystal took days off. She too sometimes brought leftover breakfast and offered it to Krystal. In short, she was the kindest boss alive, well at least for Krystal.


“Are you married?” The question went out just like that. She quickly covered when she realized what she just asked.


“Yes, I am. For 3 months already.” Seulgi didn’t look happy when she said that to Krystal and yes, the secretary noticed it too; the sad eyes Seulgi had when she admitted her marital status.


“Oh. He must be a lucky guy.” Krystal commented.


“It’s a she.” Seulgi decided to just be honest. Krystal’s eyes turned wide for a second.


“It’s shocking, right? Well, it’s a normal reaction you have there.” Seulgi giggled.


“Yeah. Sorry for showing my shocked face.” Krystal smiled with a reddened face.


“Naah. No worries. Just.. Don’t let anybody know, okay?” Seulgi put her index finger on .


“Okay. Your secret is safe with me.” Krystal smiled. The food soon came and they enjoyed the tasty steak.


“It’s good.” Krystal commented.


“I know, right? This restaurant is quite known for its steak. Aside from ribs eye, the sirloin and tenderloin are well-known too.” Seulgi said.


“How long have you worked there, Mrs-“


“Seulgi. Just call me that. We have only separated by 2 years anyway. Call me Mrs. or mam only when we are at work. Continue your question.” Seulgi smiled.


“Oh yeah. Seulgi. Ehem.. How long have you worked there?” Krystal cleared and continued asking.


“Hmm.. Since I have graduated from college.. So it made me.. Uhm.. 4.. no… 5 years.” Seulgi ended her calculation.


“Whoaa… And you have become a manager in just 5 years. Daebak!” Krystal exclaimed too excitedly.


“Don’t say that. You made me blushed.” Seulgi laughed.


And their conversation continued until the restaurant was about to close. T

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Chapter 2: in rl, i would hate anyone who behaved like irene here. but since this is an au, i like seulrene, and i like the happy ending for the two of them :3
Chapter 1: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
ifyouseeA #3
Chapter 1: Hello do u happen to have the original plot ft. TaeNy? I already read this plot tho. Im happy u made for seulrene version 🫶🏻
1060 streak #4
Chapter 2: Thankyou author! 🩷💛🩷💛
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Thank u so much author nim, hope u doing great 😭🤍🤍
264 streak #6
Chapter 2: Aaaawww happy ending for Seulrene! Yay! Thank you author
Chapter 2: Her boyfriend didn't accept her so she be like...Oh seulgi is here a stupid person who is crazy in love with me and will look after her and her illegitimate daughter how rubbish that sounds?

Why the cheaters are getting happy ending? Just because Seulrene are Main leads and those people who are asking for a happy ending I don't have words for them like—Leave it I can't...

Rest in peace 🕊️ SEOHYUN!
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The happy ending that they both deserved 🫶🏼
eunxiaoxlove #9
Chapter 2: Thank you!!
hanz316 #10
Chapter 2: thanks for the amazing story.. i love it when it's angst, and i love it when it's happy ending