Fall Collection

Wedding Suits






Maybe he did have a bit of a problem. But Minho still opened the door, and got a rush when the soft bell clung as he entered the store.


It was not that he was a shopaholic. Not exactly. But he did like the feel of new clothes, the flawless fabrics and the soft generic smell that came with them. Minho liked new color combinations, new styles and he liked how with clothes he could provide the image he wanted to the world, how he could accent different parts of himself. And in a more shallow sense, Minho liked looking good.


His closets were full, and technically he didn't need anything. But (according to the advertisement in the window) the new fall line was out. Buying a scarf or two wouldn't hurt anyone. Though the sensible thing would be to put more of his money into savings, he made a decent living, so he should also be allowed to enjoy life a little.


A scarf soon turned into a stack of amazing looking clothes. It was not like he was going to buy any of them, but trying them on would be fun.


In the changing booth he was trying out the most amazing leather jacket, it was brown and light, and fit beyond perfectly, even for his relatively long arms.

“Choi Minho, you don't need another jacket.” He muttered quietly, trying to convince himself, but in his heart he knew that he had already lost, he was going to buy it.


Looking at his profile, Minho couldn't help smiling. He did look good, this really was the perfect fall jacket now that the weather was getting cooler.


Some guys started a conversation right outside the booth. Minho turned his other side to the mirror and tried to ignore them, but they were really close so he couldn't avoid hearing everything.


“Lee Jinki. The last man I expected to run into here.” The voice sounded arrogant, and Minho immediately didn't like the guy.

“Uh... hi.” The second voice was quiet, but melodic somehow.

“What are you even doing here?”

In the changing booth Minho rolled his eyes. This was a clothes store, it was obvious what anyone would be doing here.


“I-I... I just...” The other guy stuttered, sounding very insecure.

“Well, it's about time you updated your wardrobe. There is a limit for how long you can dress like you're still in high school.”

Minho's jaw dropped. What an absolute prick.

“I... I... just was thinking... for the wedding, to get something...”

“Ah, you're going to Hwasa's wedding? They invited you?” The voice dripped with contempt, and Minho's fists automatically clenched in annoyance.

“Uh... uh... yes?”

“You're not going to find anything here. I don't think they have anything in your size.”


Taking a deep breath, Minho reminded himself that this was none of his business and he should not intervene. But then this horrible guy added:

“Is there any wonder I had to dump you? You really have let yourself go. Nobody is ever going to want to date you if you don't take care of yourself. Nobody wants some fat loser.”

“I... guess.” The other voice became smaller and smaller.

It was then that Minho lost it. He was too angry to do nothing, so he quickly pushed open the curtains of the changing booth, and said with a sweet voice:

“Hey honey, what do you think about the jacket?”

The two guys stared at him in complete shock. It was easy to see who the prick was (even his face was annoying) so Minho stared determinedly at the other guy. Very confused, the guy turned his head, looking back, making sure that there was nobody else that he was talking to.

“How do you like it?” Minho asked him slowly, confidently, hoping that he would catch on.

“I-It's... nice? Very nice?” The guy looked very surprised, understandably.

“So who's your friend?” Minho looked at the other guy with contempt.

“He's just... uhm... he's a...”

“Ah... so he's that ex you mentioned once.” Minho stepped closer, smirking a little because he was taller than the other guy, fitter, and more handsome. “Nice to meet you, I'm Choi Minho, the new boyfriend.”

Both of them looked at him like he was mental, but he didn't care and put his arm possessively around the guy that was being abused.

The jerk looked him up and down in disbelief. “Are you... dating him?

“Yes.” He answered confidently.

“Uhm... why?” The guy asked rudely, then his voice turned flirty. “If you are looking for some fun, I can promise you a way better time.”

“No thanks, I have standards.” Minho answered coldly. He could not believe the nerve of that guy. Trying to pick him up in front of his boyfriend! Though technically they were not boyfriends, but strangers, but this guy didn't know that. This really was the worst. Minho could not stand another minute in his presence, so he looked to his side and asked:

“Honey, do you want to get out of here?”

The guy just looked at him for a few seconds then he nodded ever so slightly.

Automatically, Minho smiled, pulled off the jacket and placed it on a hanger and got his stuff.

“Nice to meet you.” He said coldly to the jerk, before taking his fake boyfriend's hand and pulling him out of the store.


Even when they were outside, he pulled him along for a bit, until they were far enough from the store not to be seen. Then he stopped, and let go of the hand, which was warm and dry, and fitted comfortably into his.

There was a short silence.

“Why did you do that?” The voice was soft, and he looked at him curiously.

This was the first time Minho really looked at him. His cheeks were round and squeezable, his eyes long and thin, and his lips full and perfectly shaped. Based on how the other guy had talked, Minho had automatically expected someone ugly, but he was not. This man was maybe fairly normal looking, but definitely not ugly.

“I...” Minho wasn't really sure why he had done that. Though that was a lie. His big temper was the reason. But that didn't sound very nice, so instead he said: “I didn't like how he was talking to you.”

“So you would do that for a stranger?” He tilted his head cutely, and his dark brown eyes opened wider.

“Yes.” Minho answered, but then for reasons he did not understand, he found himself admitting: “I also have... a bit of a temper, so when I get annoyed... I tend to do stupid things.”

Completely out of the blue, this guy started laughing. His lips turned into the widest smile, his cheeks became even more squeezable and his eyes sparkled. They literally sparkled. Completely stunned, Minho stared at him, watching how his relatively normal face turned absolutely gorgeous.

Afterwards his face relaxed, but he was still smiling a little. For a moment Minho wondered if he had been flirting with him, but he kind of behaved like he didn't even know how beautiful his smile was. But how could he not? Anyone with a smile like that would know.


“Well, thank you so much for your help. It really was kind of you.” He started preparing himself to leave.

“How about we grab something to drink?” Minho asked without really knowing why. Maybe he just wanted to see that smile once more.

“No, I couldn't possibly take up more of your time.” With his palm facing Minho, Jinki shook his hand, making it clear that he was rejecting the offer.

His reaction made Minho nervous though he didn't fully understand why. He just wanted to sit down with him for a minute, just to tell him that his ex was a jerk. (And maybe to see him smile once more). So he blurted out: “How about you buy me a coffee for the favor?” Maybe it was a bit manipulative, but he had the feeling that if the guy thought he was a bother he would never agree to hanging out.

Like he suspected, this made the guy quickly agree. “Yes. Of course. That's the least I can do!”


They went to a nearby café. It had this fake rustic look, with metal tables and chairs painted like they were made from old wood. There were some big green plants around that were probably real, creating a manufactured comfort look. The waiter was young, and seemed both tired and lazy, and Minho kind of hoped that he was. Slow service would force them to spend more time together.

“Oh, and I'm Choi Minho.” He said as they sat down, Jinki with tea and Minho with a cappuccino.

“Lee Jinki, nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, that was kind of a funny way to meet.” He smiled in what he hoped was a friendly manner and took a sip of his coffee.

“Yeah... sorry that you got dragged into that.” This man called Jinki said apologetically, awkwardly rubbing his temple.

“I think I managed to drag myself into this completely on my own.”

Jinki smiled a little. It was not as bright as before, but Minho liked it and his stomach felt warm, not because of the cappuccino (that he was avoiding to drink so this short meeting would last longer).

“I don't really know what I was thinking.”

“What you were thinking?”

“Yeah, that's not really a store for me... I don't know what I was doing there.” He looked down to the table.

Minho felt the anger from before boiling up again, but still he managed to keep his voice calm. “Can I be honest with you?”

The guy nodded slightly, but his gaze dropped even further down and his lower lip pushed slightly forward like he was expecting to get berated again.

Trying to find a polite way to say this, he realized that there was none, so Minho just said it. “Your ex is kind of a jerk.”

Looking up quickly, Jinki's eyes were full of surprise and he smiled a little. Then he tried to hide his automatic reaction. “He's not so bad.”

“Yes. Yes he is that bad. Sorry, but he's the worst.” He swallowed, secretly clenching his fist. “Everyone can go to a clothes store. That is not something that you have to earn.”

“You are a very passionate man, aren't you Mr. Choi Minho?”

Oops. He had thought that he was hiding his temper, but apparently not so much. (He never had been good at hiding his feelings.) “I just don't like bullies.”

Jinki smiled softly. “He's not a bully. He was just surprised to see me there is all. And he's not wrong... I'm a grown man who doesn't even own a suit.”

“You don't own a suit?” Minho blurted out without thinking, his mouth gaping a little. “You've never owned a suit?”

“Well...” Jinki's chubby cheeks tinted with pink, and it was surprisingly charming. “I did... I just... put on some weight lately so...” clearing his throat he looked obviously embarrassed.

“Well, if you don't own any suits, that is even more reason to buy them.” Minho really hoped that Jinki would not ask how many he owned.

“Maybe... But that store probably doesn't have my size, and I should just...” He shrugged. “...skip this wedding.”


Starting to feel really bad for him, Minho had a very strong suspicion what was the problem. That ing jerk of an ex being there. But he tried a gentler approach.

“Is it your friend getting married?”


“Don't you think it would be fun to celebrate with her on her special day? I'm sure she would be grateful if you could come.”


“And you don't have to decide now, but either way you should buy some suits, just in case. And like you said, you don't have any, right? So you need them.”

“I guess...” There was a hint of excitement in his (very attractive) eyes. “Maybe I can just buy some online, it's still five days away so they would probably be delivered in time.”

He sounded hopeful, but all Minho could hear was the word 'online' echoing in his mind. An ice cold feeling trailed down his spine, and in complete panic he blurted out: “No!”

“No?” His companion tilted his head cutely. “What do you mean, no?”

It was understandable that he was confused, because this was a bit weird but still Minho couldn't stop himself from saying:

“I can't allow you to do that.”

The fact that this very lovely guy did not own any suits was bad enough, but the thought of his only suits being something that he just bought online without even trying them on was too horrifying.


But they were complete strangers, so the way he was acting was very, very weird. Naturally, Jinki leaned back in his chair and defensively folded his arms, almost like he was trying to get as far away from him as possible.


“Sorry. That came out wrong.” Minho cursed his own lack of tact. “I just meant that it is very difficult to order good suits online, and I feel like you should buy nice ones, that fit you properly.”

“Uh... thanks?” He still sounded a bit taken back. “But it's fine. The store probably doesn't have anything in my size, anyways, and it's not a big deal.”

“First of all. You're not fat.” Minho couldn't hold back any longer. “In no way are you fat. But even if you were it wouldn't matter. Fat people also deserve to have nice clothes.”

“Wow, you really feel passionate about this?” He still seemed a bit weary, but his arms relaxed again and he seemed less defensive.

“Yes.” He admitted, because there was no sense in denying it. “Clothes are sort of a passion of mine.”

“I see.” He nibbled on his lip, and then a half smile appeared. “Somehow I get the feeling that you are passionate about many things.”

“Maybe...” He admitted guiltily.

Instantly, Jinki started laughing and Minho's stomach filled with overwhelming warmth, and even his cheeks felt hot.


He wasn't used to feeling like this. Normally he was confident and suave, but now he was awkward and nervous, and he wasn't even sure why. But he liked that smile. Boy, did he like that smile.


“Okay, you've convinced me.” Jinki's smile was so warm, it was difficult to believe anyone could have such a warm presence. “I will try. I'm not really good at shopping, so I can't promise I will find anything good, but I will try.”

“I could help you?” Minho blurted out without thinking.

“Huh?” Again, he tilted his head, and again, it was too cute for a grown man, so Minho added more confidently:

“I know many good shops in this area, I could go with you?”

“I couldn't possibly ask you to do that.”

Minho noticed how Jinki's ears turned red, and also that was adorable. “You didn't ask, I offered, and actually you would be doing me a favor...”

“That can't possibly be true...”

“It is. Honestly I'm a bit of a shopaholic, and I have way too many clothes... so if I'm helping you, then I don't buy more things for myself that I don't need.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. I know a very good store nearby, it probably won't even take long?”

“In that case, thank you.” His smile turned even softer. “I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you today.”

“You are very welcome.” Minho smiled back, and he was absolutely sure that he was the lucky one.






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Shineepinee525 #1
Chapter 2: So cute 🥰
shojinryori #2
Chapter 2: Adorable! Also (re-reading your author’s note) there is no pointless fic when it is onho! 🥰 Thanks for writing about them. ❤️
Chapter 2: this was so cute :(( I too would fall in love with jinki withen the hour if I saw him in a random clothing store.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: Yes!
Onwards to the wedding!
I want to see Jinki's ex again with Minho by his side! I hope Jinki isn't oblivious to Minho's flirting!
Thank you so much for the update.
BluBerryU #5
Chapter 2: Children who sleep late have candy to eat.🤤🤤Thanks for the update. It's really cute. Who doesn't want to pinch Jinki's round cheeks?And his thighs haha, some clothes that didn't fit him in the early days of his debut were really delicious in my opinion haha.
Chapter 1: This is so cute ahgfjfshdshdh, grateful for the onho contents🫡
lm____drpsy #7
Chapter 1: authornim...where are you? you made me fall in love with onho ship..i never thought i will enjoy anything other than minkey....now i can't live without reading onho fics. you are the best onho author out there in all the fanfic worlds. please come back and write more. thank you so much for all your stories. i have read it all...
970 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is so good! I love the way Minho into their conversation.
Now, he is inserting himself into Jinki's life. Perhaps, he gets to him to Hwasa's wedding. After all, he is Jinki's boyfriend! Hahaha!
Waiting eagerly for the next chapter!
BluBerryU #9
Starting with the pictures, your story is so cute! Yes, jinki has a magical aura like this, and I would like to firmly believe that it is true in countless parallel worlds🤣
SHINee5_4ever #10
Chapter 1: This is soo freaking cute & adorable 😍😍Thank you 🙏 waiting for more😍