The Hangry Detective

The clock hits one-hour past noon when Junmyeon’s stomach grumbles, he stretches in his seat and decides to abandon the neck-deep of paperwork to take his lunch break. He makes his way to the breakroom, anticipating to eat the kimbap that he carefully prepared before going to the office earlier that day.


Junmyeon peers into the refrigerator, searching for his blue Tupperware. He rummaged through every part of the fridge but he still couldn't find it.


Which only means someone took his food.


“WHERE IS MY TUPPERWARE?” He lets out a dramatic scream. His hand is twitching from gripping the handle but he manages to control his impulse of slamming the fridge door. 


Detective Park who’s peacefully eating his food jumps in his seat from being startled by Junmyeon’s scream. Junmyeon spun around seeing the other detective coughing while holding a half-eaten burger. 


“I almost died,” Park says while rubbing his chest after drinking water. “What happened? What Tupperware?”


“Chanyeol, did you see if anyone took a blue lunchbox from the fridge?”


A theft in precinct 101 right under the noses of the detectives in this building in the middle of the day. It sounds ridiculous.


Chanyeol shakes his head, “No. I didn’t see anyone…” he pauses to wipe the sauce on his lips. “But you can ask Zhang, he was the last person I saw in the breakroom before I came in.”


Zhang Yixing. 


Maybe Zhang is playing a prank on him again


Chanyeol’s eyes flew open. " Uh oh, I know that expression, Detective Kim, I’m not saying he took it. Hey–"


He storms out of the breakroom with a murderous glare and goes straight to Yixing’s desk.




Yixing blinks up at him, his brows furrowed. "Can I help you?"


"Someone stole my food in the fridge, are you playing pranks on me again? You're so childish and–"


In the middle of Junmyeon’s rage and rambling, Yixing had the audacity to reach for the large pack of honey butter chips on his table and started munching on it.


"How come you're suspecting me?" Yixing stares at him with an innocent expression while chewing the chips in his mouth, Junmyeon can hear the crunch in every bite. "Want some?" He offers the pack of chips to him.


Junmyeon gets cranky when he’s hungry. Every syllable coming out of the other detective’s mouth seems like a tick urging the metaphorical time bomb in his head to go off. 


" off."


Yixing raises his hands in defense, "Okay Detective Kim, you're being rude. First, you accuse me of being a thief without any substantial evidence and now you curse me for… offering you food?"


Junmyeon realizes that Yixing is right, he has no evidence to prove that he's the one who stole his food besides the fact that the other Detective likes to and play pranks on him. He blames the hunger for clouding his ability to think coherently.


"I-It's because you're the only one who will do this kind of prank to me." Junmyeon sighed, crossing his arms.


"If you want my attention, just say so." Yixing points out with an annoying grin on his face. 


Junmyeon scowls wanting to punch the dimple out of his face, "You’re so full of yourself!" he walks out with Yixing’s laughter echoing in the background.


He’s about to head outside the precinct to buy lunch when he bumps into Captain Do near the elevator. The captain looks at him sheepishly,


“Detective Kim, I was looking for you…”


It turns out, the Captain and him have the same blue lunchbox and the Captain mistakenly took Junmyeon’s lunchbox thinking it was his. He took the lunchbox to the cafeteria downstairs to eat with the head of the forensics dept. and when he came back to the office, he was surprised when he saw another blue lunchbox on his table. Apparently, Jongdae, his secretary, thought that the captain hadn't had lunch yet so he took the initiative to get his lunchbox and place it on the Captain's table.


Junmyeon bites his tongue, he doesn’t have the courage to snap at the Captain. Not when the Captain complimented him and said that the kimbap tasted delicious.


Captain Do apologized and offered his lunchbox which was prepared by his husband as an exchange, Junmyeon shyly accepted and ate the bento heartily.



Junmyeon enters the meeting room for their case status team meeting with the Captain, Chanyeol is already there twirling the pen in his hand offhandedly, his eyes drift to Junmyeon. 


“Hey, Junmyeon. Jongdae told me what happened.” 


“Yeah,” Junmyeon mumbled. “Turns out it’s not Zhang.”


“Did you apologize? Remember that you’re working on a case together.” Chanyeol grins knowingly. 


Ugh don’t remind me.” Junmyeon buries his face in his palms, his cheeks reddening.



When Yixing was wrongfully accused of being a food thief yesterday by another Detective, he should have felt aggrieved but why did he feel concerned?  The thought has been bugging him since yesterday. Why is he concerned that the other detective hasn’t eaten his lunch yet? When Junmyeon walked out after his teasing, he went outside and bought noodles for him but Chanyeol caught him when he was about to place the food on his desk and told him that the Captain accidentally took Junmyeon’s lunchbox mistaking it as his own. 


Yixing shrugs his thoughts and plops in his chair. He notices that there’s a brown paper bag at the side of his table. He peeks inside and sees a bagel and coffee with a handwritten note that says:


Sorry for accusing you yesterday / (•︿•) \


He looks at the desk of the person across to him and smiles. As expected, Junmyeon, one of the consistent early birds in the precinct, is already there. He drops the note inside his drawer and waves cheerily trying to get Junmyeon’s attention.


“Good Morning, Detective Kim~” 


Junmyeon didn’t utter a single word, not even a glance, but Yixing swears that his lips curled in a tiny smile.


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Chapter 1: This one shot is so adorable and fun, I couldn't wait to see who the thief was! The note at the end from Junmyeon really ties it all together, hehwe.