Michaeng or 3:33 AM

Unused story ideas/ unfinished stories
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There exists a secret world that you can only reach between 3:30 and 3:33 AM. But be aware, there are a few rules.

Rule 1 No matter how beautiful they are don’t pick the flowers, you never get rid of them.

Rule 2. If you see a tall man with no face, just keep walking. Whatever you do, don’t stop to look at him.

Rule 3. If someone offers you tea, politely decline and keep walking,if they follow you, run. Anything is better than drinking tea

Rule 4 and the most important of them all. Wear a watch at all times, time is weird there.

That’s all. Have a fun trip.



“ I never do anything in this house? I am the main reason why there is a roof over your head.” Rough voice of a man shouted across the house, breaking the silence that Mina loved so dearly. 

“You don’t understand me and  never have . “ More fragile and feminine voice continued ,this time as a mere whisper but still audible in the usually quiet house. 

With a long sigh Mina reached in her drawer to pull out the headphones and put on her favourite song to block the commotion in the house from reaching her ears and her mind. 

These fights were a common occurrence in the household. Mina wasn’t sure why her parents were together in the first place if they both hated each other so much. Where did all the love go? Or did they

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bbhlove #1
Chapter 3: this story is soo good please do continue it ....& if you're taking requests then please write another arrange marriage trope baekhyun x oc story !!!!!
Chapter 3: These are all so cool so far! 0^0 I'd def read #3, love and revenge are such classics~
serreshi #3
Chapter 1: I don't know why nobody commented on these stories but I think the ideas are good so far. I was just bored and started looking at other people's ideas. I love the 'intro' to the mystery on chapter 1/story. Imaginative stories can stretch to whichever range you'd like and I think it will be fun to write😂 If you ever feel like going through with that story, you should😂