The Seed To Her Plan

You Are Living In MY World
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After driving, they got hungry and ate at a small mom-and-pop diner before heading back to Jiyong's apartment. It was already dark when they arrived.


It was amazing how at home Dara felt once she got inside, immediately taking off her shoes. She walked straight to the gray couch.


She let out a comfortable sigh as she slumped onto the couch. Almost immediately, she groaned loudly upon the soft contact.


Jiyong chuckled as he grabbed a remote, pointed it at the floor-to-ceiling high glass windows, and pressed a button. The sheer smart roller shades lowered down quietly.


Though amazed at the high-tech window blinds, Dara stopped him. "Can you keep it open? I like the evening city view."


Jiyong contemplated for a while before he pressed another button. The white blinds slowly raised back up.


He then sat down beside her on the couch.


"I'm surprised you don't." Dara wondered, facing him.


He shrugged. "I like my privacy."


Dara nodded as she looked at the city lights outside. "It's beautiful."


He smiled, watching her. "Indeed."


They were enveloped in a comfortable silence for a while before Dara released a sigh.


"Do you mind if I crash few more nights here? I don't feel like going to school or going back home this week." She said.


Jiyong played with her locks as he answered, "Not at all. You can stay here however long you want."


Dara smiled, her gaze fixed on the view outside. The city lights resembled stars, casting a twinkling, city-wide glow. Some might call it light pollution, but to her, it was a beautiful concern.


"I wish I lived here." She couldn't help but say.


She felt Jiyong stares at her.


"You know I offered this to you before, right?" He reminded her.


She shook her head. "I can't."


"Why not?" He then frowned. "Aside from worrying about the witch."


She looked at him, meeting his eyes. "You'll get tired of me. I'm not the best roommate."


Jiyong's frown was gone as he sighed and then slowly pulled her for a hug. "I'll never get tired of you, Dara." He even whispered. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not the best roommate out there, either."


Dara just smiled as she inhaled Jiyong's scent, his masculine smell lingering. "That's quite reassuring."


Jiyong planted a soft kiss atop her head. "I'm just here whenever you need me."


She nodded. That felt like another assurance too.


After a few more moments of them only hugging, she pulled herself from his arms and she reached for the TV remote, she turned it on and a news channel greeted them.


"...our top story tonight revolves around the ongoing issue of gangs in our city. Gang-related incidents have been a growing concern, with Mayor Yang and the local authorities working tirelessly to address the situation."


The news segment had captured Jiyong's full attention. He shifted on the couch, pivoting to face the TV, his eyes intently locked onto the screen. Leaning slightly forward, he rested his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped under his chin. His eyes darkened as he watched the news report showcasing the aftermath of the car fires from the recent incident at the border with District 1 the previous night.


"First, we've seen an increase in violent clashes between rival gangs. These confrontations have often spilled into our neighborhoods, putting innocent bystanders at risk."


The news anchor and the reporter were exchanging reports.


"Indeed, and we must also highlight the impact on our youth. Many teenagers are drawn into these gangs, influenced by the lure of belonging and misguided notions of protection and respect."


The field reporter nodded, "That's a very critical point. It's essential for families, schools, and community organizations to work together to provide alternatives and support to young people, steering them away from gang involvement."


The news anchor agreed. "That's why Mayor Yang has taken a firm stance against gangs, illegal gambling, and trafficking in the city of Malcolm, earning him the title of a hero among many youths and families. They believe that he is the kind of Mayor we need in these challenging times."


"A good standing for his next electoral campaign next year..."


Jiyong turned off the TV, his jaw clenched.


Dara felt his anger as she reached for his hand, which seemed to calm him down a little.


He sighed frustratedly, "I hate that man." He gritted. "He must not win the election next year."


Dara didn't really understand where his anger was coming from but her hold on his hand tightened. She remembered how Mayor Yang was equally frustrated lately about his election campaigns. "Just be careful." She said, worriedly.


Eyes not looking at her but on the turned-off TV as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.


"He should be careful." He mumbled on her hand.


Dara couldn't help but shudder at Jiyong's dangerous tone.




Sunday came, and Jiyong drove the Honda Civic to drop her off at her house on Angel Street.


She climbed out of the car and heaved a deep sigh at the sight of her house with the lights on. Her aunt is at home.


Back to reality, she thought.


She turned to face Jiyong when he stood beside her.


"Will you be fine?" His expression was serious as he glanced at her house. Someone peeked from the curtains but closed it back.


Dara nodded, releasing another sigh. "Yes." She then looked up at him. "That was a nice weekend break, though."


There was a crease on Jiyong's forehead as he looked at her, wondering if she was really gonna be fine. Heaving a deep sigh, he slowly pulled her against his chest and enveloped her in a warm hug. He then planted a soft kiss on her forehead.


"I'll see you tomorrow at school. Text me if anything comes up." He said, seriously.


Dara pulled from his hug as she started to walk away while waving at him. "Bye."


Jiyong watched her climb up those old stairs. He felt stares directed at him as he coldly glared at whoever was behind the curtains.


As Dara stepped into the house, Jiyong turned away, heading to his car to drive away from Angel Street.




Dara got inside the house and she was excitedly greeted by her aunt who was sitting on the couch painting her nails,


"Hi, Dara-ah. You're home!"


...and Reaper who was standing near the window.


"Nice to see you again, Dara." Reaper greeted, even smiling.


Seriously? The guy is still here?


Dara ignored them as she started to head towards her room.


Aunt Hyorin thinned her lips at her cold attitude as she glared at her niece. "Where did you sleep the past nights?" She asked, back to her sharp tongue.


Dara halted in her tracks but didn't answer.


Aunt Hyorin frowned as she cocked an eyebrow. "Sleeping at your boyfriend's house?" Malice

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haruhi19 #1
Chapter 42: Hope someone can explain to dara very well the gravity of the situation and it is not as simple as choosing between two circumstances. Dara thinks and reacts impulsively based on this story and she will believe what she thinks is right. Those two need an intervention and obviously someone between them needs to be more understanding, supportive and stick with each-other no matter what for the relationship to work.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #2
Chapter 42: New update!!
lovethewayyoulie310 #3
Chapter 42: Thank you for this chapter ❤️ I love your fic
bernie20 #4
Chapter 42: Wow...I didn't expect this kind of twist..... looking forward to this😊
Thank you 🙏
braveheart_M-A-Q-17 #5
Chapter 40: Wow! This is soooo.. I don't really know. I mean this chapter is like uhhmm, heart stopping? I mean, I literally hold my breath from the moment that "other car" smashed on the car behind Jiyong's car and then thats it. It spiraled into chaos with flames all over. Yes, I knew something will happen the minute I saw Woojae's name and him waving at Dara enthusiastically and all..?? I have a hunch that man is up to something no good. Well it is not mentioned in here that it was Woojae's car buttt I knew it in my gut he is somehow connected in this. grrrr!!! I'm on edge of my seat right now. Well, somehow I have an idea that this chapter will be riveting(the reason I delay reading it). And guess what? Yes, I am right. This chapter not disappoint me. Whew! Thank you for this exciting chapter authornim. Thank you so much!! Until the next update. Take care.
tokki9 #6
Chapter 40: Oh no that Woojae is so sly. I hate him! Poor Jiyong. But I know Jiyong will be back with revenge!
tokki9 #7
Chapter 39: Kkkk Jiyong is so cute and but I love that he is only obsessed with Dara. Now I'm curious about the race.
UserRiri #8
Chapter 39: i love the way where is my jaejoong hahaha suddenly i miss him.
suedbee #9
Chapter 39: It’s been so long since I’ve dropped a note, RL has been in the way. Sorry, siv, and thank you for the promising start to book two. And we’re off to the races!
bernie20 #10
Chapter 39: OMG I finally read this story. I was so busy that don't have time to read😭 thank u so much for this....loving it so much.
Hope you well always 💗
Thank you ☺️