Black swan & the Winter

A Red Rose Grew Up out of Ice Frozen Ground (JMJ)


“You fall, you get up and smile.” Her mother shrugs.

“Why?” Jimin asks, feeling the wet cold seeping through her leotard.

“Because you’re human.” She smiles warmly. “You can fall and get right back up. Cry and then smile after, it’s all so simply human. You’re allowed to make mistakes.”

“Okay.” Jimin nods, standing up.

“You must be cold, let’s get ice cream.” Her mother says.

“But it’s cold.” Jimin frowns.

“It’s never too cold for ice cream.” She winks and Jimin beams.



“You’ll win silver again?” Seulgi asks Minjeong as the younger girl ties her skates. Minjeong looks up at her worried coach and beams.

“Of course I will.” She says confidently.

“Good. As long as you place in the three, we’ll be fine. I don’t really have anything to worry about, do I?” Seulgi smiles softly at Minjeong.

“Not at all.” Minjeong bounces up when she finishes lacing up her skates.

“Good?” Seulgi asks her and Minjeong nods.


Minjeong shakes out her body and Seulgi looks at her with something on her mind.


“This year she’s competing against you.” Seulgi says and Minjeong nods, not needing to know who ‘she’ is.

“I know.” She answers. “I’ve been competing against her since she won the grand prix.”

“Then you know we have to work twice as hard if we want gold.” Seulgi says and Minjeong chuckles.

“As much as I want gold, it’d be impossible with her.” Minjeong states.

“Well you’re Winter.” Seulgi grins. “The cold won’t bother you.”

“You’re still not funny, coach.” Minjeong snorts.


Their attention is off each other when the speakers begin to boom.


“Karina Yudovich!” The announcer calls out. “Russia’s very own black swan and machine on ice, please welcome her to the rink!”


Winter is up next, so Seulgi takes her where the skaters are meant to wait. They have a clear view of the rink and Winter swallows thickly when she catches a glimpse of Karina. She’s dressed in a simple black leotard with silver accents, paired with a headband resembling a black swan.


Karina skates around the rink as she warms up before her program.


“Welcome all to the European figure skating championship!” The announcer whoops. “On the ice we have Karina Yudovich, who is a two time world’s junior champion, a Russian national champion, and the gold medalist for the last Grand Prix Final - let’s see what Russia’s black swan has in store for us today!”


The crowd roars just as Karina skates into the centre— claiming position.


Karina’s aura is like no other— Winter will admit. She’s got this dark aura that commands all the people in a room to have eyes on her. Like she’s possessed, Winter isn’t better than anyone else who admires Karina.


She once skated beside Karina a long time ago, and now she’s skating against her.


How the times have changed.


When Karina finishes up her routine, and Winter’s jitters are just about up by tenfold— the crowd erupts into cheers.


“My, my - we can never be let down by Yudovich! What an impressive performance!” The announcer cheers.


“Ready?” Seulgi asks her and she nods.

“Sure.” She says.

“Don’t be discouraged by her.” Seulgi tells her.

“I’m not.” She says quickly and Seulgi looks at her like she doesn’t believe her.

“Okay. I believe in you.” Seulgi hugs her tightly before letting her go.

“Thanks, coach.” Winter smiles as she shrugs off her jacket— revealing a white bodice accented with gold.


As Winter makes it to the rink, she sees Karina and her eyes meet hers, and for a moment in time, it feels like the world stops when Karina’s eyes meet hers. Karina’s eyes are sharp and so deep like Winter might drown in them if she stared any longer. She swallows thickly before turning away.


“Winter Kim!” The announcer calls out. “Up next we have Korea’s very own ice princess, please welcome her to the ice!”


Everyone cheers as Winter grins and waves to everyone sweetly as she glides across the ice.


“On the ice is Winter Kim, silver medalist for the world junior championship - Kim has been dubbed a child prodigy all her life, going on to win Gold at the Korean nationals, and silver at grand prix! Hold onto your scarves folks ‘cause Winter’s about to freeze this place!”


The crowd screams and Winter smiles as she skates towards the centre, standing steady with her hands by her side.


And so it begins.



It’s no surprise when Winter places silver and Karina places Gold. They’re side by side again and Winter wonders just when are the people going to dig up the fact that they used to train together.


Winter gets down from the podium and she turns back and unconsciously helps Karina off of hers.


Winter smiles small and so does Karina.


Winter expects Karina to let go of her hand but when she doesn't Winter blinks and looks up.


“I’ll see you at World’s.” Karina says before letting go.


Winter is still in a daze when she’s sitting at a celebratory dinner with her coach and her teammates.


“Hah! Look - Minjeong’s got a gossip article!” Ningning snorts and everyone crows around her. Minjeong raises her glass of water to her lips shakily and takes a sip as she tries to prevent her curiosity.

“Sunbae - I didn’t know you knew Karina Yudovich?” Hanni, one of their junior skaters says and Minjeong swallows nervously.

“You should know her too.” Seulgi says. “She used to train on this team.”




The whole team seems to not know this and Minjeong doesn’t blame them. Seulgi wasn’t a proper coach back then, when they were younger. She was just a retired skater who occasionally played with and trained with them when they were little. Later, Seulgi became a coach and Minjeong began entering competitions. Karina had left after that and then the team began to come together.


“She’s korean?!” Yuna, another junior, sputters.

“Born and raised.” Seulgi confirms.

“What’s her korean name?” Hanni asks.

“Yu Jimin.” Minjeong answers and her cheeks grow pink when everyone’s eyes are suddenly on her. “Her name is - or, was Yu Jimin.”

“How long did you train with her?” Aeri— another teammate asks.

“They trained together from four to thirteen.” Seulgi says.

“Woah, you’ve known her for that long?” Hanni’s eyes widen and Minjeong nods slowly.

“Wow, you guys must be besties.” Yuna says and Minjeong shakes her head slowly.

“Um.. I haven’t spoken to her since I was thirteen.” She says.




“What was this then?” Ningning asks as she shoves her phone in Minjeong’s face.


Minjeong sees the moment when she had offered her hand for Karina to step down the podium, and then there’s another photo of them smiling, and another talking.



Karina literally said five words to her and Minjeong out after that.


Winter Kim and Karina Yudovich seem to be in good spirits as they seem to be friendly! Let’s see them at World’s next!


“Force of habit?” Minjeong offers weakly and Ningning rolls her eyes.

“Boo.” Ningning pouts.

“Are you guys not friends anymore because she moved to Russia and joined their team?” Aeri asks and Minjeong imagines Karina speaking Russian and it sends a chill down her spine.

“I-I guess so.” She shrugs weakly. “We drifted after that and never came back, but when I saw her and when she won at Grand Prix… I guess I was happy.”

“Aw! That’s so sweet, Sunbae!” Hanni coos and Minjeong blushes.


They finish the dinner and they head for dessert at some ice cream parlour.


Everyone orders their ice cream and settles down. Minjeong looks over at Seulgi and finds her glued to her phone, watching a video.


“Coach?” She questions.

“Hm.” Seulgi hums.

“What are you watching?” She asks, leaning closer to her coach like a curious child.

“The competition.” Seulgi answers curtly.

“Are you watching me?” Minjeong asks until she’s leaning on Seulgi’s arm.

“No.” Seulgi says.

“You’re watching Karina?” Minjeong blinks.

“Her technique’s changed.” Seulgi comments and Minjeong looks at the tiny phone screen and watches Karina.

“It has.” Minjeong nods as she recalls watching Karina’s routine.


It was so powerful— Minjeong thinks she felt the ice shake every jump Karina made.


“It’s destructive.” Seulgi says and Minjeong frowns.

“Is it different from before?” Minjeong asks quietly.

“It is. She used to focus more on her artistry, but now it’s all technical.” Seulgi furrows her brows as she watches Karina land a lutz jump. “She’s all power and not grace - for example, her jumps are insane.”


Minjeong had never seen such a clean lutz before and she understands why Karina earns so many golds.


“It’s Russian.” Minjeong says and Seulgi snorts.

“You’re right about that.” Seulgi says. “I wonder how Karina’s been able to cope with the Russian training.”


Minjeong swallows and she imagines the kind of training she has to go through compared to Karina’s.


It’s incomparable.



It’s a few weeks later and it’s a couple days before the World’s in Saitama, Japan. Minjeong’s been practising her spins on the harness.


She feels invincible spinning, but she thinks she looks ridiculous to anyone else— like a potato attached to a ceiling fan, but Seulgi stops her and Minjeong slumps midair.


“You alright?” Seulgi asks her as she helps her down.

“Sure. If wanting to throw up whatever I ate this morning is alright, then I sure am.” Minjeong groans and Seulgi chuckles.


Minjeong stumbles before plopping down onto the bench where her skates are.


“You just said you wanted to throw up, and now you want to try it on ice?” Seulgi asks unimpressed and Minjeong shrugs.

“I’m invincible. I can do it now.” Minjeong beams and Seulgi rolls her eyes.

“Alright, but go easy. I don’t need you to get any sudden injuries now.” Seulgi tells her. “Thank god you’re my only athlete with no injuries.”

“See, I’m healthy and strong. I’ll never let you down, coach.” Minjeong grins as she tightens her skates.

“You never could if you tried.” Seulgi pats her head affectionately before letting her go on the ice.


She follows behind with her own skates and stands at a distance to allow Minjeong space.


Minjeong takes a deep breath and focuses on the steady ice beneath her. She focuses on the muscles in her legs, her arms, and the space she has to pull this off.


She centres her body and mind and then she opens her eyes.


She begins to skate around the ice— gaining momentum and air as she prepares herself. When Minjeong ever wants to do a jump— she sees it in her head like those step by step instructions. Those instructions then come together and make a picture in movement, and then it becomes one with her mind and body.


She pushes off the ice, she’s in the air— and then she spins.


Her core is tightened and she twists her body with the air— spinning with grace like a leaf in the wind.


Her feet meet the ground— connecting with the ice with a sharp screech.


She feels it is not enough, so she digs her skate into the ice before pushing off and throwing out another three perfect spins.


She skates to a stop and her heart rings in her ears loudly— beating like the drums of war as she catches her breath.


She turns back and finds Seulgi looking at her brightly.


“Coach! I did it!” She skates to Seulgi and she crashes into her as she hugs Seulgi tightly as they slide across the ice.

“You were so beautiful!” Seulgi hugs her just as tightly. “You’re insane, Minjeong!”


Another voice startles them apart.


"Kim Minjeong, you did not just do a triple toe and triple loop combo like it was nothing.” Joohyun grins as she watches them from where the ice meets the carpet.

“Joohyun-unnie!” Minjeong springs up and runs off the ice to hug her.

“Woah!” Joohyun stumbles back as she holds Minjeong in her arms. “Have you gotten taller?”

“She actually has, it’s getting annoying to see eye to eye with her.” Seulgi says as she gets off the ice too.


Minjeong and Joohyun break apart for Seulgi to hug her.


“Hi, baby.” Joohyun smiles softly as she kisses Seulgi chastely.

“Hi.” Seulgi beams.


Minjeong squeals and Seulgi rolls her eyes.


“Joohyun-unnie, are you here to feed me?” Minjeong jumps up excitedly as she thinks of Joohyun’s home cooking.

“How did you know, Minjeongie?” Joohyun pinches her cheek.

“You’re not tired from work?” Seulgi asks her, worried about her wife— who is a full time dance instructor.

“No, class was cut a bit short because one of the toddlers got sick.” She tells them and Seulgi nods.

“Let’s go - let’s go!” Minjeong cheers and Joohyun stops her.

“Hold on - get your skates off first!” She laughs and Minjeong grins sheepishly.



Joohyun drives them both back to the apartment she shares with Seulgi and Minjeong’s the first one to get out of the car— throwing her bag down at the door and kicking off her shoes carelessly.


Seulgi shakes her head before picking up Minjeong’s bag as Joohyun rearranges her shoes.


“Sometimes I think Minjeong is our child.” Seulgi chuckles and Joohyun laughs.

“You’re right about that.” Joohyun says.


Minjeong washes her hands and her face quickly before sitting down at the dinner table— bouncing in her seat as she kicks her feet up and down.


Joohyun heats up what she prepared earlier and places it in front of Minjeong who is buzzing like a bee.


“Careful, it’s hot.” Joohyun pats Minjeong’s head affectionately.

“I know.” Minjeong says even if she puts her spoon into the hot soup first thing— burning her tongue.

“Were you missing my cooking that much?” Joohyun chuckles and Minjeong nods.

“Yes, I’ve been dying for it.” Minjeong says dramatically.


They all sit down and begin to eat.


Joohyun pulls up the re-taped recording of the European figure skating championship that occurred a few weeks ago.


Joohyun watches intently as she monitors both Minjeong and Karina’s performance.


“Minjeong-ah, you’ve improved so quick.” Joohyun says. “Here you’re struggling to lift your leg at your axel jump and earlier at practice, you did it flawlessly.”

“I’ve got a good coach, what can I say?” Minjeong nudges Seulgi and she rolls her eyes affectionately.

“And I’ve got a good skater.” Seulgi says and Minjeong beams.


Joohyun continues to watch and Minjeong grows curious.


“Unnie?” Minjeong starts quietly.

“Hm?” Joohyun turns back to her.

“Do you… do you ever miss being on the ice?” Minjeong questions and Joohyun smiles softly.

“Sometimes.” She says. “I can still skate but I guess it’s not the same after tearing your ACL, plus I do sometimes miss competing.”

“That’s because you used to win all the time and beat me.” Seulgi reminisces on the time they were on the national Korean team together a long time ago.

“I am a bit competitive.” Joohyun shrugs.

“A bit?” Seulgi snorts and Joohyun hits her over the table.


Back in the day before Minjeong even ever thought about competing in figure skating, it was Seulgi and Joohyun before her. Joohyun was the ice queen and now the title is down to Minjeong— ice princess. Joohyun and Seulgi would always place together whether it be gold and silver, or silver and bronze, but a terrible incident happened right before World’s. Joohyun had torn her ACL and forfeited from ice skating. She then retired to recuperate herself. Joohyun had fallen into a bad slump and Seulgi was disheartened to not have her girlfriend and partner beside her on the ice.


Years later, Seulgi retired too, no longer wanting to be evaluated and wanting to compete. She’d rather skate for the art and not the pressure, and now Minjeong came along as her star pupil.


They watch Karina’s program after and Joohyun’s eyes never leave the screen. Minjeong doesn’t think she blinks either.


“Seulgi-unnie says her techniques changed. Do you think so too?” Minjeong asks.

“I can see it.” Joohyun answers. “It would make sense, though. Look at her - she’s all muscles. There’s power in all her turns and jumps.”

“She’s a beast.” Seulgi shudders and Minjeong looks at the TV.


She see’s Karina’s sharp gaze and evil grin meet the cameras and she swallows.


“If you’re described to skate like liquid gold - or like water, then do you know what Karina skates like?” Joohyun asks her and Minjeong shakes her head.


“Like fire.”


They catch up for the rest of the night and Minjeong falls asleep on the pull out couch early to prepare for her flight to Japan tomorrow. Seulgi looks down at Minjeong as she adjusts the younger girl’s blanket properly to come up to her chin.


“She’s so young and she’s out there achieving things no one does at this age.” Seulgi says quietly and Joohyun hugs her from behind. “I worry about her a lot.”

“She’s a big girl.” Joohyun says softly. “And she has you to take care of her.”

Seulgi nods and turns to her side to kiss Joohyun’s crown.


“Let’s get to bed? We have to wake up early.” Seulgi says and Joohyun nods, pulling her into the bedroom.


Minjeong wakes up the next morning to the sweet smell of eggs and toast. She cracks an eye open and sees Joohyun in the kitchen. She gets up and gets her favourite mug and pouring water into it. She drinks it and clears .


“Where’s Seulgi-unnie?” Minjeong asks.

“Dead asleep.” Joohyun snorts. “She sleeps like a log.”

“Of course.” Minjeong shakes her head before putting her mug down and heading to the bathroom.


She freshens up and checks her bag that she poached days earlier for convenience to see if she’s forgetting anything. She sees her skates in perfect condition and smiles. She zips up her bag and gets dressed.


When she exits the bathroom, she sees Seulgi had woken up already as she sees her at the dinner table eating a piece of toast.


“Eat up champ, we’ve got a long couple of days ahead of us.” Seulgi pats her on the back and Minjeong nods.



When they reach the airport, Joohyun comes around and takes out a bag of her own too.


“You’re coming with us?” Minjeong asks and Joohyun beams.

“Of course. It’s not everyday I get to see you compete at World’s. Soon you’ll be at the Olympics in Seoul.” Joohyun says and Minjeong’s grin widens.


They board the plane and make it to Saitama safely. They check into the hotel and Minjeong lies down on the bed— stretching her limbs. Seulgi had gotten her a room across from her own one with Joohyun, so if Minjeong ever needed anything, she could just go over and knock.


Minjeong doesn’t feel too tired and feels like she should practise.


She takes her bag and checks her skates again before going outside in the hallway. Just as she closes the door, she hears commotion to her right. She turns and her eyes widen as she lets out a little squeak.


Karina’s in the same hotel as her.


Karina looks back at her with eyes just as wide.


“Uh.. hi.” Minjeong swallows thickly and Karina smiles softly.

“Hi, Winter.” Karina says.


Minjeong looks down and sees Karina with a duffle bag labelled Russian national team.


“Are you heading to practise too?” Minjeong asks and Karina nods.

“You too?” She asks and Minjeong nods too.

“I’ll see you there then.” She says before turning away.


Minjeong watches her walk but then she stops and turns back around.


“It’s nice to see you again, Minjeong.” She says softly and Minjeong’s cheeks flare red as her stomach flutters with feelings of the past.


Karina disappears and she almost forgets why she had come out earlier. She shakes her head out of her reverie before knocking on the room in front of her.



“Good, take it easy.” Seulgi tells her as Minjeong skates past— doing a salchow jump. “Don’t want to overexert yourself for tomorrow.”


Minjeong can’t really help it, but as she skates— her eyes keep straying to her left. She catches glimpses of Karina training in the same rink as her.


It seemed like Winter and Karina were the only two that were that eager to practise first thing after landing in Japan. Most of the other competitors either stayed in their hotels or went sightseeing. They’re sharing the same rink, so they’re trying to be mindful and not to crash into each other. Seulgi and Minjeong don’t mind sharing, but it seems like Karina’s coach is displeased.


Karina.” Karina’s coach’s voice is deep and heavily accented.


He says something in Russian and when Karina responds in Russian, Minjeong bumps into Seulgi.


“Yah, Kim Minjeong.” Seulgi flicks her on the forehead. “Quit ogling Karina and stay focused!” She whispers harshly and Minjeong flounders— face going red.

“I-I wasn’t!” Minjeong sputters and Seulgi rolls her eyes.


She sneaks another glance and finds Karina looking right back at her with a small smile.


She totally just heard whatever she just said to Seulgi in Korean.


Karina’s coach seems to be distracted after a while and Winter and Karina seem to converge closer together as they skate.


They end up skating side by side soon after— falling into a distant and familiar routine.


“You still understand Korean?” Winter asks dumbly and Karina hides her laugh behind her hand, eyes crinkling away in delight.

“I didn’t abandon my nation so easily as the press says.” Karina snorts and Winter flounders again.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that - I swear!” Minjeong almost loses balance as she shakes her hands.

“I know.” Karina cuts her off with a soft smile.


They skate past each other and then come back again as they make a round around the ice rink.


“Are you nervous for tomorrow?” Winter tires to make small talk.

“Not really, no.” Karina smirks.

“Are you ever nervous?” Winter snorts and Karina just looks at her with a soft expression.

“I have been.” She says.

“Oh really, when?” Winter challenges.

“Grand Prix.” Karina says and Winter blinks.

“Why?” She asks.

“Because you were there.” Karina says it so quietly, Winter thinks she’s hearing things.


They come to a stop in the centre and Winter blinks and Karina only looks at her with an unreadable expression. There are so many things Winter wants to say and she’s sure Karina has too, but timing is never right.


Karina!” Her coach calls out.

“Sorry.” Karina says before skating away.


Winter returns to Seulgi who is beside Joohyun now. Joohyun hands her a water bottle and she takes a sip of it, suddenly noticing that she’s very thirsty.


“Was she getting into your head?” Joohyun asks, as she peers from the side and sees Karina’s coach talking fast in Russian in hushed tones.

“No, Jim- I mean - Karina’s not like that.” She shakes her head. “We were just catching up.”
“You don’t know that. She’s been training with the Russians for years.” Joohyun sighs. “No one knows what they do to their athletes.”


Minjeong looks back and sees Karina up in the air— doing a perfect jump and spin.



Minjeong returns to her hotel room after dinner with coach and Joohyun. She slumps onto the bed, tired from eating and sightseeing the streets of Japan. Her eyes flutter close for a moment, but then she hears the sound of the door to her neighbours room open and close.


She sits up and looks at the clock in the hotel room. It was 10:00 pm and Karina was just getting back now?


Minjeong sits on heart thoughts for a moment, pacing around in her room before she takes a deep breath and puts on her coat— pocketing her room keycard. She goes over to Karina’s room and stands there for maybe over thirty seconds before she knocks.


She shifts her weight from one leg to the other and each second that passes, Minjeong considers running away and pretending someone else just ding-dong ditched if Karina comes over to ask.


The door opens and Minjeong’s eyes widen.


“Who is it - oh.” Karina is just as surprised. “Winter.”
“Hi.” Winter waves weakly.

“Did you - um, did you want to come in?” Karina asks and Winter nods.


Karina steps aside and Winter looks around subtly. Karina still hadn’t settled in yet, the bag was still on the bed and the bed was still made. Karina’s still wearing what she did earlier at the rink.


“Have you eaten yet?” Winter asks and Karina shakes her head.

“Great - because I’ve been craving noodles so bad and I think I walked past a convenience store downstairs!” Winter says quickly, pretending she still isn’t full and dying from a food coma.

“I - I’m not sure if I’m hungry…” Karina hesitates and Winter brings out her puppy eyes.

“Please?” Winter asks and Karina softens.

“Okay.” She surrenders. “I’ll get my coat.”


Winter grins before hopping outside and waiting for Karina to come out. She hopes her body can stomach noodles right now because the thought of it makes her want to throw up.


Karina comes out and Winter beams.


She begins to walk and tries to relax because along the way, Karina links their arms together and Winter’s body stiffens at the contact.


They stop at the convenience store and they both pick out noodles before making them and sitting at the stools near the window. Karina watches the people still passing by at this time of night outside the window, and Winter watches Karina.


“I think they’re ready.” Karina says and Winter looks away quickly.

“Yup.” Winter winces at her strange behaviour.


Winter eats slowly as she tries to stomach it and she watches silently in surprise as Karina slurps up all the noodles in record time.


“I thought you said you were hungry?” Karina says once she finishes and Winter blinks at her half full cup.

“Uh - I am - but I’m totally full seeing you eat.” Winter tries awkwardly and Karina laughs.

“You’re still so cute.” She shakes her head fondly and Winter’s heart stutters.

“Hah - thanks.” Winter flushes.


Winter takes a while to finish but Karina doesn’t say a thing when the minutes grow longer.


“Wanna take a walk?” Winter asks and Karina nods.


This time, Winter is brave enough to slip her hand through Karina’s as they walk through the night.


They find a park and they settle side by side on the swings.


“So…” Winter whistles and Karina looks at her.

“So?” Karina smiles.

“How’s life been?” Winter asks as she swings softly.


Karina takes a deep breath and releases a fog of cold air as she pushes herself on the swing slightly. She thinks about her life after leaving Korea and how much it’s changed. She thinks about lying, but it’s Winter— Kim Minjeong who she has known since she was a child.


“Could be better.” She decides quietly.


Winter smiles softly


“Yeah…” She agrees and then she grins. “My life could be better with you in it too.”


Karina snorts before using her foot to push Winter haywire on the swings.


“You’re lame.” Karina says and Winter beams. “But I…”


They both come to a stop and Winter blinks at Karina patiently for her to finish her words.


“I do miss you.” Karina shudders as she releases a thought she hadn’t ever thought she would have a chance of saying aloud. She smiles at the sky. “God. I’ve missed you a lot… I didn’t think I’d ever be able to say it.”


Winter grins and she feels the overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry.


“I miss you too.” Winter says softly.

“I’m sorry.” Karina says.

“What for?” Winter frowns in confusion.

“Just… I didn’t try to reach out to you.” Karina says. “When I was still in Korea.”

“I don’t think you have to apologise for that.” Winter says and Karina looks at her gently. “If you’re apologising, then I am too. I’m sorry I didn’t try harder with you.”

“I don’t think you could have tried harder. I pushed everyone away.” Karina chuckles dryly.

“You were right to.” Winter shrugs. “You were grieving.”

“I was… but I don’t think that allowed me to shut off and push everyone important to me away - including you… you were the most important person in my life.” Karina confesses and Winter’s heart breaks.


Winter remembers it clearly as day.



Jimin was fourteen and Minjeong was thirteen when her parents were involved in a bad car crash on the highway. Jimin’s entire life was only just growing and it was taken from right under her nose.


She remembers getting the call at school at lunch when she was sitting beside Minjeong.


Jimin had cried and was inconsolable. Minjeong tried her best to stay right by her side.


It was like that for a while, just Jimin and Minjeong. Jimin was eventually given to some aunt who had to be her guardian since she wasn’t of age yet. Jimin disappeared for a few days that turned into a few weeks and when she finally appeared, Minjeong was at the ice rink.


Minjeong hadn’t known that it would be the last time she’d ever see Jimin again. They skated beside each other like any other day, and Minjeong looked around— seeing the same Russian scouter she had seen for months before lingering outside the rink.


When they get off the ice, Jimin hugs her tightly and tells her she’s going away. Minjeong’s heart shatters and she pales.


She’s going to Russia— Minjeong hears Jimin tell her. She tries to be happy and tell her it’ll be good, but it’s not good, it’s not good at all. Minjeong loses a part of her that day and it would never be returned.


From then on, Minjeong skates alone. She skates at competitions alone, she wins alone, and she misses Jimin so terribly.


The next time she sees Jimin, she’s seventeen and Jimin’s eighteen, but Jimin’s no longer Yu Jimin. She’s Karina Yudovich and she’s Russia’s blackswan.



“I was just… I was in a dark place and everyday it was someone telling me that they were sorry for my loss.” karina huffs. “I’d hear them even if they weren’t talking to me - oh what a poor child… when the scouter came to me and offered me a place in Russia, I didn’t refuse.”


Winter listens to her wholeheartedly.


“I just wanted a way out and I got it, but now…” Karina trails off.

“Now what?” Winter urges her on.

“I think I regret it now.” Karina admits. “I’ve never omitted that thought out loud, but I’m with you for the first time in years and I just want to tell you everything.”

“You can tell me anything.” Winter smiles softly. “You’ll always have me. You’ve had me since you left Korea, I’ve never gone anywhere.”

“I know.” Karina smiles softly.


Winter reaches over and links their hands together.


“It’s getting cold. Let’s go back.”


The walk back is silent but neither of them stop smiling. Winter stops at Karina’s room and she opens the door and sticks a foot in it.


Winter lingers and places her hand on the doorframe, taking a deep breath.


“I didn’t say much today, but trust me when I say there’s a whole lot of things I want to tell you.” Winter says. “It’s the first time I’ve been so close to you and I guess I just froze up.”

“Then will you tell me the next time we see each other?” Karina raises an eyebrow and Winter nods.

“I’ll try not to freeze up.” Winter says.

“But it’s just me.” Karina chuckles and Winter gazes up at her with gentle eyes.

“Yeah.. it’s just you.” Winter breathes out. “Um.. there’s something I want to tell you if I never get a chance to see you properly again.”


Karina nods and waits for her to speak.


“I still like you.” Winter says and Karina’s eyes widen for a fraction of time. “I think you’ve always known but we never really talked about it - I mean, well we didn’t really have to talk about it.”


Karina doesn’t seem too surprised and Winter smiles.


“I just wanted to let you know.” Winter shrugs. “I don’t actually know why I wanted to tell you, but I felt like I had to… so, there it is.”

“Thank you… for telling me.” Karina smiles softly.

“I’ll um.. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Winter says and Karina nods.


Winter steps back and she’s about to leave when Karina pulls her back. It happens in a flash, but Karina’s leaning in and then she’s smiling like the devil.


“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Karina repeats what she had just said before closing the door.


Winter’s skin tingles when she raises her hand and feels where Karina had just kissed her cheek— mere millimetres away from her lips.



Karina wins silver and Winter wins bronze at the World’s competition. The competitor representing Japan had won gold and Winter thinks it makes sense for someone to win in their own country.


It must have made Japan proud and happy.


She helps Karina off the podium and this time, they walk side by side to where the press conference and where the rest area is for teammates, managers and competitors.


“Silver looks good on you.” Winter teases and Karina’s lips curl into an annoyed smirk.

“As do you in bronze.” Karina retorts and Winter grins.

“You did amazing.” Winter tells her and she feels a flash and she looks to her left to see a bunch of press with cameras. “Sorry - I didn’t notice them, we can move if you-”

“No, it’s okay.” Jimin chuckles. “Let them see us. We’re friends aren’t we?”


Winter almost rolls her eyes but she laughs instead and Karina’s smile is full of delight.


“I can’t believe we’ll be at the Olympics together.” Winter says.

“It’s crazy.” Karina grins. “I remember we used to dream of doing it together, and now look at us.”

“I know, right!” Winter beams.

"You know.. I used to beat myself up if I didn’t get gold or didn’t win, but it’s been so long and I think I’m just happy to be able to skate with you again.” Karina confesses candidly and Winter blushes.

“O-oh.” Winter blinks.

“That’s all you have to say?” Karina laughs.

“I just didn’t think you’d say that!” Winter flounders.


“Karina! Winter! Could we please get a photo of you together!” One of the guys behind a camera says.

“I don’t see why not.” Karina shrugs, putting her arm over Winter’s shoulder and posing for the camera.


Over a hundred flashes go by and suddenly a microphone is being put up to them.


“Karina - Karina! How do you feel about returning to Korea after years for the Olympics?!” Someone asks and Karina blinks.

“Uh - um, I feel good about it I guess?” Karina chuckles. “It’s been so long and I can’t wait to see my home country.”


Someone else shoves a microphone up and Winter flinches.


“Is it true you two used to train together?!” Winter blinks and tries to find a way out of this but she sees Karina’s encouraging smile and she throws caution to the wind.

“Yes, it’s true.” She says and people gasp as they take more photos and the interviewers multiply.

“Is that why you two are so friendly up at the podiums?!”

“I guess so?” Winter has absolutely no media training.

“We have been friends and skating partners since childhood and I first saw her again at the Grand Prix.” Karina definitely has media training. “We are getting to know each other again, and if you have further questions, we will not be answering further.”


Karina pulls her away and the camera’s and the crowd speak louder.


Minjeong blinks away the flash from her eyes as Karina pulls her behind the stands where the inside benches and other competitors are.


They sit down in front of each other and untie their skates.


“How long until you think we’ll make the news?” Karina asks with a smirk that terrifies Winter slightly.

“Um, very soon.” Winter chuckles nervously, and very soon is true.


Win after Win - Karina Yudovich takes silver at World’s!

Winter Kim snatches a place on the podium with a Bronze medal!

How romantic! Karina Yudovich and Winter Kim and not just rivals - but they are childhood friends and skating partners! Let’s see them skate together again at the Olympics in Seoul, Korea!


Aeri and Ningning sit side by side giggling once Minjeong returns to Korea. She’s at another celebratory dinner this time with her teammates as well as coach Seulgi and her wife Joohyun.


“What are they giggling about?” Joohyun asks and Minjeong grumbles.

“Karina Yudovich and Minjeong-sunbae.” Yuna snorts.


Joohyun peers over.


“Oh, don’t you two look great together?” Seulgi coos and Winter keeps silent as her blush brightens.



It’s a week before the olympics and Karina had flown to Korea beforehand to settle back into her home country as it’s been years and she’s a bit unfamiliar with it.


Her coach flies soon after and makes her practise right away to not waste time.


“Again.” Her coach says monotonously.


Karina sighs, repeating her axel jump.


“Again.” He says firmly this time.


She does it again.




She skates to a stop and her heart raps against her ribcage as she tries to catch her breath, but each breath she takes of the cold air— it burns holes into her lungs.


“Again, Karina.” He says disinterestedly. “You can’t expect to win gold if you’re skating like this. What would the press say? They’ll say I’m a bad coach, and am I a bad coach, Karina?”


He looks at her pityingly and Karina bites her tongue until she tastes blood.


“No. You’re the best coach.” Karina says, downcasted.

“Exactly.” He grins triumphantly. “And what does that make you?”

“The best skater.” She parrots.

“Then you better skate the best.” He grips her shoulder and he looks at her with his eyebrows furrowed. “I think you’re getting pudgy again. What have you eaten?”

“I haven’t.” She says and he frowns.

“Well, skip dinner.” He looks her up and down and Karina clenches her jaw. “We can eat something good after you win.”

“Yes, coach.” She swallows.

“I have to call Anastasia about her program back home.” He says and Karina huffs subtly through her nose.


This year, Karina’s turning nineteen and it’s practically the expiry age for Russian figure skaters. Once she’s trained hard enough and won as much as she can, there will always be another being prepared for her spot. Anastasia is thirteen and she’s one of Karina’s juniors.


She’s seen Anastasia on the ice and she’s a godsend.


Karina wonders just how disposable she is to her coach.


“I’ll take my leave now.” Her coach pulls her closer by the neck as he looks down at her with dark eyes. “In the meantime, I want you to keep practising until you can’t feel a thing.”


He pulls away and Karina clenches her fists by her side.


“Yes, coach.” She says.

“Good girl.” He says before turning away to be on his merry way.


Karina turns back to the ice and restarts her routine— perfecting each mistake like a machine.


She falls,






And another.


The ice burns through her leggings and dress shirt when she slides across the ice like bambi again. This time, she can’t feel her limbs. With a shuddering breath, she gets up slowly and does another axel jump, but she misses her footing and crashes to the ice cold ground like a plane.


There’s a familiar ache in her leg and she curses herself in her mind.


She slides across the ice and her body stiffens— finally feeling the cold of the ice rink seep into her body. Her breathing is shaky and her hair is all over the ice. Her dress shirt is getting soaked and so are her leggings.


She feels small, weak, and young.


There is a warmth trickling down her nose and dotting the ice— Karina knows yet she doesn’t want to look.

She doesn’t know how long she’s there, sprawled across the ice like a corpse. The time goes by and her eyes flutter close. She feels each tweak in her bones, she feels the strains of her muscles, the hunger, the blood rushing to her head— and the cold.


It’s so cold.


“...Karina?” She hears the unmistakable voice that haunts her in her dreams and in her wake— it makes her want to cry. “Karina!”


Winter rushes onto the ice in her old beaten up converses and it surprises her when she doesn’t slip and slide at all. She runs and she’s on her knees pulling Karina into her, cradling her body.


“Hey, hey - Karina!” Winter’s eyes are filled with panic. Winter turns her over as she sits on her bottom, extending her legs. She pulls Karina up onto her lap and brushes the wet hair from Karina’s face. Karina’s face is stark white and her nose is bleeding.


Karina’s eyes flutter open and close as she looks up at Winter. She’s delirious at this point, but when she feels Winter’s warm hand on her face, she smiles at the paradox and almost cries.


“What happened? How long have you been here like that?” Winter’s voice shakes and Jimin leans into Winter’s hand.

“I’m cold…” Karina shivers and Winter takes off her jacket quickly, putting it on Karina to allow some sort of transfer of heat.


Karina feels the warmth of the lining of Winter’s jacket and smells the familiar scent of spring. She’s too tired to cry, so she smiles.


“We have to get up and get you help, Karina.” Winter swallows thickly— mind and body full of panic because she’s never expected to see the Russian skater in a state like this.

Minjeong-ah.” Karina only looks up with a soft expression and Winter’s heart stutters. “I’m tired...”


Karina’s eyes grow heavier and she closes them.


“Karina? Karina?!” Winter slaps Karina’s face gently and her eyes flutter as she tries to stay awake. “C’mon - you can’t fall asleep on me - Jimin!”


It’s dark.


Where had the cold gone?



Karina wakes to a steady beeping like of a machine. Her eyes open and she finds herself staring up at a white tiled ceiling.


She’s in the hospital.


She swallows and feels the dry rasp of a voice unused.


She gets up and feels her body ache in every way possible. She groans and she tries to move her hand, but feels a weight on it. She looks down and sees Winter clutching onto her left hand and sleeping on it.


She smiles softly.


She hears footsteps near her room and her blood runs cold— fearing that it’s her coach and team, but she relaxes when she sees that it is Winter’s coach, and her previous coach, Seulgi, who enters her room.


“Hey, you’re awake.” Seulgi smiles warmly and Karina nods.

“C-could I get some water, please?” She asks and Seulgi’s quick to pour water into a plastic cup for her.


Karina uses her other hand and brings the cup shakily to her lips.


“Could I have my phone?” She asks after she finishes her drink. Seulgi gives it to her and she quickly looks at her phone. There aren't any missed calls or new messages. She slumps in relief and Seulgi notices.

“How long have I been out for?” She asks.

“A little over two hours.” Seulgi says and Karina nods.


Karina looks over at Winter and instinctively runs her hands through her hair. Winter doesn’t stir at all and Karina is thankful to remember that Winter has always been a deep sleeper.


“How long has she been here?” Karina asks without looking away.

“The whole time.” Seulgi says, leaning back into the seat beside Karina’s bed— the one on the opposite side of Winter.

“She was really scared, y’know?” Seulgi says quietly and Karina looks up. “When she found you there and when you closed your eyes, she screamed for me and we both carried you out.”

“I’m sorry.” Karina apologies for some reason.

“You have nothing to apologise for.” Seulgi says softly, patting her head gently. Karina melts at the touch.


Karina lingers when she looks over at Winter. Her lips are slightly parted as she sleeps— still desperately clinging onto Karina’s hand. Her skin is as fair as Karina remembers and her brows crease tensely as she sleeps. Karina wonders if she’s thinking about earlier in her mind as she sleeps.


“Where was your coach?” Seulgi asks.

“He had something to do so he left earlier.” Karina says.

“And he told you to keep practising after that?” Seulgi asks with her brows furrowed and Karina nods.

“Karina, that’s-”

“I know.” She cuts her off quietly. She swallows thickly. “I know.”


The room grows quiet and only the beeping of the ECG machine, and Winter’s gentle breathing can be heard.


“Why then?” Seulgi asks into the quiet.

“If you had asked me that years earlier, I think I would’ve had something to answer.” Karina answers. “But now… I don’t know anymore. I don’t remember anymore.”

“You’re still human at the end of the day, Karina.” Seulgi tells her and it threatens an onslaught of tears to spill, but Karina holds it in and only smiles.

“I haven’t been human for a long time.” She says and Seulgi frowns.


A knock is brought to the door and they both snap their heads to it.


“I have Ms Yudovich’s discharge papers.” The nurse says.

“Thanks. I’ll sign them.” Seulgi says.

“Wait.” She stops Seulgi.

“You didn’t tell my coach or anyone else, right?” She asks and Seulgi smiles gently.

“No. Just me and Minjeong.” Seulgi says and Karina nods in relief.

“Thank you.” She utters before Seulgi exits to settle the papers.


Just as Karina relaxes and leans back into the cushions, Winter begins to stir awake.


“Good sleep?” Karina chuckles and Winter blinks at her without a word.

“Winter…?” Karina blinks.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” It’s the way that Winter starts off so calmly that Karina is startled. “I don’t even know where to start.” She huffs, starting to grow angry. “How can you be so careless like that? When you’re tired, sit, lie down - take a nap for god’s sake!”


Winter’s anger is bubbling as she can no longer stay seated. She gets up from the chair beside Jimin’s hospital bed and begins pacing at the foot of the bed.


“I get that you’re not my Jimin anymore and you’re some hotshot Russian skater now-” Winter huffs. “But please! You’re a person, Karina. You’re a human. You’re fragile, you get sick, you bleed, your body hurts, so please - I am begging you to rest.”


Karina’s tears finally spill and Winter stares at her— like really stares at her. Stares at her because this is someone she hasn’t seen in years and she doesn’t even remember if Karina allowed her to speak to her like that in the first place.


They’re not the same people they used to be anymore.


But deep down, they’re still kids and they’re still Jimin and Minjeong.


“I’m sorry.” Winter sighs as she walks back to the side of Karina’s bed and brings her into a hug. She presses Karina’s head against her stomach as she whispers sweet nothings.

“I’m sorry too.” Karina wets the front of Winter’s shirt with her tears.


They don’t know how long they’ve been hugging like that but Karina grows warm against Winter’s stomach and she finds her voice again.


“...I’m still your Jimin.” She says quietly— so quietly that she thinks Winter doesn’t hear her. “I always have been… if you’ll have me, Minjeong.”

Minjeong swallows and she freezes slightly.


“Girls?” Seulgi’s voice returns and they break apart quickly.


Minjeong sits back down and Karina leans back in her bed.

“Yes?” Karina swallows.

Seulgi comes over and she sits on the space beside Karina’s legs on the bed and sighs.


“When they were testing you and searching you for injuries…” Seulgi says and Karina knows. “You’ve got a leg injury, Karina.”

“I… I know.” Karina swallows. “I sprained my ankle a couple years back.”

“Did it heal fully?” Seulgi asks and Karina wants to lie. She hesitates and then she shakes her head.

“It hasn’t bothered me.” Karina says instead.

“But it’s still an untreated injury.” Seulgi says sternly. “You don’t know what it’s going to do to you if you twist the wrong way or put weight on it.”


Karina looks away and Seulgi sighs.


“If you won’t admit it, then please take my advice.” Seulgi pats her knee gently. “Rest - even if it’s for a day.”

“I will.” Karina nods.


“You’re reckless.” Minjeong tells her and she smiles softly.

“I know.” She says.

“We can’t convince you to sit out at the olympics?” Minjeong asks and Karina shakes her head.

“No way.” Karina says.

“Fine.” Minjeong sighs. “Then I’ll be watching you from now on.”
“Suddenly you don’t care about news outlets?” Karina smirks.

“I don’t care anymore.” Minjeong is determined. “I only care about you.”


Karina’s heart stutters and she blinks— feeling the blood rush back into her cheeks.


“We should get you home, where are you staying?” Seulgi asks.


Karina’s been staying at a hotel, so Seulgi drives Karina back and Winter sits in the backseat, glancing at Karina from the gaps beside the passenger seat.


They pull to a stop and they both walk Karina up to the hotel. Winter lingers as they take the elevator and walk down the hallway to Karina’s room.


Karina lingers too, keycard in hand but she doesn’t make another move.


Karina turns around and looks Winter in the eye.


Winter speaks with her eyes and hopes Karina can hear her.


Ask me to stay,

Ask me to stay,

Ask me to—


“Can Winter stay with me?” Karina asks and Winter bites down on her bottom lip— silencing herself.

“Of course she can. I’m not her keeper.” Seulgi snorts before pushing Winter forward. “She’s all yours.”

“Thanks, coach. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Winter waves as Seulgi begins to descend down the hallway.

“See ya!” Seulgi beams.

“Thank you!” Karina calls out.


Seulgi disappears and Karina pulls Winter into her room.


They get ready for bed and Karina lends a pair of pyjamas that are a few sizes too big as the moment Winter has it on, Karina laughs when the collar slides down on one shoulder and the pants reach the ground, covering her feet.


“Not funny.” Winter whines and Karina just calls her cute.


Karina and Winter lay side by side on Karina’s bed— facing each other in the night with only the light from outside the window illuminating some of their features.


“I’m glad you came back to me, Jimin.” Minjeong says quietly and Jimin grins.

“I’m glad I did too.” Jimin says, latching onto Minjeong’s hand under the covers.


They don’t really say much that night, only admiring each other quietly.


When Minjeong begins to lean in and so does Jimin— Jimin stops and smiles.


“Not yet.” She whispers.



Minjeong wakes up alone the next morning, but there is a sticky note plastered to her forehead. She grabs it and adjusts her eyes until she can make up what it says.


I didn’t go missing, I went to a study room at the nearby library!

I have a work meeting to get back to,

I’ll come back soon <3


Minjeong snorts before getting up.


She brushes her teeth with the spare things Jimin had given her last night and freshens up— putting the clothes she had on yesterday on.


The front door opens and Jimin comes back up with glasses on and a dress shirt with a pair of slacks. She has a bag off on shoulder and her laptop sticks out of it.


“What was the meeting about?” Minjeong asks.

“Something.” Jimin shrugs cryptically, putting her things away.

“Okay, well it was nice being with you - but I gotta bounce.” Minjeong says and Jimin pouts slightly.

“Right, the Olympics are coming up.” Jimin nods. “You’ll be practising at the national training centre?”

“Yeah.” Minjeong nods.

“I’ll be there too.” Jimin smiles.

“I’ll see you then.” Minjeong smiles.


Jimin pulls her into a long hug before bidding goodbyes and Seulgi comes to pick Minjeong up.



It’s days later and it’s the olympics.


The crowd is wild and there are competitors coming in and out of the place. Minjeong spots her teammates and heads over to them with Seulgi in tow.


“Win!” Ningning hugs her tightly and Aeri comes bouncing over too.

“Are you ready for today?” Aeri asks her Winter smiles but she shakes her head.

“ting bricks right now.” Minjeong says and Aeri frowns.

“Real nice, Minjeong.” Ningning snorts and Minjeong shrugs innocently.


Minjeong looks around and sees Karina speaking to her coach in hushed tones and it seems to be an aggravated conversation. She feels as if she’s intruding, so she looks away and turns back to her teammates.


Minjeong doesn’t know how quickly the time passes but she hears her name through the speakers and her muscles tense up fairly quickly.


“Buckle up.” Seulgi pats her shoulder and she grins wryly.


She shrugs off her jacket and reveals a costume coloured a pure white. It is almost translucent and it cuts open her midriff, with pieces of ruffled fabric at her sleeves and skirt. She resembles one with the cold and Winter thinks it’s all too fitting for her image and for her song choice.


‘The lakes (Winter's song)’


Winter skates onto the ice and she doesn’t begin at the centre. She starts off at the side and the lights dim as the crowd quietens down.


She begins and she glides across the ice with her mind emptied and body relaxed.


She goes through her program with ease and she prepares for the triple toe and triple loop combo she had been practising.


She does it perfectly and the crowd cheers.

She allows her the slight lilt of the corner of her lips and she smiles subtly.


As she nears the end of her routine, she skates and spins with speed and she doesn’t attempt to see Jimin, but Minjeong knows that wherever she is, she’s watching her.


She closes her eyes for a moment before her grand jump and she imagines Jimin right in front of her. Unchanging and everlastingly beautiful.


There is so much love Minjeong still has for Jimin and she won’t hold back anymore.


She jumps.


“Look at that delayed axel from Kim!” The crowd screams as they watch Winter flawlessly hang in the air before dropping down like a feather.


Winter finishes off and she’s proud of her score. She returns to her side where her coach and the other competitors are waiting.


She sees Karina and she walks up to her first.

“Hey!” Winter beams.

“You were amazing.” Karina says softly and Winter blushes.

“Thank you - I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do.” Winter gushes and Karina smiles at her fondly.


Karina tries to pass Winter but she stumbles at a sleight of hand and Winter catches it.


“Woah, what was that?” Winter moves in front of her to block her path.

“What was what?” Karina smiles at her— feigning ignorance.

“You just limped.” Winter points out.

“Didn’t notice.” Karina shrugs nonchalantly and Winter grabs her by the shoulder to hold her in place.

“You cannot be serious.” Winter huffs. “Your leg’s still injured isn’t it?”

“What’s an injury going to do to me? Everyone’s skated with an injury before.” She says and Winter frowns.

“Yeah but not this kind of injury.” Winter huffs. “You’re seconds away from a fractured leg or a torn ACL.”


Karina only looks at her with a small smile and then it clicks in Winter’s head— about why she isn’t worried at all about her injury.


“You already know… and you’re going to compete like that?” Winter says and Karina’s still looking at her like this. “Jimin, no you can’t-”

“Can I trust me to fall back on you?” Karina interrupts.

“What?” Winter blinks.

“Can I put my trust in you? Will you be my fool-proof plan?” Karina asks and Winter is suddenly dazed.

“Jimin, what on earth are you going on about?” Winter sputters.

“Can I trust you?” Karina asks again with a grin.

“Yeah - of course.” Winter blinks.

“Do you trust me?” Karina asks.

“I do.” Winter doesn’t hesitate.

“Then trust me when I say I’m going to compete and I’m going to win beside you again.” Karina grins like the Cheshire cat and Winter feels her heart stutter in her chest.

“Fine, but you’re crazy.” Winter shakes her head.

“Crazy for you, Minjeongie.” Karina whispers and Winter blushes.


“Karina Yudovich!” The announcer calls out.


“That’s my cue.” Karina smiles.

“Okay. Break a leg.” Winter tells her.

“I will.” Karina drops her jacket and Winter’s jaw drops as her eyes widen comically.


“Welcome to the rink, Russia’s very own black swan - oh, but it looks like Yudovich is trading her black swan image for a graceful blue butterfly in this routine!” The announcer booms and everyone gasps in astonishment at Karina's unreal beauty.


Karina has traded in her dark make-up and black feathers for an intricate light blue costume, resembling a flower or a butterfly. She has on light make-up with jewels at the corners of her eyes. The fabric of her costume flows when she skates onto the ice.


She skates to the centre of the ice rink and shuts her eyes for a moment. She takes a long breath in from and releases it through her nose.


She pictures herself in the air— fighting against gravity and she sees something kind, young and worthwhile. She is not a black swan no— because tonight, she is a butterfly.


The lights dim and the crowd is silenced when the music begins to reverberate throughout the arena.


‘Not strong enough (Karina's song)’


Karina begins and her movements are languid— one with her body and mind.


Her program flies through without a hitch and Karina ignores the throb in her leg— shifting a little more weight onto her other leg.


Karina lands a quad flip like a feather and the crowd goes wild.


The song begins to hit its and Karina gains speed against the rink– she hears her heart in her ears, beating, and beating— faster and faster.


She closes her eyes and the world freezes for a moment in time– slowly down to a stop as Karina’s thoughts scream in her mind.



“Yu Jimin?” The police officer stands up with his hat over his chest as Jimin enters the school office.

“Yes?” Jimin swallows. She’s fourteen, she’s not dumb but at the sight of this, Jimin wishes for nothing more than to be young and unknowledgeable.

“You’re parents are Yu Ji-tae and Yu In-na?” He asks and Jimin nods.

“I regret to inform you…”



She sees Minjeong looking at her so gently— her heart breaks when she knows she’s chosen an entirely different path that strays her away from Minjeong.


Minjeong is safe, she is warm but Jimin will ruin her and she can’t do it, not when Minjeong looks at her like she hung the stars in the sky.


Jimin thinks if she was a little more brave and if it was ever possible, she would hang the moon for Minjeong too.



Karina feels her coach glowering at her but she stands strong and still like a statue.


“I want my contract to be terminated.” She says. “I’m nineteen soon and that’s retirement for me in your head, right?”

“You’ll be throwing it all to waste.” He says and Karina scoffs.

“I won’t be throwing anything away.” Karina speaks strongly. “I’m injured, in case you’ve forgotten. It’s only a matter of time something will happen and you’ll dispose of me so easily, since Anastasia is preparing to take over.”

“I take you in and train you into this machine, and this is what I get in return?” He scoffs and Karina clenches her jaw.

“All you did was give me a new name, abuse me for years on end, and now I know my rights so I’m fighting back.” She says and it angers him.


He smirks.

“Have you forgotten that I must sign for you to be able to terminate your contract with me?” He says, thinking he has the upper hand.


“Then I’ll strike a deal.” She proposes.

“I win gold for you and Russia at the Olympics and then you let me go.” She says and he falters.


When he doesn’t have a rebuttal or anything to say to that, Karina smirks and she finishes the meeting cleanly.



Karina’s thoughts are silenced when she opens her eyes.


She pushes herself off the ice and then she’s in the air— twisting like a torpedo and she soars like a newborn butterfly crawling out of its cocoon.


“A textbook perfect quadruple lutz from Yudovich!” The announcer doesn't hesitate to say.


The crowd screams and Karina does her signature move back when she was younger— she pushes off the ice with her skate and she jumps— rolling her hips as she kicks her legs up into a split.


She does a butterfly jump and she sets the crowd even wilder.


“Holy .” Minjeong gasps, eyes unblinking.

“Our nabi.” Seulgi joins her side. “She’s back.”


She’s returned to her own skin,

She’s Yu Jimin—

Korea’s very own blue butterfly.


Karina comes to a stop and she bows as roses are thrown onto the ice for her. She looks up and her eyes search for Minjeong. She finds Minjeong jumping up and down with tears in her eyes and Jimin begins to cry too.


She rushes off the ice and runs straight to Minjeong— throwing caution to the wind.


Minjeong catches her gracefully and Jimin sobs into Minjeong’s shoulder as the younger girl holds her by the waist.


“I did it, Minjeong.. I did it.” Jimin breathes out and Minjeong smiles proudly as she hugs Jimin tightly.


Thye pull apart and they feel the heat of hundreds of camera flashes on them, but they pay no mind to it.


Minjeong wipes Jimin’s tears away with her warmed up hands and Jimin grins into the touch.


“You’re incredible, Jimin.” Minjeong tells her softly and Jimin’s resolve crumbles.


“I love you.” Jimin doesn’t hesitate.


Minjeong’s eyes widen and her heart doesn’t stutter. She’s been waiting for this moment and she’d be damned if anything tries to ruin it for her again.


She pulls Jimin in by the back of her neck and kisses her. Their lips mould together soundly and perfectly, like they were always meant for each other.


Minjeong pulls away with a megawatt grin.


“I love you too.” She says.


Jimin laughs wetly before pulling Minjeong into another hug.


This time, she has no thoughts of ever letting her go again because she’s finally free.




Karina Yudovich places gold at the Olympics!


Winter Kim places silver at the Olympics!


Karina and Winter celebrate their win at the Olympics with a heated kiss and a teary reunion!


Karina Yudovich terminates her exclusive contract with Russia’s star coach and team as she returns home to Korea!


Korea’s new figure skating teammate goes by the name Yu Jimin and she’s their blue butterfly! … Fans may recognise her previously as Karina Yudovich.


Yu Jimin and Kim Winter announced their relationship on their SNS!










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154 streak #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Absolutely beautiful, their love is pure
Chapter 1: beautiful!!
279 streak #3
Chapter 1: wow 🤧👏🫶😌
Chapter 1: This is just so good it makes me want to cry 🥺
Gyeolui #5
Beautiful story 👏👏👏
22 streak #6
Chapter 1: Wow!
Chapter 1: I can’t express how much I love this story and I’m really glad that it was written so perfectly by you. Thank you so much for all your works. I’ve only started reading a few of them and I absolutely adore every single one. I hope to read more from you, author. 💕
720 streak #8
Chapter 1: THIS IS SOOOO GOOD 😭🙌🏻 🦋
mina_sr_my #9
Chapter 1: oh my god!!! this was very delightful to read! i love love looove stories like this. thank you for sharing it with us, author! <3
Kannakobayashi09 #10
Chapter 1: ♥️♥️♥️