Who's Bae Joohyun

When all the fun and games run out
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A/N: I know, the very last thing that I need to be doing is starting anything new. But you must when inspiration strikes and if I don’t at least start it will be difficult to either remember the plot/or start at all. So yeah, please bear with me, I think this might be a good read or at least I hope so. Thank you everyone for giving it a chance.




From the very first time Bae Joohyun stole the opposing team’s flag, moved her chess pieces across the board for a perfect checkmate, or collected her first cash prize from a poker game. She just couldn’t get enough of the euphoria of winning. The thrill it brought to constantly be on top, and she very much liked the idea of the game. As she grew older, she found that it didn’t matter what sort of game, all that she cared about was not losing.


Joohyun just never counted on meeting someone who played by similar rules. She never expected to be thrown off her own game, so to speak. Joohyun never thought she’d meet someone quite like Kang Seulgi.


What was that saying again, it was all fun and games until someone got hurt?


Fortunately for Joohyun she didn’t plan on getting hurt.



For most people, if they were asked to recall one of their most pleasant memories from childhood. They’d probably be able to think of a memory that might involve their first Christmas, or birthday party with friends, maybe even the way they felt when having a taste of ice cream.


Bae Joohyun wasn’t like most people.


Her fondest childhood memory was of the time she won a game of tic-tac-toe. Something childish and simple, but it was her most powerful memory. The memory of putting that final X on the square, the rush of excitement knowing she had won the game, and realizing that feeling that more games like this could be won too. Once she experienced that she didn’t want to ever let such a feeling go. Joohyun liked winning. She liked it very much, and applied that winners mentality to practically every aspect of her adult life. Whether it was a job promtion she wanted, a casual game amongst friends she wasn’t about to lose, or just simply alligning herself with whatever the winning team might look like, whatever that might end up meaning.


It was a mindframe that had worked well for her. One that Joohyun didn’t feel she needed to change. Why fix something that wasn’t broken, right?



“Hey, are you even listening to me?”


Of course, Joohyun had heard the question. If someone is desperate enough to come back to your table, after you ignored them the first time, then naturally you’ve heard them. She supposed she was going to have to put this poor fool out of his misery sooner or later.


After she had another sip of her cosmpolitan first.


“Can I ask why you came back?” Joohyun asked seriously. She doesn’t understand the point of humiliating oneself on a serious note. It’s one thing to have some dignity and recgonize when another person had no interest in you. This was just pathetic to the point Joohyun didn’t even find it funny.


The man looked confused by her question? Isn’t it obvious why he came back? He clearly wanted to talk to her, hopefully get her number, perhaps take her out on date? He hopes she’s not stupid on top of how obviously beautiful she is. That’s part of why he even came over to the woman sitting all alone in this bar, because of how stunning she was. He honestly felt mesmerized by that cold and indifferent strare, with those long wavy dark locks, and gorgeous brown eyes. He just needed to know her name, and that’s why he was here once again.


“I wanted to get your number. Maybe we can get out of this bar and…”


Yes, it was definitely time to put this fool out of his misery right now.


“I like .” The words leave effortlessly. “You have nothing that could possibly interest me, so if you don’t mind. I’d like to be alone, thank you.”


“I….” Now, she smiled for the first time. His stunned reaction before backing up and walking off might have been worth it. She almost wished she had taken a picture if for no reason but to laugh at his face.


“Damn, Joohyun. Did you have to wreck the man that badly?” Someone laughed and sat down in the empty seat beside her. Okay, so maybe she also lied to the man about wanting to be alone. She just wanted him to get the hint and back away from her. Joohyun had come to the bar with her sister-in-law, Seungwan. Mostly since Seungwan practically called and begged her to come. Joohyun has no problem with a bar, a good drink, and laughing her of at stupid men who can’t take a hint. She also enjoys spending time with her sister-in-law. With that being said, Joohyun can still think of other places she’d rather be than here right now.


“What, I didn’t lie to him. I do like . Anyway, I thought you were getting another drink?”


Seungwan nodded and gestured to the riddiculously long line at the bar. That had been her plan to order herself another martini, but that line was insane.


“What the heck? We could have had drinks at your house, you know. Yerim was a bartender.” She mentions her sister and Seungwan’s wife, who from her memory is a great bartender even to this day, though she isn’t offically working in that capacity anymore.


“I know, Yerimie is a bartender. I just had to get out the house tonight. Don’t get me wrong, I love her so much, of course.”


“But?” Joohyun raises an eyebrow to Seungwan, knowing there’s a but in there somwhere. Why else would she have begged her this much to get of the house to come to some random bar? When she has a perfectly great house, with a cool wife that can make free drinks at home?


“She’s having a poker game at home with her best friend Sooyoung and some of their friends. I needed some me time, Yerimie understood. It’s not like we have to be together 24/7 just because we got married.”


“Did she kick you out?”


“What!” Seungwan looks stunned, her glasses nearly falls off her face in a comical way. Joohyun knows her sister and maybe she might not have necessarily kicked Seungwan out of the house in the way she’s imagining. But whose to say she hadn’t nicely asked her wife to leave? Anything is possible at this point. Either way, Joohyun is suspicious and is treating everything that Seungwan is saying with caution.


“Well, did she?”


“No, of course not. I wanted a nice evening out with my favorite sister-in-law. Is that a problem?”


Now Joohyun frowns. She calls bull when sees it, family or no family. “For the record, you are my only sister-in-law.”


“That’s why you’re my favorite, of course!” She immediately moves to hug Joohyun and though the hug isn’t exactly rejected. Seungwan is sure she’s only digging herself into a hole, and has to figure a way out of It soon.


“You mean I could have been at your house playing a game of poker? Instead at this bar right now.”


“I thought I told you I wanted a nice evening out with my sister-in-law? What about that, hm?”


“I’d rather be playing poker.”


“Oh, ouch, Joohyun. Lucky for you I know you’re teasing. That’s okay, what you need is another drink and maybe someone cute to hit on you this time. Perhaps not reeking of too much cologone and can take a hint.” Seungwan smiles in relief when Joohyun does seem to smile a bit.


“It’s okay, Seungwan. I figure Yerim doesn’t want me there to beat everyone and take all their money. Am I right?”


“Of course not! You have an overactive imagintion. You need a drink. That’s it, I’m going to get you a drink right now. What are you having, another cosmo?” She gestures to the now empty glass on the table.


“No, I’m good. Thanks though, Seungwan.”


“Are you sure? It’s my treat. I did drag you out here after all.”


Joohyun could have reminded her that technically no one makes her do anything she doesn’t want to. Instead, she thanks Seungwan for the offer of a second drink, but declines once again. She might not get a true explanation as to why she’s here at this bar tonight, it no longer matters. What’s done is done and Joohyun is also not the sort of person to dwell on the what if’s either.


“You’re a braver woman than me for going to wait on that long line, Wan.”


Seungwan chuckles. “I think people are trying to check out the bartender or something. I heard some whispers she was cute. Anyways, are you going to be okay by yourself? Not that I’m all that worried about you, you’re scary enough to keep people away. No offense!”


“None taken.” She’s been told a time or two that she has a resting face, and that was putting it nicely. However, one thing that most people fail to realize about Bae Joohyun is that she doesn’t much care what people think about her. That’s why she doesn’t take things said personally.


“Alright, good. I’ll be right back and after I finish my drink. Please let me treat you to dinner. As an apology? I feel bad now that you aren’t having a good time.”


“No, don’t feel bad, Seungwan. Maybe next time convince Yerim to let me in her poker game and we can call it even?”


“Oh…” The way Seungwan smiles uneasily lets Joohyun know all she needs to know. She isn’t sure if she’s offended that Yerim sent her wife out here to busy in a manner of speaking. Or if she’s flattered her sister is worried that she’d win the game and take all their money? Either way it felt conflicting. “Yeah, sure, Joohyun! You got it.”


Seungwan walks away quickly then and Joohyun shakes her head before calling after the bespectacled woman. “That didn’t sound convicing.”


Oh well, what could she do? She was here at this bar instead of possibly having a great time beating everyone at a poker game. Joohyun figures she might as well make the most of this Friday evening. Luckily for Bae Joohyun she always knew how to make her own fun wherever she went.


She wasn’t too worried.



There was nothing quite lik

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17 streak #1
Chapter 1: Joohyun is addicted to winning. Doesn't matter what game she plays, she has to claim the prize whatever it could be.

She also is charming and scary at the same time. But she has never met an equal. Someone she would like to play the game with.

Until Seulgi appeared. Joohyun unleashed her inner gamer by asking that one simple question.

Their chemistry is amazing, also love the inclusion of other Red Velvet members and their roles in the story.
Yoonchoding07 #2
Chapter 1: authornim, please comeback.
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: Where are u now author nim🥺
loveinsoshi #4
Chapter 1: Omg waiting for the continuation this is gonna be funny i feel it alr
Chapter 1: Curious how will their story unfold 🤭 Hoping for next chapter soon, author! 💗💛
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: was really curious where Seulgi would come in. initially thought it would be the bar tender, then also thought probably one of the friends over at Yeri's for game night...

lo and behold, Seulgi's the cop and would seem at a high ranking one at that. Joohyun really can never resist Seulgi. looking forward fort he next chapter. :)
73 streak #7
Chapter 1: Ksjsjsjs exciting!!! SEATED
shinchan222 #8
Chapter 1: Oohh intresting, I like this. Looking forward to the next update!
928 streak #9
Chapter 1: Ohhh now this is interesting!!! I think this is a new character for Joohyun in your past and ongoing au authornim 🤔 And now I'm excited for how this story to unfold 😉😁
born10966 #10
Chapter 1: Oh Lord. Joohyun go straight to the point. I'm excited for next chapter.
Thanks for the update Author Nim