Reborn Young

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When Yoona got into an accident, she finds her self walking up in someone's body. 




"Thanks for the breakfast, Omma. See you tonight." Without waiting for a response, Yoona hurriedly headed out of her apartment while a sandwich is sticking out of . She reached the lift in no time but had to wait a little while until it opened. She is surprised that it was loaded with stuff and a delivery man is standing on the side.


"I... I'm sorry." The man hold the door open before he started picking up the stuff out of it.


Yoona figured it was for the new neighbor next door. But she doesn't have time to help. "I'm in a hurry. I'm so sorry." So she apologized and bowed before she headed to the emergency stairs instead. While walking down the stairs in a hurry, her phone vibrates under her pocket. She pressed the button on her airport in her right ear only to answer the call. "I'm on way. But... it may take a while for me to come. I'm using the stairs right now." She informed knowing exactly who was on the next line.


[Ha! Likewise. Did you bring an umbrella?] Seohyun softly asks.


"Um, nope."


[You didn't check the weather again?]


"Why? It's going to rain? We're in the middle of Spring."


[Yeah, that's why you should check it. You know this Global warming is changing weather oftentimes.]


She chuckled softly. "You're a science teacher indeed." She finally reached the first floor and had to rest for a while to catch her breath.


[Yoong, it's started raining.]


"It is? But you have an umbrella." She wasn't worried at all. Resuming her walk, she smiled giddily immediately when she spotted Seohyun outside, waiting for her. She ends the call and jogs toward her with a tight hug behind her.


"Yah." Seohyun chuckled, as she look behind her. "We're going to be late." She playfully push her face off of her when she tried to kiss her on her cheek.


Giggling, Yoona can't resist and pinch her girlfriend's cheek. "I thought you have an umbrella? Where is it?" 


"It's in my bag, of course. We're waiting for a taxi though. Already called one." Seohyun shared as she check them on her wristwatch. "It should be here." And look from right to left.


"Was the driver stuck in traffic?" 


"There's no way. It's Wednesday and there are not many people going to the hotel." She is confident with it.


Yoona just nodded slowly. She look from left to right too and finally spotted a taxi cab slowly getting closer. "Is that it?" She pointed immediately.


"Oh, I think it is." Seohyun sends signals to the cab and it pulled over before them. Rushing to the door, the doe-eyed immediately opened the backseat for her and she could scoff as she stepped inside. "Royal Hotel please." she told the driver after Yoona followed her inside.


"Omo, aren't you Ms. Lim Yoona? That famous tennis player?" The driver recognized in getting excited. 


Yoona shyly smiled as she bowed her head. "Yes, Ahjussi."


"Can you get me a photograph, please?" The driver took a notebook from the compartment but realized he doesn't have a pen.


"Oh, I have a pen, Ahjussi." Seohyun noticed and hastily take out her fountain pen from her bag.


"Thank you, Miss."


Yoona smiled in amusement as she received the notebook and the pen from her girlfriend. "What's your name, Ahjussi?" She asked softly.


"Kim Heechul." The latter smiled brightly. "I'm a fan ever since you started in your junior year in our Tennis National Team. I knew you will go this far. Congrats on your recent gold medal."


"Chincha? My pleasure to meet you, Sir. And thank you so much." Yoona smiled brightly and finally wrote his name and a small greeting before she signed it. She gives the notebook back and the pen to the young brunette next to her.


Heechul then started the engine and drives off happily. 


"You just made someone's day the happiest." Seohyun whispered.


"Absolutely adorable." Yoona whispered back to her.


Just after thirty minutes of driving, they reach the hotel and the two of them rushed instantly to the lift. 


"What will you say when they ask what happened after the game?" Seohyun asks to prepare the doe-eyed from the reporters' questions.


"Well, I got excited and went straight to my coach. I wasn't really intending on offending my opponent. It was an honest mistake and I apologize for it." Yoona confidently answers. She's apparently on a hot buzz on social media after she didn't shake the hand of her opponent after the win.


"Good." A proud smile formed on Seohyun's lips. She fixed the older girl's hair and kissed her cheek. 


"No more questions?" Yoona wonders.


"What questions do you expect from them?"


"About how did I manage to beat Japan when she lead the game on the first set."


"I know what will you answer though, you're an expert with that." Seohyun replied and fixes her suit jacket as well. "You're good to go, Ms. Lim."


Pecking on her lips, Yoona then composed herself and stepped out of the lift confidently the moment it opened. Flashes of lights from cameras greeted her and Seohyun as she walk to the waiting couch. She shakes hands with her coach and other coaches of the National Team before she went to the couch where a reporter is waiting.


Meanwhile, Seohyun went to the back at the center and took photos of the doe-eyed while everyone's now taking photos as well. She stopped for a while and listen to her answers to every single question from the interviewer and the media until one interesting question got everyone quiet as Yoona pause to think. Her heart is beating fast while she waits for her answer to the question: If you can only choose one between love and a career, what would you choose?


Yoona suddenly finds her eyes and it made her even more nervous.


"I don't think I could choose one when I both love my career and the person I love right now." Then she finally answered which lead to photographers keep flashing their cameras as her smile is directed at her.


Seohyun slowly nodded as she giddily smiled. She's proud of her answer. Their relationship is not known to many but she feels like she has confessed to the public that she's someone. 


"May we know who is this person?" One of the interviewers asked curiously.


"I'd love to keep it as the person is a private person unlike me. Let's respect someone's privacy." Yoona answered politely. 


With more questions being thrown at her, Seohyun decided to take a break and went to their buffet. While choosing what to eat, she heard phone chimes a couple of times before she decided to check it. Her eyes couldn't believe the messages she was reading; Two of the Tennis National Team members are stuck inside the building that caught on fire. 


She turned and finds everyone on the phone, especially the coaches. Yoona finds out through her coach and she watches as her girlfriend sprinted outside while everyone is exiting the room. She followed them in a hurry but couldn't get into the lift. She called Yoona but the latter is not answering. She brushed it off and went to the emergency stairs rather than waiting for the lift, joining the other media members.



Being stuck in traffic has never been that stressful for Seohyun but for the first time, she's like her life is on the line thinking of her girlfriend. She doesn't know but knowing her, she could make decisions recklessly and she's not there with her.


Her worries are on another level and it's suddenly hard to breathe. She opened the window of the cab and take her time to breathe carefully.


'I swear to god, Im Yoona, I'm going to kill you if you hurt yourself.' She thought as she took a deep breath in for a couple of seconds and exhaled so loud.


"Are you okay, Miss?" The driver got her attention.


"Y-yes. It's just... this traffic is giving me so much stress. I need to reach my destination as soon as possible, Ahjussi."


"You're going to where the fire is, aren't you? I think this is why we're having traffic. So many fire trucks need the way first. I'm sorry."


"It's okay, Ahjussi." She smiled briefly and looked out of the window. "The sky is slowly getting dark again, I hope it rains."


"Yeah, it will greatly help the firefighters." The driver took a look outside too and agrees with her.


She sighs as she leaned her back comfortably to the seat. She decided to stay and be patient. Either way, she can't do anything about the traffic. And if she goes on foot, it's still so far.


After an hour and a half, she reached the national team's building where the fire is going. It was like a scene in a movie, she doesn't know where to go as people are rushing here and there, especially the firefighters. There's a media covering the fire, families, and friends, shouting and screaming their loved ones' names. 


"Yoong... where is she? Did... did anyone see Im Yoona?" She asked no one in particular but hoped one of them will answer her.


But it seems everyone is busy that she was unheard and suddenly rescuers and leaving the building with stretchers. Each has a person, having a hard time to breath. She tried to look for her girlfriend on them but there are families that would immediately recognize their loved ones. 


Moments later, rescuers brought a stretcher that has a white cloth covering the body. Her heart instantly drops as she anxiously stopped them from going. She shakily opened the cloth slowly only to find Yoona, looking lifeless. "Andwae... andwae... Yoona, wake up... wake upppp. IM YOONAAAAA!!!"








Slowly opening his heavy eyelids, one boy is slowly gaining consciousness. He felt so light and dry in his throat as he tried to understand his surroundings.


'Where... am... I?' He had no idea what place he was in but he can faintly hear some beeping sound nearby. The oxygen mask on his mouth is retraining him to breathe properly and he unconsciously takes it off of him as he finds himself adjusting to the lights in the room. 


He close his eyes and open them slowly again for the next couple of minutes until he decided to sit up and look for some water he could drink. He can't take the dryness in his throat so he stepped out of bed. He hastily holds the bed the moment his strength failed him.


'Ugh, what kind of body is this... I've never felt this exhausted.' He is confused and suddenly noticed something. 'Ugh, why is something inside my undergarment?' he felt so weird so he decided to open his pants and immediately eyes widened in surprise. 'What the ? Why do I have p... ' He hastily headed to the comfort room and looked at himself in the mirror. "What the heck is happening, Im Yoona?" he touch his chest and realized his chest disappeared.


"Why are you in a... boy's body with... a young face? ANDWAAAEEEE!!!" Yoona couldn't believe what was happening and screamed at the top of his lungs.




Another yoonhyun focus fic that may end in 10 chapters.


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1131 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1131 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1131 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1131 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 351 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1131 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁