001. Blank Out

The Demon Within
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Lesson #1: Never drink your up.



The pain that shot through Baekhyun's system the moment he opened his eyes was almost unbearable to the point that he had a hard time moving around. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was half laying on the couch and half laying on the ground at this point.

Where was he?

He blinked with a wince when his empty mind tried to absorb his surroundings to conclude that he was nowhere but in his bedroom laying on the white couch upside down for whatever reason. Another seconds passed with him just thinking about a way to move and adjust into a proper sitting position without making it any more painful than it already was, though he wasn't even sure why he was hurt so much in the first place. His mind was literally blank that he started questioning what time it was and what the hell happened exactly.

The light coming from behind the curtains proved to him that it was either still early in the morning or almost sundown. He really couldn't tell the difference from his miserable and quesionable position as he counted to three under his breath and tried to move again.

Finally, after his fourth attempt, he found himself able to lay down onto the couch properly while breathing heavily as if moving around became one of the hardest tasks to do. Chuckling at himself while he's barely able to remember how he ended up like that proved to him that he wasn't in the right mindset. He probably did it again and it funny how his chuckle died down the moment he realized that he must have come back home wasted for God only knows how many times.Β 

The first question that popped in his mind was Haeri.

Did she see him?

Was that why he can't move properly? Because she managed to find out that he's been drinking and decided to knock some sense into his goddamn head?


Haeri would never lie a finger on him.

She definitely can't be the reason why he can't feel his bones right now.

That seemed to remind him that he needed to recall what the heck he'd gotten himself into as he tossed around and tried to pull himself into a sitting position, closing his eyes tightly when his head spun painfully once he sat up. He waited for the rush of memories of whatever the he'd been doing that led him to this to hit him but nothing came out. His mind was absolutely blank and he hated it.

He brought his hand up to push his hair out of his face only to freeze in utter shock.

There was blood on his hand.

His heart dropped to his knees when he noticed blood everywhere, on his arm, on his shirt, on his pants and even on his nape. The strong smell that's been annoying the hell out of him ever since he opened his eyes wasn't the smell of alcohol.

It was the smell of blood.

He almost leapt out of his skin when he heard the front door open, declaring that it was time for his mother to be home, which meant it was evening time.

Had he been knocked out the entire morning?Β 

He rushed to get his phone that was laying aimlessly onto the sky blue carpet, groaning in pure pain that shot from the back of his head. Had he been beaten up? Was that even his blood? Did he bleed that much? Holy , he wasn't even sure how he was able to function if the blood turns out to be his.

Upon checking his phone, he realized that it was already Saturday.

Last he remember was going for a night shift on Thursday.

How the heck did he skip Friday?

He literally couldn't recall a thing from the time between his night shift on Thursday and now that he woke up bleeding on Saturday evening.

Why the hell can't he remember anything in the first place?Β 

He tried to squeeze his brain to find some answers but it didn't work. He found himself wincing out of pain as he tried to straighten up, feeling his throat going dry when he heard the sound of heels clicking against the floor as his mother approached his room.

"Baekhyun?" She called out loud. "Are you home yet? I saw your shoes outside, how on earth could you leave your shoes outside? Have you lost your mind?"

He threw himself towards the door in attempt to close it before she could make it to his room but failed when he lost his balance and ended up landing face down onto the ground, earning a surprised yelp from Haeri who rushed to his doorstep to check on him.

"Are you okay?!"

Her scream was followed but utter silence before Baekhyun's loud groan echoed in the air as he eyed her shocked expression with half closed eyes, aware of the fact that he's been caught red handed by her at this point. Her wide eyes darted around the room that seemed to be a mess before glancing down at him again, eyeing his bloody clothes and horrible state in disbelief.

"What..." words caught in , feeling her entire body shake violently. "What happened... to you?"

Baekhyun felt his own heart beating out of his ribcage as he tried to straighten up again, feeling her eyes on him.

"Is that... your blood?" Haeri asked Β dropping her handbag to the ground out of shock before approaching him to help him stand still.

Baekhyun shook his head. "No... I mean... I don't know..."

She felt like passing out when she heard that, catching his arm and forcing him to face her. "What do you mean by that?"

Baekhyun's hands clasped around his head, closing his eyes with a painful groan.

"Baekhyun," she could smell alcohol coming off of his clothes. "I asked you a question."

He shook his head again. "I don't know... I swear I don't know anything."

"How is that even possible?" She wondered in disbelief. "Who did this to you and what the hell have you gotten yourself into this time around?!"

He truly tried to remember but nothing was coming out.

"From where this blood is coming? Did you hit your head somewhere?!"

A sudden growl tore from his throat before rushing to the bathroom with her following right behind him. She clasped a hand over when he bent over the toilet and emptied his stomach in one go.

"Goddamn it, Baekhyun. You're driving me crazy, answer me!" She shouted when he leaned against the sink and started washing his face and hands.

He was terrified of looking at his reflection in the mirror judging from Haeri's reaction, he wasn't sure if he's going to bear the sight of him if his eyes were to land on his reflection by accident.

"Where did you spend last night?!" Haeri continued despite the lack of response she was getting from him, feeling herself about to faint while moving around in search for the first aid kit.

"I don't remember," he blurted out, splashing cold water all over his face. "I can't remember-"

"When did you come back home then?"

"I spent the night here," he closed his eyes when the blood wasn't getting off of his hands easily.

"Liar," Haeri hissed. "I went to work around eight in the morning. I checked your room before that and you were nowhere to be seen! You don't have morning classes today which means you didn't even spend the night home in the first place!"

His eyelids felt heavy as his head spun when she dropped the first aid kit onto the sink and grabbed his shirt collar, forcing him to make eye contact with her.

"Have you been drinking?!"

Breath stuck in his throat, feeling extremely intimidated by her dark gaze.

"What kind of bull have you been doing behind my back that made you look like this?!" She almost started begging him at this point, a lump formed in .

Baekhyun felt tears form in his eyes.

"Have you been doing drugs?!"

His eyes widened. "N-No... of course, not! You know I would never-"

"Then why can't you remember anything of what happened to you last night?!"

Baekhyun kept shaking his head, releasing a low sob when he saw the disappointed look she gave him.

"Did you really think I would never notice that you've been drinking? Baekhyun, you're barely of a

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Chapter 2: The first chapter literally had me on the edge my seat! It was so intense and perfect! As a person who loves to write and read about such things, this is absolutely incredible! 🫢
Chapter 4: I hate such meetings where parents just boost their child's achievement and accuse other kids of various things. Here, it's pretty obvious that they just found Baekhyun to be an easy target and just started taunting him but I love the way you expressed hyeri's appreance and her strong character and her trust in his son.
Baekhyun's charcter is also sensible, like he knows how hardworking his mom is and he did part time job, he was also emotional about everything but he still put strong front. πŸ’›
I'm pretty sure that someone is trying to frame him if only baekhyun can remember everything clearly it would have been easy. But soojin's character itself is suspicious I don't know but there's something off about her. πŸ€¨πŸ€”
I loved the way you wrote everything precisely in both the chapters and this one was pretty shocking I don't know how any teenager can coupe through all this but it just makes baekhyun's character strong. Things are getting interesting, thanks for this wonderful chapter I had really fun reading this, you wrote this beautifully! βœ¨πŸ’–
Woww this is one of the mysterious fic I have read. The first chapter itself is crazy. I admit it started normally with Baekhyun getting drunk and heavy pretty bad hangover but it all went downhill when he saw the blood, I mean any normal person will go insane if he wakes up like this and doesn't remember single thing. I understand his mom's reaction anyone would be mad at their son after this. But the real was when he found out Soojin's sucide. Baek is pretty troublesome kid and by the situation he is in I know he's going to be in lot more trouble. ✨🀞
please update πŸ™πŸ₯Ί
Chapter 4: I am curious to know what happens next😳
Chapter 2: This was good πŸ‘
Chapter 2: it's really amazingπŸ‘πŸ‘
Chapter 2: what's going on really??? 😢😢😢who's child is it and what exactly happen after sujin asked baek's help?? why would she commit sucidie though😳😳it's insaneee!!!!!!
746 streak #9
Chapter 4: πŸ’—πŸ”₯πŸ’—πŸ”₯πŸ’—

The chapter started off in a brilliant way and I love the action and drama from the get-go! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ Like, I could already imagine those mothers accusing each other's kids of doing such a thing to the poor girl. But, let's face it, those mothers are only looking for gossip and nothing else. -_- Haeri surely has a way with words and I just love her personality here! She shuts them up so easily that it's unbelievable! πŸ˜‰ Of course, she knows her son best, regardless of the troubles that he can get into, she still knows what he can and can't do! So, staying by his side is understandable, but I LOVED IT WHEN SHE ASKED THE OFFICER FOR A WARRANT! I was like 'YES! CHECK-MATE!' And I loved how she waited until the very end to make her move! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ˜‰ As for Hana, screaming or not, makes no difference. Law is the law. Do your homework before making a move! πŸ˜‰

A person who is not guilty of a crime has nothing to fear, and Baekhyun has just proven that. But I do agree with his mother, it doesn't matter what others say, what matters is what your parents believe and she knows Baekhyun well. No matter the differences between a child and a parent, a parent is still a parent and will be there for their child! πŸ’—

Hmm, so he has a secret part-time job. But I wonder why he is hiding it. πŸ‘€ I can only guess because it would be the fact that he doesn't need a job, since his mother can provide everything, but he wants to earn money on his own (as I said, just a guess). I'll wait to find out! But despite everything, he knows that his mom works hard and that she deserves nothing but the best. It was emotional, as for his mother's own fears, some things, just don't pass, no matter how old a person is. πŸ₯Ί

Well, the cat is out of the box and now his mom knows about his job, but let's push that to the side a little. I would say that the questions he got from the officer surely triggered something and he remembered it! So he is NOT THE FATHER! Even though she wanted to say it was his, either way, she didn't reveal the truth! Dang it! Things just got a lot more interesting!

I loved this chapter and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next. ^^ πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

746 streak #10
Chapter 2: πŸ’—πŸ”₯πŸ’—πŸ”₯πŸ’—

Just like the first time, this chapter is one big mystery and there are many questions that are unanswered. All the evidence as well is pointing to Baekhyun. The fact that he drank too much is defiantly not helping his case, but I am looking forward to seeing how things develop from here on out!

For sure, as a kid, it seems that he was difficult to handle! πŸ‘€

Now, that I backtracked my memory, I can continue reading and I am surely looking forward to it! 😍

P.S. - Once again, I apologize for my delay in reading. πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜₯
