Chapter One

The Devil's Wife
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Seolhyun looked at her father’s medical results in complete shock.

The cancer was back and this time with a vengeance, her father sat across from her and ate silently.

She could only imagine what he was going through, they had already lost her mother traumatically in an accident and he was the only thing she had left.

“Appa, are you okay?” she asked him losing her appetite

“I am, we knew this could happen,” he tried smiling at her but she saw it was forced.

“What are our options?”

“The doctor said we could try chemo-therapy but if successful I would only add about a year before it beats me,” he responded honestly

Seolhyun felt her eyes sting with tears that welled up “A year is better than nothing right?” her voice broke and her tears escaped.

Her father looked broken “It is,” he voiced his tone breaking, and tears fell as well.

She knew then that she would have to drop out of college and try to get her father into treatment.


Once they got home, she sat him down and told him she was going to start work and dropped out of school, and although he was upset about her dropping out, he reluctantly agreed.

He wasn't going to be able to work anymore, and his pension only covered so much.


This was when she began to work multiple part-time jobs, it was hard some days but she was making ends meet.


One day as she worked at a bar she was approached by a handsome businessman that frequented the place.

“Do you like working here?” he asked her as she ate his drink in front of him

“Yes I do,” she lied, she hated dealing with rich drunk men but the job paid well and if she played nice she got tipped pretty well.

The man smirked at her answer knowingly, “I came in today to offer you a job at my company. I think you would be a phenomenal fit,” he told her

“You would make around this number,” he continued as he jotted down something on a napkin and showed it to her.

Her eyes bulged slightly, that was a huge number it seemed too good to be true, yet she was still intrigued.

“And what exactly would I be doing?” she found herself inquiring

“Nothing more than what you do now, which is to entertain rich men like myself,” she didn't like the sound of it but the salary was enticing nevertheless.

“Do I have to do anything ual?” the man raised an eyebrow at that blunt question

“Not unless you consent to it,”

“And will my pay still be that good if I don't agree to anything more than entertaining?”

“This is base pay, if you do more you'll get more,” he emphasized, all the alarm bells in her head went off at the same time but she readily ignored them.


“If you’re interested in a trial run give me a call,” he told her, seeing her hesitation.

He slid his business card to her, got up, and left the bar.

Seolhyun picked up his card and was deep in thought until the end of her shift.

She went home and lay in her futon, if the pay was truly that great she could pay off her father's medical debt and her own in no time.


The following day she got up and called the number on the card

“Kim Soohyun,” she read his name out loud, her heart began to race in anticipation

She was about to hang up on the second ring but she heard someone pick up




“Hi, this is Kim Seolhyun the girl from the bar,” she stated nervously


‘Ah, yes. So have you given it a thought?’


“I'll give it a try, when can I start?” She heard him chuckle


‘Today, just send me your address and I'll have a car pick you up,’


Seolhyun felt nauseous, it felt like she was making a bad decision but in the position, she was currently in and the desperation for money she needed, it made it that much harder to refute this offer; if truly the pay was that great.

“Okay, see you soon” she hung up and texted her address to the stranger.

She hurried and got ready, she did light makeup and wore the best clothes she owned.


Seolhyun was picked up promptly, in a luxury black SUV, and the driver pulled up right out front of her home.

The driver opened the door for her and nodded wordlessly.

The car ride was silent and she was in her head about this again fighting with herself whether she should run for the hills or it up and make money.


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737 streak #1
Chapter 2: 😍🌺😍🌺😍

And here we have the male in question and the lifestyle that he is leading. Does it surprise me? No, not one bit as pretty much all rich people do the same. Drugs. Alcohol. Women. What else is new, right? But surely, the decision he has made will not only change his life but hers as well and things are about to get interesting!

Thank you for this update I really enjoyed reading it!

737 streak #2
Chapter 1: 😍🌺😍🌺😍

Beginning: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Characters: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Quote: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I loved how you had started it off and how you described her life and what was going on. Surely, when illness strikes a family, it's never easy, and lives change as the routine changes. I feel sorry for her and her father, cancer is one of the worst enemies one can get and medical bills are surely expensive. I like the effort she made when it came to working and trying to provide for everything. 👍👌

And then she met the guy who offered a well-paid job. At least, she doesn't have to do anything she is not comfortable with so that is a positive thing. 👍👌 So far, her job doesn't seem as difficult and she doesn't seem to have any problems whatsoever, except for telling small white lies, but I think at times, we all do! *shrugs*

But something tells me, that things are about to get interesting!

Thank you for this lovely update! Merry Christmas!

737 streak #3

OMO! The devil's wife. It really sounds tempting!

Can't wait!
