
sundays with you


Yujin sat comfortably on her luxurious, adjustable bed then started to zone out, the song blasting from her speakers entering her ears which made her head nod along the beat on instinct.


It was Sunday morning and Yujin just woke up, did her morning routine, and now… there she was. Sitting on her bed, in a daze as if she was trying to remember something that she was supposed to do. Something felt so missing. And finally, realization struck Yujin all at once.


“Ah,” Yujin exclaimed softly, taking a deep breath then turned her body a bit to stare at her window. She had already pushed the curtains at the side so the view from her room could be seen, the sun had already risen up from its rest and the sunlight that was piercing through her glass window was blinding Yujin a bit.


She sat on her bed silently for a while, playing with her fingers and then muttered under her breath, “I have no MC-ing schedule in Inkigayo anymore.”


That was why something felt missing and not right when she woke up and rose from her bed this morning. For a year or so, every Sunday, she would wake up around this early just so she could prepare for her MC-ing job in Inkigayo but now her contract, Jihoon and Sungchan’s too, were no more.


It felt really odd. She had gotten used to it already. Whenever she slept on Saturday night, she would instantly think — oh, I need to wake up early tomorrow because I’m going to MC. She thought of it last night, she was tired from the practice and schedule that she got confused for a little while; entirely forgetting that she had no MC-ing job anymore starting this Sunday.


After realization hit her like a truck, she wilted like a dying flower and heaved out a sigh. There was a hollow feeling in her chest as she thought of staying every Sunday in her dorms if she had no schedules with her group.


She suddenly missed the studio a lot, the kind staff, Jihoon and Sungchan’s bickering whenever they would practice their skit. The three of them would play around with closer staff if the show wasn’t starting yet.


Yujin’s Sunday started to become bland.


She had always looked forward to her Sundays because she genuinely liked the little job. She had grown closer with her co-MCs and Inkigayo staff too so she was always excited whenever Sunday started to near.


But now, she had nothing to look forward to every Sunday. She didn’t know what to do now, she just felt very lonely and sad. She knew that soon, this feeling would fade away but still… this was the start and she was really gloomy.


With another sigh escaping her lips, Yujin grabbed her phone that was resting beside her and opened it, a small smile formed in her lips when she saw a notification from her, Sungchan, and Jihoon’s group chat.


Jihoon was whining that they wouldn’t MC together anymore from now on. It looked like it wasn’t just Yujin who was feeling really sad about it. She knew that the two also greatly enjoyed their jobs, and it just became better when the three of them clicked. They were really close and friendly, always teasing each other whenever they had time.


Yujin typed a response, ‘it’s really such a shame :< miss u idiots already’. Sungchan finally replied also, teasing the both of them but suddenly became a little bit emotional afterwards, reminiscing some of their wholesome memories while MC-ing.


The woman started to even become more sad because of it but soon after, Sungchan and Jihoon bid their goodbyes because they had their own schedules. They even asked Yujin if she wanted some ice cream and would send her some because the guys knew that she was feeling sad.


Yujin rejected the idea, they had ice cream in the dorm anyway. She just joked that they should treat her some chicken if they ever meet soon. It wasn’t surprising that the other two immediately agreed. Yujin just laughed it off, and said good luck to both of them before exiting the app.


She couldn’t help but to smile when she remembered that the three of them were awkward before and the group chat was literally dead and was just there for professional purposes until the fifth month of their MC-ing gig. When they started to be more comfortable with one another, the group chat started to become lively too even though the members were just the three of them.


Yujin turned off the phone and stood up, placing it into the pocket of her sweatpants before exiting her room to get some breakfast. She saw Gaeul eating cereal while reading a book.


“Good morning, unnie,” Yujin greeted in a low tone.


Gaeul hummed, turning her attention to her then placed her book aside. “Morning,” She greeted her back and took a spoonful of cereal. “How’s sleep?”


The leader of the group took her own bowl and poured herself some chocolate cereals to eat too. “Great.” She whispered, and grabbed some milk inside the fridge, pouring it into the bowl full of cereal then placed it back there after getting some. She sat with Gaeul.


“Are you alright? You don’t look so… energetic today. Whenever it’s Sunday, you’re pretty chirpy.” Gaeul commented after she had observed that Yujin was quieter than usual and it worried the oldest a bit.


Yujin was surprised that Gaeul noticed that she was less enthusiastic today. “I’m good.” She reassured then paused, stirring her cereal with her spoon absentmindedly before finally continuing, “It’s just… I’m still not used to it. I have no schedule when it’s Sunday anymore.”


Gaeul nodded in understanding, “I see.” She said, and finished her breakfast. “How about distract yourself for today?” added the older woman.


Yujin chewed slowly, considering. “Yep. Maybe I’ll go out. I have no schedule or anything,” She answered then started to look around their place from her seat, it was quiet. “Where are the others? I know that Wonyoung and Jiwon have an individual schedule but the other two?”


Gaeul sipped on her tea, “Rei went out with her friends this early. Hyunseo went home and will be back at night. Her father fetched her earlier here but you were still asleep.” She explained and Yujin just nodded.


“How about you? Have any plans for today?” Yujin asked the older woman.


Nodding, Gaeul replied with a chuckle, “Yep. I will be with my cousins. I’ll go out in an hour so I can’t accompany you for today.” Her tone was apologetic and it was quite fine.


Yujin just waved it off, “It’s alright. I’ll ask my former members. I’m sure one of them is free today.” She said, and after that, they talked about their schedule for that week. Not too hectic, but not too easy either.


After the hearty breakfast, Gaeul went back to her shared room with Rei and Hyunseo to catch some sleep first while Yujin went to their neat living room to watch something.


She took out her phone and opened their IZ*ONE group chat first, reading the messages she had not yet read yet. And as usual, it was noisy and everything. Yena shared that she was in Jeju and having the best time of her life, Yuri was whining and asking Yena why she didn’t ask her to tag along, Chaeyeon was actually with Yena and just laughed at Yuri. And many more.


She immediately typed a message, asking who was free that day, even trying to make them feel guilty by saying that she felt so lonely and alone.


Yujin: someone, play with yujin-ie today~ i feel lonely :(


After pressing send, she was about to turn off her phone first because she knew that the members might reply in a few minutes or so but much to her surprise and happiness, someone replied in a flash.


Upon seeing that name, Yujin’s heart skipped a beat.


Minjoo: sure, yuding. i’ll play with you :D


It had been a while since she and Minjoo met. The last time they met was when they were with Yena. It was fun, however, she didn’t manage to talk to Minjoo that long because Yena was so loud and always looked like she would throw a fit whenever their attention wasn’t on hers.


She would love to spend time with her Minjoo-unnie again. She missed spending time alone with her, really. She missed being babied by Minjoo.


And so, excitedly, Yujin called Minjoo — her heart was drumming nervously and in anticipation. Minjoo accepted the call after one ring, her melodic, cheery voice greeting Yujin.




That alone made Yujin blush already. Her smile was so big that her cheeks started to stretch and burn.


“Joo-unnie~” Yujin sang and laid down on the couch, playing with her hair. “Come, play with me.”


Minjoo’s deep chuckle could be heard clearly from the other line that made Yujin’s heart flip. “Of course. I’ll play with you. I have no schedule for today so I’m all yours for today, Yujin-ah.” She replied.


Biting her lower lip, Yujin murmured, “Only mine for today?”


“Hmm?” Minjoo’s hum was confused and it made Yujin snap back into reality, realizing what she had said and slapped her forehead.


“Ah, nothing,” She shrugged it off immediately then sat up from the couch, staring ahead. “I have nothing to do today too since my MC-ing gig is finally done. Let’s meet?” She said with a smile.


“Yeah, I know… it’s really saddening but don’t worry, unnie is here to cheer you up. We’d do anything you want for us to do. Just say it.” Minjoo said and Yujin was moved, feeling melting at Minjoo’s soft and sincere voice.


The older woman was spoiling her again and Yujin absolutely loved it. Minjoo had been a caring and doting member ever since the very beginning, especially to her and Wonyoung but… she never really spoiled Wonyoung like how she spoiled Yujin in many ways.


But Wonyoung did not need to know that.


“I really have no plans, I just want to spend the whole day with you.” Yujin truthfully answered with a sigh, picking her fingernails.


Minjoo chuckled, and replied with, “Do you want to go to our favorite cafe then? And talk about how we will spend the rest of our time?” She suggested.


Yujin loved it and immediately agreed with a grin. “Sure. That would be great.”


Minjoo hummed and responded. “What time? You tell me.” She asked.


Without even thinking about it that much, Yujin said, “Right now. Let’s just prepare and meet there.” She answered, already standing up and walking towards her room.


Giggling, Minjoo wasn’t opposed to it, liking the suggestion even. “Sounds nice. Alright then. I’ll meet you there soon. Be real careful on the way there, leader Ahn.” She said, her voice became playful at the end.


Yujin whined at that but she also bid her goodbye and after that, she rummaged through her wardrobe and tried to find the perfect fit for her and Minjoo’s date today— wait, date? Huh, Yujin would count this one as a date, there were no other people besides them that would have fun. She had always considered her and Minjoo’s hang-outs, a date.


And speaking of, Hyewon actually wanted to tag along and messaged Yujin personally but Yujin dismissed the idea by telling her that she and Minjoo had plans already. Hyewon just replied with, ‘ok. have fun then. imma just sleep’. She got the hint and Yujin was grateful.


Unlike Yena, Hyewon knew how to read a room. And she immediately got the signal that she wanted to have an alone time with Minjoo so she did not push further.


Soon, Yujin was fresh from the bath and started to try on the clothes she picked, checking the best ones to wear for today. She hardly had a difficult time choosing and wore something nice.


She wore a black fitted tank top, baseball jacket, high-waist shorts, and converse. It looked so casual and simple but she rocked it, and Yujin liked how she looked as she posed in front of the mirror, satisfied after a few turns.


After that, she applied minimal make-up only and gathered her things before walking out of her room — she met with Gaeul who was just closing her door, also about to go out of the dorms to meet her cousins.


When she saw Yujin, she was surprised to see her dressed up. She let out a whistle, “Going on a date?” She teased as the two of them walked out of their dorms, closing it.


Yujin grinned at her, putting a mask on. “Maybe,” She answered, which made Gaeul laugh.


They parted ways once they got out of the building. Gaeul was fetched by her cousin while Yujin took a cab to the cafe, and throughout the ride, she kept updating Minjoo. The latter was on her way now too.


When Yujin arrived at the said cafe, she straightened her clothes first, combing her hair neatly before entering the place. It wasn’t crowded, thankfully, it was just morning after all.


The worker who was wiping the counter glanced at Yujin with a smile, bowing at her as she greeted. Yujin politely bowed back but she did not walk to the counter, looking around the cafe first, trying to spot someone.


And oh, her heart skipped a beat when she saw someone sitting at the furthest part of the cafe alone, eyes on her phone but there was a small smile etched on her lips that made Yujin smile underneath her mask too.


Yujin skipped her way towards there and halted in front of the unaware woman. The latter immediately noticed a figure beside her, ready to greet them politely but much to her surprise and relief, it was the person who she had been expecting too.


“Minjoo-unnie,” Yujin called softly.


Minjoo’s smile widened, her eyes turning into crescents, and seriously, it was one of the most majestic sights she had ever seen.


“Yujin-ah,” Minjoo called back, equally soft, then pointed to the seat in front of her. “Have a seat.”


Like an obedient puppy, Yujin sat in front of Minjoo, lowering her mask a bit to show her the toothy grin that she had been hiding. “Have you been waiting for me for too long?” She asked, a little bit worried.


Minjoo shook her head, “Not really. I just got here too.” replied the woman. And then added, “I drove all the way here.”


Yujin’s eyes sparkled. Minjoo did say just a few days ago that she had her driver’s license now and could drive around freely. Suddenly, Yujin was excited. She wanted to experience being in the passenger seat of Minjoo’s car.


“Ey, unnie is a certified driver now.” Yujin teased and Minjoo threw a wink at her.


After that, they asked each other what to order. Once they were settled, Minjoo was about to stand up from her seat and go to the counter to have their orders when Yujin beat her into it, making her pause her movements as the younger woman swiftly sprang from her seat.


“I’ll do it.” Yujin volunteered. “You met me here so I’ll treat you.” The younger woman said with a stubborn tone that Minjoo knew very well so she could only sigh and sat back again properly on her seat, giving Yujin a thankful smile.


Once Yujin had ordered, the worker immediately went to make their food and drink while the former went back to her seat. As they waited, they tried to catch up with each other.


It had been a while since they met personally, although they often messaged and called each other — it was way different meeting each other personally like this, feeling each other’s presence and their smiles for each other were clear.


Their order came a few minutes later, they thanked the employee before they dug in. Yujin ordered a yogurt smoothie, donuts and a piece of croissant since she was still unsatisfied from the breakfast she had earlier while Minjoo just got herself some iced americano and a slice of cheesecake.


“I’m just really glad that Eunbi-unnie is there to teach and guide me so I can be a good leader,” Yujin said, taking a sip from her smoothie. Minjoo smiled fondly at the younger. “Hyunseo is such an energetic and mischievous kid. I think she’s my karma because I’ve been nothing but a menace to Eunbi-unnie for years.” She added, her tone was light and joking.


Minjoo chuckled, taking a little piece of cake then shoved it into . “I think Leeseo-ssi is a fun kid.” Minjoo commented.


Yujin snorted, “She is,” answered the woman, her tone had this tenderness underneath it. “But she’s a handful most of the time. Always teasing me.” Her tone shifted and took her croissant. “She’s a fan of yours, by the way. She keeps gushing over you.” She added before taking a bite.


There was a sweet smile on Minjoo’s lips, “I would like to meet her. We just interacted briefly before when you guys just debuted.”


Yujin chewed, and swallowed her food first before speaking. “She’ll be ecstatic to know that. I think she fell head over heels at you the first time you guys met. She occasionally asks about you.”


That made Minjoo giggle, nodding. “How lovely.”


The topic shifted completely after that. Minjoo started off with another, “You guys will have a comeback soon, right? Looks like I’ll meet you and your other members soon on Music Core then.” She said, her tone excited. “It’s really nice to interview you guys.”


Yujin’s eyes lit up at the mention but suddenly, the light dimmed which made Minjoo frown a bit, noticing the change of expression almost immediately but did not say anything at first — quietly observing.


There was a sad smile on Yujin’s lips, “Hmm. That sounds great indeed.” It was sincere but there was a sadness lingering in her tone. “Too bad, I can’t interview my members again anymore as an Inkigayo MC.” Her face completely dropped after that, just staring at her donut.


Minjoo sighed in her heart. So that was the reason why her Yujin was sad. Minjoo knew how much Yujin loved and enjoyed being an MC, even though she had a very exhausting schedule the day before — she would still show up to Inkigayo with a bright smile and aura to do her gig.


The older woman actually had a hunch that Yujin might be feeling extremely sad over something when she suddenly asked in the group chat if they wanted to play with her. But when she called and when Yujin told her about that, Minjoo knew that the younger one was very sad over it so she decided to cheer Yujin up today no matter what. She wouldn’t let Yujin go back to her dorms while still feeling extremely unhappy.


“Oh yeah, from now on, you don’t have the MC gig now…” Minjoo whispered and Yujin just gave her a tight smile. Her heart cracked a bit upon seeing how solemn Yujin was.


Yujin pouted, “Yeah. Sundays will be boring now. I have nothing to do unless I have a schedule.” replied the woman, nibbling on her last piece of donut, not even noticing the crumbs dusting the corner of her lips.


Minjoo smiled a little bit before leaning in closer to Yujin which caught the latter off guard — the alarms in the younger woman’s head started to blare when she felt Minjoo’s soft fingers reaching for her face, cupping her warming cheeks.


Using her thumb, Minjoo wiped the crumbs off Yujin’s face with a smile while the latter was just frozen, eyes wide, and face turning red. “Don’t worry, unnie will make your Sunday less boring from now on, then.” She promised softly, grinning at the younger. The way she said it was soft and gentle, brushing Yujin’s soul like a stray feather touching her skin but underneath the soft tone, there was seriousness and firmness in it.


A firm promise. It wasn’t just a sputtered promise.


Minjoo sat back properly after wiping off the crumbs and urged Yujin to finish her food and drink already so they could finally do something that would distract her then continued to eat her cake as if nothing happened while Yujin was very flustered and had yet to recover.


Yujin’s heart shimmered. This woman in front of her was making her go crazy everytime.




Yujin just found herself sitting on the passenger seat of Minjoo’s brand new white Mercedes-Benz Cabriolet. The younger woman was really amazed at the car, especially when she learned that it was convertible.


“I’ll take the roof off later once it’s not too sunny.” Minjoo promised her as she the engine of the car while Yujin excitedly yet curiously examined the car with wide eyes.


Yujin wasn’t too surprised at Minjoo’s choice, she actually liked it even. She knew that the older woman wanted to drive a convertible car. She could still remember their random late night talks when they were still roommates — Minjoo wanted to own a nice car and now, she had it.


The younger woman couldn’t help but to feel proud. In the near future, once she got herself a driver’s license; she would also buy herself a good car like Minjoo’s.


At first, Yujin was actually nervous, especially when they finally moved along the road. She trusted Minjoo alright but she was just nervous, knowing that the older woman was just new to driving but then, soon enough, her tense shoulders relaxed as Minjoo drove smoothly like an expert.


Yujin glanced at Minjoo who was driving, focused and serious. And wow, Yujin almost whistled because damn, alright, Minjoo looked so attractive with her hand on the steering wheel and the other one on the gear lever. Her foxy eyes glued forward.


Yujin couldn’t help but admire and even take photos of the woman. Minjoo just smiled at her before asking, “Where do you want to go?”


That made the younger think, she had no place in mind, really. She could actually just roam around with Minjoo like this and she would be satisfied already. “Hmm. How about Namsan Tower?” She suggested.


Minjoo glanced at her with a smile, “Alright.”


Throughout the ride, they just kept talking. Minjoo even let Yujin connect her phone to the speakers and play some songs. Sometimes, they would just sing along and all of that. Yujin was already chirpy, even snatching Minjoo’s phone to take pictures of herself with the real owner of the phone then sent it to the IZ*ONE group chat.


It was perfectly fine for them to use each other’s phones, not like they were hiding stuff. And they trusted each other that they wouldn’t dare to dig something. The other members started to reply, telling how jealous they were because Yujin was the first one who got to ride Minjoo’s car.


They arrived at Namsan Tower soon after and they got themselves some popsicles first before they went inside. It was a little bit crowded because it was the weekend after all but thankfully, no one seemed to recognize them yet so they just kept taking photos of each other as they strolled around.


It was almost lunch when they decided to take a seat and break from walking. Yujin scanned the photos they took while Minjoo just watched the younger one fondly. “Where do you want to go after this?” She asked.


Yujin turned to her, a conflicted look on her face. “Not quite sure. My feet are already sore.” She replied then puckered her lips. “Should we get some lunch first?”


“How about…” Minjoo paused and Yujin listened to her intently. “Let’s go to my apartment. I’ll cook us some lunch. We can just stay there. I have a lot of board games, and a PS5 too.” She suggested with a soft smile, not really forcing.


Yujin’s eyes lit up and Minjoo got the answer already.


Before they went to Minjoo’s apartment, they dropped by a grocery store first to buy some ingredients for the lunch they would make. And after that, they headed towards the older woman’s apartment.


It was also Yujin’s first time going to Minjoo’s new apartment. The latter just moved in almost two weeks ago and Yujin was too busy with the comeback preparations so she couldn’t pay a visit.


Minjoo’s new apartment was huge and luxurious. Not too lavish but one would know that it was expensive. And Minjoo was the only one who was living alone there so it was quiet and very neat.


“Just feel at home, Yuding.” Minjoo said as she waddled to the kitchen, opening the lights then placed the bags on the marbled counter.


Yujin gawked at the nice place with sparkly curious eyes, whistling in adoration. “Love the place.” She said with a smile, taking off her jacket then hung it on the high chair.


Minjoo glanced at her, already tying her hair into a low ponytail with a smile. “Me too.” Yujin was stunned as she openly stared at Minjoo. The latter was looking good as usual, there wasn’t a day where Minjoo wasn’t pretty but there was really something with casual Minjoo.


The older woman was only wearing minimal make-up, almost bare. She was wearing a white button-down shirt and trouser but she rocked it so well, looking very attractive as usual. Oh, don’t forget that she was wearing fluffy pink slippers!


Kim Minjoo was really a deity.


Noticing how Yujin was openly gaping at her with an intense gaze, Minjoo shivered and became a little bit shy — she cleared and started to take out the things they bought.


“Y-You can play my Switch or something,” Minjoo stammered, her cheeks turning pink.


Yujin shook her head, sliding her fingers along her locks as she answered, “No. I’ll help. I will be your assistant for today.” insisted the woman with a grin. And of course, Minjoo wouldn’t be able to resist Yujin after all so she let the latter help her cook.


Yujin was a decent cook. She had learned how to cook much better when she became the leader of IVE but she let Minjoo this time, only assisting her if needed. She spent most of her time staring instead of helping.


Minjoo wasn’t a great cook before but Yujin knew that the woman had been trying to eagerly learn how to make meals properly, especially that she was living alone now. If she didn’t have any schedule, she would cook stuff to enhance her skills and the hard work paid off.


Yujin marveled at the sight of the food that Minjoo herself made. This mouth-watering meal really looked good and if you compare it to the kimchi fried rice Minjoo made before at this certain ENOZI Cam episode — one wouldn’t easily believe that she also cooked these good-looking dishes.


Minjoo stared at her reaction, actually looking nervous.


“Wow,” Yujin was really pleased and surprised as the food was presented to her, grinning sheepishly at Minjoo. “Did you really make these?” She teased but the comment made Minjoo smile and less tense.


Minjoo made a lot. Korean food, also Western and even Japanese food! Oh god, Yujin would definitely gain weight. She would just exercise even harder because god damn, it would be a waste if she wouldn’t eat them all.


Before eating, Yujin took pictures of the food first then with Minjoo before eating, literally inhaling them like a vacuum while Minjoo could only laugh wholeheartedly at her, eating the food she made much calmer than Yujin.


After a while, the plates were empty and Yujin’s stomach was very full. The latter was satisfied as hell, even patting her stomach with a sigh as she was slumped on the chair.


Minjoo was also full and her heart was swelling when she saw how satisfied Yujin was. She started to take the dirty dishes and once Yujin saw that, she immediately stopped Minjoo. “No, no.” She nagged. “I’ll clean them.” She said as she snatched the plates away from Minjoo’s hand.


“Yujin, no. You’re a visitor—”


Yujin gave her a pointed look, “You cooked so I will clean. End of the conversation.” She said and immediately took the plates away, putting them gently on the sink then started to wash it before Minjoo could even say something.


In the end, Minjoo gave up and let Yujin do the dishes because she knew that the latter wouldn’t listen to her. She sat there and watched Yujin clean the dishes diligently, her tongue poking out as she scrubbed the plates clean.


Minjoo smiled at the sight, feeling very fuzzy inside. She sneakily took photos of Yujin cleaning the dishes, grinning at them.


However, in the middle of smiling at those photos, her manager called so she had to take it and excused herself from the kitchen. She talked with her manager in the living room, glancing outside the window.


The call ended and as if on cue, Yujin appeared, waddling towards her with a proud smile. “Done!” She exclaimed and Minjoo smiled, ready to congratulate and thank her but she was surprised when Yujin just suddenly hugged her, clinging onto her.


Minjoo recovered soon after, smiling at herself then hugged back. She melted in Yujin’s warm embrace, feeling very giddy and relieved. She fitted perfectly on Yujin, resting her head on the latter’s shoulders comfortably.


Since when did they last hug so warmly like this? Minjoo couldn’t even remember. She really liked it when Yujin was clingy to her like this.


“What do you want to do, hmm? We still have a lot of time.” Minjoo said after a few moments.


Yujin finally broke the hug and Minjoo resisted the pout that was about to form on her lips. “Wanna play PS5?” Minjoo asked softly but then Yujin shook her head, looked around, and tried to find something interesting.


She lit up upon seeing something on the corner, “Teach me how to play guitar, unnie.” Yujin said with a dimpled smile.


Minjoo glanced at her guitar that was leaning against the wall, “Don’t you know how to play already?” She asked genuinely.


Yujin shrugged. “I know the basics but I want to learn more from someone who’s much more experienced.” She answered, and stared at Minjoo.


The older woman rolled her eyes playfully and walked to grab her guitar then sat on the leathered couch. She placed her guitar on her lap and saw that Yujin was still standing there from her spot, dumbfounded and just watching her.


“Come here,” Minjoo cooed, patting the space next to her. Yujin sat beside her, making herself comfortable and eyed Minjoo with focused eyes.


Minjoo knew how eager Yujin was to play guitar nicely and so, she wasn’t really opposed to it. “So, what do you want to learn, Miss Ahn?” She questioned with a cheeky smile.


And with that, the two of them bonded along in the living room — playing guitar. Minjoo let Yujin strum the guitar and play something for her, the latter did while Minjoo would point out her flaws. She guided Yujin throughout.


Minjoo taught Yujin how to play something easier first. Thankfully, she had two guitars so the practice went on smoothly. They didn’t even notice that it was almost evening when they were done. Both of them were flustered when they checked the time.


“I should go home now, the members must be waiting for me.” Yujin said worriedly and placed the guitar aside.


Minjoo nodded, also placing her guitar away. “Let’s go. I’ll drive you home.” She said, getting her car keys, phone, and mask again.


Yujin immediately shook her head at the offer. “It’s alright I can take the cab.” She softly said as she wore her jacket, checking her phone to see some messages from her members. She typed a reply, telling them that she was about to go home.


“Yep, no. I’ll drive you home and it’s final.” Minjoo stubbornly said, and Yujin couldn’t win so she just followed along.


But before they completely reached IVE’s dorms. Minjoo insisted on dropping by at a restaurant to buy Yujin and her members some dinner. Although Yujin kept rejecting, Minjoo did buy a lot of food anyway. She also got herself some dinner.


Yujin enjoyed the chill ride because when Minjoo drove, the car’s roof was down and it was very refreshing.


After that, Minjoo pulled over in front of the dorm building. She was about to go out and help Yujin carry those bags but the latter refused. “It’s alright, I can handle it. You don’t need to accompany me there, unnie.” She said, giving her a reassuring smile as she gathered the food.


With a sigh, Minjoo did not fight Yujin to it and agreed, “Did you enjoy it?” She asked, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel.


Yujin smiled, “I did.” She said, biting her lower lip. Whenever she was with Minjoo, she was always enjoying it. “Thank you for today, really, unnie. I’m happy that I spent the whole day with you.” She shyly added.


Minjoo grinned, “I did too.” She murmured.


They smiled at each other and with that, Yujin finally bid her goodbye to Minjoo, getting out of the car then went to the side — she was actually going to wait until Minjoo’s car was away but she was surprised when the window of the driver’s seat was rolled down.


“Yujin-ah,” Minjoo called from inside.


Yujin tilted her head a bit, humming. “What’s wrong? Did I leave anything behind?”


Minjoo laughed softly, shaking her head then rested her chin on the window. “I just want to ask you,” She said softly, then paused, staring right into Yujin’s eyes with a smile. “Do you want to spend your Sundays with me? If you don’t have any schedule. Think of it as a substitute from your MC-ing gig and be your Minjoo-unnie’s Sunday buddy. I’ll be giving you guitar lessons and all.” added the woman carefully, not forcing.


Yujin was surprised at the offer, unmoving for a little while.


Minjoo had been thinking of it all day, offering that. She knew Yujin would be sad again once Sunday came because she had no gigs to do and so… hopefully, Yujin would agree.


And much to her relief, Yujin smiled at her, her chocolate orbs sparkling.


“Sure, Minjoo-unnie. I love the sound of that.”




Yujin woke up from her slumber, and her first instinct was to look at the time. She blindly reached for her phone that she placed on the nightstand beside her bed then opened it, hissing and squinting her eyes when a bright flash greeted her. She recovered almost immediately.


It was just around seven in the morning, and oh! It was Sunday.


Yujin immediately sat up from her seat and her body was sore all over from the non-stop practice yesterday. Thankfully, their agency was kind enough to give them a day off today.


She was about to rush to the bathroom because she needed to get ready to go to Inkigayo — Yujin halted halfway. Realizing something, the woman sighed and went back to her bed, tucking herself under the thick blanket while whining and sulking silently to herself.


Yeah, she almost forgot again. Damn it. Her body would move on its own whenever she saw that it was Sunday.


Yujin could only let her body sink into the comfortable mattress, hiding her pout behind the blanket. She closed her eyes, and was about to sleep the soreness and sadness away when her phone suddenly vibrated beside her.


With still closed eyes, she reached for it and just fluttered her eyes open once she pressed the open button — there was a notification from Kim Minjoo. And instantly, Yujin lit up, sitting up on her bed then immediately opened the message.


Minjoo greeted her good morning and told her to eat her breakfast.


A smile formed in Yujin’s lips, staring into the messages lovingly. She usually gets morning greetings from Minjoo, not just in the morning but sometimes any random hour of the day. She also often greeted Yujin good night.


She was about to type a reply when Minjoo sent another one, asking if she was free today because she wanted to meet her and spend time learning guitar.


Rapidly typing, Yujin immediately sent responses, greeting back the older woman good morning then told her that she was free as a bird that day and would love to meet her too.


Minjoo sent out a reply afterwards, asking if she wasn’t tired because if she was — they could just reschedule because resting was much more important. Yujin’s heart melted upon reading that message, however, meeting Minjoo and spending time with her was her ‘rest’.


Once Yujin assured Minjoo that she was fine, the latter gave up and told her that they could meet any time of the day. Yujin settled at lunch, telling Minjoo that they should eat outside together. Minjoo thought it was fantastic and told her that she would fetch her before eleven so they could find a nice restaurant to eat at.


With a smile, Yujin finally stood up from her bed then stretched before pushing the curtains aside. Before she left her room, she did some exercise first.


She was greeted by Rei cooking something. The latter immediately noticed their leader and greeted her with a chirp. Yujin greeted back with the same energy. “What are you cooking Rei-ah~”


Rei showed her what she was cooking on the stove, “Ramyeon. Jiwon is craving for some so I cooked. Do you want some?” She answered then asked softly.


Yujin shook her head to refuse, taking out a pack of strawberries from the fridge then started to wash it. “No, I’m good. I’ll just eat fruits since I’ll be eating outside later.” She replied, thoroughly washing the strawberries at the sink and after that, she took one and bit on it.


Rei hummed lightly, glancing at her. “Have plans for today?”


Yujin nodded, looking back as she shoved the remaining piece into . “Yep. How about you guys?” She asked.


Rei turned off the stove then grabbed a bowl, and she answered without looking at Yujin. “I think me and Jiwon are going to stay in and binge-watch this Netflix series. Hyunseo is going out though, I think? Review with her classmates, I guess.”


Yujin went to the living room after that, still holding the strawberries then sat on the couch. Jiwon was sitting there, watching something, she slightly greeted Yujin with a small smile and of course, Yujin greeted back.


Soon after, Wonyoung came out from her room, still looking drowsy as ever, then plopped herself down beside Yujin with a deep sigh. Yujin just greeted her and offered her strawberries. Wonyoung happily took one and nibbled on it.


“Unnie, are you going to go out?” Wonyoung asked with a hoarse voice.


Yujin ate another piece, “Yep. I’ll be having lunch with Minjoo-unnie today and probably spend the whole afternoon with her.” She answered and saw Rei entering the living room with two bowls full of ramyeon. The foreigner went to Jiwon’s side and they started to eat. “Do you want to tag along with us?” She suggested, although… she wasn’t sure if that would be a great idea.


Wonyoung shook her head, thankfully, then said. “No. I’m good. I’ll be meeting my mom later.”


After that, Wonyoung scooted closer to Rei and Jiwon, asking if she could take a bite and of course, they happily fed Wonyoung. Yujin just smiled and continued to eat her strawberries before standing up, going back to her room but she bumped into Hyunseo who was about to go out.


Yujin told her to be real careful and Hyunseo just smiled cheekily at her, sticking her tongue out just to annoy the leader.


Yujin got herself dressed nicely and she was fully prepared once the clock struck eleven. Minjoo also texted her that she was on her way so Yujin grabbed her things, and also her guitar so she wouldn’t need to borrow Minjoo’s.


“Can you say ‘hi’ to Minjoo-unnie for me, thanks!” Wonyoung shouted from the living room once Yujin was about to go outside.


She waited at the front of the building until a familiar car came into view that made Yujin smile behind the mask.


Once the Benz halted, Yujin took it as a sign to hop in. She opened the door and she was greeted by Minjoo — who was looking very dashing as usual and took Yujin’s breath away. “Hi,” Minjoo said, smiling brightly.


Yujin took a deep breath, “What’s up, unnie?” She said, still not getting inside.


Minjoo noticed the guitar case on her back, and gave her a look. “You know you can just borrow my other guitar. Isn’t it a hassle bringing yours with you?” Minjoo asked, a little bit concerned.


Yujin shook her head and Minjoo could only sigh, telling her to put it in the backseat so the younger woman did so before getting inside beside Minjoo.


They tried to find a good restaurant around Seoul for a good hour, jamming along with Yujin’s playlist as they did so. And they finally saw one. The place offered delicious fried chicken and the reviews from the internet were always good, singing the place a lot of praises.


And it was definitely delicious. Minjoo and Yujin ate a lot, and even bought a box to take home and eat while having their lessons.


Yujin just found herself once again in Minjoo’s apartment, her guitar on her lap while Minjoo was in front of her, strumming her own guitar gently while instructing something but for some reason, that moment — Yujin was out of her mind, staring at Minjoo’s slender and smooth fingers.


She suddenly had the urge to hold it, intertwine their fingers together, and never let go. Yujin wasn’t too sure where the thoughts came from but she did not think of it further, shaking her head to collect herself then tried to focus once again.


Minjoo was a great teacher, much better than her guitar instructor that the company provided her. Minjoo was patient, her voice was soothing, and she would teach Yujin with a smile and would giggle at her mistake.


Kim Minjoo was the best guitar teacher ever.


Yujin was still sad over not being able to MC again when it was Sunday but hey, Minjoo was here to distract her and cheer her up. She was starting to like this more. She was so grateful.


She was really grateful that Minjoo was here.




It became like that. Sundays meant Minjoo and Yujin’s guitar lessons day! Not just that, there were days too that they wouldn’t meet for guitar lessons but they would hang out and do stuff.


However, when Yujin and her group were having a comeback and because of their promotions, she and Minjoo had to postpone some meetings. It was fine, they still called each other everyday to check up on each other and Minjoo would even hold her guitar lessons online. But whenever it was Sunday, Minjoo was extra active — even though Yujin was at work, Minjoo would send her cute pictures of animals and videos too.


They would also meet on the weekdays sometimes if not busy but with their former members that wanted to bond along. However, whenever they meet on Sundays, it should be only the two of them.


As if Sundays were just really meant for the both of them.


Another Sunday came and unfortunately, IVE had a schedule and Yujin couldn’t meet Minjoo again and spend time with the woman. Yujin was about to throw a fit because she and Minjoo hardly met this month.


Yujin didn’t know but she grew clingy after spending one day every week with Minjoo. She was clingy even way before but she was… clingier because she always missed Minjoo. Whenever she got time to hold her phone, she didn’t know what else to do if Minjoo was busy. It felt like she was a puppy that got abandoned by her owner at the park.


Yujin wanted to shame herself for being needy. It was getting annoying already.


When Yujin woke up that day, she could only sigh and drag herself out of the bed lazily. As the leader, she needed to help Gaeul to make breakfast since they were about to go to their shoot schedule in two hours or so — the kids needed to eat something. This was something Eunbi used to do before, and Yujin learned from the best.


She went outside and everyone was already there in the living room, zoning out. She greeted them all first, and they all simultaneously greeted her back.


Yujin was about to go back to the kitchen and make something when suddenly, the doorbell rang. Curiously, she glanced at the other members who looked confused as well. Who might that be?


She went to the door, and there was a monitor at the side that would show them who was standing in front of their door.


Yujin’s eyes widened in shock when she saw who the person was and immediately unlocked the door in a heartbeat. She was greeted with a pair of crescent eyes.


“Good morning,” Minjoo greeted softly. “Can I come in?”


Yujin was dumbfounded, “Joo-unnie? W-Why are you here?” She asked, feeling a little bit foolish. It had been more than a week since she last saw Minjoo and Yujin was fighting the urge to scoop the older woman and hug her tight.


Minjoo then raised her hands, she was holding a lot of bags. “I bought some breakfast for you guys. And to surprise you too. I know you guys are so busy these days, you always need to fill up.” She said, and Yujin’s heart warmed, stepping aside to signal that Minjoo should come in.


The older woman chuckled deeply then said as she went pass through Yujin’s shoulders, “And I think someone missed me so greatly, so I decided to pay an early visit.” She whispered in a teasing manner.


Yujin’s ears went red as she closed the door and helped Minjoo carry the bags full of food. Oh, she was very vocal about how she crazily missed Minjoo. But she was moved that Minjoo really had to make an effort just to see her, and even bought food for her and her group.


“Unnie!?” Wonyoung was surprised when she saw Minjoo entering their dorm but she wasn’t unwelcomed, she even hugged Minjoo so tight after seeing her. “Why are you here?”


Minjoo smiled at Wonyoung, “To give you guys some delicious food before going to work. I know your schedules are so hectic so yep.” She explained briefly then shyly smiled at the other IVE members who were gaping at her from the living room, surprised at her sudden presence. “Hello, I hope you guys don’t mind me eating breakfast with you.”


Of course, no one minded. They were insanely happy and thankful even. Hyunseo was going hysterical because she was eating at the same table as Minjoo.


The breakfast was hearty, and delicious. Everyone was happily eating.


Yujin sat beside Minjoo, while Wonyoung was beside the latter. They talked and caught up with each other but Yujin mostly listened, and stared at Minjoo who was so friendly to her members despite being a shy introvert.


Yujin was just simply happy that she met Minjoo and saw her bright smile personally before she walked into hell earlier.


They did not talk much because the other members were excited to talk with Minjoo so of course, her attention was divided. Wonyoung was being talkative too so Yujin did not even attempt to ask for Minjoo’s attention.


She was already fine with Minjoo’s hand resting on her thigh, caressing and patting it gently to show that she was more than aware of her presence — that even though her attention was divided, Minjoo never forgot her.


After the long breakfast, the members went to their own respective room to prepare while Yujin urged Minjoo to stay for a while first so the latter did.


Minjoo stayed at Yujin’s room, scanning it with a smile on her lips. “Looking neat. You’re a clean person now.” She teased as Yujin grabbed some clothes to wear.


“I wasn’t that dirty when we were still living together.” Yujin argued softly and Minjoo laughed, making herself comfortable on Yujin’s bed, murmuring that she missed lying down on this bed.


“Do you know how to play a decent song with a guitar now?” Minjoo asked with a smile on her face, eyeing Yujin’s guitar at the side.


Yujin pouted, nodding, then sat beside Minjoo. “Yeah. Your lessons paid off. Even though some of your lessons were held online, I learned something.” She said, and sighed. “I wish I could play you a song right now but…”


Minjoo shook her head, her gentle smile never fading away. “We still have a lot of days ahead of us, Yujin-ah. It’s alright. No need to rush.” She softly murmured, and Yujin was stunned.


Yep, they still have a lot of days ahead of them so no need to rush indeed.


The corner of Yujin’s lips tugged upwards, forming a sweet smile, staring right into Minjoo’s warm honey orbs — her chest burning in a good way. And before she could even stop herself, she took a step forward. Just a little for this time.


She reached for Minjoo’s face, and she witnessed how Minjoo went a little bit tense at her sudden gesture but did not move away, instead her eyes softened even more as she stared at Yujin.


The younger woman used her fingers to tuck some stray hair that was blocking Minjoo’s godly face behind her ear then caressed her cheek lovingly, feeling it warm a bit underneath her palm.


Yujin smiled at Minjoo, “I’ve always liked things to flow naturally, you know that.” She murmured under her breath but Minjoo heard that clearly.


It had been like this between them for almost three years now.


Minjoo probably gave in a little bit too because she reached for Yujin’s hand that was cupping her cheek then held it dearly, smiling back at the younger woman. And it felt like a feather brushed Yujin’s heart when she saw that.


They stayed like that for a few moments, just staring and holding each other warmly until there was a knock on Yujin’s door which made the both of them flinch — immediately scooting away from one another with blushes on their cheeks.


“Unnie, it’s your turn now.” It was Wonyoung.


With a sigh, Yujin stood up from the bed and gathered her clothes, she glanced at Minjoo. “Wait for me, hmm? I’ll just wash. We’ll go down together.” She instructed and Minjoo just smiled, nodding.


Yujin washed herself pretty fast, and dressed up quickly too since she knew that Minjoo was waiting for her in her room.


When the younger woman entered her room once again, she was surprised to hear a lovely strumming guitar echoing around the small space. She was in awe that she paused halfway opening the door to watch and listen in a daze.


Minjoo definitely noticed her but continued to strum and hum, she glanced at Yujin first then threw a smile before starting to sing for real. Feelings by Lauv.


“ Is my love too much, or is it just enough

For you, for you?

'Cause it's gettin' late, would you like to stay?

Ah, 'cause I'm bad at readin' signs ”


Minjoo sang it softly, almost painfully soft so that it grasped Yujin’s heart in a gentle grip, her blood turning rainbow, and orbs sparkly. The older woman strummed the guitar gently with her fingertips, grazing the strings ever so lightly, creating a beautiful mellow sound.


Yujin felt her heartbeat’s pace quickening when Minjoo suddenly looked up to meet her eyes, still continuing to sing the line with her deep yet gentle voice that could touch your soul.


“ But I, I wanna do whatever you wanna do

If you wanted to, girl, we could cross that line

Know we've been friends and love only knows broken ends

Yeah, that's what you said, but girl, let me change your mind ”


Minjoo’s version was much softer and slower but it made everything better and so… passionate that it tugged Yujin’s heart in different directions.


And the way she sang it, so… expressive alongside her intense stare. As if she was trying to imply something. However, Yujin did not assume at all. She never dared. But the way Minjoo looked at her as if she was her everything, dried up, and made her heart rattle like a raging bull.


“ Mm, mm

Mm, 'cause feelings are hard to find

Mm, mm

Mm, feelings are hard… ”


Minjoo stopped singing after that, her fingers halted also; hovering on top of the base of the guitar. They stared at each other for a little while, trying to communicate with each other.


Throwing Yujin a smile, Minjoo set the guitar aside then said. “Why are you standing there like that? You should prepare now or you will be late, Leader-nim.” She reminded her with a light teasing tone that snapped Yujin back into reality.


Yujin took a deep breath and walked inside her room, closing the door behind her as she prepared. “You sounded great. I love your version a lot.” She complimented sincerely from the bottom of her heart then glanced at Minjoo, feeling a little bit happy seeing how the latter’s ears were turning red because of her bluntness. “I’m awestruck. I love your voice so much, singing or talking. I’ll never get tired of listening to it.” She added and the redness on the tips of Minjoo’s ears became even more visible.


“Alright, sweet talker. Continue preparing.” Minjoo said, flustered and giggling.


Yujin smiled and did what she was told. After that, when their manager told them to come out of the building already because she was about to fetch them — Minjoo went with them, even taking selcas at the elevator.


It wasn’t just Yujin who was sad when Minjoo bid her goodbye and went to her car. Everyone was. Minjoo promised that she would bring them food again sometime soon and that almost wiped off those sad looks from their faces. Almost.


Yujin was sulky as she went to their schedule but she was radiant and in a good mood despite missing Minjoo already even though they just parted a while ago.


As if on cue, Minjoo sent her a message after a while with a photo of her attached to it that instantly made Yujin smile brightly on her phone.


Minjoo: you must be sulking rn. don’t be :P we will meet again soon, yuding~ mwa


Kim Minjoo was also the cutest human being ever.




Once IVE’s promotions finally ended, the members were much more free and their schedule was less hectic so Yujin was happy that she could do whatever she wanted now — including meeting Minjoo.


However, much to her dismay, Minjoo was the one who became busier. It was really sad but Yujin couldn’t do much so in her free time, Yujin decided to learn new songs to play on the guitar to impress Minjoo, and to make her proud too because her lessons were not in vain.


For days, Yujin tried to think thoroughly of the song she should play for Minjoo to surprise her. Something meaningful. Something impactful. Something that would catch Minjoo off-guard. Something that Minjoo would really love.


Finally, she successfully found one. The perfect song that she could play and sing to Minjoo. She was very happy and giddy when she thought of dedicating this song to Minjoo.


However, along the way of learning how to play this song. Yujin had just realized something. She didn’t just want to impress Minjoo by playing and singing this song but…


There were sleepless nights thinking of it. She wasn’t sure if she should because… there was this silent agreement between them that they shouldn’t speak of those lingering feelings explicitly. At least, not right now.


But it had been running for almost three years now, and Yujin knew if they would continue tipping on their toes and circle around each other — nothing would happen, this torture would continuously go on for god knows how long when.


Maybe, Yujin was ready to shoot her shot now. She was ready to take a risk and leap over. She wanted to try rather than wait for a long time again. Maybe, this was enough. They were closer than before and it was hard to ignore the fact that Yujin was just… falling deeper and deeper. Something triggered her when Minjoo sang Feelings that very day.


She knew it was going to be hard. This was why Minjoo never said anything about it either and let the feelings fly around but the both of them knew — both of them could feel something sparking between them. However, ever since the very beginning, it was left at the side and never to be discussed unless either one of them was brave enough to open up the topic.


And Yujin would be the one.


So, when Sunday came and Yujin already memorized the chords of the song by heart — Yujin knew she was ready to finally take a step forward.


When she fluttered her eyes open, she did her usual — reached for her phone that was placed on the nightstand and checked the time and day. Almost eight in the morning already, and it was Sunday.




Yujin was reminded of her MC-ing days but after always spending Sundays with Minjoo, she completely forgot about it; not completely but to the point she wasn’t getting sad and sidetracked anymore whenever the thought would pass her mind.


Minjoo really made her Sundays less boring, and happy. She made an effort to cheer Yujin up because she knew that the woman was feeling very gloomy about it before.


But now… whenever she saw that it was Sunday, a smile would crept up on her lips and think of Minjoo. Not that she never thought of Minjoo on a daily basis but it would make her remember all those memories when Minjoo made an effort to make her less sad.


Kim Minjoo. What a sweet woman you were.


Yujin did her morning routine but before that, she messaged Minjoo first, greeting her good morning. And it took the older woman a while to send a reply. Minjoo immediately clarified that she was so tired from yesterday’s schedules that she overslept, which was why she replied late.


Yujin understood, really. And it made her hesitate if she would meet Minjoo today, and let the older woman rest up first. However, Minjoo greatly opposed that and told Yujin that they would meet today no matter what — the younger woman was defeated and agreed.


They would meet later in the afternoon since Minjoo had a meeting with her agency and it might take long but it was fine.


As Yujin waited for Minjoo, she just watched movies, exercised, and even practiced playing guitar until she realized that it was past four already. Minjoo was most likely done with the meeting too so Yujin rushed to bathe and dressed in nicer clothes.


Minjoo also told her that she was on her way. Just the perfect timing. She grabbed her guitar case and went out after informing her members about her going out again.


When Yujin went down, Minjoo was already there, waiting in her car so the younger woman immediately hopped in there after safely placing the guitar at the back.


Minjoo looked a little bit tired than usual, and it was understandable because the woman was so busy these past few weeks but Yujin couldn’t help but to feel worried. The older woman noticed her worried look and chuckled weakly, reassuring that she was feeling alright.


“I’m good, don’t give me that look.” Minjoo said, and even threw a half-hearted joke. “I felt even better after I saw a glimpse of you.”


Yujin felt a little bit guilty, still because instead of resting — Minjoo insisted on meeting her no matter what. Yujin should’ve been more stubborn and refused. “You should’ve stayed in and rested.” She murmured, playing with her fingers.


Minjoo shook her head, “Nonsense.” She exclaimed before maneuvering the car away from the building. “I’ve rested enough. I badly wanted to meet you, hmm? So don’t you worry about me. I don’t really have any schedule for tomorrow.” She assured, and glanced at Yujin with a smile.


With a sigh, Yujin just nodded. She would take extra care of Minjoo today then.


When Minjoo asked where Yujin wanted to go, the latter immediately told her that she wanted to watch a movie so they went to the cinema. It wasn’t on Yujin’s plan for the both of them to go to the cinema but watching a movie could make Minjoo relax and it would help that they would be sitting comfortably for hours.


Yujin specifically told Minjoo to go to that fancy cinema where they could comfortably watch — not too crowded and the seats were very comfortable as hell. They could even sleep there.


Yujin also let Minjoo pick what to watch and Minjoo picked Turning Red.


Throughout the show, Yujin just held Minjoo’s hand warmly as they watched. No one really knew who reached out first but all they knew was that their hands still perfectly fit one another and that it was warm.


When they got out of the cinema — much more relaxed and there was a satisfied smile on their faces — it was nearing dark. However, Yujin had plans and told Minjoo if they could go to a park instead.


Of course, Minjoo never really says ‘no’ to Yujin and happily obliged to the younger woman’s request without asking too much but before that, they went to a store to buy some corn dogs, ice creams, and soda to consume.


As they walked through the familiar empty pathway, the two had a lighthearted conversation about the movie they saw earlier and once the playground came into view — Minjoo was struck by familiarity.


“Yujin-ah,” Minjoo called, looking around the empty and quiet playground. It was so familiar to her. “Aren’t this the playground…?”


Yujin chuckled, walking past Minjoo who was eyeing the place in interest then placed her guitar safely at the side before sitting on one of the swings, gesturing for Minjoo to come closer. “Yes, unnie. This is where we shot the clips I used for I Love You 3000 before.” Yujin replied with a sheepish grin.


Minjoo lit up upon hearing that, the place bringing back nice memories that made her smile brightly. “Nothing much changed.” She said, and sat on the swing beside Yujin, looking very satisfied.


It was fortunate that no one would really come and stay around this area at this kind of hour so they have the whole place by themselves — they had no worries over people flocking over them. It was just the two of them and the moon who was looking at them from above.


Yujin stood up from the swing after a moment then went to the slide while Minjoo fondly watched her play around like a kid before finally joining her. They even rode the seesaw and kept taking pictures and videos of each other.


Giggles and delighted squeals flooded the once quiet and peaceful playground.


After a while, the both of them were finally tired because they kept playing around so they once again settled on the swing, sitting there silently as they ate their food and drank their soda.


Minjoo gently swung herself as she ate her corn dog, creating a creaking noise of metal above but no one was bothered by it — even grateful because this made everything less quiet. There were occasional noises of crickets around too, and the flickering of the lamp nearby but it was so peaceful.


Yujin just kept glancing at the older woman as she finished her own, smiling secretly to herself when she realized how beautiful Minjoo looked under the dim lighting that brought the full moon above them down to shame.


“Unnie,” Yujin called out softly and Minjoo hummed as a response, glancing at her with a creased brow. “Did you enjoy spending time with me?” asked the woman after.


Minjoo’s brows furrowed, as if she was asked something so ridiculous. “Of course,” Her tone was soft. “I always enjoy our time together. Even if it’s short, even if we’re silent. Your presence near me can make me the happiest.” She added with a flaming gaze that made Yujin melt.


Yujin smiled at her sheepishly, “Same.” She whispered. “When we lived together for two years or so, I still miss your presence but now that we’re taking different paths — spending time with you is very hard to obtain so… little moments like this will be forever etched in my mind. I cherish them more.” She said, and stopped swinging herself.


Every moment with Minjoo was special and never dull. She had always considered their ‘hang-outs’ as dates ever since before. Minjoo does too.


Minjoo was looking at her with her usual soft, doting gaze. And it made Yujin blush a little bit.


Shaking her head, Yujin stood up from the swing and grabbed her guitar before sitting back down. She still had a mission to do.


Minjoo’s eyes sparkled, focusing on Yujin. “Are you going to play me something?” questioned the woman with a teasing tone, not really sure if Yujin would.


Yujin glanced at her, lightly strumming the guitar already to check if the tune was right and to warm up her clammy fingers. “Yup.” She answered nonchalantly, which surprised Minjoo a bit.


“Oh?” Minjoo was curious, anticipation running down her veins.


The younger woman smiled, feeling satisfied already then straightened her back. “I will be playing and singing you something,” She said with a firm tone. “I learned how to play it by myself and yeah.”


Minjoo was looking very delighted already, she looked like an excited kid as she looked at Yujin intently. “Wow, I’m very impressed, Ahn.” She commented with a big smile then said, “Please, play it for me.”


Yujin looked at Minjoo nervously but the latter just gave her a look of affirmation and encouragement so taking a deep breath, she finally strummed then after a few seconds of strumming and getting the hang of it, she finally started.


“ Ooh really really like you ”


Minjoo froze when she heard the familiar chords but her whole-being went tense upon hearing Yujin’s chilling voice that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.


Yujin was singing one of the songs she wrote!


Minjoo’s heart instantly melted. Out of all the songs out there, Yujin chose Really Like You to sing for her which was… very endearing, really. And it had been a while since she last heard that song.


“ I’ve been waiting since a long time ago

With the sound of spring that comes after the cold winter

Unknowingly, my heart that has been asleep is now running

I am reminded of that time… ”


Biting her lower lip, Minjoo listened intently, trying to suppress a smile. Her eyes were glimmering, her heart was swelling. Yujin’s voice was godly. She missed hearing the younger woman’s singing voice and it was still so gorgeous as ever.


“ I remember

That day we first met

I think we were very cold

Cuz’ I’m with you Passing by the freezing winter

The sprouts grow… ”


Yujin was nervous but there wasn’t a faint tremble in her powerful voice, her hands were shaking but it did not affect her play at all. She still strummed lightly by heart, glancing at Minjoo from time to time and whenever their eyes would meet — Yujin felt like sinking a little but she continued on.


“ Really like you, please hold my hand tight

Please don’t let go of this hand

So we can dream while holding onto our warm hands

I really like you, I really really like you

Since I’m with you I am able to dream a brightly shining dream again tonight

With you… ”


Yujin’s husky, mellow voice trailed off, and her fingers halted strumming too as she stared right into Minjoo’s orbs.


The older woman thought it was the end, she was torn if she wanted for it to end already or just continue on because… first, she wanted Yujin to stop singing already because it wasn’t good for her health. These lyrics were piercing through her heart, as if Yujin was trying to imply something and Minjoo felt like fainting.


While another part of her wanted for Yujin to continue singing forever because her voice was simply hypnotizing, making her heart flutter in many possible ways. She loved Yujin’s voice a lot and she would never get tired of listening to it.


But much to her surprise, Yujin gave her a bright grin and continued to strum after that short pause, looking way more confident and laid back this time as she sang Minjoo’s part — continuing.


Minjoo giggled at that, shaking her head in amusement before quietly singing along, swaying her head along as she stared at Yujin who was staring back while singing softly. And to be honest, it felt perfect.


Just them, the moon, and the guitar.


“ I think I really like you, I think of us on that day once more

I wish that our dreams that grew since yesterday would reach the sky

You and I, following the shining dream

We walk a step forward, a step forward… ”


But once Yujin reached that part, her smile gradually faded as she continued to sing — her voice wasn’t still strained even after all that singing. This time, something obviously shifted which made Minjoo’s heart jump.


The way Yujin sang it, so passionate and expressive that Minjoo had to stop singing along and swaying her body to focus on Yujin, stare at her with a dumbfounded expression. And the way her heart started to rage inside her chest was making her scream.


Yujin… what was this? Did this mean something?


Of course, it was.


Yujin stared at Minjoo as if she was the only thing that ever existed in this world, as if she was her everything. Yujin stared at Minjoo as if she was the fire in the middle of a dark forest.


And Minjoo stared back at Yujin like how she wanted to be looked at; her world.


“ Really like you, I’ll hold your hand tight I’ll not let go of this hand

Hold onto both warm hands and look at the sky

I really like you, I really really like you

If we’re together, we can shine whenever forever… ”


It was a confession. Minjoo realized, and her heart exploded with rainbows and sparkles all over.


Yujin stopped strumming once she reached the ending, and finally whispered, “With you.” To fully end the confession song.


Silence enveloped them, and Yujin took a deep breath, ever since she started to sing — her heart was rapidly beating. She tried to calm it down but to no avail, Minjoo’s intense stare was making her even more nervous.


Did the message successfully reach Minjoo?


Yujin’s throat felt so dry, and she was awkward, she couldn’t even meet Minjoo’s gaze after what she did. Her courage drained out after that.


She cleared and placed the guitar away, coughing awkwardly. “How was it?” Her voice was a little bit strained, lingering with nervousness.


Minjoo did not reply at first, just staring, Yujin felt herself burn under that pinning gaze. “Yujin-ah,” The older woman softly called, and so Yujin turned to her nervously like an obedient puppy.


A beat of silence. Yujin held her breath.


A smile blossomed on Minjoo’s lips as her stare softened, “I really like you too.”


Yujin was stunned for a little bit and tried to recover, taking a deep breath as she averted her gaze. Her heart shimmered, rejoicing inside her chest as she could only utter. “Great,” She was breathless. “Great. That’s…” She bit her lower lip then looked back again at the smiling Minjoo, giving her a pointed, desperate look.


This was the first time they became too vocal with their feelings for one another. They had been dancing around each other on tip toes for a long time but yet… this was the farthest. They were near the edge, they were near to reaching each other.


Was Minjoo ready to risk everything for Yujin?


“We don’t need to talk about it now,” Yujin immediately clarified, panicking a bit. “I… I just want to let you know. I’m done hiding my feelings. I want to say those words that have been stuck in the back of my throat for a long time now.” She added, her lower lip as she fidgeted her fingers.


Both of them knew that what they were feeling for each other wasn’t simply ‘like’, however, they played safe for now.


Yujin felt like she was just a rumbling fool so she stood up and with a blush on her cheeks, “W-We should go home now. It’s getting late, unnie.” She whispered as she placed her guitar in the case.


Minjoo was stunned for a little bit before chuckling deeply, standing up then approaching Yujin. “Yujin, look at me.” She softly demanded.


Taking a deep breath, Yujin obliged, facing Minjoo.


Minjoo smiled sweetly at her before asking, “Can I kiss you?”


Yujin blinked, taken aback, the tips of her ears flaring red. She didn’t know what to say but she wanted to, oh god, she badly wanted to. To avoid embarrassing herself further by being a stuttering, nervous mess… Yujin just nodded as a response.


That made Minjoo giggle, muttering, “Cute.” under her breath first before taking a step closer and grabbed Yujin’s nape, pulling her downward then met her halfway.


Once their lips met — suddenly, everything disappeared and they teleported in their own little world. This kiss was long overdue.


Minjoo’s lips were softer than a marshmallow, and it was sweet. She loved it already, the feeling of Minjoo’s lips pressing against hers was so addictive and intoxicating that it made Yujin feel lightheaded.


The kiss was soft, and short only. When Minjoo pulled away, Yujin couldn’t even breathe. She lost the ability to breathe air.


Minjoo gave her a grin, pressing a light kiss on Yujin’s cheek before saying. “We don’t need to talk about it now,” She murmured, “The song and the kiss already enlightened me enough.” She added, then reached for Yujin’s cold, shaky hand and held it dearly.


“For now, let’s enjoy this Sunday night.” Minjoo said with a blinding smile and eyes turning into crescents. There was nothing more beautiful than that sight for Yujin.


Yujin bit her lower lip, tightly holding Minjoo’s hand. “Alright.”


This time, the ‘thing’ between them was clearer. They would figure things out sooner. They still have a lot of days ahead of them so it was fine to take things slow.


“Sundays with you are always the most memorable,” Yujin uttered out of the blue as they walked towards the car hand in hand.


Minjoo laughed lightly at what she heard, her heart warming at the sight of random Yujin. “I can say the same.”


They were simply madly in love with one another.




A/N: anddddd done! wahahahah. is this fluffy enough? *rolls eyes* yea yea i fooled you guys last time :P not feeling guilty tho! anywayyy, this fluffy piece really made me puke rainbows oh my god i enjoyed writing this sm??


to the kind one who commissioned me to write this and even gave me a coffee treat, i hope you know how moved and grateful i am! hehehe i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this fluff!


hope u gays enjoyed too~ stay safe as always and see u sometime soon, again!


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Chapter 1: 🤍💙🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 1: What a good fluff story. I leave with a smile.
nandatandini #3
Chapter 1: can we get fluff story only from now on? 🤔
Chapter 1: forever will be Minjoo unnie baby
spicysalmontunaroll #5
Chapter 1: read this and listened to really like you at the same time, a 2am experience i wouldn't trade for the world.

another great story from you, thank you for writing this! :)
1761 streak #6
Chapter 1: another great one in the books!!
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Chapter 1: finally a fluff :)
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Chapter 1: 🥹