Ch 20 [Final 2.2]

When Flowers Bloom
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A reason to live 




After mainly rescuing the kids from a particular building near the mall that was on fire, Chanyoung braced himself as he enters the mall without the firefighter's knowledge. His speed is invisible to the eye that he reached the third floor without a problem. He only found a few people trying to leave the floor with rescuers guiding them but he still heard some help around so he scanned the floor as he followed the cries of at least five people. He used his speed once again until he passed through a storage room, he stopped and looked back at the door. 


'Help! We're still here! Please help us!!!'


The voice is louder than earlier so he approaches the door and opens it with his bare hands, he instinctively pulled his hand when he felt the burning doorknob. "Aish." instead, he kicked the door too hard and it opened. 


Everyone inside the room are coughing as smoke came out together with them.


"You... save us?" One female staff of the mall couldn't believe a kid is standing before them.


"Hurry, the mall will be eaten by the fire." Chanyoung said loudly which made everyone nod and hastily leave him behind.


"Thank you." The female staff smiled at him before joining the others. 


As soon as they were not in sight, he continued scanning the floor before he proceed to the third and fifth floor which was harder to access because of the big fire spreading. He couldn't hear any voices so he decided to leave and continue his search on the lower floors. He heard more voices on the second floor and rescued them before he decided to leave the mall. 


However, while he is looking for his mother, a familiar voice called him which made him stop and turn his body around.


"That's right, it's you, Chanyoung. How have you been?" Sejeong smiled as she asked him.


Chanyoung stepped back anxiously. "Sejeong Noona." 


"Oh, don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you. You just made me happy to see you to be honest." Earlier than we expected. Sejeong smirked as she began to approach the young boy.


Chanyoung gasped when he heard his thoughts. "Where's Appa?" He asked curiously. He remembers his father is after them. However, he hasn't seen him around. Instead, those police officers and rescuers are helping the innocent.


"Should I ask you the same? I mean, I thought we were going to meet him. But he created this mess." Sejeong snickered. 


"That. That woman is the one that did this fire!" Someone from nearby shouted when she recognized Sejeong. "Arrest her, officer!" And she added to get an officer's attention.


Chanyoung and Sejeong's attention went to the woman. However, the officer immediately pulled his gun out and pointed at Sejeong.




"Damn it." Muttered Sejeong as she hastily runs away. 


"Yah!" The officer runs after her as she crossed the road.


Chanyoung immediately crossed the road too and he blocked her way as he appeared in front of her in just a couple of seconds. "Noona, Please stop this already."


"You're crazy to ask me that, Chanyoung." Sejeong laughs as she turns and throws fireballs toward the officer preventing him from getting closer. She turned to the young boy and does the same but the latter avoided them easily with his speed. "Aish!" She throws more fireballs towards him but she couldn't hit him until she heard a gunshot behind her, she stopped and runs away again.


Chanyoung wanted to follow her but a couple of officers are after her already and she heard more cries for help in a nearby building. He doesn't have a choice but to follow those voices.


Meanwhile, Seohyun and Sunny just reached the mall when they heard something interesting from few people that made their eyebrows raise.


'That boy is sure a superhero. He moves so fast.'


'My son was rescued by him, I thought I will never see him again. I hope we can thank him in person.'


'He sure has a good heart.'


'I know right? It's like he came in time of calamities.'


'He's even better than our armies. They're too slow.'


'Do you think he's part of that circle that the NIS agent shared on tv?'


"No way!" Seohyun literally yelled at those people, startling all of them. "I-I mean... he isn't like those bastards. That boy is maybe different but... he's special and he has the kindest heart." she couldn't hold back and explain.


Sunny smiled awkwardly at the strangers. "She also got rescued by the boy, that's why." she said as she grabs her friend's arm and drags her to the side. "I know you're proud of your son helping them but... you know we can't disclose your son's identity, right?"


"I know, I just help it. I don't want them to think he's part of that group when he's not." Seohyun replied as she softly sighed. "We can't even keep up with Chanyoung, it's hard to tell everyone about his real intention."


"At least some knows how good your son is. That's all that matters." Sunny shrugged her shoulders as she smiled warmly at the younger. 


"Yeah." Seohyun smiled briefly as she checks the tracker again. "He's just a few blocks."


"Let's help those in need first before we follow him again." Sunny realized there are people that were sitting on the floor, waiting for anyone to treat their wounds. 


"Absolutely." Seohyun returned her phone to her pocket and followed the older girl as they resumed helping the others again.




After trying to contact Yoona numerous times, Jessica give up and decided to join her son in the living room who was enjoying a cartoon movie. She sighs and smiles at her son, relieved that he had no idea what's going on outside and she has no plan to tell him.


"Omma, when will Appa return?" ask Jaehyun as his attention shifted to his mother on his right.


"I don't know but let's not think of him, hmm? It's not going to help us."


"Why not?"


Jessica sighs as she scooted closer to her son. "You know he's busy and he might take some time to return. We're fine without him, aren't we?"


Jaehyun potued sadly. "But I miss him."


"I know. Um, it's hard to explain but... I hope you won't miss him that much."


"Just tell me what's going on so I will understand." Jaehyun senses it's a bad thing to mention his father and he wants to understand it. "Please tell me." he begs as his eyes started watering.


Jessica nodded slightly. "Okay." She pause as she reached for the remote on the coffee table and turned the volume down. She returned her attention to her son with a brief smile. "Your father and I... aren't on good terms. You see... he did something I can't forgive so... I don't think he will ever return."


"He did a mistake?" Jaehyun raised his eyebrows.


"Yeah, like that and-"


"Can't you forgive him?"


Jessica shakes her head a little. "Not right now. I hope you understand that." she softly said as she looked into her son's eyes softly while holding her hands. "I love you, Jaehyun and I will do everything to keep you with me... "


Jaehyun's chest tightened. He sniffles and tried to control his urge to cry but ends up still crying as it hurts him so badly.


She hastily pulled her son for a hug. "I'm sorry, honey, I'm so sorry." she apologizes a couple of times. It hurts her more to hear his cries and she hates herself for that. She keeps holding him and rubbing his back, hoping he would calm down anytime soon but the cries just keep getting louder. She pick him up and started coaxing him like he was still a baby. 


Moments later, Jaehyun fell asleep on her shoulder. She gently placed him on the bed when his phone rings on top of the nightstand. She casually picked it up and smile a little when she reads Yoona's name flashing on the screen. 


[I'm sorry, I was too busy earlier, Noona. Why did you call?] Yoona asked her the moment she answered it.


"It's okay, I understand. Um, I called because I want to ask if the NIS know about Taeyeon coming back?] She walks outside to continue their conversation.


[We have yet to discover his whereabouts, Noona. Wae? Did he call you?]


'I knew it.' She thought as she let out a sigh. "He didn't... but he visited us last night." she shared. "I just want you to know so you guys will be careful. I mean, I have a bad feeling he will go after Chanyoung again."


[Damn, so he's really back.]


"Tell Seohyun about this too."


[I will, thanks for the info, Noona. Um, are you guys still in the hotel? Are you guys safe?]


"Yes, don't worry about us. The chaos hasn't reached us. Please be careful about Taeyeon."


[Will definitely tell my co-agents about this. Call me when you need anything, noona.]


"Just focus on your mission today, don't worry about us."


[Still, call me anytime if you need help. Anyway, I have to hang up now. Please be safe too and your son, Noona.]


Jessica nodded as the call ended. She sits down on the sofa and lets out another heavy sigh. 




After ending the phone call, Yoona finally stepped out of the NIS van and followed his comrade inside a museum. It is believed to be the hideouts of Minho and his group but when they barge inside, they're no longer there and they left a few stuff they owned including the sofa, tv screen, and wires. To make sure no one is around, they check the floor holding their rifles but failed to see anyone. However, they found a map of South Korea and some places had red dots. 


"These four places are the current location where the explosion occurred. Meaning, the rest of the dots... they're planning to explode them too." Their leader gasp as he realized it causing everyone to groan.


"This is ing all your fault." One of the agents blames Yoona, sending him glares.


"No, it's everyone's fault. We are not prepared for this." Their leader said but another in to blame Yoona and everyone agrees. 


Yoona could only lower his head in shame however he doesn't feel any regret at all. Although he didn't expect the after-effect. 


'Everyone, to the North Atrium Wing. A member of the circle appeared to be hurting people there.' A voice from their earpieces suddenly commanded them. Everyone didn't talk as they hastily leave the museum in a hurry.


Yoona came in last but still followed his group without hesitation. 



When they reached the place, they were greeted by screams from people getting thrown around. They didn't hesitate and opened fire on the suspect, who is they believe Lee Byung Hyun, the telekinesis guy. But all of their bullets never even reached him as they only freeze and before they could return to them, they jump to either of their sides to save their selves from the incoming bullets.


"Oh, look who we have here." Byung Hyun immediately recognized the doe-eyed when he get up and stepped forward. "How are you enjoying our show so far?"


"Yeah, you guys didn't disappoint me." Yoona sarcastically replied while he can see in the side of his eyes his co-agents are getting up and holding their position while holding their rifles. 


'This is your chance to distract him.' Their leader said over his earpiece. 'Buy us some time while everyone is leaving the place.' 


Yoona is aware that they're evacuating the people. 


"Looks like you prefer this than to quietly dealing with us, aren't you?" Byung Hyun chuckled in amusement. "Listen, we're not going anywhere unless you give us what we want."


"I still have plenty of time to think of it, right? Then let me use it." He replied with a smirk.


" you." Byung Hyun cursed so loud before he lifted his right hand when the NIS agents opened fire towards him, he changed his mind as he stopped the incoming bullets instead of pulling the doe-eyed towards him. He swings his left arm towards them to return the bullets but everyone is fast to make cover including the doe-eyed. He was about to use his power again when he saw a grenade being thrown at him. He had no time to change and use his power as he brace for impact but suddenly someone grabbed him and dragged him out of the place in just a blink of an eye.


As the grenade exploded, everyone take cover but once the smoke disappeared, they check to see no one is no longer standing.


". Someone took him." Yoona cursed as he immediately thought of Minho.


"Everyone out! The fire girl is outside!" Their chief commanded and he hastily followed his group.


Minho let out a huge exhale as he peek his head behind the door where he brought Byung Hyun. He's glad the agents didn't proceed to look for his friend. 


"Yah, I thought you are at the building?" ask Byung Hyun as he get up and approach the younger one.


"No, I couldn't stay there watching all of you guys in the monitor. We need to get Sejeong back before those bombs explodes." Minho seriously said. "The armies are so many, she can't handle them alone." 


"I know right? It's not just the NIS agents now. Looks like the President has deployed all of his armies in the country." Byung Hyun exhaled so loud. "Thank you for saving me earlier. I thought I couldn't make that." 


"Tsk, you are lucky I have the speed too." Minho snickered as he playfully punch his friend. "Let's get out here and find Sejeong."


"Yes." Byung Hyun nodded lightly and together they leave the building in a hurry.




While Seohyun and Sunny are guiding the injured people to the ambulances, they were hearing gunshots not far from their place. Some would squeal while others would cover their ears tightly. But Seohyun's heart is nervously beating thinking of her son, out there alone and probably fighting with Sejeong.


She stopped the moment the lady bowed and left with her family and check on her phone. She gasped to see that he was really just nearby.


"I'm still confident, your son will return safe and sound." Sunny told her and smile in the process.


"Yeah, me too but my mother's heart can't be stopped from getting anxious." Seohyun softly replied. "He's just 4 and you know how dangerous the place is right now."


"He is indeed just a little boy but he's not a normal boy, so... let's continue helping the others." Sunny gives Seohyun a pat on her shoulder before she returned handing food packs to the people.


Seohyun was about to return too when she realized the dot tracker is going toward them. She looked around immediately and found Chanyoung across the road. "Chanyoung!" she shouted instinctively and his son saw her. Before she could cross the road, Chanyoung beats her and appeared before her instantly. She hastily lowered herself to hug her son and check on her body.


"Omma, I helped a lot of people." said Chanyoung as he grinned so wide. 


"Yeah, you did." Seohyun sighs in relief upon confirming that her son only received dust and dirt on his arms, knees, and face. She cupped his face to wipe off the dirt and smile proudly. "You did a great job." 


"I saw Appa."


"Chincha? Did you get to talk to him?"


"Nope." Chanyoung shakes his head. "I hid. I'm afraid he will scold Chanyoung." 


Seohyun finds it adorable as she giggles. "Glad you did because I think he will really do."


"He was with those NIS guys. They were saving people too and fighting with Sejeong."


"Oh, so she was really on the scene."


"Sejeong is a good fighter, Omma. But she hurt a lot of people so Appa and his group won't approach her." Chanyoung pouted sadly. "I would've helped them too but I got scared Appa will scold me." he lowered his head sadly.


"It's okay, honey. They'll catch her for you." She smiled and gently hugged his son. "I'm so glad you are fine."  she gently rub his back for a while until Chanyoung's head rested on her shoulder and she heard soft snores.


"He's asleep." Sunny approached them. "Look how tired he looks but he is smiling in his sleep." she can't resist and caress the boy's head gently.


Picking her son up in her arms, Seohyun kissed her son's cheeks a few times and whispered, "Let's get you home now." 


"Um, I don't think we can return to the village, Hyun. Let's bring him to headquarters instead." Sunny suggested when she heard it clearly.


"I don't mind, Unnie." Seohyun smiled briefly before she started walking to their van.


Sunny hastily followed her behind and reclined the driver's seat while Seohyun takes the backseat. "Hopefully Minho and his group haven't gone there."


"What do you mean?" Seohyun gasped when she heard it.


"I received a message earlier that they found the map that was used for their plan. The HQ was one of their targets." Sunny replied as she awkwardly smiled as soon as she drives off.


"We'll find a safe shelter then like a hotel." Seohyun suggested as she looked down at her son on her lap. 


"No, it's not safe in buildings. How about outside Seoul?"


"Do you recommend any place?"


"My grandma. She's living in the countryside. I think we'll be safe there." Sunny immediately thought of her beloved grandma she hasn't seen for a while and suddenly got excited as she drives their way to their destination.


"Go ahead, Unnie." said Seohyun as she smiled briefly. She leaned down to her son's forehead and kissed it affectionately. Her heart is finally beating in peace as she stares at her precious son back with her.




"I'm sorry Agent Lee but we can't allow anyone to leave the city with the ongoing operation of the Army. Even though I know you and Agent Seo, the protocol said every resident must obey the military law. We can only offer our school buildings as temporary shelters. Oh, I'll recommend this school." The officer army hastily grabs the id passes for a certain school from the box and handed them to Sunny.


Seohyun and Sunny are both speechless but both understand the situation and receive the passes.


"Thank you, Officer Lee," Sunny said as she smiled a little only before she turned the van around.


"I think they're doing this to make sure no one from the circle members will leave the city." Seohyun let out a sigh. "And also making sure no other innocent lives outside the city will be lost. They must contain it no matter what." 


"I know right? Well, we're in a war indeed." Sunny heavily sighs. She looked out the window and finds black smoke in the sky. It feels like in a movie but definitely real and she is anxious about the future, especially in the capital city of their country.


Suddenly feeling her phone vibrating against the pocket of her blazer, Seohyun's heart skipped a beat as she got startled. She casually fetched it out and her eyes widened upon reading Yoona's contact ID which made her look at their son on her lap. She took a deep breath and exhale loudly before she answered it. "Hi, Chanyoung Appa." she brightly speaks.


[Where are you and our son?]


"Oh, at ho-"


[I'm at home right now and I was greeted with empty closet. Look, I know I disappoint you with my decision but please... don't take our son away from me.]


Seohyun laughs at what she heard. "Seriously? You still think I'm upset?"


[Then why am I not seeing you and our son?]


"Everyone is evacuating, where do you think am I and Chanyoung?"


[What? Did you guys-]


"The NIS sent Sunny to our home and we're currently on-route to our temporary shelter. Aigoo, I didn't imagine this from the start but I guess it's meant to be. Chanyoung said he saw this in his dream." 


[Oh, so you guys didn't leave me.]


Seohyun could imagine the face of relief from her husband and it makes her giggle. "We would never do that, Im Yoona. I'll send you the address later if you miss us."


[Yeah, please do. Be safe with our son.]


"Always." She replied and ended the call right away. 


"Does Yoona think you guys run away?" Sunny asked as she glanced at the backseat.


"Yeah, he sounds so upset." She chuckled softly. "Seriously that's so ridiculous. I mean, I think he can kill anyone near him if we really left him." 


"That just means he can't live without you guys. Looks like they're not taking a break from the war." Sunny smiled briefly at her friend.


"Should I feel good about that, Unnie?"


"Just take it as a sign your husband won't lose a battle and he will return safe and sound." 


Seohyun unconsciously smiled as she looked at her son, caressing his cheeks while her heart is beating in peace.




After making sure the three families have left safely with the Armies, Yuri returned to the hotel and continue his job of getting everyone out of the building safely. He was tasked to help the other police officers to convince everyone to go to their temporary shelter as the mission is ongoing. He had convinced five so far that was staying in a hotel and he hopes he can convince more before the sun will set. 


He proceeded to the fourth floor which has ten rooms and officers are still there, talking with every guest.


"Have you guys tried to convince this last room?" He asked one of his colleagues.


"Nope, that's your job now." and he sighs when he heard it. He didn't mind at all and rang the doorbell. It took at least a minute before he heard footsteps and as the door was unlocked, he was greeted by a small boy, staring innocently at her.


"Hi there, young lad." He greeted, waving his hand a little. "Are you with your parents?" 


"My mother is sleeping." Jaehyun replied. "Wae?" and he wonders.


"Um, do you mind waking her up for me? I just need to talk to her. For a minute." Yuri said as he flashes a friendly smile.


"Are you a police?"


"Oh, you're smart. You know my uniform."


Jaehyun nodded. "Yes. Okay, I'll wake her up." He left the door open as he rushed to the bedroom. He found his mother cuddling with an extra pillow, sleeping soundlessly. "Omma... someone's looking for you." he shakes her gently. But when he failed to wake her up, he shakes her a little harder. "Wake up, Omma! A police officer is here!" and he yelled furiously.


Jessica groaned as she slowly gained her consciousness. She turned and finds her son glaring at her. She let out a huge yawn while sitting up. "Why would an officer look for me?" ask her while rubbing her eyes gently. 


"I don't know but I'm curious so go out with me." Jaehyun grabs his mother's arm and pulled him out of the bed.


"Araso, araso." Jessica mumbles as she let her son drags her until they reached the door. 


"Omo, Ms. Jung." Yuri smiled immediately the moment he saw her.


However, for the young mother, she hastily close the door and returned to the room to fix her hair before the mirror. "Why didn't you tell me it's the young officer?" she asked her son while tying her hair and then putting on a little lipstick.


"You know him?" Jaehyun creased his eyebrows in confusion.


"Ah, yes." She awkwardly smiles. "I just meet him by chance. Aish." She hastily rushed to the door and fixes her white top first then opened the door. 


"Oh, thank God you returned." Yuri chuckled softly.


"I'm sorry, I... just woke up."


"I told him." Jaehyun informed earning a quick look from his mother.


"Yeah, he did." Yuri confirmed. "Anyway, I don't know if you know about this but... " He then opened his messenger bag and handed the letter from the government. "I'm here to convince you to go with me to the nearest school building. It's for everyone's safety as the battle against the villains continues." 


Jessica is reading the le

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1131 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1131 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1131 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku