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Sakura’s POV


Everything that happened in the past 5 years is roller coaster ride. There are ups and there are downs, but everything falls back in to place after a year or so. Everything in life was normal but there's something is missing and that's Eunbi. I know she's selfish for what she did not just to me but also with her friends. She just left us, she never contacted us, her friends are frustrated for what she did. Yujin who's still working in the restaurant don't know what is happening, she even go to France for a week to train there but there's no news from her. The only thing that she learned there is how strict Eunbi' father is, he wants everything to be perfect he wants everything and everyone in control. Maybe that's why we can't get any contact with Eunbi.


I'm frustrated and sad when Eunbi left, she promised to stay but I guess promise where meant to be broken. But that frustration changed as the time goes by, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that something happened way to personal to her family that she needed to go back there immediately. My friends told me that I'm a fool for that, they always say to me that it's okay to be angry at her and feel frustrated towards her and vent it out, but I can't, how can I get mad and frustrated towards the only person that I love.


Other things has happened to the restaurant it got bigger and more successful. My friends are living a happy life, they moved forward to in personal lives. Yujin and Xiaoting are happily married and already planning to adopt, while Chaeyeon and Hyewon are finally engaged after four years of playing pish and pull, their daughter is turning 6 years old. I'm really happy for them, but it seems like I'm the only one who's stucked and seems like I can't move on.


I'm not the head chef to my restaurant anymore I've decided to focus on the management side of the restaurant but I'm still developing and from time to ime I still cook there. Who's the head chef who else of course it's Xiaoting, she deserve it, she showed an extreme improvement in a short period of time. Her skills is on par with the top chefs now, if she's in a very famous restaurants in another country I bet she's can battle it out of the top. But my skills has improved also, me focusing on the management side of things doesn't mean I slack down on cooking I'm also improving and learning different kinds of dishes and cuisine.



Here I am now at my office doing some paperwork and reviewing and revising some new recipes that Xiaoting submitted to me. When suddenly my phone rang, I picked it up. "Hello this is Miyawaki Sakura."


"Hello Mr. Miyawaki." The voice came from a very feminine with a distinct French accent on the other line.


"Yes what can I do for you?"


"This is the HR manager of La Vien Rose in France." When I heard the restaurant's name my heart skipped a beat.


"Yes what can I do for you?" I ask not showing ny kind of excitement n my voice.


"I won't beat around the bush Mr. Miyawaki we would like to offer you the position of Head chef here in France." I smiled and this us my opportunity to see my beloved. But I wouldn't just agree to them in an instant I still have responsibilities in my own restaurant.


"I am very fluttered that you are offering me that position but I have my own restaurant here in Korea. Why would I accept your offer then?"


"We know about that Mr. Miyawaki but isn't this an opportunity for you and restaurant to be well known here in France we won't hide your title as the owner of the Cherry blossom, and we can partner up so you can expand here in France." They did some research but this time I'm playing hard to get.


"I'm not being arrogant or what so ever but I think Mr. Kwon is a little bit disrespectful for not contacting me personally, he's calling his rival here in Korea is her seeing me as a lower? Please remind him that I'm beating him here so if he wants me to work for him he should call me personally is that clear?" Let's play the game.


"Yes, Mr. Miyawaki I would tell him that."


"Is that all?"




"Ok thank you I have a lot of things to do. Have a great day."


"Have great day Mr. Miyawaki thank you for your time."


I hanged up the phone and come out of the office. I looked around and I smiled at the guests who's happy eating. I made some few small talks to he regulars specially the regular customers who's eating at my restaurant from day one. After I talked to them I went to the kitchen and looked for Xiaoting.


"Ting do you have a lot to serve?" I asked as she's plating some dishes.


"A little why?"


"After that go to my office I need to tell you something."


"Work related or personal?"


"Work of course."


"Okay I'll be there in a few minute." I nod and go back to my office and waited for her to come. "What is it?" She asked as soon as she sat down.


"I have an offer to work at France." She frown and it feels like she's judging me.


'what restaurant?"


"La Vien Rose." She took deep breath I know she's not okay with it.


"When are you leaving?" I didn't expect her to ask me that


"Wait that's not the reaction that I'm expecting from you."


"Well I'm expecting this to happen Sakura and I truly understand why you want to see her right?"




"You miss her?"




"Then go Sakura I am not here to stop you from being happy. If that's what you want to do right now do it. It's your turn to be happy, for the past five years Kkura you are there for me for Chaeyeon and for the staffs, you make sure that we have a comfortable place to work, to feed our family, and now that is everything is going well and stable you deserve it, you deserve to be happy."


"Thank you for understanding Ting. Don't worry about it I'm still doing the management of the restaurant while I'm there."


"How can you do that?"


"Well as of now nothing is final but I can make demands and I will make demands so I can still manage the important stuff that needed here. But you need to look at the Restaurant while I'm out okay?"


"Yes I know what will I do now I'm not the same Xiaoting five years ago." Yes you are not the same Xiaoting you are a upgraded version of Xiaoting from five years ago.


"That's great to hear you can leave now I know you have a lot of things to do." She stand up and is about to go out when she suddenly stopped and looked at me with a smile.


"Before I forget I'm pretty sure that you'll be happy there." This fool of course I will be happy I will see Eunbi again.


"I know."


The day passed by and I already talked to Chaeyeon about my plans and he is willing to help while I'm out. The next few days and I've already process everything that I need all the paperwork that needed to be done. Because no matter what the offer is I will be accepting it.


Finally the call that I'm waiti

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1762 streak #1
Chapter 35: oh so good!!!!!!! i'm happy with the ending, this was a big rollercoaster of emotion!!
1762 streak #2
Chapter 34: oh my goodness!!! so many things happened! but i'm happy for everyone!
1762 streak #3
Chapter 33: woah! mr. kwon my opinion might've changed about you!

and and and what's going on!!?!?!???
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 33: A lot going on...
But Mr. Kwon was this strict father who didn't allow Eunbi to own even a phone before Kkura came back, and now he's all supportive? Why did he supposedly deny Eunbi so much?
I don't know if i miss some things but Mr Kwon and Eunbi's relationship needs more work
1762 streak #5
Chapter 32: oh wow wow!! so many things happened so fast!!!
1762 streak #6
Chapter 31: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and mr. kwon!!!!! i don't know what to think!!!
1762 streak #7
Chapter 30: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows! He knows! Sort of lol can’t wait to see/read his reaction!
Chapter 30: OH MY GOD!
so much is happening! I'm excited
I wasnt expecting for that slap from ting lol
thanks for the update
1762 streak #9
Chapter 29: oh boy a backstory for sakura!!! and side story!?!?!?! oh right!!!
Chapter 28: OMG