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[Third Person's POV]



Yoona wanted to just leave, or at least not get asked about her new play every minute.

Well, what should she have expected?

It was a good luck party for the Drama club who had their first musical premiere at the end of the semester and their practice would start next week.
Yoona got the lead role and now everyone seemed to be interested in her.


Suddenly wanting to know about the shy, pure girl who was never in the middle of attention.
Who never wanted all this attention. Luckily her friends were with her the whole time, blocking strangers' questions and trying to cheer her up by giving her a few drinks.

Yoona wasn't a fan of alcohol.
With 17 years old, she only could drink wine, beer, and sparkling wine but that wasn't to her liking, so she just gave it to another friend.


Did she feel bad when Lily got drunk because of her?

Yeah, a bit.


However, the older girl was stressing about her music project the last days that it was okay for her to get wasted tonight.



Almost every friend of hers needed this break, so it didn't need much persuasion for Yoona to agree on going to the party.

Jiwoo and Kyujin were the only ones who stayed home since they have a huge test on Monday and the party was only for older students.


Right now, Yoona was trapped in a talk with a guy who asked her multiple questions about the play.
The worst thing about it was that he was a pure ist, asking Yoona why a woman is the lead actress when men are supposed to be the heroes.


She tried to just ignore him and look for a way out of this conversation, but she can't speak up, thinking it was disrespectful and she is way too shy to interrupt someone.
Her friends were either dancing or in the kitchen to get new drinks, so she also couldn't ask for help.


So, she endured it for the next ten minutes.
The guy just didn't stop and Yoona was getting tired, and her hands hurt from the tight grip she had after hearing his ist jokes.
She repeated prayers in her mind, to be good in the future if someone helps her.


And her prayers were heard when her best friend Yunjin got to them




"Hey Sullyoon, there you are, I was looking for you"
Yunjin said with a cheeky grin, making Yoona smile.


The younger girl didn't seem to be drunk so she could actually be a good use of help right now.



"We are talking right now"
the guy said but it was like he spoke to the wall since Yunjin's attention was only on her best friend



"Want to get some fresh air? You look a little heated"
Yoona nodded right away and wanted to leave but the guy stepped in front of her




"Hey, we weren't done"
he wasn't intimidating but it still got on her nerves that she couldn't move away from him.


Even more, since she couldn't get words out.

Luckily Yunjin was there to help her out



"If she really wanted to talk to you, she wouldn't yawn every second you say something. Now if you don't want to embarrass yourself, let her just go"
without waiting for another answer from the guy,
she took Yoona's hand and pulled her out of the house they were having the party at.



Yoona was a bit confused about how her friend knew about her constantly yawning when she just got to them but that was a question she would think about the next days without mentioning it in front of her friend and forget it right after Yunjin does something questionable again.
Her thoughts cleared for a moment when the fresh air hit her skin.

She closed her eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath.


How lovely not to smell teenagers and alcohol.

Hearing a chuckle from her right made her open her eyes again, seeing Yunjin looking at her with a smile, making her slightly blush for being caught and stared at.

Usually, she feels uncomfortable if someone stares at her, but Yunjin is just special for Yoona.


Maybe it's because they know each other since middle school, or it might be the huge crush she has on her best friend since their second year of High school.


Will she ever confess her feelings?




Will she complain about it in front of her stuffed toys?






And will she be jealous when Yunjin has a new suiter who tries his luck with her best friend?






However, Yoona tries her best that nothing changes between them too. She is way too afraid to lose her best friend.

She sometimes thinks she is too boring for Yunjin since all their other close friends are extroverts.


Everyone except Yoona.


She tried to be more outgoing and look for challenges, but nothing worked and Yunjin had to rescue her at least three times.
She then realized that as long as Yunjin stays by her side, everything will be fine.
From this moment on, she stopped and just stayed true to herself



"What goes on in that pretty little head of yours?"
only then did Yoona realize she was staring at her best friend the whole time.


Yunjin didn't seem to mind but was rather confused at her behavior.
It's nothing new for Yoona to space out from time to time but usually, she had something on her mind when she was in this state.




"Oh.... I...... I...... I don't know, just feeling the... Fresh...... The fresh air. This party is just not for me, you know?"
the younger girl couldn't help but laugh after hearing the stumbled answer of her friends




"Okay, want to leave? I can walk you home"



"What about the others?"




"They will be fine. Haewon can handle Lily and Jinsol. Let me just text her and we can go"
Jinni explained and took her phone out to text the older girl



"Okay, let's go"
without really noticing it, she took Yunjin's hand and intertwine their fingers, a habit they do since they are kids.


However, now it has a different meaning, at least to Yoona when she realized what she did.

The younger girl didn't seem to mind so neither of them let go.




Yoona asked when they were walking in silence for the last five minutes






"Do you think I can do it?"
at first, she could see a confused expression on her best friend's face but after a small look exchanged,
Yunjin smiled and squeezed their intertwined hands




"You will do an amazing job. You worked so hard for it Sull and I know for sure that there is nobody who could take the role other than you"
it was just the answer she needed to hear.


Yoona is comfortable in her acting and singing skills but hearing it from a person who means a lot to them is always reassuring.




"Thank you Jinni"



"I just believe in your talent. It's nothing considering how good you are"
Yunjin always knows what to say to make Yoona blush.



"Now you are exaggerating"
Yoona replied with a chuckle



"Hey I mean it. I could scream it out loud"
Yoona's eyes widen, knowing what her friend would do the next moment.

Before the first tone left Yunjin, a hand was placed on



"No no no no no, don't. It's late and I don't want any more attention this night or this week"
when it was safe, she pulled her hand away and Yunjin laughed at her friend




"Alright you win, just know that you don't need to be insecure. And if someone bothers you I'm there"
Yoona couldn't help herself and hugged her.


It was something she had never done so out in public.

It was so random and not the time or place for it but she just needed to thank her best friend without words.


She was just thankful that Yunjin replied to the hug with the same tight hold.
They stayed like this for a moment until Yunjin pulled away




"Come on, let's go, it's getting cold"
the rest of the walk was silent but neither of them was uncomfortable.


Their hands stayed intertwined and swayed them back and forth




"Do you want to sleepover? I don't want you to walk home alone at this hour"
Yunjin wanted to decline but seeing the expression Yoona used made her change her mind



"Sure, I just need some of your clothes tomorrow"




"As if you never wore something from me"
Yoona replied with a chuckle



"You are not better than me"
they joked around more until they reached Yoona's house.



They had to be careful not to wake her parents up and sneaked to her room.

While Yunjin got ready in the bathroom, Yoona was getting clothes for her best friend.


After the younger girl, Yoona got ready herself and after she finished, both lay in bed facing each other




"I hope you still had a bit fun"
Yunjin said with a soft smile




"I did, thanks to you girls"




"Yeah I saw how Jinsol was standing in front of you like she's your guard. You're lucky Kyujin wasn't with us. You know how loud she can get when she tries to help"
this made Yoona burst out laughing, remembering the last time their youngest friend was telling someone off who bothered Lily by constantly asking her out on a date.


The whole floor heard how Kyujin was telling the guy off.

It was hilarious, well except for the guy but he deserved it afte

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Any idea how their ship name would be?


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secondoption #1
Chapter 1: that was adorable <3
762 streak #2
Chapter 1: Nice story authornim.
Looking forward for more nmixx ships stories😆😁
Chapter 1: sulljin baby
username0001 #4
Chapter 1: ugh this is so cute😭😭 im waiting for another sulljin story from you!
sulljin visual couple ! satzu 2.0 <3
Tzuunaa #6
Chapter 1: Cutieee!! Omg
Chapter 1: sulljin aka sullyoon jinni
omg why this is so cuteeee
the first ever sulljin fic i read, thanks authornim ❤️