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Minho didn't know if this was a good idea. He felt ridiculous. But wasn't it ridiculous of Yoona to invite him to her wedding in the first place? Her ex-boyfriend?


It wasn't as if they had parted on bad terms. The break-up was mutual. They just wanted different things in life. And even if they had once loved each other sincerely, their relationship had no future.


Only unlike Yoona, Minho had not entered a new relationship. Instead, he had buried himself in work, trying to deal with the break-up that way. While he had managed to do just that, Yoona had found a new boyfriend and got engaged.


Their breakup had been a little over a year ago when he got the invitation to her wedding. And even though he was happy for her, he did feel like a loser if he showed up there alone.


This he had also told his best friend Key. And in one of their drinking sessions, Minho had let him talk him into ordering an . And when they were drunk, it all sounded perfect. They would hire a hot woman - hotter than his ex - to play his girlfriend for the evening, totally in love and over the moon.


But now he was not drunk, even if he would like to be. In fact, he wanted to cancel. It was pathetic not to have a real date. But it would have been even more pathetic to go completely without a date, wouldn't it? It would only be for the evening, Minho was somewhat reassured by the thought.


And so he waited outside the agency building, dressed in a smart suit, for his . After a few minutes, someone came out of the building. Minho had to swallow when he saw the person. It was a slim man with blond hair. The red suit suited him perfectly. It accentuated the man's proportions. His long legs, his narrow waist.


Minho didn't want to admit it, but he wished the agency had made a mistake and this man would be his companion for the evening. But he knew that Key and he had hired a woman. However, as Minho looked around he saw no one else waiting.


"Choi Minho?" he heard in front of him and winced slightly. The man had come up to him and was looking at him askance.   


Up close, he could see that the young man in front of him had a beautiful face. Dark eyes that could see right through him, or so it seemed to him. A narrow, straight nose and full lips angled upwards into a gentle smile.


"Excuse me? Aren't you Choi Minho?" he asked again. Minho cleared his throat. He was so taken by the appearance before him that he had forgotten to speak.

"Yes...yes. That's me. Good evening." He said and held out his hand to his counterpart.

"Hello, I'm Taemin. But if you gave the people at the wedding another name, we can go with that for the evening." He said and shook Minho's hand. Minho immediately noticed how small and soft it was.


"No...um...hello Taemin. It's nice to meet you." He said, trying to regain his composure. Had the agency actually made a mistake?

"Shall we?" asked Taemin with a smile, looking at Minho's car.


He was used to first-time clients being shy. Part of his job was to make his clients feel comfortable.


The first time he had looked at Minho in the picture, he knew he would take this job. Minho was damn good looking. He had deep, dark eyes, thick eyebrows and a jawline that was sharp enough to cut with. To be honest, the image had intimidated him a little.


But seeing Choi Minho now, reserved and at a loss for words, reminded him more of a cute little puppy than an ice-cold businessman like in the picture.

Taemin liked puppies.


"With pleasure, yes." Minho said and held the door open for Taemin. Taemin nodded his thanks and sat down in the passenger seat.


Before Minho sat down in the car he took a deep breath. He would indeed go through with it.


"So..." began Taemin as Minho started the engine. "Your description was very precise, but shall we go through it all again?" asked Taemin.


He didn't need to go through the whole thing again, for him it was easy - a y guy to his ex's wedding and make her jealous. He had that sort of thing almost every weekend.


But Minho sat there so stiffly that he wanted to make it easier for him. Besides, it would get them talking and the ice between them would break faster. After all, the two of them wanted to seem lovestruck up to their ears - but with such a shy Minho, this would be impossible.


"Yes...gladly." Nodded Minho, smiling briefly at Taemin before casting his gaze down the road.

"Good. So we've been together for two months and we met through your brother...Minseok was it, wasn't it?"

"That's right Minseok is my older brother. You're a friend of his wife." Explained Minho, even though he could only vaguely remember what exactly Key and he had filled in on the application form. Why had he been drinking so much anyway?


"And do you want me to be nice to her? Or do you want me to be y?" asked Taemin.

Minho had to laugh at this question. "You can be nice to her. We are still friends." He said with a smile. He slowly felt the tension falling off him.


"Okay, so you want me to just jump all over you, right? In the sense of You're the greatest! Where were you all my life style?" quipped Taemin.

"Yeah that would be good." Said Minho laughing and nodding slightly.


For the rest of the drive, Minho was able to calm down more and more. Taemin was a pleasant conversationalist. He quickly realized that it was easy for Taemin to hold conversations without awkward pauses. If Taemin had not been an , he would have actually believed that they were on a real date.



Minho drove into the gateway of the huge hotel where the wedding party was taking place. There was already a big sign outside wishing the newlyweds all the best. A hotel valet immediately approached the car and opened the door for Taemin. He got out of the car with thanks. Minho tossed the keys to the bellboy.


"Alright then." Minho said and held out his arm to Taemin.

"Showtime." Said the latter and hooked his arm around Minho's. It did not escape his notice that Minho was obviously working out.


The entrance hall of the hotel was beautiful. The spacious room shone with elegance. Together they went to the reception. Minho introduced himself. The nice lady at the reception explained to them that the party was in the first hall and pointed in the direction.


"And here is your room keycard. You are in room 525, enjoy yourselves." She wished and went back to her work.


"Keycard?" asked Taemin, perplexed. "I didn't bring anything to change into." He pouted.

"Well...yes. Yoona booked the weekend for the wedding party. But I didn't want to stay that long." He explained.


Taemin stopped abruptly. "You mean to tell me that this room..." he took the card from Minho's hand. "...In this five star hotel is paid for and you don't want to stay? Do I understand that correctly?" he asked.

"You're welcome to stay if you want." He chuckled to the younger one.

Without another word, Taemin put the card in his pocket and nodded in satisfaction.


Together they entered the huge hall. Jazz music played and a relaxed mood surrounded them. Men and women in fancy suits and dresses were on the dance floor, chatting and clearly having fun.


Taemin snuggled a little closer to Minho. From now on, there was no turning back. The two of them had to be the happiest couple of the evening - happier than the new married couple, too.


"Would you like to dance?" asked Taemin, looking excitedly in at the taller man.

"Actually, I never dance at such events." Said Minho slightly unsure.

"All the better!" said Taemin, pulling him onto the dance floor.


"All the better?" asked Minho confused while placing his hands shyly around Taemin's waist.

"Of course!" The shorter one placed his hands on Minho's shoulders. "Does that mean you never danced with her when you went out either?"


Minho's eyes shot up. He thought hard but finally had to shake his head. This brought a big grin to Taemin's lips.


"It must take a very special person to make you dance then," Taemin explained as the two swayed back and forth to the music.

"My, you are very clever." Minho nodded appreciatively, actually impressed.


Taemin was right. If Yoona saw that his new partner even made him try new things, it could only be a happy relationship.


For a moment there was silence between the two. Only the sound of music rang out around them. Minho couldn't understand if it was Taemin's words or his job experience - but it actually felt natural to dance with him there. Minho could indeed have done this all evening.


But a tap on his shoulder pulled him out of his daydream. Turning around, he rebuked himself. He had quite forgotten why he was there with Taemin in the first place.


"You dancing?" he heard the familiar female voice behind him. "I'm so glad you could come!" Yoona hugged him. She was wearing a white mermaid cut dress.

"I have to thank you for the invitation." Minho said, greeting her as well.

"This is my husband Junghoon." She had put extra emphasis on the word husband.

"Good evening." The latter greeted Minho and his companion.

"My congratulations to both of you." Said Minho.


His gaze immediately fell on his . He put his hand on Taemin's back and almost caressed him there.


"This is Taemin...my boyfriend." He introduced him. He couldn't place it, but saying the words pained him.

"Good evening." Said the latter kindly.

"Thank you very much for the invitation. Yoona if I may say, you look absolutely beautiful." He said.


Only then did Minho notice that he hadn't noticed. Yoona looked gorgeous, no one could deny that. Who knew how much time she had put into hair and make-up. But he was still enraptured by Taemin. He wanted an who was more beautiful than the bride herself, and Taemin was undoubtedly that.


"Thank you very much, that's sweet of you to say. So you two are dating?" she asked kindly.

"Yes we have been dating for a few months. We are still in the very beginning stages, but of course we hope to follow you as soon as possible." Taemin joked and the company laughed happily together.

"Well, you two have fun then. Junghoon and I still have about 200 guests to greet." She laughed and the couple went on their way.


"What happened?" asked Taemin.

"What do you mean?" Minho wanted to know.


He didn't notice, but as if by natural instinct, he snuggled Taemin up to him again. He wanted to dance with him a little more and enjoy the evening. Even if he had had reservations an hour ago, now he was glad Key had persuaded him to hire an .


"Between you two I mean. She's really nice. And if you two are still friends, then..." Taemin shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing serious happened." Explained Minho, not understanding why he found it so easy to talk to Taemin about such things. "We wanted different things in life, that's all." He said.

"Hm." Nodded Taemin, visibly happy.

"Hm?" Minho gave him a questioning look.

"Well, if you hadn't split up, I could certainly have had a worse evening than this one."

"Me too." Minho said softly.


It had been a wonderful evening. Taemin got on well with the other guests and with every minute Minho became more relaxed. They even talked about dates they had never had. And with each new story that came along, Minho wished that it was actually true.


At one point the music slowed down. Only a few guests were still there. Hardly anyone was still dancing. It had been a pleasant celebration. For Minho, the evening could have lasted forever. But he had to admit to himself that the party was coming to an end. But he did not want to bring it up. Taemin would surely let him know when his working hours were over and when he should either drive him home or back to the agency.


"Minho?" Taemin finished the last sip from his glass. Minho sighed inwardly. The evening would be over now.

"Do you want me to drive you home? It's getting late." Minho suggested.

"I know it's late. That's why I wanted to ask..." Taemin took out the card to their room. "...Wouldn't you rather sleep here? Besides, you've been drinking, you shouldn't be driving."

"And...you? How will you get home?" he asked concerned, to which Taemin laughed lightly.

"Well..." Taemin played with his glass. "...I thought I'd stay too..."


He looked at his counterpart suggestively. Minho didn't know what to say, he was too surprised by Taemin's bluntness. But he too did not want them to part ways yet. Therefore, he nodded slowly.


"Gladly...so if that's okay with you." But in Taemin's smile, he saw that it was more than fine with him.

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 2: I forgot that last line about having a real date!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 1: Re-reading and enjoying!
970 streak #3
Chapter 2: Will this actually be the start of something permanent?
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: Will this actually be the start of something permanent?
Thank you so much for sharing.
nikki_cro #5
Chapter 2: Oh this was so great! I know it says completed but I'd love another chapter if you're so inclined. One a few years from now, with 2min reminiscing about how and when they got together. Freaking, Key is the bomb here though.
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 2: Cute and smexy!!
Chapter 2: Bless Key!!!!
This was intense and amazing!
But I feel bitter: I would love to read the aftermath now 😭
shojinryori #8
Chapter 2: Aww, that was cute! I’m sorry it was so short though… but I look forward to your next story!
Chapter 2: You really is my favorite writer. AMAZING!!!! XD LOVE THIS TWO SHOT SO MUCHHHHHHH
Chapter 2: this is so gooddd !! love both of their character and the storyline and the ty scene so hott,, they're too adorable and hot at the same time so please continue their date and more y scenes hehh (~‾▿‾)~