
The surfer girl

Eunbi dragged behind her friends, satchel in hand along with her book in the other. Yena led them across the hot sand,


“Okay pitch up ladies we’re stopping here.”


Eunbi laid her towel next to Yena's, Chaewon and Minjoo followed. Hyewon and Chaeyeon sat at the end together. 


Eunbi laid back, reading her book when something caught her eyes in the ocean. Eunbi's eyes gazed over the top of her book, as she secretly watched a tall straight haired pink woman mount a surfboard. The woman was strong, everyone could see, her black wet suit clung to her body, showing off the toned muscle of her arms and legs. The woman tumbled off of the board and walked out of the water, shaking her hair back from her face. Yena must have noticed Eunbi go silent and nudged her not to subtly, 


“She’s hot,” Yena said, eyeing the woman up and down, “Talk to her.” 


 Eunbi shook her head incredulously, “No, no thank you.” Yena rolled her eyes,


“I saw you checking her out, and it seems the rest of our little fruity group has all spotted her.” Eunbi turned and saw the whole lot of her friends eyeing the woman. Eunbi shook her head at Yena and glanced back towards the woman, who was seemingly heading her way. The group of women scrambled to look in other directions as the woman pitched up her surfboard feet away from Eunbi at the end. Eunbi spotted a back duffel bag,


“Oh I’m sorry,” Eunbi said, dropping her book, “I didn’t see your bag there or I would have sat us somewhere else.” 


The woman shook her head, “No no it’s all good don’t worry about it.” The woman ped her wet suit, tying the sleeves around her waist, showing off her toned stomach and strong arms. Silence settled over the group as the woman sat near Eunbi, suddenly, 


“I love that book,” the woman said, “Kind of heartbreaking that they never got to be together the way they wanted.” 


Eunbi glanced down at her book, stared back at her, “Yeah it really was, I supposed they worked with the cards they were dealt.” 


The woman nodded, looking off at the ocean again and leaned close to whisper only to Eunbi, “Ain’t anyone ever tell your friends starring is rude?” Eunbi chuckled and looked at the line of her friends all looking down at her and this woman. Eunbi shooed them off, “Sorry they don’t know how to act when they see an attractive person.” 


“You think I’m attractive?” the woman said. Eunbi'scheeks flushed, 


“Yeah, wait, no..i'm sorry,” Eunbi said. The woman laughed and waved her off, “Kidding, but thank you. You're one to talk.” The woman eyed her up and down, not so subtly. 


Eunbi rolled her eyes as blushed made its way up her cheeks, and she started to read her book more. Eunbi could feel the woman’s eye’s on her as she read each line of the page, 


“Ain’t anyone ever tell you staring is rude?” Eunbi said, not looking up from her book. 


The woman let out a snort, “I see it as if you're at a museum and you're lookin’ at all the beautiful things.”




The woman sat in silence again near Eunbi, tapping on her phone every so often. 


“You mind watching my bag, i’m going to go back in for a little bit.” The woman said, “I’d really appreciate it.” 


Eunbi nodded, “Yeah, it’s in safe hands don’t worry.” 


Eunbi watched Sakura wax her board again the run towards the water, now staring unabashedly at her as she dove into the ocean. 


“Okay what the was that?”  Yena asked. Eunbi turned towards her and shrugged her shoulders.


“No idea, asked me to watch her bag.” Eunbi said, looking back down at her book.


“Yeah, and what about the way she flirted with you in the process.” Yena said, all her friends have turned down and looked at her now. 


“She talked about the book I was reading, and asked why all my friends were staring at her.” Eunbi said bookmarking her page and looking at them all. The group giggled at Eunbi,


“Ask her out.” Chaewon said, “She’s into you I can tell.”  Eunbi waved her off and took a sip from her water bottle, 


“No no, plus we don’t even know if she’s into women.” 


Yena laughed, “Yea and I’m not straight. Look at her.” 


Eunbi glanced as the woman mounted her board,  she spotted Eunbi and waved at her before finishing her run and toppling over. Yena dramatically turned back to Eunbi,


“If you don’t ask her out I’ll do it for you.” 


Eunbi brushed her off and laid back down and began reading her book again. Eunbi glanced at the ocean every so often, the woman mounting her board and falling off every so often.


She walked out of the water, and made her way back to where her bag lay. Eunbi watched her from her peripheral vision, Sakura slowly taking off her wet suit, giving Eunbi the briefest glance of soft skin and legs. 


“Thanks for watching my bag miss.” the woman said, “Can I bother you for one more favor?” 


Eunbi glanced and saw the small cut on the woman’s eyebrow, blood dripping onto her cheek and nose. Eunbi put her book down and motioned the woman over. 


“My name is Sakura by the way,” She said, “Figured it be important to know, in case I die or something.”


Eunbi laughed as Sakura settled on her towel, “Eunbi, nice to meet you Sakura.” 


“That’s an awfully pretty name Miss Eunbi.” Sakura said. 


Eunbi’s cheeks tinted pink, “You’re just concussed.” 


Sakura laughed, “Naw I just scratched it on something, didn’t hit anything hard.” Sakura handed Eunbi a small first aid kit, “I hate to be a burden but do you mind helping me out?”  


Eunbi shook her head, “Of course,” and moved closer to Sakura.


Sakura smiled and leaned forward so their faces were inches apart. Eunbi brushed Sakura’s hair back, tying it up with her hair tie. 


Eunbi grabbed a small alcohol pad, “This is going to burn.” She wiped the cut off, making Sakura wince. Eunbi grabbed her head with both her hands and blew softly on the cut to ease the pain. It was Sakura’s turn for her cheeks to blush over, Eunbi put cream in it and leaned back.


“There, right as rain.” Eunbi said. Sakura patted her knee softly,


“Thank you, any way I can repay you for such amazing service doctor Eunbi.” 


Yena chimed in, “Eunbi would love to learn how to surf.” 


Sakura’s eyes lit up, “I can teach ya some stuff! I’m not the best but.” 


Eunbi glared at Yena, “Yea, I’d love that actually.” 


Sakura put on her wetsuit and stepped aside to wax her board once again. 


“I truly do hate you all.” Eunbi said, “I’m going to make a fool out of myself.” 


Yena just snickered along with everyone else, “Go on student.” 


Sakura motioned Eunbi over and grabbed her hand, leading her down to the ocean. Eunbi shivered at the feeling of Sakura’s hand in her’s, warm long fingers holding her gently. 


“Okay so it’s not easy the first time, trust me I would know.” Sakura said as they got into the water. Eunbi tied her hair back out of her face, Sakura watched on, “So you want to start off small, just paddle a little bit to get used to it.” 


Sakura touched her waist softly, “Sorry, didn’t mean to touch you without permission but you were leaning too far to the right, make sure your body is centered.” Eunbi felt herself swoon over this woman. 


After about an hour of teaching her, Sakura called it a day, “I think this is all I can teach you for one day without your brain exploding.” 


Eunbi laughed, her skin hot from the sun and Sakura’s gaze, “I’d say I didn’t do too bad. I had a pretty great teacher.” 


Sakura splashed her on her, “You're just saying that to get another free lesson.” Eunbi faked innocence, “I’d never.” 


Sakura splashed her again as they made their way up the beach, “I’ll do you one better, I’ll give you another free lesson,” Sakura started, “If you let me take you to dinner tonight.” 


Eunbi smiled, looking down at their shadows in the sand, “Yeah, I’d like that a lot actually.” Eunbi quickly said, “and not just for the free lesson.” 


Sakura set her board down now, grabbed her duffel bag from the floor. Sakura’s smile never left her face, handing Eunbi her phone she put her number in, “I’d like that a lot actually to so…” Sakura trailed off, “I’ll text you, see you tonight darling.” Sakura kissed her cheek softly before grabbing her bag and board and walking over to the jeep parked next to Eunbi’s car.


Eunbi walked back over to her friends, bottom lip in between her teeth to keep her from smiling. The whole group had eyes wide staring at her as she walked back over to her towel.


“Okay what the was that?” Hyewon questioned. Everyone nodded alone in agreement with her. 


“I’ve got a date tonight.” Eunbi said casually as she picked up her book. Yena punched her arm and grabbed the book,


“More details or I’m throwing that book into a fire pit.” 


Eunbi recounted Sakura teaching her some surfing tips and how Sakura asked her out. Yena screamed, “This is so exciting, where is she taking you?” 


Eunbi shrugged, “She just told me she’d text me, and then kissed my cheek.” 


The group let out screams, “Oh my god.”


“We’ve got to go now and get you ready for this date.” 


Everyone got up at the same time and packed up their stuff and headed towards Eunbi’s car.  Yena talked her ear off about her outfit for the night, they pulled up to Eunbi’s house and she read her text aloud,


Do you want to meet at the same spot at the beach? Say 5, we watch the sunset and I'll bring dinner? You bring that book. 


“That’s so gay and so cute I love it.” Yena said, “Okay cute beach attire that will get you laid on the beach tonight.” Eunbi rolled her and eyes followed Yena into her closet,


“The goal is not to get laid but to have a nice time and get to know Sakura.” Eunbi said, looking around her closet.


“Yes, and you can do that in,” Yena said, “This skirt and blouse which will also get you laid on the beach.” Yena held out a knee length beige skirt and a loose fit navy blouse.


Eunbi grabbed the hangers and went to shower.

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ARUK14 #1
Chapter 1: plss continue
reigngrey #2
Chapter 1: Please continue.
Chapter 1: This is so good please continue it<3
anonymebr #4
Chapter 1: Estou ansiosa para o próximo capítulo
1753 streak #5
Chapter 1: oh my gosh! this is good!! can't wait for their date!!
Ali_Barouq #6
Chapter 1: Its good
Chapter 1: I miss them too 😭