
Unexpected Meeting
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28 Nov,

(Yujin pov/thoughts/actions)

After watching yena tattoos on her nape I feel like i want to make one too. Yena one is a butterfly so uh why not give it a try, its quite attractive though. Well bestie matching tatts not that best i guess, lets surprise her later HAHA. 

*in the lift going to my parking lot in my condo*

Which one should i choose uh *voice in yujin head* the tesla one or the mercedes.. ting! Ayee riding a ducati on this beautiful weather sound nice, its been a while though i havent use it and yuh i also can breath nice air..

*exiting the condo parking lot*

On my way to the tattoo parlour, i meet or maybe i flirt a lil bit, she uses mercedes benz whew thats y, her car stop beside me while waiting for the light turn green, well it take 3min to wait cause there are 3 more traffic light before ours, our meet and bro i feel like i saw an angel, i ask her whats her name though, and yk what i got? Her number business card instead, i meant the one which got her number in it, i guess face card never decline.. *written in the card* (Kim Minju 01X-XXX-XXX) woah her name is so sweet like her face.. before she drove aways, she shooks her hand? Uh a call sign to me mhmm.. its a nice start of a day yk, but i bet its gonna take a while to call her back since im lazy potato who prefer to be single rather than in relationship lol..

Back to the story.. so yea riding ducati feels too good for me all eyes on me and yea i like those attention.. so its take 30min from my condo to the tatts place.. ive already book an appointment earlier and yea my lucky day the tatts artist is not that busy so she accepted me.. well the tatts artist is actually chaeng my sunbae, thats why its easy for me to get accepted.. so uh on my way to the place, i saw a tesla parked infront of the place.. nice car i see.. well i park mine beside it cause its freaking ducati its not so big.. i go inside the shop and whoops some es just bumped me.. and yk what worst? Shes holding a cup of coffee and yea as expected the coffee spilled at my inner white shirt.. my shirt wet and atleast my leather jacket not BUT still its ruined my mood and day.. i boutta pick a fight but then she just gimme her business card and go out from the tatts place to her tesla and drove away.. im speechless, i want to kick or punch something because its happened too fast and her mfing or y attitude is ughh i cant stand it, RUDE. And yo why the someone keep giving me their ing business card like why cant we settled it rn... are u that busy maam?!.. after she left, i face chaeng who still shook about what happened earlier and i wave at her then she snapped back at reality gimme her handkerchief to wipe it but still look bad and smell like an americano.. ugh whatever *shrugged it off*

Chaeng help me to go to her room so that we can start our draw tatts session.. mhmm its been a while since ive been her, the last time i visit here is back at march after breaking up with yuna and decided to make 'loner tattoo' a pathetic?YES. So back to our drawing session, the butterfly tattoo behind my nape is not that small nor big maybe in between? Lol yea its quite painful but i guess worth it since its attractive and im kind of playgirl because i keep on flirting with some strangers but just left em like that after got their number. A bad guy indeed. Its part of my routine so I cant blame myself, its just the girls also throw themselves at me. Yk once said, dont reject something that come to u so willingly. I just did my job to gime em pleasure *face palm. The tatts drawing session is not that long, its like 1h 30min, after that i pay to chaeng and ask her to keep the change.*well i know im a good friend ahahah lol*

I go back straight to my condo back and yuh still angry with that who spilled coffee to my shirt but i decide to cool down my temper by showering. Uh maybe not showering, chilling myself in the bathtub, with wine in my right hands and her business card. That business card. She think shes that rich to be like that?! I think we r in the same level or maybe im on the next level *look im so random btw stan aespa* 

The name is Jang Wonyoung/Vicky jang. Mhmm i just keep on examining the card. Maybe i'll call her later on. Who knows, I can make her fall for me and left her after that. Well shes quite tall maybe an inches taller than me and yea hot body *sorry guys but its fact its not like i ualising wonyo* i should make her life suffer lol i take this too far just because of petty reasons.

After having a good shower, i feel sleepy. So i decide to sleep and gonna call vicky jang tomorrow morning.

*next day* *1100am*

I wake up from a beautiful sleep and prepare myself for a brand new day. Not to forget but i still need to call that vicky jang because im not the kind of peeps who let go that easily.

*calling vicky jang* *annoyed face*

Vicky jang: hello?

Yujin: hello maam do u remember me?

Vicky jang hangs up*

Yujin cursing*

*calling vicky jang*

Vicky jang: stop calling me you mfing scammers im not that dumb who u can manipulate and robbed my moneyh

Yujin: yo! Im not a scammer u rats, im the one who u spilled coffee yesterday while im just freaking entering that tatts place

Vicky jang: oh..

Yujin: u not gonna apologies or what huh?

Vicky jang: its not my fault though.. u r the one who dont watch what ahead u

Yujin: oh my fault? Then why r u giving me ur number? Tryna pick up some fight with me?

Vicky jang: up to u lol im not that childish to fight with a strangers just because of a coffee spilled on my shirt

Yujin: i- maam u just literally ruined my freaking good mood yesterday and i dont wanna waste my time on calling u, why not we meet face to face so that we can settled this more good. But still u r getting on my nerves.

Vicky jang: do u think im not that busy to meet up with u? I freaking have some work to do in my company.. who do u think u r? My lover?

Yujin:ughhh still its better to face up each other cause i want to punch u in the face*blablabla meet me at iz restaurant after u finish ur work, call me when u r over, bye

Vicky jang: u did not just calling me bitc-

*yujin hangs up*

(Wonyoung pov/thoughts/actions)

Ughhh why tf my luck is not that good until i need to meet some hot tempered peeps like her but her voice is kinda attractive though *bumps head on the wall* wtf did i think just now and why i give her my business card after all? I can just left her like that but its pretty rude but still i left her after giving her the card, its so chaebol style*my apologies to chaebol peeps* sigh lets just finish this and meet up with her to clear things up between us.


Whew what a tired day. *turn on my wifi botton in my phone and woah a lot noti from some random peeps* "dont forget our date tonight-yujin" wtf since when i date with her like arent we suppose to fight each other? Sigh *replying yujin* "im done with my work, gimme the location of the iz restaurant now. U better arrived there earlier than mine or else im not gonna pay attention to u no more eventho u keep on blabbering about ur tshirt ughh." "Okay hags *emoji tongue stick out*-yujin" whatever.

Driving to the said location, oho thats place its not thay far from

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Chapter 1: aww annyeongz