First Cup

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Chapter 1: First Cup


' They say that meeting the person that you are destined to fall in love with can happen even during the most ordinary days of our lives. Could be another day of you falling in line at the grocery, depositing cash in your bank, or even randomly walking around your old neighborhood. It isn't the day that matters anyway, it is the person that will change your life. Time won't stop or slow down but your heart will just know that you are finally at the right place at the right time.’ 


"Okay, those are cheesy lines to say." Jisoo giggled as she tried to memorize her script. 


Being the lead for this new drama, Jisoo made sure to have her lines ingrained in her and be ready to take any scenes when filming. Not that her passion for her craft is a surprise to anyone. Kim Jisoo is one of the sought after actresses of her generation. Known for her professionalism, easygoing attitude, and confidence that makes her the ideal actress to work with and be with.


"Yo, Jisoo! You ready to film your scenes for today?" Her director cheerfully greeted her as she entered her trailer. 


"Yes, Seul. I'm just giving last minute readings to my script to make sure I remember them." 


"Are you kidding? You've been stuck to your script the whole morning! You call that last minute??" Seulgie teased.


"Aish, let me be. I don't want to disappoint Irene unnie by not internalizing this script that she wrote. And besides, it's not like you don't know that I reread my script a lot during free time to get a better feel of the story." Jisoo lightly hit Seulgi.


"I really don't know how you can read and memorize the whole script without having any caffeine in your system." Seulgi looked at her with a perplexed face.


"Meh. Photographic memory. Helps me a lot in this profession that I chose. Who needs caffeine when I have this to depend on." Jisoo grinned while tapping her head.


"Oh speaking of caffeine, I saw a coffee truck for you being set up outside. You thinking it's from Lisa? That girl has been missing our game nights cause of her comeback. Methinks she's trying to get into your good graces so she'll still be part of our team in that game." Seulgi laughed while checking her phone.


"Could be. She did mention she'll make it up to us for missing 2 game nights already. I'm thinking we'll let her play next time but we won't heal her when she needs help from us." Jisoo grinned while standing up and getting ready to go.


"Yep, it's Lisa's coffee truck alright. She just messaged me to make sure we take good pictures of the coffee truck as she liked the service she got." Seulgi led Jisoo to the truck.


"Is Irene unnie coming today to watch the filming?" Jisoo asked while still reading the script from her phone.


"Maybe, she said she wants to see if you'll give justice to the character. I have a feeling she'll keep changing the lines to piss you off. She's still annoyed at you for making me come home drunk." Seulgi laughed while remembering her girlfriend’s annoyed face.


"Please, it's not my fault you drank too much. And besides, I'm okay with her changing the script. Some lines are too cheesy anyway. Like really? Everything will just click all of a sudden when you meet the one? And during an ordinary day? Why can't it be realistic and say feelings can be developed overtime if people work for it or something." Jisoo gave her friend a dubious look.


"You do know that this drama is a love story, right? Irene has the right to make it as cheesy and hopeless if she wants to. And besides, that's how we met so I accept her storyline!" Seulgi exclaimed proudly.


"Yeah, yeah. You guys met each other while lining up in the book store. Your eyes met and the rest is history blah blah." Jisoo teased while shaking her head.


"Hey, it's not my fault that we experienced it! And Lisa also said she and Chaeng also felt it when they first met. So maybe you will also soon. Lord knows it's been so long since you dated anyone. Who was the last again? Soojoo? Haein?"


"Haein. I don't know, I just could never see anything beyond friendship with him. And even Soojoo. And I really tried, you know. It just wasn't working out the way they would have wanted." Jisoo sighed while

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I'm back! I'm sorry it took a while. :)


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Cruuushx3 #1
Cruuushx3 #2
Chapter 12: I can't with Lisa HAHAHAH she's too funny!
Cruuushx3 #3
Chapter 9: I'm loving this!
Chapter 16: I love it. Thank you for the update 😊
1120 streak #5
Chapter 16: I got addicted and I want more 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1120 streak #6
sooyerong #7
Jensoo4everlove #8
Woo-hoo you're back!!!!
Taitai84 1226 streak #9
Chapter 16: Welcome back!!

And I want to know which deity granted Jisoo’s wish to finally confess cuz I need some wishes granted too!
charitomeria #10
Chapter 16: Welcome back… can’t wait for more chapters 🥰