You're going to fall so in love with me

Magic Double Date Night: How Yerim met Sooyoung
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A/n: Finally getting around to how Joyri met for our magic double date night universe, have no idea if there’s any interest here, if not that’s okay; it was always my plan to eventually show these stories so of course we will have how seulrene met, and how they all met as well eventually. So first how our witch and vampire met please enjoy!


“This party is sure as hell boring…” Kim Yerim thought as she looked around the main party hall of the hotel she had been invited too. Sure there were lots of influential big shots here, all sorts of entertainment insiders. Many of which were vying for her attention, but of course they would be. She is only one of the most successful music CEO’s here.


“Ms. Kim, Ms. Kim, we must dine together soon.” A man smiles at her. “How about I make reservations at the Eiffel Tower restaurant. We can discuss a business opportunity?”


“Ah,” Yerim smiles, holding up a glass of wine, “only if you can afford me.”


Several people laugh at her joke, and naturally Yerim is not kidding. Not that any of them understood that. Parties like this were not Yerim’s scene. Too many people and nothing interesting happening.


“You’d think they’d at least have some kind of entertainment.”


All of these entertainment CEOs under one roof and no one thought it would be a good idea to hire a band or anything? The only thing that brought Yerim any comfort was that she didn’t have to stay long. She was only here to show her face, mingle a tiny bit, and get the hell out of here. Sounded simple enough.


“Finally some music.” She could hear some music playing from somewhere and it brought relief to her. Thank goodness, as Yerim didn’t know how much longer she could stand looking at all these boring people in suits trying to impress one another. Speaking of trying to impress….


“Ms. Kim, oh Ms. Kim…” 


“Oh, not right now, you don’t.”


Yerim wasn’t about to have a boring conversation with another person about how they should work together. She walked off quickly and blended into the crowd of other well dressed people in nice suits and dressed. Though that was not safe enough for Yerim at the moment. Spotting a door that leads to the outside garden grounds. Yerim makes sure she’s out there before anyone can see her. Now this is more her scene. The peacefulness of the night with its quiet, pretty moon and stars serving as a perfect backdrop, and no annoying people bothering her.


“Humans are so boring sometimes, huh.”


Well, almost no annoying people were bothering her. Yerim turned to where she heard the voice and saw a well dressed woman in a dark crimson dress. Gorgeous dark hair, full lips, and big brown eyes. She looked like some sort of singer or actress. Though, Yerim might have guessed a model since she stood taller than her. And even if she didn’t make that statement. Yerim could tell she wasn’t human. Despite the fact she looked very human.


“Humans are boring?”


The mysterious woman smiles at her. Oh, so they were playing that game. The CEO might have humans fooled but not her. 


“Oh come on.” She smiles in a way that brightens up her entire face. “You don’t have to play that game with me. You don’t have to pretend here. I’ll tell you what I am if you tell me what you are.”


Now this might be the most interesting thing to happen all night, and it had nothing to do with the party inside. Yerim smiled.


“But you already know what I am.” There’s no way this mystery woman doesn’t know already. Just as Yerim is sure she already knows what she is.


“I do. But it’s more fun if we tell each other, no. Oh come on, I bet being out here with me is already way more fun than in there with those boring humans.”


“Just who are you anyways?”


The pretty woman walked over to her with purpose. Yerim wasn’t sure if it wasn’t meant to scare or possibly entice her. Either way, Yerim wasn’t scared. She honestly didn’t know what to make of the woman who might be a total manic for all she knew. But it sure as hell did beat going back inside for the party, that was for certain.


“Dying to know who I am, aren’t you.” She smiles once again. “Tell me who you are first.” The taller woman leans down with an amused expression on her face.


“Such an annoying woman.” Yerim could see she probably wouldn’t get through this if she didn’t so she might as well. “I’m Kim Yerim.”


“Kim Yerim.” Her name is repeated in such a way that shouldn’t sound that attractive. “And Kim Yerim is….” She was clearly waiting for Yerim to go on and tell her what she was. 


“Kim Yerim is leaving.”


“Oh no, you don’t.” Before Yerim can turn around and head back inside. The woman reaches out and places a gentle hand to her. “You know you don’t want to go back in there with the humans. Stay and chat with me awhile. I promise I’ll tell you what I am too.”


“Fine. But only because that party is boring as hell.”


“I know.” The woman laughs. “But what can you expect from boring humans? Okay, Kim Yerim, now tell me what you are.”


Though she already knew what she was. It still would be more interesting to have it told to her. When Park Sooyoung came to this party the very last thing she expected was to run into another supernatural being. She expected to stuff her face with wine and expensive food. Maybe meet some people. But never in her wildest dreams did she think she’d meet an actual interesting person in the form of someone like her. Someone not human. 


“I’m a vampire.”


“See isn’t that so much better. I knew you were a vampy.” She smiles and pats her cheeks. “Look at you with your pale face and fangs. But I guess you must have some sort of concealer or some the humans can’t see through your disguise.”


“Let go of my face!” Yerim pushes her hands away. “Don’t you know it’s rude to touch people you don’t know.”


“It’s a shame though. Since you have really very pretty honey eyes.”


“T-Thanks…” The vampire does whisper, to which Sooyoung finds absolutely adorable. She has to admit she is very attracted to the vampire. Sooyoung always did like a woman in a suit, and those bright honey eyes are certainly doing things to her. So she was a little shorter than her. Sooyoung didn’t really mind that at all. She had a good feeling about this and something told her that she and the vampire would get along very well.


“Are you going to tell me who you are now?” 


“You’re not curious to know what I am, vampy?”


“Vampy..” Yerim frowns in disgust. That is not going to be a thing. “Fine, then please enlighten the class.”


The taller woman smiles cheerfully and presents a small flame that’s shaped like a tiny raven. “I’m a witch. Though you knew that already.”


“I did, cool trick.”


“I know.” She turns the rose into a sphere of water and Yerim does have to admit it’s pretty cool. She becomes so fascinated by the witch’s magic that Yerim nearly misses what the witch says next.


“Excuse me?”


“I said my name is Park Sooyoung and you’re going to fall completely in love with me. I guarantee it.”


The vampire looks at her as if she had lost her entire mind. Did she just think the witch was cool? On second thought Yerim might have been better off inside with the humans.


“You're an insane, silly witch.”


Sooyoung laughs and pats Yerim’s cheeks much to the annoyance of the vampire. “You’re totally going to fall in love with me, Kim Yerim. No use fighting it.”


“Unless you put a spell on me. I seriously doubt it. Now I’m going to go.” Then it occurred to Yerim that she didn’t have to go back inside to a boring party full of boring humans. Why do that when she can make a clean getaway now? However, Yerim was not a rude vampire. Not at all. She did have manners.


“Goodnight, Ms Park.” Are the last words she says to Sooyoung before transferring into a bat and taking off into the night. Sooyoung could have been offended. She didn’t have very many vampires turn into bats and fly off into the night just to get away from her. Sooyoung felt more excited than anything else.


“Yep.” The witch nods with a bright smile. “That’s totally my wife that just flew out of here.”


“Goodnight, Ms. Kim!” 


That had been the last thing Yerim heard as she flew off. Yerim sighed to herself in relief as she knew for certain there was no way she’d see that crazy witch again. Still meeting the witch had been much better than being at the party itself. Yerim couldn’t deny that. As a vampire masquerading as a human. Yerim is always proud of herself that she can do so freely, and no one is ever the wiser. With that being said it can be a little lonely when no one is like you. That’s why there was a bit of excitement when she saw the witch and recognized her as a supernatural being too.


“Too bad she was a total maniac.” Yerim sighs and removes her suit jacket.


What was all that crap about falling totally in love with her? The vampire has been around a hell of a long time, and falling in love with a stranger is not exactly high on her priority list. No matter how pretty the witch had been. 


“Oh, well. It’s not like I’ll ever see that crazy witch again.”


What did it matter now anyways. It wasn’t like she was ever going to see Park Sooyoung ever again. No way no how.


At least that was Yerim’s plan. Someone should have informed Sooyoung of the same plan. Because the witch definitely intended on seeing Yerim again. Much sooner than the vampire herself could imagine.



Because on what should have been a typical day of Yerim coming into work. To where the CEO had a full day planned of getting things done for her current artists. Working on music, signing off on photo shoots, meeting with her staff, and she was so ready for her day to begin. 


“Hold all my morning calls. I’ll be in some meetings.” She speaks to her receptionist before opening her office door. 


“You’re late, Ms. Kim.”


“Oh holy !” The vampire screams when she spots Sooyoung casually sitting at her desk. Judging by her posture it looks as if the witch has been sitting there for quite some time. How did she get in here and past security?


“Hi!” Sooyoung waves. “No nice suit today?” 


“W-What are you doing here?”


“I came to see you, of course. What else would I be doing here? So you’re the boss of this place?”


“I….” Now the vampire really doesn’t know what to say. She can’t believe Sooyoung not only knows where she works, but shows up. Didn’t Yerim just say she would not ever see the woman again? And here she is sitting in her office just like it’s an everyday thing. 


Sooyoung on the other hand is amused. She thought about what would be the best way to surprise Yerim and somehow this seemed like the funniest. Yerim is still standing there at a loss for words, and Sooyoung feels like it’s time she did something to get her vampire’s attention. 


“What’s the matter? Are you completely captivated by my beauty? I understand it happens.” 


“W-What?” That pulls Yerim out of her daze. “Are you insane?”


The witch smiles. “Well that got your attention. It’s nice to see you again.”


“What are you doing here? Did you put some sort of magical tracking device on me or something?” Yerim actually begins checking herself for such a device which sends the witch into a fit of laughter. Is her vampire adorable or what?

“Now there’s an idea. I did no such thing, you’re actually pretty famous around here, Ms. Kim. It wasn’t that difficult to find you. Now, how are you going to make things right? You did sort of fly away from me the other night?”


The CEO could not believe what she’s hearing. Is this why Sooyoung has tracked her down? Yerim sighs and runs her fingers through her brown locks. She’s going to have to do something about the witch. Otherwise, she won’t get anything done for her day and she has a ton of work to do. Yerim will not allow anyone to interrupt her work day, no matter how pretty they are.


“Wait, what…” She did not just think the witch was pretty, did she? Though the witch is very pretty. Sitting over there at her desk with those big brown eyes looking at her with a curious look on her face.


“Is this what you came over here for? Because I left the party?”


“You didn’t just leave the party. You turned into a whole bat and flew away from me, that was probably one of the rudest things I ever experienced. You should really make it up to me, vampy.”


“Oh my god, is she serious?” Yerim can’t believe this is happening. “Well, what do you expect me to do?”


“I’m glad you asked. You should take me out on a date, some place nice. As starters at least.”


“A date!”


Sooyoung nods happily. She will not leave until the vampire agrees to a date though so she is fully prepared to stay all day around Yerim’s company until she agrees. Because unlike Yerim, Sooyoung doesn’t work here in the human realm. She has no personal ties to anything in the human world so for her coming to the human world really is like being on vacation. The only time Sooyoung comes here is when she’s bored and for some reason this time around she has found the most interesting thing of all. Sooyoung thinks she can stay around more, if things work out with Yerim like she thinks they will.


After all, this vampire is going to be her wife at some point anyways. 


“I don’t have time to date. I’m a busy woman running a music label, which I would be doing if you weren’t interrupting my day. So can you please teleport yourself out of here already.”


“No can do, not until you agree to our date.” To prove she’s serious about staying, Sooyoung prepares to get comfortable by conjuring herself up a soda and popcorn too. Yerim is this close to screaming when the witch pulls out a magazine too. She can’t possibly go on like this, not at all. And because she has no choice, Yerim does the only thing she can do.


“Alright, I guess.”


“Yay!” Sooyoung cheers excitedly and hugs the vampire tightly. “You won’t regret it. Now, I expect you to treat me to a good time, Ms. Kim.”


Yerim thinks about the last time she’s been on a date. It’s been a hell of a long time. “I’m just going to let you know the last time I went out was a very long time ago. So roses were very cheap then.”


Sooyoung laughs out loud as she wonders how old her vampire is exactly. “You’re hilarious, aren’t you. Well, no matter how cheap roses may have been then. I expect you to still treat me to a nice time. Here’s my number,” Sooyoung produces a fancy business card out of thin air and hands it over to Yerim. “I will be waiting for your call when we’ll be going out. Take care for now, vampy.”


Yerim states down at the pretty business card with bold lettering that read Park Sooyoung, attorney at Law- representing all monsters.


“She’s a lawyer?”


“You’re a lawyer?” Yerim asks only to find Sooyoung is already gone. Knowing a lawyer, especially a lawyer who represents supernatural clients could be actually pretty useful. Yerim will certainly have to keep Sooyoung in mind. She’ll have to find out more about Ms. Park Sooyoung, attorney at law. 


“Guess, I’ll have to call her soon.” 


And so began the waiting game, especially for one witch who was trying to be as patient as she could. She didn’t want to just go bothering the vampire again and appearing desperate. 


“When is she going to call? When is she going to call!” 


Sooyoung stared down at her phone and paced her hotel room. Okay, she was getting a little desperate when it’s been three days now and no call from Yerim. This isn’t really how Sooyoung is. She is a confident and assured witch. A woman who has no problem getting asked out, by humans and monsters alike. So now why is she suddenly falling apart because a vampire doesn’t want her.


“You know what, who cares. I’m Park Sooyoung and I can have anyone I want. It doesn’t matter if she calls me or not. I’m going out!”


At least, Sooyoung was about to when finally her phone rang and it was from a number she didn’t recognize. She could have easily hung up but then if it was her vampire. Sooyoung didn’t want to not answer. 


“Hello, Park Sooyoung. Attorney at law.”


Yerim pauses on the other end of the phone. Is this the same witch? She sounds professional and not like a lunatic.


“Vampy is that you? Are you shy?”


“W-What, no!” 


Sooyoung smiles. Yerim is really an adorable vampire. She’s going to enjoy getting to know her.


“That’s okay if you’re shy. It’s about time you called me. Finally ready for us to go out on that date?”


Yerim wasn’t necessarily avoiding Sooyoung. She just found it convenient that she had been particularly busy with work. However, it had gotten to a point where she couldn’t really avoid the witch forever. 


“Yeah, I think so.”


“Hey, you don’t sound very enthusiastic over there.”


“Yeah, yeah, just don’t try and p

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monsterchua #1
Chapter 1: awwwww~ its so nice to hear their backstory actually.
Chapter 1: The car scene XD
I love Joyri, they’re so chaotic it’s cute and funny XD
Taitai84 1236 streak #3
Chapter 1: It’s obvious you had a lot of fun with this chapter, with all the humour littered throughout, like yeri feeling like she has a wife (who doesn’t listen) already even without being married yet :D