Big Night for a Little Lady

EXO Tales of Halloween Scares and Frights
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 *The photo is not KJD and his daughter but is was so freaking cute I had to use it as the poster for this short story, added a little Halloween bling bling. I hope the real KJD Princess has a better t-or-t experience if she ever goes. Plus I took liberties in writing fiction about the real life family members since so little is known about them.  This story takes place October 2022. 🎃



"Don't worry, I can handle this. I have watched our princess numerous times all by myself. I know what I am doing. Besides we will be gone two hours max. Max! What could go wrong? I'm not going to let the boogie man get her. Hahaha" Jongdae laughed in his trademark way, loud and boisterous. Not the most reassuring sound for a young mother when it would be her little girl's first time trick-or-treating.

"Jongdae, I know that you will do the absolute best you can but you have to know." A slight sniffle was heard over the phone line.  He stopped his beautiful wife before she started to cry.

"I know Baby. I know. I wish you were coming with us tonight but I promise I will film it all so you will not miss anything." He reassured her in his softest voice.

The Mrs. was not able to accompany Jongdae and their tiny princess on her first foray into the world of begging for candy on October 31st due to a previously scheduled appointment. The prior two years had put a damper on the World's plans for the holiday, let alone for the little girl and it was finally her time to shine. The chosen persona that her highness deemed worthy was of course a princess and Papa, Do Not Forget My Crown!  She was not happy that Momma could not come but she had been promised that stops would be made at the grandparents' homes or closest to, the Uncles and a couple other close family friends then by the time she got back home with Papa her beloved mother would be home waiting.

The little girl liked her princess dress for it was pink and shiny and sparkly and was lots of fun when she twirled around in it and she could not wait to show it to people. Uncle Nini and Uncle Chan would be the most fun, both of them often would pick her up and twirl her around the room so that she could laugh and laugh. The other uncles were fun as well, maybe a little easy to manipulate but what man could win against a little girl with big tears when she did not get her way. It was difficult for even Uncle Sehun or Uncle Kyungsoo to say no. Yes indeed, she wanted to show off her pretty dress and her sparkly crown and get some candy that hopefully Papa would let her eat some before returning.  She had been looking forward to tonight ever since she got her costume and had had a difficult time waiting. Every day since it arrived along with the sparkly accessories she asked her parents if it was Halloween yet and they would tell her no, that she would have to wait. Waiting was hard when you are only four years old (Korean age).  Momma finally got the brilliant idea to look up videos to show the little girl what trick or treating around the world looked like and how it is magical for only one night out of the entire year. Papa told her that while candy is good at any time, at Halloween it tastes the best. It was at that moment Momma elbowed Jongdae and in a harsh whisper told him to be careful.

"Candy needs to be inspected regardless of where it comes from. That way when she gets older she knows she can't just reach in her bag and help herself.  We need her to learn early for things to come."

"Omo, I hadn't thought of that. No wonder why you are the best mommy ever, my beautiful baby." Jongdae responded to his wife's comments with a compliment then a sweet kiss to her nose. 

The little girl had grown used to her parents giving each other hugs and kisses ever since her Papa had become a daily constant in their lives. She still didn't understand where he had been but she had remembered something about lots of uncles wearing greenish clothes and all living together then leaving Papa after only seeing him for an hour or so. She was very happy now that he was home with her all the time for he was lots of fun to play with, more fun than Momma to be honest but then she wouldn't play horse with her like Papa did.

The night's agenda was all planned. Visit the grandparent's first. They had flipped a coin to make it fair and informed the parents of this so no feelings could be hurt.  Since Jongdae's parents and brother lived out of town they decided to come for a visit and were at a nearby hotel. They won the coin toss. Afterwards would be the maternal grandparents. Then following a well planned route Jongdae's long time manager from SM would be next followed by the EXO uncles. Uncle Nini was last on the list since he had promised to watch his niece and nephew this year at his sister's home and that residence was the furthest to reach. But since Uncle Nini was a favorite of the Princess no evening would be complete without visiting him. After confirming the address and programming everything into Maps, father and daughter were ready to set out on their adventure.

The hotel where Jongdae's parents and brother were staying was not hard to get to at all.  Jongdae and his little princess took the VIP elevator up to the correct floor then he called his parents to let them know that they were outside their door.  Confirmation that they were ready was given so Jongdae bent down to his daughter and told her that one of the ways people know trick or treaters were present was to knock on their door. The little girl ran up to the door and with her tiny fist thumped on the door which immediately opened. She was met by her real uncle wearing his own costume. Jongdae had to hold back his laughter for he did not want to ruin the surprise.

"Now you get to say those words you have been practicing Princess." Jongdae softly whispered to his daughter. She looked at him with confusion at first then at the giant teddy bear in the doorway. Jongdae nudged her again.

"Momma, I want a baby brother!" then the little girl looked at her father who gasped loudly as the teddy bear fell to the floor laughing. Jongdae's parents came to the door to see what was going on since their eldest child took it upon himself to to act so child-like. Granted the 30 something year old man was wearing a bear costume however....

"Princess I meant the other magical words that you use to get candy. You say trick or treat."

"Ok Papa. Trick or treat teddy bear. OH!! Grandma!!! Grandpa!!"  The little girl cried out when she saw her grandparents standing behind the giant teddy, who was still on the floor. In her excitement she ran past the bear to grab at her much loved family, surely they would still give her candy even if she stepped on the bear.

"Did you....did you..hear what she....said?" the bear wheezed through his giant head all while hiccuping and laughing.

"Shut up you fool!" Jongdae threatened in a low growl. The older Mrs. Kim still heard him. 

"Jongdae! That is no way to talk to your brother!"

It was at that moment the bear removed his head revealing himself to the family and trying to wipe the tears streaming from his eyes with his giant paws. The little girl recognized him at last and launched her self at him.

"Uncle! You are a bear for Hawooween!! Trick or treat!"

"Oh my beautiful princess! Look at you. So pretty!! Yes. Yes. Uncle and Grandmama and Grandpapa will give you treats because you are so cute!"

Jongdae struggled to help his older brother stand up in the massive costume while the grandparents brought their beloved granddaughter into the hotel suite. 

"So my little brother. Are you trying that line on the wife? How's that working for you?" the brother started to guffaw at his own wit while Jongdae fumed.

"Things are going just fine. Never you mind. Maybe you should put that bear head back on, you look better that way." Jongdae stalked off to find his only offspring.

After fifteen minutes and several promises to return tomorrow the father-daughter duo set out for their next stop, which were Jongdae's in-laws, the second set of grandparents. Thank goodness the faux pas from earlier was not repeated this time around and Princess had a wonderful time with her loving grandparents. After receiving two bags of goodies, not just candy but toys as well the little gang of two set off on their merry way for more adventures. Jongdae had filmed and sent both shorts to his beautiful bride and she responded immediately with heart emojis followed by 'I wish I was there' and 'Did you make plans for lunch with the parents?' But of course my love, he responded. Kim Jongdae was not a foolish man. Silly at times but not foolish for his wife had told him to make lunch plans with both sets of parents while everyone was in the city, so he did.

The next victim, err stop on the list was Jongdae's long-time manager. A very jovial person who was more happy to see the little girl than he ever was to see the middle member of the beagle line. His own children had waited to see the princess before starting their evening and once hugs were exchanged, they set off. A few moments of pleasantries were exchanged and a reminder for an appointment in a couple days then off the team went. This time to Uncle Junmyeon's.

Uncle Jun opened his door wearing bunny ears and thick glasses, along with a fine vest of many colors with a pocket watch tucked inside the front pocket. He held a long carrot in his hand and before Jongdae could say anything he was greeted with, "Ehhhh Wassup Doc?"

"You have flipped your lid haven't you?" Jongdae replied in all seriousness.


"That's gotten really old by now you know."

"It still works on the variety shows. And how is my little Princess?" Junmyeon threw the carrot at Jongdae as he swooped down and picked the little girl up in his arms then swung her around. Her screams of delight were heard down the hall. "She definitely inherited your lungs!" Junmyeon chortled.

The two friends walked into the luxurious apartment. The first thing Jongdae noticed was a luxury brand bag sitting near the sofa. Taking a quick glance near the door confirmed his suspicions so he decided to play a bit with his pal.

"Where is your friend, hyung? Are you scared to introduce her?"

"Wha. .what??" the leader of EXO sputtered.

Jongdae just raised an eyebrow. Then he heard a click when a handle opened and feet shuffled out from a room behind him. Turning around, he recognized another of his friends in the industry whom he greeted with a genuine smile.

"Oh Hello Noona. So you are spending time with Junmyeon tonight only or is it most every night?" He asked with a grin. The lady walked over and wrapped an arm around the waist of her boyfriend.

"Never you mind Kim Jongdae. Just introduce me again to your lovely little girl. Unnie has candy for her."

Several more minutes passed visiting between the adults and eventually her princess asked about the other uncles so they made their way to the door.

"Hey Dae, please don't say anything to the others about seeing her here tonight. We have yet to make things official."

"You aren't getting any younger you know. It's well past time for you to date out in the open."

"Come on Dae. We still have to think of EXO-L."

"Jun. We are in our thirties. It's time to have families. You can date, marry and have kids. Our fans will have to get over it or you will be single your whole life. You have done your job, now live your life. I gotta go. Enjoy your night. Thanks for the candy. Go get your girl!"

Once the Princess was back in her carriage she asked her father where to next and he replied, Uncle MinMin. Uncle Kyungsoo's home was actually closer en route to where Jongdae currently was. However, he was out of the country filming a movie and would not be back for at least another month. A small gift along with a box of delicious French chocolates had already been received at the Kim household a couple days ago from the quietest Uncle. The journey to Uncle MinMin's was filled with song and several choruses of trick or treat, trick or treat, trick or treat.

It was still light outside when father and daughter arrived at his best friend's home but an hour of the two hours max of time away from home had already been spent. Jongdae felt a bit rushed but he did not want to hurry his little girl a long especially with her best loved playmates. 

As soon as Uncle MinMin opened the door he was greeted with the well practiced line of the season from his treasured girl. He flashed his trademark gummy grin and engulfed the little lady in a big hug. 

"Hello Princess! How is my favorite girl? Are you getting lots of candy?" He asked as he carried her into his home. She nodded but then pouted and shook her head. "Yes? No? Which is it sweetie?" The little girl started to tear up so her uncle patted her on the back as her father walked over to her head. 

"Uncle Minmin. We have seen Grandmamas and Grandpapas and only fwee uncles. I do not have enuff candy at all. Mama is not here and I want her." Tears started to fall now so Jongdae took the little girl from his friend and rocked her back and forth in his arms to calm her.

"What's going on Dae?" enquired his long time friend.

"She had an appointment that she couldn't reschedule but she should be home soon or shortly after us. I'm filming some of our stops. Needless to say, pretty emotional for everyone so far."

"hmmmm. I see. Well that is too bad. I have a couple more kids that are stopping by but I will make sure our princess gets quite a treat from this house. Oh, before I forget. Sehunnie is over at Yeol's. I think they have plans later but they are waiting for her before they head out. Baek took the night off too. His brother and family are visiting so don't be surprised when you get there. You know about Jongin, right?"

"Yep. He is out at his sister's with his niece and nephew. They are our last stop before heading home."

"Ok. Ok. Give her back for a hug before you go. Are you getting tired Princess? Hmm? Uncle MinMin got you some yummy chocos and candies that you love plus I found that dolly you told me about the last time you were here." 

"Hyung. Why are you spoiling her? Halloween is just about candy. Not presents." Jongdae whined.

"You celebrate your way. I celebrate my way. Listen to your hyung, leave the ladies happy." Minseok giggled with glee as he twirled the little girl around and she squealed. He walked her over to where he had her presents that were wrapped in purple paper and bright green bows. Her eyes grew big at the largest gift which she surely knew was that doll she told uncle about. 

"Papa, can I open them.  Pwease." 

"Let's take them with us Princess and open them at home. We still have four more uncles to visit.

"PAPA! I WANT TO OPEN MY BIG PWESENT NOW!" She cried. Jongdae was close to caving when he channeled his inner big

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Halloween 2021 snuck up on me and I might have had too much fun fiddling with the posters but I'm going to try and get most of the stories done. Thanks to whomever reads 😉 Happy Halloween


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746 streak #1
Chapter 2: 🎃👻🎃👻🎃

Okay, let's face it, we are all BIG kids when it comes to holidays, especially holidays like Halloween. Who doesn't like candy, movies, and costumes? Right? 😉👌😅😍 I love his excitement in this part and I actually found it to be very adorable. Preparing the games, movies, snacks, etc. The kids are also adorable! *chuckles* Especially the little girl when she said 'Mom thinks I am still a baby' XD lol All parents think the same, no matter how old their child is! *chuckles*

Ah! I love the sibling fights and the little fit her brother up after she stole the toy and ran into the living room! 😂😆 All brothers and sisters are the same, aren't they? 😂😉 Getting kids to sit down and calm down is usually the impossible part of taking care of them. Bribing them with snacks always works! *chuckles* Reminds me of the time when I babysat my cousin. It made me realize that it's exhausting, so hat down for those who can do it. 😂 Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but they can be little devils at times. 😂

OMO! Something fun soon turned into something scary when he started receiving messages from an unknown ID. Of course, his blood was going to run cold! It's Halloween, people are masked and some are crazy and masked. *blinks* His reaction to pushing the kids inside is understandable! Safety first, for the kids and him! 👀😰😥😱 Of course, thinking that someone he knows is playing pranks is the first thing that comes to mind and I think we would all react the same! But, heck! The texts continued and it's scary as hell! -_- That person is watching their every movement! CREEPY! -_-

OMG! I think I would kill my friends if they did that! Like I am all for scary things and horror, but this time it was a bit too much! But all in all, it was a good one and he took the bite for it! It was also a good laugh, so I can't say that I didn't enjoy it!

I loved the topic and I loved how you described it all!

Thank you! 💗🌹

P.S - Once again, I apologize for the delay in reading. 😥

746 streak #2
Chapter 2: OMO! How did I manage to miss this update? *blinks*

I will be getting to it very soon! Can't wait!
746 streak #3
Chapter 1: Another Halloween story! ✔✨🌹👌

As always when it comes to the characters... is there ever a wrong choice? NO! Hehe 🥰😍😘


This story was so sweet and cute! At times my heart literally melted at times. The whole concept of a family makes a person think about what is really important in life and the meaning of it all. All of the boys were very sweet and it was so hard to pick out the parts I liked the most. I liked it all, especially the last part when Jongdae found out he will be a father again! 😍🥰🌹✨💗


Thank you once again for writing such a nice and great piece of work! ✨💗✨
I am looking forward to an update! 💗🌹