
but on a saturday, in a cafe (I watched it begin again)

Saturdays are dull and boring, at least for a workaholic like Kwon Eunbi. She never really liked being idle, never really liked doing nothing. 

She's an adventurous woman, she likes challenges, so being at her apartment on a Saturday morning doesn't excite her at all.

Can't resist to check her email at all, she reached for her phone.

What she saw made her eyebrows raise. There was a series of voicemail from an unknown number last night. Did something happen to the company last night?

She clicked the first message, and Eunbi was greeted by a soft and gentle voice, "Hey, it's me, Sakura." The woman said—Sakura, a pretty name for a woman with a pretty voice.

Eunbi mentally slapped herself, she really is a hopeless gay. "You probably deleted my number. I know we agreed to erase each other from our lives and you know what? That's ing bull." Eunbi bit her lip after hearing the woman curse, she really shouldn't find it y, but what can you expect from her.

Sakura sounded drunk, no, she IS drunk. And Eunbi should stop listening because its obvious the woman drunk dialled her number. And it is also true that curiosity kills the cat.

"I am here again at our favorite bar, the guys are missing you," A pause, then a sigh. "I know you are happy now, your wife is really pretty. But is she good in bed?" The woman chuckled, God, even her laugh is y. The voicemail stopped and Eunbi immediately clicked the next one.

"Hello, again" Sakura said, a little bit sober now. "I know by doing this, I'm breaking the rules right now. But it, I'm drunk and alone right now. So you can't really blame me. To be honest I really don't know why I called you, I deleted your number but I still remembered it like a ing hypocrite."

Eunbi laughed at that, apparently, the woman really don't remember it considering she dialled her number instead.

The voicemail ended again and Eunbi clicked the next one, she didn't imagined her boring Saturday morning will turn out like this. Life is indeed full of surprises.

"One more thing, is she giving you the best s?" Eunbi choked on air upon hearing that. She surely didn't imagine the woman giving her those s, nope surely not. Besides, the woman seems straight. "I hope she is..." There was silence after that, Eunbi was about to end the voicemail when Sakura said, "I hope you're happy with her, Irene." And then the voicemail ended. Eunbi was dumbfounded, Sakura was drunk because of a woman?

Eunbi flushed, this woman with a hell of a y voice likes women, women like herself, Sakura likes her. Okay, let's not go to that, lady. You're getting ahead of yourself.

Now you see, Eunbi is an adventurous woman and she never liked doing nothing. So, she absolutely will not do nothing on this one. 

She hovered her fingers over the call button, it'll sure do no harm to her, right? She's just going to tell Sakura that she dialled the wrong number last night, she might think her ex hate her or something because she hasn't received a response. Right, that's reason why she's calling, nothing else.

The woman answered on the 3rd ring, "Hello?" Damn, that raspy voice is so, ugh. 

"Uh, is this Sakura?" She said, fidgeting.

"Yes? Who's this?" She can hear ruffles, the woman seems to be getting up from her bed. 

She cleared , "I'm Eunbi, looks like you dialled my phone last night. I just want to tell you so you won't be expecting a reply from your ex." She cringes inwardly, does she really need to mention that?

"What," A pause. "Oh my, God!" And then a shriek. ", I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry, miss uh, Miss Eunbi! I really didn't know I called your number! I'm so stupid—" 

"Hey, It's okay. I just want to let you know—"

"No, no, that was a dumb move. I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you." 

"It's really okay, Sakura."

"I insist please, Eunbi." Damn, the woman is persistent.

Eunbi sighed, "Okay. You can treat me for brunch at Choi's do you know that place?" 

"Yes, yes I do. Okay let's meet there. Say, 11?" 

She chuckled. "You've got yourself a date then, Miss Sakura."


Okay, so here's the problem. Since Eunbi is a workaholic , she never really had the chance to date. Her experiences with dating is like, nothing at all. And now she's a bundle of nerves looking for a woman with a shoulder length pink hair wearing a white crop tee and black jagger pants according to the text she received.

She entered Choi's, and was greeted by a waft of coffee and a smooth melody of the song playing from the speaker. She quickly texted Sakura. 

Eunbi [11:03 AM]: I'm here. Have you arrived yet?

Sakura [11:03 AM]: Yup. I'm at the left side  of the counter. 

Eunbi turned to the direction. 


Well, you see, Eunbi is just a normal person, scratch that, she's just a normal gay, and like the others, she's weak for pretty ladies. And damn, Sakura is really pretty.

Okay Sakura is pretty, so what? Its not like her  big brown eyes that shines like the stars and her small pointed nose with that cute pouty lips will affect Eunbi, absolutely not.

It absolutely affects Eunbi. She can't even walk to their table and the woman seems to saw her already because she is looking at her intently. 

A minute, and then two, and then it seems to be time is stretched as they looked at each other. The things people say in books that time stand still? That's bull! Time went fast forward for her. And she's looking at this woman, who drunk dialled her last night and without preamble took a space to her heart with a mere voice.

She took a step forward, she can hear her heart pounding. Her steps matching the beat of her heart, and when she's in front of the woman, she held her breath. 

She take it back, the woman is not pretty, she is breathtaking.

She cleared . "Sakura?" The woman smiled, and then Eunbi knew she's a goner.

"Uh, yes. Hi! T-take a seat!" The woman rambled. God, she's adorable.

She chuckled. "Thank you." She took a seat. 

They sat there for a minute, not really knowing what to say. 

"This is so embarrassing. U-uh I-I'm really sorry about last night. I don't know why I did that." Sakura really seemed upset on what she did, and Eunbi is determined to stop that.

"Its okay, Sakura. You apologized way too many times for that. And to be honest, I really want to thank you for those messages, they really made my day." She smiled, remembering the content of those voicemails.

The woman looked horrified, "Oh, no. I said some embarrassing things, aren't I?" She smiled menacingly to the woman. "OH MY GOD, I DID!" 

That's when Eunbi laughed, like laughed LAUGHED. She doesn't even care if people looked at her, the woman in front of her was just so cute and adorable.

She took her sweet time laughing, and when she's satisfied, she straighten her back and looked at the woman.

Which is a wrong move because Sakura is looking at her with mirth in her eyes, almost as if she's a part of the seven wonders of the world.

She cleared , "No, I mean, if giving s is embarrassing then..." 


And then she's laughing again.


Conversations then come swiftly among them after that. They talked about almost everything, from their coming out story to their daily lives.

Eunbi really enjoyed her time with Sakura, but they both know that the day will end soon. They were at the café for almost 6 hours now!

They were talking about their most embarrassing stories when Sakura's phone rang.

The younger answered it, "Hello?" And then a series of yes or no came after. 

She waited for the woman to finish her phonecall when she heard her say, "Can I talk to her? Okay. Hello, baby! I missed you! Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye! I love you."

And there goes Eunbi's chance. Her mood suddenly went from a hundred to zero. The woman was taken, of course the woman is taken! She's really beautiful, smart and funny! What does she think she have a chance with her. 

She hurriedly got her pouch and stood up, looking at her feet to prevent her tears from falling.

Sakura seems to notice the mood shift as she quickly held her wrist to stop her from leaving.

"Hey, is everything okay? What happened?" The woman asked, genuinely  concerned and it resulted to a lone tear from Eunbi. 

Sakura was immediately on her front, holding her face. "Hey, hey, shh what's wrong? Talk to me, Eunbi." 

She removed the woman's hand from her face, and she looked like a kicked puppy. "No, no there's nothing wrong. I'm sorry." 

"No, please tell me. If I did something wrong, I'm so sorry. I don't want to see you upset, Eunbi. I really liked talking to you, I had a wonderful time today and I don't want to ruin it. Please, tell me what's wrong." Sakura is practically begging now and Eunbi don't want that.

She sighed, defeated."Its childish, really. I got upset hearing you talk to your girlfriend because, well, I like you and I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore. I'm really sorry."

The other woman didn't answer, and Eunbi knew that's the end. She looked up to see Sakura's reaction and she was met with the brightest smiled she's ever seen. Why is she smiling like that?

"You like me?" The younger asked, biting her lower lip.

"Yes, you heard that right. But have you heard the you have a girlfriend part?" She exasperated. Why is the woman acting like this? She don't understand her.

"What girlfriend? If you're talking about my cat whom I talked to earlier through my sister then yes, that fur ball is my girlfriend. But honestly, I preferred to have one that's not a feline if you asked me." Sakura said, circling her arms around her waist.

"W-what I..." She was speechless, she really is a useless gay huh.

"What I'm saying is, are you interested in, I don't know, being my non-feline girlfriend?" Sakura swayed them.

"We just met." Eunbi you are so stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

"So? It's not like you don't know me yet. We talked for 6 hours, you know I give good s." The younger wiggled her brows.

Eunbi was as red as a tomato. This woman will be the death of her.

"I'm just kidding, Eunbi, not about the girlfriend part, wait no, I'm serious about that. What I'm saying is, I want to be tour girlfriend. Maybe not now, after about three dates. But yeah, I like you." To prove her point, Sakura kissed her nose.

Eunbi grinned at that. 


She held Sakura's face then placed a peck on her lips. "Hmmm, well If you're that persistent, then I guess I have no choice to be your non-feline girlfriend then. But after three dates of course."

"Okay, so like two dates left, right? Since this is our first." Sakura cutely said.



Saturdays are dull and boring. Well, it used to be. Now, Saturdays are Eunbi's favorite because she get to spend it with her girlfriend.

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Chapter 1: i only found this now omG HOW. THIS IS SO CUTE
Chapter 1: It's the "non-feline gf" for me
Dodoistwo #3
Dodoistwo #4
Dodoistwo #5
Dodoistwo #6
1762 streak #7
Chapter 1: Awwwww so cute!!!
Chapter 1: Non feline girlfriend awwwww
Chapter 1: Uwu