
To The Next Lives That Will Come After
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Cringy ahead** and a bunch of typos and grammatical errors
Yujin stood up straight and arched her back trying to release the tension on her muscles before bending down again and continuing her job of cleaning the table. She sighed deeply when she noticed most of the plates still have a bunch of food in them scoffing at how some rich people just do not care about wasting food. Shrugging off the thought she carried her tray now filled with dirty plates and glasses.

"Ahnyu! Doing overtime again?" One of the older employees greeted her when she entered the busy kitchen of the restaurant.

"Yeah, need some extra cash." She answered plainly before carefully placing all the dirty dishes on the sink almost filled with other dirty wares as well.

"Lemme guess, for the girlfriend?" Another employee asked before taking her place in front of the sink and getting started with washing the dishes.

"Anniversary coming up." Yujin plainly answered before taking a clean glass and filling it up with water. Just 4 more days. She thought to herself, smiling

"Not like Minju-chan would ever ask you for anything fancy." Juri, another working student in the restaurant butted in.

"Which is probably why Ahnyu believes that Minju deserves the best, right?" One of the older regular employees said.

Yujin just gestured towards the said employee with her hand holding the glasses and a nod agreeing to his statement.

"Minju is very lucky to have you Ahnyu." The same employee said.

"Well, with Minju's looks Yujin better be working her off for her. For sure a bunch of people is lining up in her university to get with her!" The first employee that greeted her playfully said making the others laugh but Yujin only shook her head at their usual antics before bidding them goodbye and going to the locker area to change in her casual clothes as her overtime is already over.

She quickly made her way to the subway station as fast as possible so she can make it to the last trip for the night. She luckily made it just a few minutes before the train departs. With a sigh of relief, she sat on the bench and pulled out her phone sending a message to her girlfriend that she's already on her way home.

Minju and her started dating way back in their 2nd year in high school. They first met during Yujin's first year in high school through a common friend Wonyoung. Wonyoung is Yujin's best friend and a close friend of Minju whom she met through another friend, Kim Chaewon, Minju's older cousin. They hit it off quickly and just after a few months of being friends, Yujin confessed to Minju during their vacation and although Minju was skeptical at first, she still let Yujin court her.

She got to know more of Yujin through this and by the time the 2nd semester of their junior year she agreed to be Yujin's girlfriend at the same day of her birthday too. And now 4 years later they are in their junior year in college. They are both studying in Enozi University but taking up different courses, Yujin is studying to be an engineer while Minju is taking pre-med. They decided to live together in a small flat near the university which was something they planned since their senior year in high school and their parents are both thankfully supportive of their relationship so they had no problem in that regard. They're even paying for their shared flat and monthly bills.

The only reason Yujin is taking part-time is that they've both insisted to be responsible for their other necessities citing it'll be good practice for them too. Minju herself used to work at a cafe near their university too but with how demanding her course gets every year she had to quit it. Her parents immediately offered to send more money to her every month but it was Yujin that refused that saying she will be the one to take care of Minju someday anyway so she will take care of things from then on.

After just a short while the train reached Yujin's station and she immediately got off. She practically sprinted towards their home excited to see her girlfriend since she knows she finally got some free time from studying so they will be able to have some time to hang out even just at home. She happily greeted the old woman that lives in the apartment next to them before making her way to their door.

"I'm hoooome~" She announced in a sing-song manner after opening the door.

"I'm in the kitchen, baby." She heard her girlfriend's angelic voice called out.

She quickly took her shoes off and dumped her bag on their small sofa and made her way towards their kitchen. Their flat is fairly small but good enough for two people. She saw her girlfriend's back facing her and she made her way over and wrapped her arms around her slender waist from behind.

"Good evening, my queen." Yujin cheesily greeted planting a small kiss on Minju's cheek.

"Good evening, my love." Minju greeted back before craning her head and meeting Yujin's lips with her own for a short kiss. "I'm almost done with this, why don't you get changed and we can eat hmm?" She asked her free hand reaching back to play with Yujin's chin, a habit she earned after dating for so long.

"Let me just recharge for a bit." Yujin said before tightening her hug around Minju's waist and burying her face o the older girl's nape.

"Take all the energy you can get." Minju answered giggling.

After they had their dinner they immediately prepare for bed since they both have early classes in the morning. Minju was just tidying up their dirty clothes when she heard Yujin groaned from their bed.

"Baby?" She called out worriedly when she noticed Yujin stopped moving her hand holding her side and her eyes closed tightly her expression showing she's in pain.

"I might have pulled a muscle for stretching too much." Yujin answered, her voice strained because of the pain.

"Let me check." Minju said and slowly positioned Yujin face down on the bed. She lifted Yujin's shirt exposing the girl's before gently probing at the area where Yujin was touching her earlier. Feeling the tensed muscle she started lightly massaging around it.

" Min, you're so good at that." Yujin groaned in satisfaction as the tension started leaving that part of her body.

"Hold on, let me give you a massage." Minju then proceeded to stand up and walk towards their small vanity to get the massage oil.

"Hey it's okay, we both have classes tomorrow you need to get to bed early too." Yujin started to protest but groaned again when she accidentally twisted a bit too much.

"And you've been working too hard for our expenses lately so at least let me repay you with this." Minju insisted as she made her way back to the bed and straddled Yujin's back.

"What do you mean repay? Since when did I ask for that?" Yujin questioned sounding annoyed.

Minju internally scolded herself for forgetting how sensitive Yujin can get when it comes to this topic. "Sorry love, I just meant at least let me do something for you as well. Please, you already take care of me so let me take care of you as well." She explained gently pushing Yujin's head back down.

"Fine." Yujin grumbled opting not to say anymore but she's still peeved over the topic.

Minju bit her bottom lip knowing that her girlfriend is still upset but chose to just proceed to massaging Yujin. After a few minutes of massaging her girlfriend she realized that her breathing had even signalling the girl had fallen asleep. Slowly she got off her girlfriend and went to the bathroom to wash her hand then proceeded to wet a cloth with warm water to wipe off the oil from Yujin's back.

Once she's done and she's carefully fixed up Yujin, Minju got on their bed and spooned the taller girl from behind silently wishing her goodnight. She then let herself be lulled by the sound of Yujin's soft breathing to sleep.

Yujin woke up to the sound of their alarm clock ringing and when she looked to her side she realized she's now alone on their bed. She sleepily reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. She got off their bed and stretched a little internally thanking Minju as her body felt so much better than in the last few days.

She quickly got washed up and dressed for her classes before arranging the things she'll need to bring to the university today then made her way out of their room with her things. She left them on the sofa first before going to the kitchen where she saw Minju already arranging a simple breakfast on their table.

"Good morning, baby." Minju greeted her with a bright smile while walking over.

"Good morning." She reciprocated before leaning down to let Minju kiss her.

"How was your sleep?" Minju asked as she pulled her towards her usual seat and pushed her down on it.

"Perfect, thanks to you." Yujin answered with a flirty wink making Minju giggle.

"Good to know." She responded before she started serving foods on Yujin's plate and hers and they proceeded to eat.

"Do you have plans tonight?" Yujin asked in the middle of their meal.

"Hmm, no I got nothing really." Minju answered after thinking it over.

"Let's have dinner outside?" Yujin offered and Minju looked at her questioningly before narrowing her eyes.

"Why?" Minju asked suspiciously.

"Yah, you make it sound like I only take you out when I'm in trouble." Yujin said shaking her head in amusement.

"Kidding, love, and I would love to." Minju responded with a giggle making Yujin smile.

"Let's go after classes?" Minju nodded eagerly to Yujin's proposal making her girlfriend ruffle her hair because of her cuteness.
"I'll see you later?" Yujin asked her girlfriend after she walked her to the front of their building.

"Will we have lunch later?" Minju asked hopefully her hands clutching Yujin's and swinging it side to side. "We have one hour of vacant that matches each other today." She added in.

"Hmm, sounds perfect to me." Yujin answered with a smile. "You okay with cafeteria?"

"Anything with you is okay, my love." Minju answered grinning widely at Yujin.

"Aigoo, since when are you so cheesy miss Kim?" Yujin playfully teased, leaning down and bumping her nose against Minju's.

"I learned it from you." Minju answered proudly before pulling Yujin to lean down again by her hand. "'And that's Mrs. Ahn to you." Minju tiptoed and whispered before connecting her lips to Yujin's.

"I like the sound of that." Yujin answered with a cheeky wink after pulling away. "Now go," She instructed letting go of Minju's hand. "I'll see you in the cafeteria at lunch." She said and Minju only nodded in response before turning around and making her way inside the building.

Yujin grinned as she watched her girlfriend walk but that was replaced by a frown when she saw a guy that Minju has never introduced to her walk up to her girlfriend. She saw Minju's face brighten at the sight of the other guy and they walked together deeper into the building until she could no longer see them.

Shaking her head and pushing aside the negative thoughts, she started walking towards the engineering building which is thankfully just next to Minju's. She mentally scolded herself for even thinking that Minju would ever cheat on her.

"Yujin!" Someone called her from behind and she turned around to see Wonyoung and Chaewon walking towards her with Wonyoung having shouted her name.

"Hey guys." She greeted, thankful for the distraction.

"You good?" Wonyoung asked, noticing the different aura on her best friend.

"Yeah, just a bit tired I did overtime last night." She explained and both girls seemed to buy it as they continued on their way to te engineering building since the two are also taking up engineering just different majors.

"Working hard for the anniversary gift I see?" Chaewon inquired as they reached Yujin's lockers.

"You know it." Yujin answered proudly.

"Good luck with that one then! We'll see you later!" Wonyoung called to her best friend as she continued to drag her girlfriend towards their own lockers.
The classes before her vacant were boring as usual and nothing much really happened either. Yujin was on her way to the cafeteria when the older girl texted her apologizing as she forgot an assignment for one of her afternoon classes so she cannot make it to their lunch meet up.

Sighing in disappointment, Yujin relied saying it's absolutely fine and she understands. She made her way to the cafeteria dejectedly when an idea entered her mind prompting her to walk faster. She made a bee line to the counter and bought all of her girlfriend's favorite snacks before making her way to the medical building.

She made her way towards the study hall knowing that's where Minju would be if she needed to study. She quickly found Minju at the usual table but frowned when she saw her with the same guy from this morning chatting and laughing together. Still, she shook off the negative thoughts and walked the rest of the way.

"Yujin!" Was Minju's shocked reaction the moment she laid her eyes on her girlfriend

"I brought some snacks I figured you'll be missing your lunch again." She responded with a forced smile placing the food on the table. "And I guess you are indeed busy so I'll be going." She continued before bowing towards the unknown guy out of politeness and turning on her heel briskly walking away from the table.

She couldn't help but feel hurt that Minju didn't even stop her from leaving but she didn't want to look back either and check on them as her pride is too high to let her seem like she's keeping an eye on her girlfriend in the presence of another person she doesn't know.

Yujin attended the rest of her classes for the day absentmindedly as her mind is still occupied by the thoughts of Minju and that guy. Making the matter worse, she received another message from her girlfriend canceling their after school plans as she was given an assignment that she'd need to do with her partner the guy she saw earlier She learned from Minju's message that the guy's name is Chanhee and he is taking the same course with Minju and that the two them are even block mates.

She decided since she has nothing to do anyway, to do another shift in the restaurant even if it's supposed to be her day off. She messaged the manager asking if she can do a shift as overtime and the man was more than happy to let her saying they need more people since it's a Friday.

She sent Minju a message letting her know of her plan and the girl requested that she stays in their flat instead and rest. She explained that she's already notified the manager so she can't really cancel it anymore and advised that she'll be home earlier compared to her normal shift anyway. Her girlfriend asked her to make sure she doesn't miss her meal and reminded her to be careful on her way home saying she might come home later as they need to stay back in the university to finish the assignment since it's immediately due to the next day.

Dejectedly, Yujin made her way to the restaurant after her classes not bothering to check on her girlfriend anymore since she knew she wouldn't like what she'll see anyway. The other workers weren't even shocked when she entered their locker room to get changed.

"Must be one hell of a plan you got there Ahn!" One of the seniors in the crew teased and Yujin only forced a small smile in return before grabbing a pair of clean uniforms and walking towards the showers to get changed. The other workers looked at each other confused that their usually cheerful youngest seem to be feeling down.

Yujin didn't really talk to anyone during the whole shift and just focused on getting her job done but even then the thoughts of Minju spending time with that guy wouldn't leave her mind but thankfully she didn't do anything to mess up her work.

"Ahnyu! We'll be grabbing some drinks after shift, you wanna come with us?" One of her male co-workers invited her.

"Can't, I have early morning classes." She lied as an excuse, making sure to sound apologetic.

"Ah well, maybe next time." The same man responded before going back to arranging his things in his locker.

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Chapter 1: Its been a while since I've read a jj fanfic and thank you for making it fluff uwu~
Chapter 1: Oh my god
Chapter 1: Oh my god
andaengdaeng0901 #4
maybe sequelπŸ‘€
1762 streak #5
Chapter 1: omg this is so cute!!!
mik_jvr08 #6
That you for this amazing story authornim!!! πŸ’™πŸ€ such a lovely gift for yujinnie’s bday β˜ΊοΈπŸ’ž
Chapter 1: Fluff???? The world is healing na talagaaπŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Chapter 1: It's not angst? Am I dreaming? Jinjoo have fiction that they finally end up together without the line of "in another life" "we are not suitable for each other" AHHHHHH I LOVE YOU AUTHORNIM TAKE ALL MY HEARTπŸ‘‰πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™