Red & White

Meet Me In The Garden
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Red & White




Saying that Baekhyun was annoyed would be an understatement. He was sick and tired of his father bringing him marriage candidates every month for him to choose one.


He was so tired of having to deal with spoiled little girls, talking his ear off all day long about what they would do when they get to marry him.


For over a year his father kept bringing him the most popular daughters of all the magical realms, but not even one was as close to Baekhyun’s level of power, no matter that they were royals themselves.


If he was going to agree to his father’s wish for him to marry by the rules of an arranged marriage, he wanted it to be for someone who was at least as powerful as him.


His father kept insisting for him to find someone that he liked, to go out on dates, and find his love. But honestly, Baekhyun never felt anything for anyone. That’s why his father had decided to pressure him with the idea of an arranged marriage so he would continue their bloodline.


Today was yet another day that Baekhyun had to deal with an annoying little girl, talking about dresses, cakes, and guests for their wedding.


He had made up a little game of his own while standing on the stairway towards the mansion. He would look down at the cars that were coming and make a little bet with himself about what the girl would look like. What color her hair would be, height, dress, attitude.


He leaned on the parapet, looking out as he adjusted the white suit that he had just bought to match his newly dyed, white hair.


Today he had a gut feeling that the girl would be different from the rest. He started wondering what could be so much more different than the usually spoiled princess that could surprise him.


He watched as a black car slowly showed through the narrow road that led to the endless forest in front of the mansion.


Baekhyun thought that today’s girl would be a Barbie, yes a real-life Barbie. Curly, blond hair, pink fluffy dress, squeaky voice. That’s something that Baekhyun hadn’t seen yet and he had a feeling that today would be the day that he meets a Barbie, which brought him to the second question of his little game.


What powers does the Barbie have?


He chuckled to himself as he watched the car stop in front of the grand entrance to the Byun’s palace. Baekhyun knew that he should already be next to the car and waiting to greet his potential future wife, but he was a bit lazy today, not to mention how annoyed he was.


He slowly got down the stairs while the driver patiently waited for him to stand next to the door before opening it. Baekhyun reached his hand out so the girl could take it and step out of the car without tripping or hurting herself. It was a modest thing to do, and that’s how they had raised Baekhyun, to be a gentleman, not that he wanted to do it.


Baekhyun didn’t like to look inside of the car, no matter how curious he was if he had won the bet with himself. He was too prideful for that. He always would wait for the girl to step out on her own so she wouldn’t assume he was excited to see her, which he was, but only because of his little game. He straightened his back, putting one hand behind him and waiting for her to take his other hand.


He was more than sure that this girl would be just as powerful as the rest and not be worth his time because no one could match him. He was the child of two parents that were with equal powers and they weren’t weak at that.


Baekhyun wasn’t going to settle for someone weaker than him, he wanted his child to be even more powerful than him, that’s how this realm was ruled, through power.


His attention was suddenly drawn when a large hand gripped his, but he wasn’t surprised by the size nor the roughness of the skin. What surprised Baekhyun was the feeling that he got when he touched that hand.


It felt like something burned his hand, a hot and burning sensation spreading along his arm. Baekhyun pulled away immediately, frowning and looking at the person whose eyes met his. They were sparkling red, slowly fading away into a deep, dark brown.


He stepped fully out of the car. He was taller than Baekhyun, at least a head above him. His hair was bright red, like the color that his eyes were a moment ago. The way he was looking at Baekhyun only showed that he was just as confused as Baekhyun was for what had just happened and what they felt.


“Meet me in the garden.” Baekhyun’s voice was lower than usual, he needed an explanation, “Now.” He demanded as he turned around, walking towards the huge garden that surrounded the whole estate.


Baekhyun had his hands behind his back, walking deeper into the garden where he knew that no one could see or hear anything before turning around to face the taller man.


He didn’t even know where to begin.


First of all, he was a man. A man. When his father was strictly against Baekhyun having any form of relationship with another man.


Second, he was powerful. So powerful that Baekhyun could feel him by a single touch, without needing him to use his power for him to see it.


Third, their powers somehow connected. That had never happened before and he needed to know what the hell was going on.


“Who are you?” Baekhyun asked, his voice even lower now.


The man across from him looked like he had no clue what was going on. “I… My name is Chanyeol.” He mumbled, taking a step closer, reaching his hand out for a shake. “We didn’t get a chance to properly meet.” He smiled, but Baekhyun could see the worry in his eyes.


Baekhyun glanced down at the taller’s hand and gripped his own hands harder behind his back. He wasn’t going to touch him again, not until he knew what was going on.


“What are you?” Baekhyun asked, looking back into his eyes that were normal now, plain and ordinary, dark brown eyes.


“H-Human?” The taller said, confusion taking over his face as he retrieved his unshaken hand.


Baekhyun fought the urge to roll his eyes, sighing. “What power do you possess?” He asked again, slowly getting more annoyed with his guest. Was he stupid?


“Fire...” He mumbled, looking down.


“Why are you here?” Baekhyun’s voice grew more and more aggressive, he needed answers and he needed them now.


“Why are you so rude? What are these questions?” The taller asked, frustration taking over his features, nervously running his hand through his hair.


“Answer my questions!” Baekhyun raised his voice at him. If he had to remind that boy who was in charge here, he wouldn’t mind it.


The red-haired man sighed and started explaining. “My sister was supposed to come today but she-” He was cut off mid-sentence by Baekhyun’s next question.


“Does your sister have powers?” Baekhyun needed to know if his sister was as powerful as him. If she had as much power as her brother, Baekhyun was going to take her and betrothal her. He needed that kind of power in their bloodline.


The taller looked at him, annoyance written all over his face. “No, that’s why she didn’t come after she heard that you-” He was cut off yet again by another question.


“And you have powers?” Baekhyun asked, raising a brow. He felt disappointment spreading all over his body. He was doubtful that one sibling could have powers and the other didn’t unless he was from another parent. But still, for this kind of power, both parents had to be powerful.


“Will you stop interrupting me?!” The taller yelled at Baekhyun, looking at him straight in the eyes, anger sparkling in them.


Baekhyun raised both of his brows now, accepting it as a challenge. “Make me.” Baekhyun tilted his head and pushed out his chest, eyeing the man in front of him carefully. Who did he think he is? Baekhyun needed to know exactly how much power he had and a little provocation was going to be fun.


The man growled lowly, placing his hands one above the other and slowly forming a small ball of fire. As he moved his fingers the ball grew, but before it could get as big as his palms, it suddenly vanished into thin air.


The taller gasped, looking down at his hands.


Baekhyun snorted. “I thought so.” He had no idea how to use his powers. “Useless.” He waved his hand and turned around.


It was such a pity that he had no idea how to use his powers and that his sister didn’t have any. Baekhyun had no use of him, he couldn’t continue the Byun’s bloodline and he had no intention of wasting time in teaching the man how to be able to use his powers properly.

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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
749 streak #2
Chapter 2: Interesting concept, I love that you wrote just from a prompt. I can see it easily turned into a full-length story, your writing is very good.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 2: Fire and light - a great combo!!
Chapter 1: Thanks for writing this story, it was really great, I love the concept of powers and everything, this was beautiful <3
Chapter 2: Good luck
1489 streak #6
Chapter 1: hakajahsh aaahhhh!! the concept of them being addicted/ almost drunk with each other's power is just *chef's kiss*
Chapter 1: Oh wow this is something I have never read before. This was so exciting and interesting short and sweet and hot and wow I loved it
Also holy that poster is so hot wtf 🥵🔥
Will forever be in awe of how you brought this prompt to life 💗💗💗✨💐