
Four O'clock








It is through, and because of it, that inventions were made. 



Because of science, technology keeps on advancing. Because of science, it was made possible for people to work conveniently.



Because of science, it was believed that someday, things will be under our full control. 




And that was what Park Sooyoung believed. 




She wanted to use science to make a change and to help mankind. 



However, just like any other scientific experiment, she failed in achieving her goal. Rather, she ended up creating a curse which she got herself into. Something that at first, she thought was fine, but ended up being a repetitive process. 





She grew tired of it. It happened over and over again. And it  because she feels the same pain every time it happens.








// Year 1900 // Location: RV Lab in London, England 






Frustrated Physicist Park Sooyoung enters her new 'home' after a heated argument with her girlfriend, once again. 




She has been spending a lot of time recently in the lab, calculating equations, uploading data to her computer, while working on the machine at the same time. She has been working hard since three weeks ago, to the point that she wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, and wouldn't even get out of the house for fresh air and vitamin D. 



She has been working her off for months and today, her girlfriend grew tired of it. Sooyoung has been working hard with her 'invention' that she is slowly forgetting that she is still human, after all. She lives because she was gifted with life. She lives because the universe permits her to do so, yet here she is, trying to do something against what the universe has decided upon. 




"Sooyoung, look--" Sooyoung pretended to be busy after she heard her girlfriend's voice entered her lab. "I didn't mean to shout at you, earlier." 




Kang Seulgi, her chemist girlfriend tried so hard to get her attention, just so they can properly talk about what happened a while ago. 




"I'm sorry, it's just that I am so worried about you." Seulgi sighs. "Look at how much weight you lost.." 




Sooyoung finally lets go of the pen she was holding and faced Seulgi, leaving a small smile on the latter's face. 




"I said I'm fine. I think I made clear of that earlier?" 




Seulgi didn't even flinch. She already got herself used to the new Joy. 




Her girlfriend used to be jolly and full of life. The person she's seeing now is very different from the Park Sooyoung she first met, and the Park Sooyoung that she has been dating for three years. Yes, they both are busy with their life and career. 




What do you expect from a Chemist x Physicist pair anyway? They would always talk about quarks, the elements, and things only those in their field would understand. 




They used to have a lot of fun while learning from each other. Their fields are different but are kind of similar - in some ways. Seulgi loved listening to how Sooyoung much appreciates her job, and her vision to help mankind. 




Not until that incident six months ago.




"This isn't healthy anymore, Sooyoung." Seulgi softly said, leaving Sooyoung with nothing but pain in her eyes. 




Because for Sooyoung, what Seulgi said meant two things: First, she doesn't look healthy anymore since she hasn't been getting proper eat, sleep, and nutrients for three weeks. Second, their relationship slowly turned into something hazardous for both of them, something like a toxic chemical that they should get rid of. 




Sooyoung turns her attention to Seulgi, with her eyes slowly turning soft. 




"That.. what were you talking about?" she finally had the courage to ask Seulgi. 




"What do you mean?" the chemist paused for a moment, realizing what her girlfriend was asking about. "Oh my goodness." 




One, two, three steps. Sooyoung quietly counts in her mind. On one swift move, Seulgi was already an inch close to her, with her girlfriend now holding her hand, gently massaging it while making small circles on it. 




"I was talking about you, your health, Sooyoung." Seulgi sighed for another time that Sooyoung couldn't even count it. "Park Sooyoung, I will never get tired of you, and this relationship. No matter what happens.." 




Sooyoung couldn't control her feelings anymore. For the first time in three weeks, she finally showed her girlfriend how vulnerable she is. 



For Seulgi, Sooyoung was like a fragile vase that was completely broken the moment she started crying on her embrace. Seulgi could only hug her girlfriend, gently rubbing her back and making her feel all the love that she has for her. Because sometimes, our actions are enough to comfort people. 



Seulgi didn't know which words to say, so she just let her girlfriend cry until she was finally able to let go of all the pain, grief, and frustration that she has been keeping with herself for weeks, no, months. Seulgi didn't even remember seeing her girlfriend cry after her mother's funeral. She just started doing what she is working on right now. 




"I'll get you some water." Seulgi was about to leave for the kitchen when Sooyoung held her hand and gave her the look similar to a puppy. 



Seul felt how soft that moment was, and smiled at her girlfriend immediately. 



"Stay, please?" 



Seulgi did not do anything else. Instead of getting Sooyoung a glass of water, she sat beside her and let her girlfriend rest her head on her shoulder, staring blankly at her invention that's in front of them. 



"It's done," Sooyoung whispered, leaving Seulgi in a bewildering position. 



Honestly, Seulgi didn't know her side about this project. 



Sure she knew that her girlfriend was long planning to make an invention that many scientists tried inventing, but failed in doing so. 




Time was disproved as being in a line or a loop. As it was popularly theorized by earlier scientists, time co-existed with space - a concept called space-time continuum. Studies suggested that traveling to the future could be possible. 



But that's not what Sooyoung wanted to do. 



Sooyoung has long started conducting this research into what was deemed as taboo in her field - Backwards time travel. 



Having the power to change the past was deemed as something harmful, rather than beneficial to mankind. The risk was even too high to even try and change something minor in the past. 



But even though it was a huge risk, it was a risk Sooyoung was willing to change. 



Seulgi wanted to stop her from pushing through with this invention. Or for once she thought that this was only one of those crazy ideas her girlfriend was planning, but will never really do. She thought that the idea sounded like a joke and that it could not be successful. But who is she kidding? Her girlfriend is Park Sooyoung, the top of her class, and a famous Physicist today, with multiple successful inventions. And now, she is planning to add more to it. 



However, Seulgi also realized that her girlfriend is doing this because she is Park Sooyoung - the daughter of the late Park Sun Young, also a Physicist, and a pioneer in her field that is. 



Sooyoung's mother died in an unfortunate accident three weeks ago. It was so sudden. Sooyoung did not want to believe it. Especially when she just had an argument with her mother right before she died. Sooyoung blamed herself for what happened. She had so many regrets. She was so busy thinking about the what-ifs that she did not have time to grieve for her own mother's death. She was so busy thinking of a possible solution - of what she could possibly do using physics just so things would change. 



And yes, Sooyoung thought of finally pushing through with something she's been wanting to create -- a time machine. She long wanted to try doing this, because she believes that an invention like this will give people an opportunity to correct their mistakes. To go back to the past and give themselves a second chance, and to reverse whatever bad decision they made. And for Joy, now is the right time to start with the invention. Because there's nothing more she wants to do than to go back to that day when she shooed her mother away and didn't listen to her explanation. 




"Did you find someone who's willing to try the invention?" 



Sooyoung's forehead slowly creased because of her girlfriend's question. "You are looking to that someone." 



"You?" Sooyoung slowly nodded her head. "I am not letting you do that, Park Sooyoung!" 




Seulgi surely knows the risks her girlfriend is trying to put herself into. She wants to try an invention that hasn't been fully studied. She is trying to sacrifice herself for doing something that's full of uncertainty. Will this even be successful? 




"I want you to know, Kang Seulgi, that if this doesn't turn out well--" 



"No, no. We are not talking about this, Sooyoung.." 



Seulgi was quick to cut her off. This time was her turn to let tears flow from her eyes. Her girlfriend started wiping it away for her. 



"Is this really what you want to do?" Seulgi finally asked. 


"What if this turns out to be a success? This will bring a lot of change for people, Seul. We're going to create history with this!" 



Sooyoung never looked this happy, at least that's what Seulgi thinks. Her girlfriend has never been this enthusiastic over something that she does. 



"And what if it's the other way around?" 


Sooyoung looked at her girlfriend intently. She kissed her forehead, her hand still resting on Seulgi's. 


"If this turns out to be a failure, I want you to know that the life I lived with you was the happiest time of my life." 


Seulgi's chest never felt this heavy. Her relationship with Sooyoung was always about the lilacs and butterflies. She never even imagined a day like today. 



"And if I fail to go back.." Sooyoung bit her lower lip. "Please don't pause where I left you. Please continue with life. I don't want you depriving yourself of happiness, only because of me. I don't want you to live the life I have been living for three weeks." 



Sooyoung looked at her partner's eyes with sadness all over her face. She never imagined a time where she has to say goodbye to Seulgi, and she has to sacrifice herself for an experiment she is making. But after all, Park Sooyoung is also Park Sunyoung's daughter, before she is a physicist before she is Seulgi's girlfriend. 



And if there's one person that has to try on an invention that has full of uncertainties, wouldn't it be right to be tried by its inventor herself? 



"I love you so much, Seulgi." Sooyoung's voice broke upon saying those words. It has never been this heavy, this difficult to express how much she loves Seulgi. 



Seulgi wasn't able to say a word. She is still bewildered. The thought of losing her girlfriend forever is something that she has never wanted. Yet, here she is, on the verge of letting go of Sooyoung because after all, this is Park Sooyoung's life, and she has the right to make her own choices. 



With a heavy heart, Seulgi gave her girlfriend a kiss on the forehead - one that is deep and long. How she wishes that it was enough to make Sooyoung feel how important she is to her, how she loves her and how she did not want to lose her. Sooyoung could only give her a slight smile. She did not want her girlfriend to remember her in a state that is so not her, in a desperate and helpless state. 



Seulgi had no choice but to open and operate the portal herself. Although she didn't really help Sooyoung with this invention, she, at least, knows how it works. 



This was her girlfriend's last wish. That she open it herself, for Sooyoung. 



A small spark of lightning appeared from the machine that Sooyoung made. From it came out streaks of a white and black light that grew into a hole as if the world was ripped apart. The hole swirled around and created a flashing vortex of light that the air within the lab.



And with just a blink of an eye, Sooyoung disappeared from Seulgi's sight, leaving the latter in a devastating situation that all she can do was cry and beg that her girlfriend's invention turns out to be a success. 




So she waited, and waited, and waited. 




But Sooyoung didn't come back. 








// Year 1930 // Location: Gangwon Province, South Korea

A Different Lifetime




"Hey, Sooyoung!" 



Park Sooyoung finally opened her eyes after almost being smacked on the face by the person who is in front of her. 



Sooyoung looked around. She sure was in an unfamiliar place. Everything looked green. The ambiance is telling her that she is in the countryside. Unfamiliar people were passing by, but almost all of them are giving her a sweet smile. She was too confused and shy to smile back. 



"Why do you look so amused?"



The only thing that is familiar was the person in front of her, and the way that person laughed and showed her smiling eye. Sooyoung could only blink twice, hands shaking as she pokes the person's cheek. 



She's real, she thought. 



"Kang Seulgi.." she softly calls for her name, still confused. 



"Yes I know I am Kang Seulgi." Seulgi chuckles. "What's happening? It's unlikely of you to be this lost, in broad daylight that is!" 



"Where are we?" she asked. 



"Hey, are you on drugs?" the last word was almost like a whisper. "Do you have a fever?" 



Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "I asked a question first." 



The latter looked as confused as Sooyoung, but she still ended up laughing about it. "We're in Gangwon Province of South Korea.." 



Sooyoung tried hard to stop herself from reacting in a way that would make Seulgi even more confused. There were so many questions running on her mind. She had a theory in mind, but she needed more answers to confirm her theory. So she tried to act as normal as possible because Seulgi is probably freaking out because she is not the person that she used to be. 



"What year is it now?" 



Seulgi stared at her blankly before finally answering the question, "It's December 12th of the year 1930. And in case you did not know, it's four in the afternoon." 



Right. She was right. 



Her invention was unsuccessful. It was-- quite a success, though.



But instead of bringing her back to the past, she ended up going into the future, living a life of someone she did not know, someone who she isn't familiar with, and someone that is a bit different from the past. 



What confuses her more is that Seulgi, her chemist of a girlfriend who is not supposed to be there is also with her in the future. She wanted to believe that it was fate. That life wanted to give them a second chance. 




But it wasn't like that. 



Sooyoung could only wish that it was fate. But the truth is, a day after she entered the portal, and a day after she disappeared, Kang Seulgi followed her.



Seulgi loved her so much, that she was willing to risk her life too, with a hope to bring Sooyoung back and the life they once had. 



Without realizing that life, still, won't let them be together. 



Because even with Seulgi's presence in this lifetime that Joy entered, even when they are living a happy life as a couple today, fate had other plans. 



Seulgi only temporarily accompanied Sooyoung, as death separates them, again, two years later. 





// Year 1960 // Location: Seoul, South Korea 

Another Lifetime 




Just when Sooyoung thought that her invention would only create a one-time effect, fate surprised her with another lifetime with Seulgi. 


The memory of them separating back in 1932 is still vivid on her head, but today, in the year 1960, Sooyoung finds herself again living in the same lifetime with the love of her life. 




"I'm sorry for being late!" a small smile formed from Sooyoung's lips after hearing Seulgi's voice, still catching her breath from running a distance. 




"Let me guess, you woke up late?" Sooyoung chuckled. 



"Well let me remind you that last night, instead of letting me sleep in your place, you kicked me out and forced me to go home at past midnight."  Seulgi rolled her eyes. 



"Whatever. It wasn't my fault, anyway, that you stayed up late in my house." 



Sooyoung handed her bags to Seulgi and stood up, as the bus that they will be getting on is already meters away from the bus stop. They were on their way for a vacation in the countryside, and they almost missed the last trip in the afternoon because her girlfriend woke up late. 




It was four in the afternoon.



"Are you mad, Sooyoung?" Seulgi asked when they finally hopped on the bus. 



"You know the answer to that, Seul." 



Sooyoung wanted to ever-gullible girlfriend, which the latter fall into. Now Seulgi's making faces just to show how apologetic she is, to her girlfriend. 



"I'm sorry.. You know I hate it when you get mad, right?" 


"Just don't be late next time," she said. 



"I promise you that. Not only now, but until the next lifetimes to come. I will never be late again." 




Deep down in Sooyoung's heart, she wanted to protest and laugh at her girlfriend. She is talking about lifetimes now, huh? 



Seulgi didn't realize how Sooyoung's frown turned into a shy smile after what she said. Because just as how Seulgi is wishing that their next lifetimes will be spent together, Sooyoung was also wishing the same thing. 



A wish, yes.



Sooyoung is close to believing that her invention turned into one huge mistake that defied the law and principles of life. 




Because just like how the two lifetimes ended, Sooyoung and Seulgi were again, separated by death. 




Leaving Sooyoung in a depressing state. 





// Year 1990 // Location : RV Lab, London, England 

Another Lifetime Together





Life is always full of surprises. One moment, you're happy, then all of a sudden, you'd be so confused about whatever is happening in your life, that you would choose to just give up and not find a solution, and just accept whichever life throws at you. 


Yes, Acceptance. 



Park Sooyoung accepted how she lived as a country girl in her past life. It was really different from the life she once lived as a physicist in London, England. Yet, here she is, back to where everything started. 



She was surprised when she realized that she is in England, and it is the 90s, almost the start of the 20th century. And just like how her first life was, she is back as a Physicist this time. Ironic, because it turns out that she is still living in the house and laboratory she once shared with Kang Seulgi, the renowned Chemist during the 30s. 



What made this life even more precious is that she is now living a life she only once dreamed of - with the same Kang Seulgi. 




"Park Seyoung, I said you shouldn't be here.." 



Sooyoung could only smile as she watches the toddler climb her way up through the chair that was beside her. After just a minute, Seyoung was already sitting at the table, staring at Sooyoung lovingly. 



"What made you come here, little one?" Sooyoung asked in a lovely tone, slightly pinching the toddler's cheek. 



"Mommy, I'm hungry." Sooyoung chuckles at the little girl's whining. 



It still amazes her how Seyoung would, at times resemble her, or her wife. 



"Mama won't cook for you?" Sooyoung secretly took a glance at the person leaning by the door. She only shrugged in return. 



"This is a secret, mommy.." she softly chuckles and moved closer to the child after asking her to do so. "Mama is a terrible cook." 



Sooyoung gave out a hearty laugh, almost startling her child. Seulgi, too, joined the commotion without knowing that her wife and daughter are laughing because of her. 



"I am always being left out when you both are having fun." Seulgi pretended to be disappointed. 



"Alright, mama wanted to be pampered like a baby, too, Seyoung-ah.." Sooyoung and her daughter giggle as they both glance at Seulgi. 



"Let's not just tell mama that everything she does is perfect except cooking!" 



"What did you say?" 




"Ah, Mama! Please stop!" Seyoung giggles. "Mama it tickles! hahaha! Help, Mommy, please!" 





The lab, which once gave her a bad memory, which was once full of sadness and despair was filled with the little family's laughter. This has always been the life that Sooyoung wanted for her and for Seulgi. She could have easily achieved this life in the past, too, only if she did not make a selfish decision. 



Only if she chose to live by the present and not try to change what has already been dictated by life. 



"Joy? You're spacing out again, babe." Seulgi called in a soft tone when their daughter was already out of the lab. 



"Sorry.. Just that, I am happy and tired at the same time." 



Sooyoung was quite overwhelmed when her wife pulled her for a warm hug. She just rested her face on Seulgi's embrace, and that was enough to give her back the energy she has been draining from herself the past weeks.



"I think I have reminded my wife, multiple times to not strain herself, hmm?" Seulgi asked then let Sooyoung face her. 




"Sorry, it's just that I got so invested with this. You know how I want to focus and finish something especially when I have already started doing it." Sooyoung chuckles. 



"I know, babe. I know you so well." Seulgi grinned. "But please take care of yourself still, okay?" 



"Yes, Ma'am!" 


Seulgi chuckles then offered her hand to her wife. "Let's go before Seyoung starts whining again. You know how silly she can be when she's hungry." 



"Yeah right, she's your daughter after all." 




Sooyoung learned a lot from the different lives that she has been living. She always makes sure to pick up a lesson or two, or a trait from the person she currently is. As for this lifetime, Sooyoung learned that she can also achieve inward peace and contentment the definition of the name she got for herself in this lifetime - Joy. 



And she wanted to live through it until the next lifetimes to come. 



That no matter how painful and traumatic life can be, no matter how cruel life is to her and to Seulgi, she should always be contented and happy for the present life that she has.



Because that's what her name entails. She is Joy. 








// Year 2020 // Location: Seoul, South Korea 

New Lifetime






This is the fourth lifetime that Sooyoung lived with Seulgi in her life. It has been a cycle that Sooyoung grew tired of. They would meet, fall in love, live a happy life - and ends it with a tragedy. 




And Sooyoung has had enough of it.





Of course, Seulgi still plays an important part in her life today. However, this time it's different. 




In the past, Sooyoung and Seulgi both lived as either Scientists or normal citizens. Surprisingly, though, today, they are living not only for themselves - but for other people too. 



During this lifetime, both Joy and Seulgi are living as idols - people look up to them, people stan them because of their music and artistry. And this is far, far different from their life as nerds. 



"Hey, Joy. Did you come with Seungwan on her therapy session today?" and what surprised her more is that her daughter, Seyoung, from the past life is living as her bandmate today. 



"Yes, Yerim. Because both Joohyun unnie and Seulgi were not available, so I was the one who accompanied Seungwan." 



Sooyoung felt a slight pain in her chest after saying her name, along with her bandmate's name - Joohyun. 



Because who is Joohyun in Seulgi's life today? 



Bae Joohyun, the person who loves Seulgi unconditionally, and the person Seulgi loves blindly. That even when their company is against their relationship, they are still pushing through it because their love for each other is just too strong to be hindered. 



Just what went wrong in this lifetime? Joy always ended up with Seulgi, they were even the happiest a lifetime before this. They had a daughter. They were living the dream life they wanted. It was perfect. 



Almost... perfect. 



Life was just too cruel for Sooyoung and Seulgi. Or maybe this is life's way of teaching Sooyoung that she should have never altered what has already been done. 



Sure, Sooyoung and Seulgi lived a happy life in the past lifetimes. They were always together. But that didn't last. 



Apparently, the consequence of the portal Sooyoung made was that she and Seulgi will be together, but they will always end up in a tragedy. 



When she started living as a country girl back in 1930, Joy and Seulgi were a couple but were separated by death after two years. In the year 1960, Sooyoung realized she started living another life with Seulgi. This time, as fourth-year university students. They were so in love with each other, but they had to separate after three years because of Seulgi's illness. 



The lifetime and the year 1990 were the most painful for Joy. She and Seulgi were already living their ideal life, with their daughter Seyoung. Joy thought that this lifetime's ending will be different from the first two. She hoped. But on that same year, her wife committed suicide because of clinical depression.  


Joy couldn't accept it. She couldn't believe that life won't let them live happily. They won't live a lifetime together. What's worse is that every lifetime, Joy remembers the pain of the last. The memory stays in her head - it was very vivid. 



It was unfair because she kept on hurting. But Seulgi doesn't remember anything. Seulgi didn't know that they have been constantly hurting and leaving each other in their past lifetimes. 



"Are you sure about that, Joy?" Yerim gave her a look that was familiar to her. 


"What do you mean?" 



"I asked Wendy if she came with you but she said that it was her parents, that accompanied her today." 



"Well, I.. oh.." 



Sooyoung couldn't utter another word. She was carefully thinking of what to say next because she did not want to be caught. 



Truth is, she never accompanied Seungwan in her therapy today. Every time she created excuses to her members when she goes out, she goes somewhere else. This has been going on for months now, and their youngest member started noticing how weird Joy was, every time she tries to go out. 



But they cannot blame Sooyoung for being this discrete. How is she supposed to tell her members that she is from the past and that she is living now because she created a portal that brought her into the future? A portal that made her live four different lives with the love of her life - Kang Seulgi? 




How is she supposed to tell Joohyun that the person she is dating now is originally hers and that they used to have a daughter in the past lifetime? And that Joohyun and Seulgi should have never been together in the first place because Sooyoung and Seulgi were the ones destined for each other? 




How is she supposed to tell all these without scaring her members, or without them thinking that she is insane? 




"Well, sorry about that Yerim." Sooyoung could only let out a sigh. "I bought something from the department store and I used Seungwan as an excuse.." 



Sooyoung was praying and hoping that Yerim would buy her excuse, and she almost threw a fist when she did. 



"Next time, inform me if you're going shopping because I would love to visit the department stores, too!" 



Joy chuckled. "Sure I will.." 



She finally excused herself and went back to her room. The members used to share rooms but since they transferred into a bigger apartment, they all have their own rooms now. 



Joy made sure to lock the door before sitting on her bed and taking out what's underneath it. 



Something that's like a pandora box - where she keeps her most precise possession. Some pictures of her with Seulgi during the past lifetimes they lived together. 



She would sometimes stare at the pictures and reminisce the beautiful memories with the love of her life. She was full of regrets. She was always regretful of what she did. She always thought of the what-ifs. Surely, they would be happy and would live a perfect life if she did not stress herself out of her mother's death. If she did not create a time machine to go back to the past. And if Seulgi never followed her. 



Maybe, just maybe, all this pain wouldn't have happened. 



"I'm sorry I was so selfish, Seul.." she whispered in the pictures. "Please forgive me.." 



Sooyoung didn't notice how tears were already flowing from her eyes. It was the most difficult outburst. A silent cry. She was wishing that no one could hear her silent sobs. She did not want to alert her members and scare them only because of her petty crying over something she has done. 



She finally decided to wipe her tears and heaved a sigh. 



"I am almost done, Seul. Please allow me to just be happy with you, even from afar." she bit her lower lip. "Just one last time, Seul. One last time.." 



It felt weird, but Sooyoung couldn't stop herself from kissing the picture. She carefully puts it back in the box and underneath her bed then fixed herself. She would not want her members to notice her red eyes, right? 




"Joohyun unnie. Joy did something bad." Yerim opened up the topic over dinner with the members. 



"Oh, don't exaggerate things and just say that it felt unfair for you, Yerim." Seulgi laughed along Joohyun, and it made Sooyoung smile. 



It's unfortunate that she can't make her smile like that anymore, but she's also happy over the fact that someone more deserving than her is making Seulgi happy in this lifetime. 



"If Sooyoung wanted to go to the department store, just let her be, Yeri. She's just trying to relax because we all know how busy we're all going to be next year." 



Right, next year. 



One final year as Park Joy - the idol, actress, and singer. 



She will be making her solo debut, soon. She will have a solo album, with songs performed only by her, without the other members. This was already discussed among the company as they have laid out their plans for the girls for the year 2021, which is also the year they would renew their contract. 



As for Joy, who wanted to end this painful curse, she already informed her company about not renewing. Her members are not aware of this, yet. Because she plans to disappear quietly. 



During the past months, Sooyoung has been sneaking out from her company, her members, and her friends, just so she can work on the altering of the portal she has created. 



She has been studying this since 1960, and she realized that she can put an end to this curse. Only if she enters the portal again, and closes it herself. If this is effective, she will still be born in the next lifetime but there won't be encounters with Seulgi. 



Joy wanted to end the repetitive process of meeting Seulgi, falling in love with her, and hurting herself in the end. And she has finally decided. She wanted Seulgi to live her life to the fullest, too. She wanted her to be happy. After all, that was her final wish for Seulgi before entering that portal years ago. 



"Well, if anything else, I am excited about Seungwan's debut, too. Because hers will happen first." Joy said. 



"Ah, yes. The ever supportive Sooyoung." Seungwan grinned. "Thank you, Joy. You know I am more than excited about yours, right?" 



"Oh come on, please remove me from these couples!" 



They only laughed at Yeri's sudden rant. 



Although Sooyoung is not with Seulgi this lifetime, she has Seungwan which is her closest friend. Someone who was always there for her, and someone who always believed in her. At first, she wanted to end everything because of Seulgi and Joohyun. She couldn't accept their relationship. But then, there was Seungwan who made Sooyoung feel all the love that she deserves. 




That for one moment, she felt loved. She felt important. She forgot the end that's soon to come. 







// Year 2021 // Location : The New RV Lab in South Korea






Joy has had enough of this curse. This never should have happened in the first place. But for this to end, she'll have to sacrifice, again. 



In May of this year, she made a successful solo debut. Her fans loved her music. Even her company praised her for the number of investments they received because of her album's good feedback. Her members were proud of her achievements. Sooyoung felt happy and contented. 



But in August of that same year, Sooyoung announced that she will no longer be renewing her contract. Her members found out at the same time their fans did. They all had plans of a comeback, with a stronger concept, a better red velvet. But all those fell into place when Joy announced that she will be leaving. Her members couldn't accept it, at first. But they were quick to understand. Seulgi was the first person who talked to her after that day and was also the first person who respected and understood her decision. 



And that was enough for Joy. At least, Seulgi understands. 



She did one last check on her computer, as well as the emails that are scheduled to be sent to her members and her company. There was no need to explain everything in full detail. She just said thank you and goodbye. That's it. She did not want this to be difficult. 



All she has to do is enter the portal again and disappear, then everything would be okay. Everything will end here. 



Or so she thought... 



"You really think I would let you leave like this again?" 



Sooyoung blinked multiple times before letting tears out of her eyes. There were so many questions on her mind. She didn't know what to think, or what to say. 



Because right in front of her, is Kang Seulgi - the love of her life. 



"W-what are you doing h-here?" she asked, stuttering. 



"That's a question meant for you, Sooyoung." Joy took a step back after Seulgi's cold gaze. She felt that. "What are you trying to do?" 



"I.. I.." Sooyoung couldn't form the right words to say. Because she didn't know how to respond. 



"Are you going to abandon me again?" 



She could only stare at Seulgi blankly. She didn't understand why she's acting this way. 



"I can remember everything this lifetime, Sooyoung. I know what's going on." 



It took her time before realizing what she just heard from Seulgi. It's like she was suddenly deafened by what she heard. 




What did Seulgi mean by knowing everything? 



"I remember being a chemist and your partner, back in 1900. I remember being your college buddy, your wife, and I remember about Seyoung." 



Joy was still stunned by what she heard. She never imagined today. She never once imagined that there will come a time when Seulgi would confront her to tell her that she remembers. 



It was something that even science could not explain. It was something that the portal's inventor could not understand. 




Because this time, Seulgi wanted to make an attempt to reverse and end the curse. Life and fate made it happen for her to remember everything she has gone through with Sooyoung. 




It was fate, who made her naturally remember their past lifetimes together. 




And why did it have to be today, out of all times? 



"I have been studying about this, too. I know it is impossible but because I followed you after that day,  I appeared as your girlfriend, too, on the next lifetimes," she explained. "But since we still weren't sure about how the portal works, you remembered everything but I didn't. Maybe that's life's way of telling me that I never should have followed you in the first place." 



Joy kept on wiping her tears. And although still amused by the revelations, she took all the courage she needed to speak.


"This is why I'm doing this, to end this curse, Seulgi." 


"Curse?" Seulgi hissed. "You think this is a curse, Sooyoung?" 


The latter nodded. "I did something that is against the law and principles of life and time, Seul. This is why we're still trapped in this mystery. I created this curse upon myself." 


"We. We did." Seulgi corrected. 



"No. You were never involved in this, Seul." Sooyoung sighed as she stares at Seulgi's lonely eyes. "I was the one who invented this. I was the one who tested it, and I should also be the one to put an end to this." 



Seulgi couldn't understand Sooyoung. She never did. Or maybe she was just too blinded by her love for her that she never wanted to accept whatever explanation there is, about what's happening to them right now. 



"I will come with you this time, Sooyoung. We will make this right together. Together, alright?" 


With shaking hands, Sooyoung held Seulgi's face. She used her thumb to wipe away her tears. She tried to smile and look like the stronger person among the two of them. 


"What about Irene, Seul?" 


Seulgi flinched. She never once imagined having to choose between Sooyoung and Joohyun. She loves them both, equally. 



Sooyoung is her never-ending love. Sooyoung is someone she cannot let go of in the past, today, and even in the future. But because of one stupid mistake they did in the past, she had to deal with a confusing consequence of it today. 



Sooyoung wouldn't know how hard Seulgi tried to control her feelings for her, because she thought that would be enough to end the 'curse'. Seulgi chose to be with Joohyun in this lifetime because she wanted to free Sooyoung from another pain she'll cause, in case they end up together again. She thought that it would be enough to free them from this misery. But she was wrong. Because no matter how hard she tried, life will always pull her close to Sooyoung. 



"Let me ask you again, Seul. What about Irene?" 


Seulgi's silence is like a sharp knife that's piercing through Sooyoung's heart. She wanted to vomit because it felt like a throbbing pain in the chest. 



"I--" Sooyoung could only smile at Seulgi's response. 



She has never questioned Seulgi's love for her. Not until today. 




"I already feel bad for leaving you, Irene, Seungwan and Yeri behind. How do you think they'd feel if you disappear, too?" Sooyoung forced a smile. "I will be fine, Seul. If we are meant to be together,  we will still see each other in the next lifetime, don't you think so?" 



Seulgi was crying like a baby. It reminded Sooyoung of how their child, Seyoung, cried every time Seulgi eats her favorite ice cream. They were very much alike. 



And this is a sight that Sooyoung never wanted to see. She never pictured Seulgi in a desperate situation, begging her to stay. 



"Hey, stop crying. You look the ugliest when you cry." Sooyoung slightly laughed to lighten the atmosphere. "You wouldn't want me to always remember your ugly crying face right?" 


It took about ten minutes before Seulgi stopped crying. Her makeup was ruined, and it made Sooyoung laugh again. 



As much as possible, she wanted her last moments with Seulgi to be like how she normally is. Happy, full of positivity and love. 



"Seul?" Sooyoung called for her name. "I love you so much."



Seulgi was about to cry again, but Joy stopped her by giving her another death glare. 



"I love you too, today and the next lifetimes to come."



Joy nodded her head. "Please promise that you won't follow me again?" 



"I-I won't." 



"Promise me that you would love Joohyun the same way you loved me?" 



Seulgi looked at Sooyoung intently. It was like she was weighing the situation. She didn't know how to answer Joy. Because for her, she will never be able to love someone the same way she loved Sooyoung. 



"I will." Seulgi sighs. "What about our luvies?" 



When Sooyoung thought of putting an end to this, she never had the chance to think of what the fans would feel about her disappearance. She did not specify it in her scheduled messages, as well. 



She just smiled bitterly. "People won't remember me forever, Seul. Unfortunately, that's life." 



Seulgi nodded on her remark. Right now, she can't think of what to say next. Instead, she pulled Sooyoung into one last hug. With the latter trying to stop herself from crying again. 



"I'll make sure that the fans remember you as Park Sooyoung, the y dynamite. The Havana Queen of Red Velvet, the singer of Hello." Seulgi tried to smile, too, although staring at Joy's sad eyes was already so difficult for her. 



"Please tell Seungwan I'm sorry.." 



Ah, that.. 



Son Seungwan.. who once confessed her feelings for Joy. But Joy could not reciprocate as her heart still belongs to someone else. Her heart will always belong to Kang Seulgi, only hers. 



"Seungwan will probably be mad at me for not telling her about this, sooner." 



"And what?" Joy hissed. "She'd probably think that we're crazy." 



Until the very last time, Joy didn't dare tell her story to her members. They won't believe this, probably. 



"This is goodbye, then?" Seulgi asked. 



"Not a goodbye, but a see you soon." Joy planted a soft kiss on Seulgi's forehead before smiling for one last time. "Let's not hurt each other like this in the future too, Kang Seulgi.."



Sooyoung opens up the portal herself. From it, a small spark of light appeared which slowly turned into a hole that kind of separated today from yesterday. She had to go back to the past again and destroy the portal so that all this would end.




And just like that, Sooyoung disappeared from Seulgi's life again. But this time, she's gone for good. 










// Year 2050 // Location : Seoul, South Korea






"The Centre for Time at the University of Sydney, Australia, finally confirmed today that the underground laboratory they have found in London England belongs to the late Physicist, Park Sooyoung, who is believed to have disappeared through a portal and wormhole she, herself, invented. The researchers found papers that were believed to have been studied by Professor Park confirming the probability of traveling through time. Professor Park also left materials that will help current researchers with their quest in making a time machine that will make people travel from the past to the future."





She removes her airpods and puts them back in their case. She looked at the window, with a smile forming on her lips as she stares at the woman standing by the shed, waiting for her to get off the bus. 



"Are we late?" she asks the other person.



"We're just on time. I'm pretty sure that we're not the ones that will arrive late." 




Sooyoung grinned at her partner before sliding her hand in the latter's coat. It was the winter, and although she's wearing layers of clothes, it wasn't enough to make her feel warm. So just like what she usually does, she inserted her hand on the other woman's coat's pocket, holding each other's hand inside.




The place was busy, as usual. It is the hottest place in town. Even tourists are queueing for hours just to get a table. It was good thing, though, that the place is owned by Joy's friend so she did not have to line up with the people outside. 




"Sorry. I got held up on traffic," she said after greeting her friend - the owner of the cafe. 



"No worries, Joy. You know my fiancé is not really punctual so.." Joy laughs along with her friend, which later stopped when another woman approaches them. 



It brought a familiar feeling on Joy, like it was weird to see that person again. She felt a slight pain in her chest, she was nervous and felt uncomfortable. But it didn't last. 



"Babe, please don't tell me that you're saying bad things about me in front of our wedding planner." the taller woman said which made Joy and her friend chuckle. 



"Of course I'm not, baby. Why would I do that?" the other woman grinned after she was asked to sit. "Joy, this is my fiancé, Seulgi Kang. Baby, this is Joy Park, my best friend and also our wedding planner." 



Both Joy and Seulgi felt an unfamiliar spark when they shook hands. Seulgi even tilted her head because of the confusion it brought. 



"I've heard a lot about you from Irene, Joy. Nice to finally meet you." Seulgi says. 



"My pleasure to meet you too, Seulgi."



"Oh, and this is Wendy Son. Joy's partner. She will be in charge of the photo and videography." Irene introduces the other person beside Joy. 



"Ah, yes, of course I know the infamous Wendy Son! You are also a songwriter, right?" Seulgi offers her hand to the blonde girl beside Sooyoung. "Nice to meet you, too! I am a fan." 



"I am honored, wow. Thank you." Wendy shyly chuckles. "Please excuse me, though. I have to use the restroom." 



Irene chuckles. "Sure. I'll show you the way, Wan." Irene stood up and gently patted her fiancé's shoulder. "Don't be awkward, you two. Let me ask my staff first to serve the food. I will be right back."



Irene leaves her fiancé and friend in a confused state. It was like they were both studying each other's faces. They felt weird, the moment their eyes met. It's like they have known each other for a long time, and there was this feeling of familiarity, but they couldn't explain why and how they felt that way.



"Have we met before?" Seulgi finally asked first.



"Uh.. I believe not."



Seulgi chuckles. "You look oddly familiar. But, well. In our past lives, maybe?"



Joy didn't answer, it was fine, though, because Irene came back on time, as well as her girlfriend and they began with the meeting.



Although still bothered by this unexplainable feeling, Joy went on with her thing today. She focused on listening and explaining the details to Irene and Seulgi, who she will be helping with their wedding preparations. 



But somewhere inside her heart was a throbbing pain, regrets, with slight happiness. 



Because at 4 o'clock today, December 12th, Sooyoung and Seulgi met again. But this time, as complete strangers, not as part of each other's lives. 



The sacrifice Park Sooyoung made in 2021 worked. 



The curse has finally ended.



And more importantly, in this lifetime, they have finally put an end to the agony and the pain they have both given to each other in the past. Because this time, life finally taught them that the past, present, and future are already written. Even if they travel back in time, again, they would not be able to alter it. 



They would never be able to reverse what life has already dictated. 












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Thank you!
This was the song I had in mind while writing this —

This particular part of the song:

“Was there a lifetime waiting for us in a world where I was yours?”

enjoy reading! :D


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73 streak #1
Chapter 1: grabe ka na spotify, sumabay pa😭😭😭😭😭
73 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ansakit mo na😭
73 streak #3
Chapter 1: I'm not crying you are
Chapter 1: really cute and angsty... sooyoung sadly did the selfish thing, how i wish she made peace within herself :( thank you so much for this, it made me love joygi a lil more <3
Chapter 1: Wow! Magnificent Story!!!
Great work Author-nim 😎💯
~Warm Hugs & Sweet kisses 🐻🐰