
Chance Encounter
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This might be my greatest story yet. I hope all of you will like it.(n.n)








A little chance encounter could be the one you’ve waited for all this time

- Raghava Daroori



Bae Joohyun or Irene, an established architect of a well-known firm, wanted to curse the universe for cursing her with such misfortunes that certain day. She needs to submit a blueprint for a massive project to her superior in just 8 hours and she wasn’t even halfway done with it. She has been stressed out and wanted to relax herself by doing a day’s worth of laundry but found out that a stray cat, who has been sniffing around her apartment for quite a while now has finally managed to get through a small crack in her window and knocked over the whole bottle of her fabric conditioner over, making a mess at her laundry area. So yeah she got to smell her favorite scent but at the expense of cleaning the mess out for an hour. So that’s an hour wasted which she could’ve spent designing the plan assigned to her. Then not even fifteen minutes after cleaning, she found out that she only has bottles of water on her refrigerator when she checked them intending to cook something for lunch. So she is forced to go out to eat some decent food, as she was a little sick of takeouts that she usually has. But the worst happened when as soon as she stepped inside the café she picked to dine, she saw her boyfriend… err ex-boyfriend for about a month now and the one she hasn’t moved on yet and not from the lack of trying mind you, is sitting a few tables from the door, being smiley and with literal heart eyes dining in with his new girlfriend. And she is sure that the girl is the new girlfriend not because she is snooping about it from both their co-workers but because she “accidentally” heard it from gossipers who are making the common bathroom their gossip den.


Irene finds herself in a complete panic as time seems to have slowed when her ex shifted his gaze into her. Without so much of a thought, her eyes glanced upon a lone stranger, a girl with monolid eyes in the middle of the act of sitting about two rows from the couple’s table. Without thinking much due to the frozen state of her mind, she suddenly called out to the girl.




She doubled her steps and walked well more like bounced to the stranger’s table like a bunny, paying extra mind not to be obvious that she saw her ex. Once she reached her destination, she immediately s her arms on the stranger’s waist and planted her face on the crook of the stranger’s neck. Irene almost got drunk as she gets a whip of the woman’s English pear and freesia scent. As the girl also has a white crop top inside her leather jacket, Irene’s hand felt how angry and toned the latter’s abdomen is.   It took them a few seconds before words of protest travel from the stranger’s mind to the tip of her tongue but Irene got ahead of her.


“Please just ride into it. My ex and her new girlfriend are here and I don’t want him to think that I’m still hung up on him. Although I still haven’t moved on but I cannot let him see that. I still want my pride intact. So please pretend to be my girlfriend just this once. I’ll make it up to you later. ”  Once she finished her simple explanation, she felt a hand on top of hers, the one now caressing the stranger’s abs. Well, she is such a frail woman and she hasn’t touched nor see a mouth-watering asset like this in person. She is already preparing herself to be humiliated as the stranger pulled her hand away from the former’s midriff only to be spun around and be engulfed in a bone-crushing hug.


“Did you miss me that much? I’m sorry for being so busy. Don’t worry. I am staying now for good so I can take care of you.” Then the stranger now brought her face and placed it against Irene’s milky white neck but is craned a bit so her lips are close to her ear.


“I am expecting a huge payment after this. For pretending to be your girlfriend and an additional for molesting my abs. Baby.” The stranger puts a lot of emphasis on the word Baby but Irene was still petrified. Not by her words but by the lingering kiss that was placed on her neck. She gently pushes the stranger off of her, so subtle that cannot even be noticed by anyone witnessing it. Then she found the girl leading her to the seat that she was supposed to sit in before Irene rudely barged in. Next, the stranger took the seat opposite hers before calling out to the waiter to order their food.


The stranger took the liberty of ordering their food. She says out her orders first before completely surprising Irene when the former held her hand to get her attention.


“What does my Baby want to eat? Come on order up. I don’t want my precious bunny to be skinny and starve.” Irene almost vomits at the amount of honey dripping from her words but upon glancing at the back of her ex, and the way the girl opposite him is having this love-struck look, she just smiled and muster as much fake love as she can and directed it towards the stranger.


“Thanks, Baby. I’ll just have pesto pasta.” And then she smiled fakely to the stranger who then speaks to the waiter for her own order. Once done, she then faces Irene and gave her a lopsided grin.  


“I’m Kang Seulgi by the way. How ‘bout you Baby what’s yours?” there it is again. The endearment, that is becoming like a curse for her.


“I’m Irene. Just Irene.” She said with a sass making the stranger oh wait she should call her Seulgi now since she already knows her name. Seulgi just raised her eyebrows at this.


“Don’t I at least deserve to know your surname? Just Irene? I think I deserve it after the very convincing act that I am putting right now for you.” Seulgi’s lips curve upward forming a smirk that Irene finds so y. Her gaze then traveled upwards to stare at a pair of monolid yet hypnotizing orbs. She might have stared for too long, long enough for the girl to scoff at her.


“Did you just scoff at me?” She purposely made her voice sound bigger yet said it in a sickeningly sweet way to avoid suspicion from any other person beyond their shared table especially from her boyfriend who looks like he is enjoying his date a lot.


“You don’t need to know my surname because this will be the last time, we will see each other.” She said against gritted teeth.


Seulgi just shrugs her shoulder in return. “If you say so Just Irene.”


Thankfully the waiter arrived with their food in tow. The rest of the meal becomes uneventful. The two managed to act it out as much as Irene’s boyfriend was in sight. As soon as the couple has gone out of the restaurant, Irene eagerly grabbed a few bills from her wallet to pay for her share of the meal.


“Here.” Yet before she can even put the money on the table, Seulgi’s words beat her to it.


“It’s on me. I enjoyed it so much. Thanks for the company Baby.” Turns out she already paid for the food when Irene was busy shooting daggers at her ex’s back when he was going out. Seulgi then gets up from her seat and sends a flirty wink in Irene’s direction who is very much petrified in her seat before walking out of the door.












Irene thought that the incident would be the last time that she will spend with the stranger. Because she swears that she would die of embarrassment if she would ever cross paths with Kang Seulgi again.  Heck, she even gave 110% of her everything just to act sweet to that stranger. She almost literally plucks out every hearts in that heart-eye emoji that she sent her ex during their entire three-year relationship and put it in her own brown orbs just so she could appear very much in love. Well as she looks back at it it seems, that she is quite successful as even the staff and crews of the restaurant are swooning at their apparent sweetness and affection towards each other.


No matter how much the incident made her feel giddy inside, though she is still convincing herself that she isn't, she has decided that it would be the end of it. That would be the first and last time she would encounter her pretend girlfriend named Seulgi.


However, fate seems to have other plans for her.


It was the weekend of the very same week, when Irene decided to do her bi-monthly grocery shopping.  As soon as she steps foot outside the door, huge boxes and a few moving personnel caught her attention. It appears that the apartment next door would soon be occupied and the tenant is already halfway through settling in. As a good and responsible neighbor, Irene made mental note to cook something for her new neighbor later. So she went to get what she needs with the added ingredient for her welcoming dish on the bottom of her list.



A few hours later, and the small girl, now clad in a purple dress, which she does not use for ordinary occasions since it’s the very last piece and she really loved it so she fought tooth and nail against another customer for it. She also has a pot of her special seaweed soup in both of her hands when she went towards the door right beside her apartment. At first, she presses the doorbell and puts on a huge smile on her face. But seconds passed and she did not even get a response from the owner. She did the action a few more times, making her eyebrows started to twitch in annoyance. After about a minute or so looking like a complete idiot, she put the pot down and attempted to use another method on the door. She gathers her strength and purposely knocked harder than anyone can consider politely. That is until said door opened at the first contact of her closed fist.  The sudden turn of events almost made her tumble to the ground. Thankfully she is quite athletic so her reflex kicked in and prevented such embarrassing misfortune, well not entirely because as soon as she recovered from the mishap, she is met with the glorious face of a shocked girl who stood frozen a few feet from the door. The same door that she just opened unconsciously.



"Ermmm hi???" She managed to speak while forcing herself to produce a smile that is now looking like a constipated grin instead. Irene wanted to smack herself in the face for being clumsy, but before she can even gather her thoughts, a familiar voice broke it.



"Oh, it's you. I was prepared to put my self-defense knowledge into action thinking it’s some thief or murderer barging on my door.  I never knew you it was just you. Tell me, did you miss me that much that you even visited me in my house. Am I right Baby?" The "y" way she utters the endearment made Irene want to vomit but her eyes started roaming around and chanced upon the glorious body of the stranger slash neighbor slash the girl whom she asked to pretend to be her girlfriend in front of her ex. She did not want to stare, oh boy she didn't. But the muscular biceps and the rock-hard abs, glistening with a thin layer of sweat made it very hard to do so. Especially when she wants nothing but to put her hands and caress them so badly.


"Yah snap out of it Irene. You don't want to touch those abs again. You hear me... You don't." Irene shouted on her mind only...



"Hmmm, why didn't you say so, here you can touch it, besides you even molested it the other day back at the restaurant so I guess there will be no harm in doing it again." And the smaller girl wanted to punch for blurting out what she wants only her brain to hear.



"Err…I just wanted to greet my new neighbor and bring something out of courtesy." She then picked up the pot of soup and give or more like shoves it in the stranger’s hand. Well since she still doesn’t know Seulgi that well so she is still a stranger to her.


"Okay I'll be going now." she attempted to flee the scene to save herself from any possible embarrassing incidents yet the taller girl, Seulgi is a few inches taller than her anyway, grabbed her arm in haste.


“Wait. I haven’t had lunch yet so why don’t you eat with me. I’ve just moved so I don’t know anyone here and it’s sad to eat alone.” Seulgi saw the hesitant look on Irene’s face so she continued her persuasion.


“Well even just as payment for the favor I did for you back in the restaurant?” And Irene swoon at the puppy eyes partnered with the innate bear-like features on the girl’s face that she just found herself nodding in return.


“Oh great, wait here. I’ll just prepare our food. I hope your good with just sweet and sour pork and kimbap to go with this soup. I just ordered them in since I cannot cook for God’s sake.” And just like that Irene felt herself agreeing to whatever this beautiful creature is telling her.


The two enjoyed the meal, much to Irene’s silent agony well she is telling herself that it is such a bad situation but the truth is she pretty much enjoyed herself especially when she can openly gawk at the magnificent body of her one-time girlfriend. After the meal, she somehow ended up helping Seulgi organize her apartment feeling a little sorry for the girl as it would probably take her eons to do the job by herself.


The day ended, with their status elevating from fake girlfriends to real-time friends real quick.





The third time is a charm. That is what her mother often said to her. So imagine Irene Bae’s shock when she crossed paths with Seulgi for the third time. And no that did not happen when she went out of her apartment and passed by the other one’s door to go to her work.  It did not also happen when she was waiting for her ride at the bus stop.


As a matter of fact, it happened when her boss introduced the newly hired architect that would be working and worse would become her partner in a massive project that the company entrusted to her being a first-time- senior architect. It would’ve been acceptable if they would just be introduced normally.


“Hi guys, this is our newest engineer Ms. Kang Seulgi.” The Human Resource head would introduce the new colleague to their department like that. She was expecting that they would both pretend not to be close friends or anything but no. Instead, it goes a little something like this.


  “Hi, guys… I would like to introduce to you…”

“Oh my God Irene, Baby. I did not know you also work in the same company.” So imagined how Irene’s jaw dropped as a tinge of red spreads across her face while receiving such amused stares from everyone in the room present.


“I…. erm” Thankfully the HR manager decided to interrupt the awkward situation and eagerly butts in.


 “So everyone as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. This here is Ms. Kang Seulgi. She will be our new engineer that will be assigned to the Shilla project. And since you seem to be quite familiar with Ms. Irene Bae, then I’ll just entrust her of introducing you to the rest of the team. That’s all everyone. ” The poor HR manager cleared and turned her back before walking away and disappearing into the door.


As soon as there are no visible traces of her form anywhere. Irene found herself beside Seulgi and being hounded by hungry wolves…err their co-workers who are eager to hear about the back story of the commotion that happened earlier.


“Okay, so what was that Baby thing all about.” Her closest friend slash co-worker Kim Yongsun asked Irene.


“I... Can you please excuse us first for a minute?” And Irene was quick to grab Seulgi’s hand and dragged her towards the common bathroom.


As soon as the door closed, Irene spins the girl around and trapped her against the wall, using her own body as leverage to keep Seulgi from getting out.


“Oh wow, Baby I did not know you will be into kinds of stuff. I like it.” A hard smack echoed against the empty bathroom.


“Shut that sinful mouth of yours for a minute will you?” Irene almost breathes out the words through her nose. She is fuming mad for being humiliated like that.


“Why did you do that? Now the whole company would think that something is going on between the both of us.” Irene raised her voice to prove her point.


“Well, that is the general idea behind my action though. For the whole company to know or rather think that we are dating” Seulgi sheepishly answered making Irene’s blood boil even more.


“Are you insane? Do you have a lot of loose screws on that brain of your right now?” By now Irene has her hands on her chest. Seeing the girl’s condition made Seulgi placed a hand on her back to try and calm her down.


“Okay. I have a perfectly good and sane reason why I did that. Just calm down for a minute before I explain to you.” Despite not completely trusting her words, Irene tried to relax and it helps that the way her back is being caressed right now is helping a lot, not that she would admit that to Seulgi.


“I’m calm now so talk.”


“Hmmm, I was on my way here earlier for my first day when I saw your ex in the elevator. He was eyeing me or somehow glaring at me so I had an inkling that he remembered my face from that fiasco that you pulled off in the restaurant. I would’ve just shrugged it off if I did not see you when I was being introduced by the HR manager just a moment ago. Thinking that you will be embarrassed further once your ex found out that you lied and we are not in a relationship, my mind just kinda blanked out for a moment. So you see, the words just flew out of my mouth in my desperation to save you from an even more distressing situation later on. So please forgive me? Baby” Irene somehow felt touched by the reasoning especially with the way Seulgi is batting her eyelash like a cartoon character.


“Sigh so what do we do now? I cannot tell them that you are just a stranger that happens to be my neighbor without the risk of Bogum finding out.” Irene heaved a sigh while mentally slapping her face for creating a huge problem for herself because of her pride.


“Well, we can just continue acting like how we did back then with your ex. After that scene I made earlier, I’m sure there will be gossips circulating about us soon. So we might as well act the part out. We can pretend to be dating for a few months or so. I mean just until you can move on from your ex and date for real.” Seulgi beamed her million-watt smile making Irene internally swear that she almost got blinded by it. But then again another thought invaded her mind.


“I’m afraid of what you would ask me in return for it. Mind you Kang Seulgi. I won’t ever do ual favors just to pay you.” Irene protectively placed both of her hands against her chest making Seulgi laugh out loud. Her laugh sounding like harps played by an angel when they pick Irene’s soul and bring her to the gates of heaven. That is the other’s eyes started tearing up from too much laughing.


“Gosh. That was hilarious. Who the heck gave you, ideas about ual favors as payment? If I want any ual favors, I would‘ve gotten services. Besides with the size of your s, I doubt that I would even enjoy myself. I swear I might have been knocked out cold if I bump my head on them. They are so small that I am sure a lemon is much bigger than them.” This earned another smack from Irene who is now even redder than before.


“Wow. That’s rich coming from you. If mine is lemon then I am imagining yours are just loaf breads with a single raisin in the middle. In fact, if I compare them side by side, I would find no difference. I’m sure of it.” She applauded herself for a witty comeback but Seulgi was also quick to retaliate.


“So you’re imagining my s… Interesting… why didn’t you say so? I can just show them to you if you like. No need to exert any effort in trying to fantasize about them in your head.” Seulgi raised her eyebrows in a comical manner partnered by the erted grin.


“Why would I imagine yours? Excuse me I have my own.  Though I admit that mine are smaller but these babies are definitely bigger than yours.”  She tried to defend herself but Seulgi has the perfect retribution.


“Oh, I don’t need big s to make anyone satisfied. All I need is a strong tongue plus long and muscular fingers. Wanna have a first-hand demonstration?” She then walked slowly towards Irene in a menacing fashion. Irene widens her eyes in fear while backing slowly. Then Seulgi her lips seductively before biting her lower lip as she shortens their gap inch by inch. Irene felt her back reached the wall of the opposite end of the room, seeing nowhere else to go, she closed her eyes and prayed earnestly to God. She is sure that she will meet her doom that is until.



“Hahaha. Oh My Gosh, you should’ve seen your face. That was so hilarious.”  And this earned a smack on the head courtesy of Irene. Despite the sting from the violent reaction, Seulgi was quite satisfied with what happened. Seeing the worry on the older’s face, she decided to stop playing and for once become serious.


 “Don’t worry about it. We just have to fake it until then.”





The "couple" came out of the bathroom with a better understanding of how they are gonna play out their supposed-to-be relationship especially now that they need to pretend to most of their co-workers.


This is what exactly happened when they walked towards their department once again but this time, they took each step with their hands clasped together and their fingers tightly intertwined.


"Oh my Gosh, Irene what was all that." It was Joy and the resident gossip source of their department exclaimed.


And just like that, they are surrounded by every human being within a ten feet radius hounding them like a pack of hungry wolves. This made older overwhelmed causing her to be tongue-tied. Thankfully like a knight, Seulgi is always on her rescue.


"I'm sorry for all that commotion everyone. But it all stems because this baby bunny here did not tell me that we will be working in the same company so I was kinda surprised when I saw her earlier. I even called her with that endearment which is so embarrassing so I hope she could forgive me for that slip-up." She then looked at the older girl making her eyes appear bigger . This act earned a light dab on her shoulder courtesy of said bunny.


The act earned collective ooohs and aahhs from the crowd.


"But how did you two met and well got together because all I know is that a month ago Irene was still in a relationship with that Bogus... Bubblegum or whatever the hell his name is." Yeri the self-professed maknae and baby of the group said.


Irene got sidetracked at the mention of her ex. It’s such a cliché that Bogum is very the reason why they really met. Probably sensing that she would talk anytime soon, Seulgi took the liberty of retelling their “love story”.






"We actually met in high school. Who wouldn’t know the Goddess of Dongguk University? She was my crush then. But I was shy to approach her so I just watched from afar. That is until fate intervened and brought us together. We are both in dance class. So we got partnered a few times and we grew pretty close then. That is until I was forced to go abroad to continue my studies. It was heartbreaking for me to leave her here so I was crying a lot when we bid goodbye to each other. But we continued communicating through social media. So we are pretty close since then. Once I realized she holds a special place in my heart, I did not court her yet because she was in a relationship. So when I found out that she broke up with the guy, I took my chances and I guess she could not resist my charms as my hard work paid off with a sweet squeal of “Oh hell yeah Kang Seulgi I will be your girlfriend”. I mean I am such a catch so yeah long story short we became girlfriends a few days ago. I flew back here just the other day to surprise her and fate seems to have favored us a lot to actually make us work in the same firm.”


Seulgi smoothly told that story she concocted in her head since the morning when she realized that they might need to continue the charade that they started in the restaurant. Good thing, out of every co-worke

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: hope you doing great author nim 🩷
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Chapter 1: 😭💗💛😭
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re read hehehehehe
73 streak #5
Chapter 1: Irene is a fool, but I still love her, thank you author
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Chapter 1: uwu.... ❤️💕
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AnneTokki #10
Chapter 1: 💛🩷