tallest tiptoes (mirrorball)

tallest tiptoes (mirrorball)

Prom night. 

Eunbi had her dress altered months ago. She'd gotten it done twice, in fact, to make sure it was perfect. It still didn't quite feel right when she looked in the mirror. She and all her friends were to meet up in an hour at whatever pretty spot they'd chosen to take their pictures this year. She had to get going in a few minutes, she knew. She used her phone flashlight to make sure her makeup looked perfect. She knew it did, but she checked anyway. She spun around in her dress to make sure it didn't ride up too much when it puffed out like a pastry. She knew it wouldn't, but she checked anyway. She put on her heels and made sure she could walk properly in them without making herself look like an idiot. She knew she could--she wore heels all the time--but she checked anyway.


She knew it would be a fun night, but she'd never been more unwilling to do anything in her life. Senior prom. She knew she had to go. She'd regret it if she didn't. And she'd spent hundreds of dollars on this dress and getting her hair and makeup done and on the little paper ticket for admission to the prom itself. She couldn't just back out at the last minute because of some stupid insecurity. Realistically, she knew she'd never back out, too. But that didn't stop her from wanting to. That didn't stop her from feeling like this would be the most miserable experience ever. 

She sighed and picked up her purse. Lipgloss, check. Mascara, check. Wallet, check. Tampons--just in case--check. Portable charger, check. Bobby pins, check. Perfume, check. Her phone itself, check. Fully charged. She had an extra pair of shoes and a pair of socks in the car already, because she knew it would be unrealistic for her to stand around in heels all night. She unlocked her phone and called her most recent number. 


"Oh, Eunbi! Are you getting ready to leave soon?" 

"Yeah. I was just letting you know I'm on my way now." 

"Oh, perfect. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, Rin. I'll see you in a little while." 


"I'm hanging up now." 

"Listen, we'll talk when you get here, 'kay? Drive safe, Bi. I love you."  Eunbi let herself smile. 

"Love you too."

Eunbi hung up and walked out to her car. She considered stopping to get gas, just to put this off for a little longer--anything to waste some time--but she went last night before she came home from dance practice and her tank was almost completely full. And so knowing there was nothing she could realistically do, she put the address of the hotel where they were taking pictures into her phone's map, put her playlist on shuffle, and made her way over. 

When no one is around, my dear
You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes
Spinning in my highest heels, love
Shining just for you 

Eunbi pulled over to the side of the highway almost as quickly as she had gotten onto it. She rested her head on the steering wheel and sat for a few minutes--a few more minutes than she meant to, apparently, because when she looked up, she was still at least twenty minutes away from the hotel with only fifteen minutes left until she was supposed to be there. 

"Well, me." 

She made another call. 


"Moonbin, hey. I'm gonna be a few minutes late." 

"Oh, that's fine. Yerin was looking for you. Said you should've been here by now." 

"Oh, yeah. I just got sidetracked. Tell her not to worry. I'll see you soon." 

"Don't be too late!" Moonbin laughed. Eunbi hung up. 

She arrived shortly after. Moonbin looked good. Boring, but good. Black suit. His pale blue tie matched her dress. He handed her a corsage to put on her wrist, and she pinned his to his suit. She looked around. Yerin was there. Preoccupied with some stupid conversation with Eunwoo. Eunbi swallowed and looked away. She walked over towards Yewon and Yuna, mumbling a quick "I'll be back in a minute" to Moonbin on the way. 

"Hey, guys." 

"Oh, Eunbi!" Yewon exclaimed. "You look amazing! When did you get here?" 

"You, too. Just now. You guys look great." 

"Thanks, Bi. Did you talk to Yerin yet?" Yewon asked. 

"She's been looking for you," Yuna said, nodding in Yerin's general direction. 

"Oh, she's busy right now. It's fine. Are Eunha and Sojung here yet?" 

"Yeah, they just went to the bathroom. Eunha's date got sick and now she's mortified that she'll look like the loser with no date. I don't know who Sojung's boy is, but he's pretty. I don't think she even really knows him either. At least you got a date you're friendly with," Yewon sighed. 

"Well, Eunha can join you two in the losers-with-no-date club. Is the photographer--"


She knew that voice. She turned around slowly and smiled lightly.


Yerin looked beautiful. Eunbi couldn't find many other words in her head to describe her. Ethereal? That worked, too. 

"Come to the bathroom with me real quick. I need to... I need help. With my dress." 

Eunbi didn't have time to object before Yerin grabbed her wrist and started dragging her off. They walked past the bustling bathroom near the entrance and went to the one near the dining hall. No meals going on. It was empty except for them. 

"Yerin, I--" She was wrapped up in Yerin's embrace before she could even start her sentence. She wanted nothing more than to bury herself in Yerin's shoulder, but she didn't for the sake of her makeup. 

"I'm so sorry, Bi. I'm so sorry we have to do things this way. I wish it didn't have to be this way." 

"I know, Rin. It's okay. It's not your fault. It's not either of our faults." 

"It's not okay. It's not. I wish I could make it okay, but... I'm just so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." 

"You don't need to apologize, Rin." 

Yerin pulled away and held Eunbi's hands in her own. They held eye contact for what felt like forever. Eunbi didn't mind. They only broke it when Yerin closed her eyes and leaned in to press a soft kiss to Eunbi's lips. 

"I wish it could be me with you. Us in the pictures. Not me and him or you and him or whatever. Just me and you." 

"We're allowed to get pictures alone, Rin." 

"No, I know, but... You know what I mean. Couple pictures. Not the stupid friend pictures where we... I don't know, line up and show off our corsages. I just want me and you." Yerin smiled and Eunbi thought that she must be the Eighth Wonder of the World. This time it was Eunbi leaning in, kissing Yerin long and slow, both of them smiling into it. 

"Me holding you and kissing you," Yerin continued dreamily. "Me and you. Everyone to know that you're mine and I'm yours." 

Eunbi laughed and pulled Yerin back in for another hug. The scent of Yerin's flowery perfume intoxicated her, and she decided that she wouldn't really mind if she were to go to Hell because there was no way Heaven could come anywhere near this.

"When I'm taking pictures with Moonbin I'll pretend that he's you. And you can pretend that Eunwoo's me." 

"Don't do that!" Yerin whined suddenly, breaking away and folding her arms. "Kissing him and justifying it as 'Oh, I was just pretending he was you!' No way!" 

"You know I would never even think about kissing Moonbin," Eunbi replied flatly, a tone of mock offense in her voice. "Whether I was dating you or not. I've known him for half my life and I don't think that thought had ever even entered my mind before you so rudely put it there." 

"Oh, shut up," Yerin laughed. She grabbed Eunbi's hand and they turned to face the mirror.

"You're gorgeous," she spoke softly.

"I know," Eunbi joked. Yerin bumped their shoulders together. "So are you." 

"I don't ever wanna look away from you." She gripped Eunbi's hand a little harder. 

"Then don't. And I won't either." They stood there for a moment. The silence was comfortable and safe and Eunbi wished she could turn a moment into eternity because everything felt so perfect and Yerin looked so beautiful and, as cliche as it was, their hands slotted together perfectly and Eunbi wouldn't have traded it for the world. Yerin reached over to pull Eunbi in again one more time--

The door banged open. They tore away from each other as quickly as they possibly could, as if it burned for them to touch each other.

"There you guys are!" It was Eunha and Yewon. "The photographer's here." 

Eunbi nodded. "We'll be out in a minute." 

"Right," Yewon said slowly. "Don't take too long. Moonbin was asking where you went." 

Eunbi nodded and the two left. She suddenly felt all the discomfort from when she was back home, staring at herself in the mirror, wishing she could just disappear for a while. Thinking about how her dress most definitely didn't match Yerin's the way she wished it could've. Thinking about how she'd have to slow dance with a boy who was a friend but never, ever a boyfriend and never comparable to her girlfriend, either. Thinking about how stupid it all was. Thinking about how unfair it was that a love so beautiful could be so hated by people who couldn't even begin to know the first thing about the two of them.

They don't know us. Why do they have so much to say about us?

"Eunbi. Look at me, baby."

Yerin held both of Eunbi's hands again. Looked her in the eye. Grounded her. 

"I know it's unfair that we can't have our happy high school ending tonight. I know. But that's the great thing about it, right? It's not really the end. We still have all our lives to be in love and show it off to everyone." Eunbi gave her a small, dejected nod. "And someday we'll live in a place where they say, 'Wow, I wish I could have what they have.' They'll be happy for us. They won't hate us for being us. A day will come where we don't have to hide anymore." 

Eunbi looked down.

"I only wanna be with you." It came out small. Quiet. Like if she said it any louder, the world would come crashing down around her. Yerin grabbed her chin and lifted her face up so that they were looking at each other again. She pressed a kiss to Eunbi's lips, small and soft. Tender. A million things said without a single word spoken--I care about you.

"Then don't leave. And I'll stay with you forever as long as you want me to." Another kiss. You and me. Yerin reached up to move a stray hair out of Eunbi's eyes when they pulled apart. Eunbi had never felt anyone look at her with so much adoration in her life, and Yerin had never felt such adoration for anyone either. This time they didn't have time to jump away from each other before Eunha stormed in. She looked ready to scream, but she stopped herself before she said anything. 

"What are you guys doing? What's going on?" she demanded. Eunbi pushed Yerin away. 

"Nothing. We should get going." She made her way towards the door. 


"We're not gonna get any pictures. We have to go." 

And with that, she walked out of the bathroom before Yerin could say another word. Yerin walked out soon after. Eunha stood dumbfounded for a moment--what the hell was that?--and slowly made her way out too. By the time she got back outside, Eunbi was with Moonbin and Yerin was with Eunwoo and they didn't steal one glance at each other the entire time. 


< 3


"Do Yerin and Eunbi seem kind of... I don't know--weird to you guys?" Eunha asked as she walked over to join Yewon and Yuna. 

"Weird? They've always been weird. Nothing new," Yewon replied lightly. "Not any weirder than the rest of us." 

"No, I mean like..." Eunha struggled to find the right words. "The two of them together. The way they... interact, maybe? I don't know."

"Hm. Not in particular. Why?" 

Eunha stopped for a moment. "I don't know. When I went to get them from the bathroom, they were... I don't know. Eunbi's seemed kind of out of it all night. It was nothing. I'm just overthinking 'cause I'm stressed."

"Eunha," Yuna reassured. "I promise you don't look any dumber than the rest of us." 

"Thanks. That's reassuring." 

A little ways away, all of those who had dates posed together. Yerin looked over to Eunbi who gave her a small nod. You and me

When they finished, the two rushed over to join each other again. 

"You brought a bag, right? I don't have anywhere to put my shoes." 

"What do you think I am, an idiot? Of course, I did. Are they in your car?" 

"Yes, ma'am," Eunbi giggled. They made their way over to the parking lot on the opposite side of the car. It was empty except for a few bored kids--younger siblings of those who came to take pictures--waiting in their cars for their parents. Eunbi opened her passenger-side door and pulled out her socks and shoes. She handed them to Yerin, who stuffed them in her bag. She knew what was coming next before she even turned around as soon as she heard the bag tumble to the ground. 

Yerin grabbed her wrist and spun her around, pressing her against the side of the car. 


"These kids don't know us. And frankly, I wouldn't care if they did." 

And then Eunbi was drowning in Yerin's kiss, fast and passionate this time. Full of hunger and longing, but not sensual. They couldn't afford sensuality when they were making out in the middle of a public parking lot. Eunbi's hands moved up to cup Yerin's face as Yerin's settled on Eunbi's hips. Yerin bit softly on Eunbi's bottom lip, getting a short gasp out of her. 

", Yerin, we--" 

And just as quickly as she got those three words out, she was silenced by Yerin's lips once again. Yerin's hands moved up to Eunbi's cheeks as Eunbi ran her fingers through Yerin's hair. They were lucky they pulled apart when they did because when Yerin checked the time, the limo was scheduled to leave in five minutes. She pulled Eunbi in for one more quick kiss, and they went on their way. 

"Your lipstick's ed up. So's your hair," Eunbi pointed out.

"I don't care. We already got our pictures, didn't we?" 

"I guess." 

"And I'm still hot, aren't I?" Yerin asked, lacing their fingers together. Eunbi gave her an irritated look. 

"Is that a yes?" 

"Obviously it's a yes," Eunbi replied, rolling her eyes. Yerin gave her a satisfied smile. Eunbi ignored the voice in the back of her head screaming at her to take Yerin back into the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup (and maybe make out with her a little more) because considering the fact that Eunha had seen them pressed up against each other before, this most definitely wouldn't help their case. I don't care as long as I'm with you. 

Surely enough Eunha gave them a suspicious look when they got back, and she examined Yerin's face a little too many times, but Eunbi didn't care. She figured she would be a lot happier not caring what other people thought. At the back of her mind, she knew that not caring could be disastrous for the both of them, but for once... just once, she wanted to let go and just be happy for a night. The two of them kept walking towards the limo, but Eunbi heard Eunha mumble to Yewon, "Did you see Yerin's makeup?" 

Yewon hummed in affirmation. 

"Maybe I'm not crazy. It looked fine before she left with Eunbi--"

"We're gonna miss the limo, Eunha," Yewon spoke up. 

"And her hair--!" Eunha continued on, but she never finished her sentence, so Eunbi figured that Yewon had figured out some way or another to shut Eunha up for the time being. The ride to the other hotel where the prom was being held wasn't... bad. Eunbi sat next to Moonbin and Yerin sat next to Eunwoo, but Eunbi hadn't really spoken to Moonbin all evening, and they had always been friends, so obviously she didn't mind being with him and catching up with him for a little while. Moonbin knew that Eunbi didn't like him in any sort of romantic way--that wasn't to say he knew she liked Yerin either, because he didn't--and he didn't like her either, thank God, but that didn't mean that they weren't still close as friends. It made things a lot less awkward too, Eunbi thought. When he asked her to go to prom with him, it wasn't necessarily because he wanted to bring her as a date, but just because he didn't want to show up without a date. It went a little bit like this, while they were sitting in the library after school one day a couple of months ago: 

"Hey, Eunbi, do you have a date to prom?" 

"A date to prom?" She repeated and stopped for a second. She had Yerin, but she knew realistically that they'd never be able to show up together. "I don't think so." 

"You don't think so? Did anyone ask you yet?" 

"Well, no, but--"

"And are you planning on asking anyone?" 

"Well, no, but--oh, shut up. Fine." 

"Fine, what?" 

"I'll go with you 'cause you're too much of a little to speak to any girl who's not basically your sister." 

"I am not too much of a little to--" 

"Yes, you are. Anything else?" 

Moonbin hmphed and turned back to his books, Eunbi let out a little noise of triumph, and that was that. She persuaded him to tell Eunwoo to ask Yerin and shortly after had to go through the process of persuading Yerin to say yes too. She figured it would be better this way. They could still hang out together since Eunwoo and Moonbin were close, they could say they had a date to their senior prom (though considering half their friend group didn't, there wouldn't have been much shame in not having one), and above all, they would have a scapegoat if anyone ever questioned their relationship--a hypothetical conversation, for example: 

"Is there something going on between you and Yerin?" 

"What? No, what makes you think that?" 

"You two just seem very close--a bit too close." 

"That's funny, but no. I even went to prom with Moonbin, don't you remember that?" 

"Oh, of course! How silly of me." 

Was Eunbi confident that such a conversation would ever play out in such a way? No, but there was a small chance that it could, and that was what mattered. 

The limo pulled up to a red light. 

"You excited, Bi? You look a little... up in your head," Moonbin said, pulling Eunbi out of her thoughts. 

"Oh. Yeah, no, yeah. I'm really excited." She gave him a small smile and looked at Yerin who was seated across her. Had she been staring at her the entire time? 

"What are you looking at?" 

"The view, stupid." 

Eunbi turned around and looked out the window. 

"It's hideous here, Rinnie." 

Yerin looked taken aback by the nickname for a moment and then she continued on, "I'm not talking about outside." 

Eunbi blushed madly and scowled at Yerin, who had probably never looked more triumphant in her life. Moonbin laughed beside her. 

"Such a flirt, Yerin." Eunbi elbowed him in the side and scowled at him too. She looked down to stop herself from looking at Yerin--she'd sort of been avoiding her gaze the entire time because she knew if she looked at her she probably wouldn't be able to look away, and Yerin liked to do a whole lot of talking with her eyes--talking that Eunbi wasn't exactly sure how she'd react to when she was in a limo with around ten other people. It wasn't a very pressing worry for much longer, though, because soon enough the limo was pulling up to the front of the hotel and they were all climbing out. 

The night began slowly, as it does, but as more people trickled in as time went by, the atmosphere went up and up and up, and soon enough it was so packed and booming that you couldn't even take a step without bumping into multiple people unless you were out of the crowd and off to the side, which most people weren't. After a little while of dancing, Eunbi went off to the side with Yewon to get something to drink and to change her shoes. They made their way to Yerin's bag, which had snacks and water in it alongside Eunbi's socks and shoes and purse, plus a few other things they might've needed along the way. The punch had been good when they walked in, but with so many students and so little supervision, Eunbi was sure it had been laced with something or other by this point. Someone had probably snuck a few edibles onto the snack table, which she'd never tried, but albeit wasn't entirely opposed to trying. She figured that could wait for a time when she wasn't in a public space with hundreds of people, though, and settled for a little packet of pretzels instead. She and Yewon situated themselves at a nearby table for a few minutes, ran off to the bathroom, and then were back in the crowd before anyone (save for Yerin, of course, sharp-eyed as she was) could notice they were gone. 

They danced the night away, talking to old friends and meeting some new--bittersweet as it was to only realize how cool someone was to be around now when they were to be off to college within the next two months--until everything came to a standstill as the student body president, Jiwon, tapped on the microphone situated at the far right side of the hall, and called for everyone's attention. 

"It's that time, everyone!" Small hoots came from the crowd. "Now I'm not gonna give you a speech or anything, 'cause... I don't want to!" 

Eunbi looked at Yerin and laughed. Jiwon wasn't hammered, but she most definitely wasn't sober either. 

"You guys have been voting for your prom king and queen for the past two weeks! So let's get to it!" This time, the crowd cheered properly. "Ladies first, of course." 

One of her friends handed her a small white envelope which she opened carefully. 

"Kim Dahyun!" Coming as a surprise to no one. It was just a popularity contest after all, and Dahyun was already a princess anyway. Dahyun made her way up to the front, got her flimsy little crown put on her head, and made sure not to forget to make a look that said a million angry little words at her friends who were making an unnecessary amount of noise from the crowd. Normally, Eunbi would find it all a bit obnoxious, but she decided that she would probably be a lot happier if she let people have their fun every once in a while, no matter how stupid and irritating it was. 

"And now for the gentlemen... Lee Minho!" 

This one wasn't a shocker either. Minho walked up and got his crown and then the slow dance was supposed to start. Eunbi gave Yerin a tight-lipped smile and turned to Moonbin. She put her hands on his shoulders and he put his on her waist. They didn't move any closer to each other. There was no reason to. Eunbi pretended for a moment that Moonbin was Yerin but his strong hands on her waist were a dead giveaway that the person holding her was nothing like Yerin, even in her little daydream. Nothing like her or her small, soft hands, or her eyes that turned into crescents when she smiled, or the indent of her dimples in her porcelain white skin, or her laugh that rang like a bell in a Christmas song, loud and clear and happy. There's nobody like you in this world. 


Eunbi snapped her head up to look at Moonbin at the sound of her name, tearing her mind from her thoughts. She gave him a small, unconvincing smile and looked back down at the floor space between them. They were standing quite an awkward distance apart, weren't they? And when she looked up over his shoulder from time to time, she could see Yerin with Eunwoo, looking all pretty and content and fine with everything. Eunbi hated her for it. She knew Yerin had nothing with Eunwoo--they didn't even know each other--but she resented, for more than one reason, the way Yerin could mask her emotions so well. Eunbi didn't cry much, but with a frown etched into her face betraying her whenever she was upset, she often wished that she could just be not okay from time to time without letting the whole world know. Without letting anybody know. Because sometimes, on Yerin's particularly bad days--the days where she didn't want to tell a soul what she was feeling--, when Eunbi had to pry even the smallest amount of information out of her, she was reminded that she was still far from fluent in the language of Yerin's blank expressions, even after practicing and practicing the all-too-often ritual of trying to decipher what she was trying to say through her vacant stares. 

"Eunbi? Eunbi, are you okay?" 

Eunbi didn't realize she was crying until she looked up and felt the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Did I do some--"

"I'm sorry, Bin." She detached herself from him, wiping her tears away pathetically, and made her way to the bathroom as quickly as she could in her sudden wave of emotions. She heard him run out after her. 

"Eunbi, wait!"

She stopped walking for a moment before turning around to look at him.

"Yerin, right? It's Yerin." 

She glanced around the hallway. Nobody except for the two of them. "What?" 

"I've known you for as long as I can remember, Eunbi. I know you. I'm not an idiot. You and Yerin." 

"What do you mean, me and Yerin?" Eunbi barked, suddenly defensive. Moonbin took a few cautious steps towards her and gave her a soft smile. 

"It doesn't make a difference to me, Bi. I hope you know that. I know you're scared because it will matter to some people, but... it doesn't matter! Not to me, at least, is what I'm trying to say. It shouldn't matter to anyone," he spoke softly, tentatively, fearfully, like he was laying the worst piece of information ever onto a little kid who wouldn't know what to do upon hearing it except scream and cry. And to Eunbi, it was like hearing the worst piece of news. It was. Because it meant they hadn't been discreet enough. It meant that maybe everybody knew but nobody wanted to be the first to say something. It meant that maybe when she left first from a group hangout with Yuna and Yewon, they stayed together for hours after talking about her and Yerin and their unique little relationship. Eunbi stared blankly at Moonbin for a while, terrified. 

"I really need to go to the bathroom," was all she said before she turned around and took off once again. When she got in, she placed her hands on the counter and stared at her disheveled reflection in the mirror. So much for not ruining my makeup. She cried. 

And a few minutes later, the bathroom door swung open, and before she could hide away in a stall, arms engulfed her and now she was crying into Yerin's shoulder instead of into the sink. Yerin rubbed her hand up and down Eunbi's back and said nothing. Eunbi appreciated it. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered finally. "I'm so sorry, Rinnie." 

"For what, baby?" 

"Moonbin knows. I'm so sorry. I should have--" 

"Oh, Eunbi, don't be ridiculous. Of course, he knows. He knows you like the back of his hand." 

"But if he knows then that means that everybody else might know too and--" 

"Eunbi," she sighed. "Look at me." Eunbi lifted her head hesitantly and met Yerin's eyes. Yerin pressed a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. "Just because the kid you've been best friends with since the beginning of time knows about me and you, doesn't mean by any walks of the Earth that anybody else does." 

As she spoke, a familiar tune boomed from the speakers in the hall:

I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball
I'll show you every version of yourself tonight 
I'll get you out on the floor
Shimmering beautiful
And when I break it's in a million pieces

Another kiss, this time on the lips. Eunbi put her hands on Yerin's shoulders--Yerin's shoulders, small and warm. Home. Yerin gripped Eunbi's waist, and Eunbi was brought over with another wave of emotion, wishing for nothing but that she could have been able to do this out on the dance floor with the girl she loved and not with... well, Moonbin. And that wasn't to say she didn't love Moonbin too. Just, obviously, not in the same way that she loved Yerin. She loved Yerin. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too, baby." 

Eunbi smiled and leaned in. This time, they weren't so fortunate to pull away the second the door opened. It took them a second, so lost in their own world, to realize that their glass bubble of being alone together was shattered into a million little pieces and would never be able to be put back together again. Maybe the song had been foreshadowing. Or maybe it had been broken for a while now anyway.

"What's going on?" 

Even while looking straight into her face, it took Eunbi a moment to comprehend that it was Eunha who had spoken and that Yuna and Sojung were standing not far behind her. And again, Eunbi pushed Yerin away. Yerin looked at her, hurt. Eunbi ignored it. 

"I, um... We--" 

"I'm tired of lying," Yerin said flatly. "I'm tired of lying and I know you are too." 

It was like Yerin had completely disregarded the fact that there were three other people standing in the bathroom with them. Eunbi felt tears bite at her eyes, and when she had it in herself to face Yerin, there was a line on her face, running down her cheek, where her foundation had been painted over with a watery stream of mascara and eyeliner. They studied each other's faces for a moment. 

I know they said the end is near
But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes
Spinning in my highest heels, love
Shining just for you

Eunbi sighed.

"I'm tired of hiding, Eunbi." Yerin grabbed Eunbi's wrist. "And you've always hated keeping secrets." 

Eunbi looked back at their friends who were staring at the scene unfolding in front of them. She bit her lip. 

"I guess it's time you find out that we're together," she spoke, voice smaller than ever.

Eunha scoffed. "Thanks, Sherlock. I never could've told." 

"Did you know?" 

"I knew there was something weird between you two. But I thought it would've been like... I don't know. Selling drugs? Not whatever this is!" 


Heavy silence filled the air. Yerin let go of Eunbi's wrist.

"You didn't tell us?" Sojung spoke up eventually. 

"We couldn't."

"I think you could've, actually, considering you just did," Eunha snapped. Eunbi gave her a disbelieving look.

"What, like we had a choice?" She felt anger rising from her the pit of her stomach, up to the top of her head, and down to the bottom of her toes. "Like you didn't just... barge in here in the middle of--" 

"In the middle of what? You two ing in a public bathroom? For God's sake!" 

"We didn't ," Yerin spoke softly. Eunbi knew she hated conflict. "Just for the record." 

"Well, you might as well have!" Eunha's anger shifted from Eunbi to Yerin. "You guys have been all--" 

"Oh, shut the hell up! Don't talk to her like that!" 

"Like what, Eunbi? Like my friends have been keeping a huge secret from me for I-don't-even-know how long?" 

"We kept it for a reason!

Eunha laughed bitterly, said no more, and shoved past Sojung and Yuna out of the bathroom. Yuna gave Eunbi a small smile as Sojung went after Eunha. Eunbi returned the gesture, because what else could she do? Yerin was looking down out the ground, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was crying. Trying her best not to break down right then and there, but still already crying nonetheless. 

"Oh, Rinnie," Eunbi sighed, running her hands down from Yerin's upper arm until she reached her hands. She cupped Yerin's folded hands in her own and stood staring at her until Yerin looked up to meet her eyes. 

"I guess your makeup's really ed up now." 

"Oh, shut up," Yerin retorted, a small smile playing at her lips. She looked over to the lingering presence standing in the frame of the bathroom door. "I'm sorry, Yuna." 

"Sorry? For... what?" 

"For not telling you... and everyone, I guess." 

"Oh, don't be sorry!" Yuna started quickly. "I know I couldn't tell anyone! I mean, I've liked Yewon for I don't even know how long and I could never--. Oh. Well, I was gonna say I could never tell anyone, but I guess I just did." 

Yerin broke into a full smile this time. "Oh, Yuna, come here," she said, already making her way to engulf Yuna in a hug. Yuna returned it awkwardly. 

"We don't really hug often," Yuna mumbled, and Yerin broke away from her, still smiling. 

"Because Eunbi gets jealous when I look at a cute dog for too long--" 

"I do not!" 

Yerin turned to give Eunbi a stern look. "Forget about anything else." She turned back to Yuna and smiled--"But don't tell her I think it's cute anyways." 

Eunbi's cheeks burned. 





They were outside in the parking lot now. There were still hours left until the party was over, as it lasted for the better part of all night, but the seven of them (Moonbin was more or less considered one of "the girls") figured they had some talking to do. Eunha hadn't said a word, and for some reason, this seemed to be a lot more difficult for her than it was for the two who had just been outed for a life-changing secret. She stood with her arms crossed and an angry little pout on her face, and Eunbi had to admit she was cute no matter how furious she was with her right now. 

"So, what?" Eunbi responded after a beat of silence. 

"You guys are like... a thing," Yewon spoke slowly. "Like... together..." 

"Yeah, we're together." 

"As in... dating... each other?" she continued. 

"Exactly that." 

"And you, like... kiss each other? And hold hands? And you're both girls unless there's some other conversation we need to have. We don't need to have it now, obviously, if you don't like, and this is all speaking hypothetically anyway, but if it happens to be the case that--"

"Yes, Yewon, we're both girls and we hug and hold hands and kiss. On the lips." 

"Well... I think that's pretty cool!" Oh, Yewon, forever a ray of sunshine. "I'm happy you guys felt comfortable enough to tell us!" 

"Well, actually--" Eunbi started. Yerin gripped Eunbi's wrist. Now's not the time, we can talk about that later. "Yeah, I'm happy too," she settled with as a response instead. 

"And let me ask," Eunha started, Sojung nudging her in the side to tell her to drop the attitude, "how long have you two been a thing?" 

"Since--..." Eunbi stopped. Yerin looked at her incredulously. 

"You've gotta be kidding me." 

"I know it! I know it, but..." 

"Forget when it started! It's gonna be ending real soon if you don't--" 

"October 17th. Of junior year, I mean." Yerin's angry expression dropped. 

"So you mean to tell me that you guys have been together for almost two years and you never felt the need to tell any of us?" Eunha demanded. 

"And that's why I hesitated," Eunbi sighed. Yerin looked at her sympathetically this time. 

"Listen, Eunha, it's difficult! I don't expect you to understand that since you've never been in a situation like ours, but it really is difficult! We don't know how you guys would've reacted. We don't know if you'd have told anyone--not that I think you would've, but you always have to think of the worst-case scenarios when you're talking about these things. We don't know if somebody'd accidentally slip up and our parents would end up finding out, because Lord knows Eunbi can't keep a secret, to begin with--having four other people knowing would just up the chances of that risk and we really, really couldn't have that happening. We just didn't know, okay? We could get murdered, for God's sake. You can't expect us to just go around telling whoever we want whenever we want! Do you really think that we wouldn't have told you guys if there were no risks involved? If I was interested in Eunwoo you guys would be the first to find out! But that's just... That's not the case." Yerin paused for a second and took a breath. 

"That's not who I am." Her voice was all but a whisper, sad and scared and alone and Eunbi just wanted to hold her forever. "I don't... Listen. I don't... like... boys, let alone Eunwoo. And I wish I could've told you guys that. But it's just..." A breath, and then her voice came out much more powerful and passionate than before, "I risk my life whenever I tell somebody that. I've wanted to tell you guys for years--maybe not under these circumstances, but... It just doesn't work that way. That's just not the world we live in." She sounded desperate. She wanted to cry. So did Eunbi, and so Eunbi held her hand. 

Eunha looked somewhat guilty, finally. 

"I'm sorry," she sighed. "I just... I could've used somebody to... talk to, I guess. I don't know, I--... It would've been nice. To know. For... I don't know, reasons, I guess. Nothing." 


"I said it's nothing!" she snapped, and they all turned very quiet very quickly. "Anyways, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. And I hope you guys know that you're still my best friends. Right? Nothing would change that. Unless you committed some unforgivable crime, I guess, but--nevermind. You know what I mean." 

"We know," Eunbi said, and Yerin nodded in agreement. Eunha nodded back and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. She took a step back, retreating into Sojung, and refused to make eye contact with anyone for the rest of the conversation. 

"I'm sorry," Sojung said after a moment of silence. "For being upset that you didn't tell us. I guess I just didn't understand. But I don't mind. As long as you guys are happy." 

Yuna nodded in agreement. "We already had our talk." Eunbi gave her a wide smile. Proud. 

"We didn't really have ours though, did we," Moonbin spoke up finally. 

"No, we didn't," Eunbi said, letting go of Yerin's hand and stepping towards Moonbin. "Shall we?" 

Moonbin gave her a light laugh and stepped forward. "Is this a challenge, or what?" 

"How'd you know? About Yerin, I mean." 

"I think it would've been weirder if I hadn't known." 

"Well, that doesn't answer the question," Eunbi hmphed. 

"The short answer would be, what don't I know about you? The long answer would be the way you look at her and talk about her and bring her up on any possible occasion because it's always 'today Yerin did this' and 'Yerin wants to try that' and 'I can't go there with you because that's Yerin's special place.' You're not like that with anyone else, you know. And I knew it wasn't a best-friend type of thing because you never do any of that stuff with me. A simple process, really." 

Eunbi heard sniffling behind her--cue Yerin's breakdown over how much she loved Eunbi--and gave Moonbin a small smile. "I'm so sorry I will never be able to return your wonderfully pitiful crush on me," she joked. 

"And I'm so glad that you have the confidence to believe that I, of all people, would have a crush on you, of all people. But if it's any consolation, I still love you just the same." 

Eunbi frowned--the only thing she hated more than crying was other people seeing her crying, so she pulled Moonbin into a hug before anybody could see her tears fall. That was usually a sight reserved for Yerin. Moonbin returned the hug for a good moment before he pulled away and said, "Maybe give this one to your girlfriend over there who looks like she just lost everything she loved." 

Eunbi turned around, and Moonbin was right--Yerin was a wreck. Always emotional, that one, whether she decided to show it or not. Eunbi smiled and rushed over before peppering a million little kisses all over her face. She wasn't exactly sure when the others had left, but when she pulled away and looked around, they were gone. She turned back and looked into Yerin's eyes. I don't ever wanna look away from you.

"I love you so much, Eunbi," Yerin spoke, this time with a new kind of confidence she hadn't exactly had before. 

Because I'm a mirrorball
I'm a mirrorball
I'll show you every version of yourself

And before Eunbi could be the one to lean back in, Yerin grabbed her by the face and planted another long, sweet kiss on her heart-shaped lips.

When they broke apart, Eunbi felt certain of something for the first time in her life. 

"I love you, too." 

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Chapter 1: Reread this story, because this story is awesome.
Chapter 1: Ooooh! I’m so glad I found this shot! I was looking for some Sinrin and this awesome story appeared 🥺
Your writing is so good! I enjoyed every word, author!
I hope you can write more of this shot! I would like to read how they started dating uwu!
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for this beautiful shot!!
Chapter 1: wow awesome i was really enjoyed reading it so much you got all my emotions out and that's great!
i hope everyone can have supportive friends like them, i really hope i have but oh well nvm i don't think it would work out for me tho pffft.

thankyou for such beautiful story, hoping to seeing more from you (a sinrin ofc hehe)
Chapter 1: the great thing about telling your friends about your romantic relationship .. is they will cheer for you.. and giggle with you.. too?? ehehehe
Chapter 1: thank you for post this story. to be honest this is a great story. i hope you can write another sinrin story.
Chapter 1: oohhh that was really good !!! can we have a part 2 with yumji?? *-*
Chapter 1: Waaaahhh.... so beautiful!!! It's really hard for them but they have each other.

Thank you >.<
Qazxsw12 #8
Chapter 1: Considering this is your first fic, this was really really good! It was beautifully written. I loved it.. i hope to see more of sinrin. Keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 1: I love the plot really.. About love and friendship this is so sweet and somehow relatable. Thank you for creating this story authornim :)
Chapter 1: This is sweet! Thanks author!