I Suggest You Get Comfortable

I Like (the idea of) You
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One could assume that the universe played favorites.  Yet for those on the other side of that, Bora was certain it had out for her.  At least in the department of her love life.  There was always something keeping the petite woman from taking that leap of faith with the one person she had been desperately in love with since they met.

Kim Minji.  Long time best friend and roommate since college, and the literal love of Bora’s life.  You would think it’d be as simple as just confessing but there was always something.  The timing was never right, and Bora knew it had to be perfect, something she was far from compared to Minji.  

Much like all the other instances, this was not Kim Bora’s night.  It had been a hellish few weeks of long hours to hit the deadline for a large marketing project at work.  So her attention had been elsewhere.  Not on how Minji was suddenly preoccupied with something.  How the blonde was constantly glued to her phone with an extra bright smile plastered across her perfect features.  All the signs were there, but Bora had been too damn blind to see it as she drowned in deadlines.  

The twenty-six year old needed to unwind, eager to meet her roommate for dinner that Friday evening.  Maybe, she could actually manage to garner up the courage to confess her feelings.  Minji and herself both had been single for a while.  It might be the right time as determination filled her with energy.  

The universe had other plans however, as it punched Bora right in the gut.  Or maybe slugged her in the face was more accurate.  Either way, she was stunned when Minji introduced her new girlfriend.  

Lee Siyeon.  

The name alone was enough to make Bora cringe.  

When the hell did they even meet, much less start dating?  How was this even possible?  They definitely did not run in the same social circles and couldn’t be from more different worlds.  

It wasn’t like she actually knew Siyeon personally, but she’d seen the lone wolf around before and heard plenty about her over the years.  And perhaps if it hadn’t involved Minji, she’d come to her own conclusions, but she couldn’t help but go by rumors and the reputation the mysterious woman held.  

Siyeon sat smugly across the table from Bora, her arm haphazardly resting on the back of Minji’s chair, slouched down with her legs spread comfortably as she sat.  Her stance along with the leather jacket and torn jeans truly spoke volumes to the type of image she was going for.  Regardless, the raven haired woman didn’t seem concerned about impressing Bora in the slightest, which only made the smaller woman more agitated at the situation.  

Yet she sat there with a practiced smile on her face, feigning happiness for her best friend’s new found companion and relationship.  “Ah Minji I can’t believe you kept this from me!  How long now?”  Even if she felt so tired in that moment, Bora never struggled to exude energy to lift up her friends.  The smaller woman told herself to just focus on Minji and her smile.  That should be enough to get her through the night.

“Almost four weeks,” Minji mused for a moment as she turned to acknowledge her new girlfriend and touched the top of Siyeon’s other hand on the table.  The action wasn’t lost on Bora and how she wished it was her before she pulled her eyes back to her best friend’s face.  “I wanted to tell you sooner, but you were staying late at work and always seemed exhausted when you did get home,” the blonde said with concern in her eyes, “I didn’t want to bother you.”

Ever the selfless one.  And those eyes...Bora found herself lost in them again.  

“You could never bother me.  I always want to know and will be there for whatever you need.” the brunette was quick to respond, though wondered if that wasn’t a bit too heavy of a reply.  Bora said things like this in front of Minji all the time, but she typically refrained when others were present.  Maybe she shouldn’t have been ignoring Siyeon quite this effectively.  Granted the raven haired woman hadn’t talked much anyway, even if she heard an odd grunt after her statement from her across the table.  

The petite woman tried to save herself, “What are best friends for right?”  Bora even added in a laugh and a flick of her wrist in an attempt to brush it off.  She hadn’t just said she’d do anything for Minji.  Nope.  Not obviously, hopelessly infatuated with her roommate one ing bit.  

“Ah, true,” Minji agreed, a fondness in her tone towards the shorter woman.  “And we have another thing to celebrate tonight too!  You said you finished your latest project at work right?”  

“Oh yeah, finally glad to be done with it,” Bora said with a sigh of relief, “It was a major client for the company but a pain in the to do.  A lot of tight deadlines.  I think we all overworked ourselves this last month.”  Thankfully it was over and done and hopefully the next one wouldn’t have such a time crunch on it.  

“Yeah, Bora is an amazing project manager for the marketing department where she works,” Minji explained to Siyeon who didn’t seem particularly interested until being directly spoken to by her girlfriend.

The raven haired woman perked up a bit at that, “Ah sounds impressive.”  However it felt a bit forced in Bora’s opinion.  

It did bring up an intriguing topic though as Bora replied, “I mean, it presents a challenge for me and it pays the bills I guess.”  What the hell did Siyeon do for a living?  From what she’d heard about the other woman, she had never really done much with her life.  “What about you?”

“Huh?  What about me?” Siyeon asked, clearly not quite listening, or pretending she didn’t at least.  

So Bora was more specific in her question this time, “What do you do?”

The raven haired woman averted her gaze, “Oh you know...a bit of this and that.”  Yep, so she was absolutely avoiding the topic when it landed on her.  It wasn’t like Siyeon needed to be raking in the cash, but she needed to at least be able to support herself.  Siyeon was what?  Maybe a year younger than the two of them.  The last thing Minji needed was someone using her for her money.  And Bora was dead set on protecting her best friend from that if need be.  

“Don’t be modest babe,” Minji interjected into the awkward moment with a cherry tone, “She’s a singer and songwriter.  And a skilled mechanic too.”  

Wow, Minji was really into Siyeon.  Bora could hear it in her voice and see the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her.  Maybe she could push just a bit more, “So you work at a garage then?  Or…?”  Bora let her words trail off, curious if Siyeon would divulge anymore.  

“Just whatever I can get,” Siyeon stated, her wolf-like gaze now settled on Bora as she shrugged.  Her tone and body language said one thing, but her eyes said another, almost as if daring Bora to press her further on the topic.  

“Uh huh,” the brunette said in reply, staring back just as intently as Siyeon.  Apparently both women were quite stubborn.  But damn, why did Minji fall so hard and so quickly?  This was not her usual type at all.  Did Bora just miss something?  Or was her best friend going through the struggling artist or bad girl vibe kind of phase?  It made Bora’s head hurt to think about.  She really needed a drink or five.  Too bad she’d driven here.  

Their attention was suddenly pulled back to Minji as the blonde almost squealed with excitement.  Siyeon startled in her seat from the outburst which left a smirk on Bora’s face.  If she had to guess, it was about food.  And sure enough, the oldest was melting into the flavor of a new dish the waiter had brought out.  “Ahhh...you both have to try this,” she insisted with the absolute cutest smile Bora had ever seen.  

She knew better than to refuse and gave her best friend a nod, “Of course,” as Minji was already putting some on the edge of he

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Chapter 5: Such a cute well done fic so far SO PLEASE WRITE MORE, I cant wait to see what’s in store for yura, but poor SuA and her unrequited love for JiU and your Dami is just so puppy dog lovable and you cant help but root for her crush on SuA and your Siyeon is so daring yet a sweetheart inside that bad girl exterior, BRILLIANT KUDOS FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!!!!! :’333! XOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Chapter 3: Aww seeing Siyeon's soft and sensitive side for the first time. It definitely makes sense what Minji sees in her
Chapter 2: Ooh looking forward to how yura take things from here
falala95 #4
Chapter 1: Ahhh!! Loving this. Please write more! We will be patiently waiting. Really curious to see who I end up personally shipping keke
Chapter 1: I love this already! I cant wait for more! I love bad girl Siyeon. ^_^
Can't wait for it to get messy. I'm rooting for [redacted]. Just saying ^-^