100 days Chapter 9: Unwanted Visitor

100 days
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After their short vacation, Minjoo visited her mom in the hospital the next day. However, when she was about to greet her mom, she was surprised by an unwanted visitor.

It was Hyunjin.

She did not know how Hyunjin knew she was coming to visit her mom, probably he asked her secretaty about her schedule. Minjoo's blood was surely boiling at the sight of the smirk on the lad's face but she told herself to not cause stress to her mom. After that dinner with the Hwangs, Minjoo completely lost all her trust to Hyunjin and his father. But since they are infront of her mom, and it seemed like her mom was actually happy seeing Hyunjin, she can't help but to hid her anger.

"Mom, I miss you so much." Minjoo hugged her mother tightly. "Me too, my baby. Mom misses you so so much." Jisoo kissed her daughter's forehead.

Minjoo apologized to her mother for not visiting her always due to work. She promised her mom she will visit her more often. Her mom reassured her that she is fine.

"You should be taking care of yourself more. Don't be too workaholic like your dad." Jisoo her daughter's hair softly.

"By the way, Dr. Kwon is currently on a summit in US so she sent a new doctor that will check on me for the mean time." Her mom gladly said.

"I want you to meet my new doctor soon. She's just one year older than you and she's super pretty. She's also super sweet and caring. I bet you'll become friends in no time."

"Mom, the way you described your new doctor sounded so cringey as if you are having your little crush all over again." Minjoo snorted at her mother.

"What do you mean crush! I was just excited for you having a new friend. You have always been busy on work that you don't have time to meet people and make new friends." Jisoo said.

"Okay, mom but when can I meet that 'new doctor' of yours?" Minjoo asked.

"She's still doing her rounds right now maybe in the afternoon, she's free" her mother stated.

"What a shame, I have an important meeting in the afternoon though. Maybe we can catch up on my next visit. I'll be glad to finally meet her then." Minjoo apologetically smiled to her mom.

"It's fine, my baby. I'm sure that meeting is important. You can always meet whenever both of you are free." Jisoo said.

As much as Minjoo wanted to spend more quality time with her mom, she felt quite uncomfortable with Hyunjin around. Hyunjin, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying the moment taking advantage of her mom's obliviousness. He was able to convince Jisoo to allow him to have lunch with her daughter at a nearby restaurant. Minjoo was left with no choice but to accept Hyunjin's invitation even though she was dying to decline. She saw Hyunjin's winning smile that irked her more. She badly wanted to

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Chapter 22: 2kim, pls comeback😭😭
2kim deprived here! I hope you still update this 🙏
Chapter 22: Baby comeback ~🎶🎶
I will still wait for an update! Just take your time author❤️
Huhu please update this is so good pls pls pls
Chapter 22: I miss this now😭😭 pls comeback
Chapter 22: Updated pls author 😭😭
cleofierayne 37 streak #8
Chapter 22: Ahhhh I'm sad for Ryujin! 😭😭 I hope Lia realize her feelings and be with Ryujin again hehehe Chaewon too i knoww your attracted to Minjoo hehehe. Soon you'll realize what you truly feels 😂😂

Yena yena Yuri yuri ahhhh! Cute couple hehehe yeah i know they're getting back together soon heheh
hhhhhhhhh #9
Chapter 22: Ummm maybe chaewon jealous because lia ride ryujin motorcycle..... Hahaha but 2kim still my fav ship here
Chapter 22: I-i think chaewon is confused, that's why she kissed Lia. To know her heart beat for who. But can feeling be easily change like that? Omooo feeling is so complicated TT
ps: great update author nim