100 days Chapter 20: Shattered

100 days
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Panting hard, Yuri hastily turned the knob of the chief's door. Beads of sweat rushed down the new fellow's temples as she saw the chief already seated on her usual spot doing paper works. Yuri braced herself for an earful scolding as she came five minutes late. Yuri tightened her grip on the sides of her lab coat as Yena lifted her head from her paperworks meeting the chief's cold glare.

"What did I say if you come late again?"



Yuri and Ryujin were so immersed in having a conversation with Jisoo and the whole squad that they completely forgot they needed to go back to their seniors at 1:30 pm. Minjoo's mom was delighted to meet the two especially Ryujin which she found adorable and sweet. Now she knew why her daughter is whipped for the Sokcheo girl.

They were in the middle of catching up when a nurse suddenly came in and told Yuri that Dr. Choi has been looking for her for 30 mins already. Yuri and Ryujin both hurriedly bid their goodbyes to the group to go to their respective seniors.

When Yuri reached the Gen. Surgery office, Yena was already working with lots of papers on her table. Yuri apologetically stood in front of the door. She could not even knock to call for the attention of the chief. Yena seemed to notice her presence and asked her to come in without lifting her head from her work. Yuri timidly heeded lowering her head for violating a rule on her first day.

"Do you know what you have done?" Yena coldly asked that made Yuri shiver in fear.

"I-i'm sorry I am l-late. I d-did not notice the time." Yuri stammered, her eyes were fixed on her hands which were both shaking in fear. It's her first time to witness Yena's wrath and she's worried she might get fired right on her first day.

The chief finally lifted her head and met the new fellow's scared eyes with a glare. Yuri gulped when Yena suddenly stood from her seat and went closely in front of her. Now she's panicking on how unbelievably close they are. Unknowingly, the younger shut her eyes when she felt the older's breath hitting her face.

It was a dead silence for a solid minute. Yuri was waiting to be slapped or hit but none of it happened. Yena stood there grinning sheepishly at the sight of her ex-lover.

'Cute.' She mentally squealed.

But she knows she needs to do her duty as the chief of the department. Yena is usually a merciless chief. She hates being late so if you are 30 mins late on your schedule, then be ready to kiss goodbye to your job. But since it was Yuri's first day, she will let it slide for now.

"Who told you to close your eyes?" Yuri met Yena's eyes as she fluttered them open. Her voice was laced with venom but her eyes told otherwise. They are more like worried than angry.

"I t-thought you're g-going to s-slap me." The younger's voice was shaking as she truthfully answered to the chief. Yena's heart ached at the sight of her fragile ex-lover. She felt bad for genuinely scaring her to death but she needed to hold back her emotions in order to discipline the younger.

Suddenly, the chief trapped the fellow between the desk. Yuri's heart raced on their extremely proximate distance. Their chests were touching but they are not hugging. Yena leaned on her ear and whispered, "Since it's your first day, I will let it slide, Dr. Jo. The next time it happens, you will surely be punished."

Yena has her hands balled into a fist. She badly wanted to hug the latter but she knew she should hold herself back. Yuri on the other hand, was breathless after Yena parted with her. Her heart was still beating so fast that she knew Yena felt it too. She was kind of embarrassed but at the same time her heart was celebrating in joy.

'Her scent is so addicting.' Yuri's lips twitched upwards. She mentally scolded herself for focusing on Yena's

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Chapter 22: 2kim, pls comeback😭😭
2kim deprived here! I hope you still update this πŸ™
Chapter 22: Baby comeback ~🎢🎢
I will still wait for an update! Just take your time author❀️
Huhu please update this is so good pls pls pls
Chapter 22: I miss this now😭😭 pls comeback
Chapter 22: Updated pls author 😭😭
cleofierayne 26 streak #8
Chapter 22: Ahhhh I'm sad for Ryujin! 😭😭 I hope Lia realize her feelings and be with Ryujin again hehehe Chaewon too i knoww your attracted to Minjoo hehehe. Soon you'll realize what you truly feels πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Yena yena Yuri yuri ahhhh! Cute couple hehehe yeah i know they're getting back together soon heheh
hhhhhhhhh #9
Chapter 22: Ummm maybe chaewon jealous because lia ride ryujin motorcycle..... Hahaha but 2kim still my fav ship here
Chapter 22: I-i think chaewon is confused, that's why she kissed Lia. To know her heart beat for who. But can feeling be easily change like that? Omooo feeling is so complicated TT
ps: great update author nim