Chapter 1

4 Seasons
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The air was chilly and biting this night in the in-between time as Autumn transitioned into Winter. Dahyun’s in the middle of a graveyard shift, bored nearly half to death and tired from a lack of sleep. There’s a soft classical music coming from the speakers, and it’s not helping very much keep her eyes open. It’s past 2am on a Monday night, which technically makes it Tuesday morning. Her shift will basically end at 9 am. Being at Seoul, the people who need coffee at this time are usually drunken college kids coming back from ty parties anyway, so it’s not like they’re going to call management on her for bad service or nerd college kids finishing their research paper for tomorrow. Nayeon is doing a fine job of manning the counter.

At around 3am, she comes in and it jolts Dahyun awake like no amount of caffeine has ever done. The first thing Dahyun notices is her blonde hair, like a welcomed splash of vibrancy against the muted colours inside this coffeeshop and the blanket darkness outside. She has these brown eyes that remind Dahyun of the finest coffee bean she grinded ever. She looks like a foreigner, japanese to be exact. She manages to tear her eyes away, just before it creeps the hell out of her. She had her beanie and scarf on, but Dahyun noticed she didn't have her gloves on, on this very chilly night, she wondered if she had a hand warmer somewhere. 

The girl walks up to the counter where Nayeon awaits with a flashy smile. She's an attractive lady with great eyes and had cute bunny like teeth that guys or sometimes, girls typically swoon over. Sometimes, when she flirts with customers while they wait, Dahyun rolls her eyes out of annoyance rather than jealousy. She’s not exactly her type.

No, she thinks, stealing another glance at the blonde currently looking over the menu pinned on the wall above the counter. That’s her type.

“Spanish Latte to go, please.”

“Of course,” Nayeon replies, undoubtedly with a flirtatious grin, “anything for you.”

Good God. Seriously?

Out of the corner of Dahyun’s eye, she sees her give Nayeon a warm smile and inserts her earbuds, dodging any further eye contact. The atmosphere between them shifts instantly, visibly, even. Dahyun almost feels bad for Nayeon because that’s as loud as a rejection can get without any words. 

“Name?” Nayeon asks in a deliberate polite-but-disinterested tone.

“Sana.” Comes the equally vacant response.

She turns back to Dahyun to repeat the order, but she’s already started. Once finished, Dahyun writes her name down onto the side of the paper cup in black marker.

Nayeon’s gone somewhere while Dahyun was making the coffee, so she carries the cup to the counter. Her eyes are fixed on her cellphone, with the thumb occasionally swiping up or down. As Dahyun gets closer, she realizes that the girl is singing along and is so into it that she seems to have forgotten her surroundings and Dahyun’s presence altogether.

Sana tries to do a high note and halfway through, she finally looks up to see a smile that’s half curious and half amused.

Dahyun thinks she’d stop, maybe even be embarrassed that a total stranger has seen her doing something that most only do in the privacy of their showers, but she doesn’t. Dahyun doesn’t even know what the song is called, was it beyonce?, but she knows it’s going to be stuck in her head for a while. 

Sana’s actually not a half bad singer, which causes Dahyun to feel so nervous. She’s never been sang to – serenaded - before, much less in this coffeeshop, much less at nearly 3am in the morning, much less by someone this attractive.

She wants to say something, clap, do something, but Sana takes her coffee and said "Adele." walks back out the door with a warm smile before Dahyun can even open . She sat on the table just outside and it made Dahyun think she’s a vampire or something. She stayed there for god knows how long with her attention still focused on her cell. 




The air was chilly and biting this morning in the in-between time as Autumn transitioned into Winter. Sana had her beanie and scarf on, but she had forgotten her gloves in her rush to get to the small coffee shop by the park so she could get her usual table in the outdoor seating area. She tried to warm her hands by blowing on them and rubbing them together, which worked for all of two seconds before they became cold and numb again. She made a mental note to buy another hand warmer on her break

Finally, she saw the door to the café open, and her eyes immediately went to the steaming cup of coffee and chocolate pancakes being brought out on a tray by café owner, Nayeon. She shivered as soon as she stepped out into the cold air and quickly walked over to place her order onto the table. She thanked her and immediately wrapped her hands around the large cup, trying to soak up the heat even as it rapidly escaped as steam into the air.

“Are you sure you want to sit out here toda

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Chapter 18: im still waiting, dont leave me hanging :(
Chapter 18: Miss you authornim, I mean the SaiDa here 😂👌
Jojo_MoSa #3
Chapter 18: Please comeback 🥺🥺
Chapter 18: I absolutely love this story, probably one of the best I have read honestly. it's so well written and expressive. I am looking forward to see how it will continue
Chapter 16: Author-nim!!! I just watched the last kiss scene in GA. Omgggg. I knew it was familiar. I love itt and it hurtsss huhu. I'll be waiting
Saida-201 #6
Did author just ghosted us?
Midubdub #7
Chapter 18: Reread the whole chapters from start till the very last. Will still be waiting for the update..
Saida29 #9
Chapter 18: Where are you author?TT
Saida-201 #10
Chapter 18: Author were still waiting😂😂