same seat, same floor

Of Sketches and Paintings
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Wonyoung was right on schedule, finished with all of the assignments due the next day and was about to get started on the next chapter of her organic chemistry book. Working one chapter ahead was her secret to staying at the top of the class. If she taught it to herself ahead of time, it would already be familiar by the time they went over it in class, and she wasn’t dependent on the teacher’s lecturing skills. That was the problem with most of her classmates– they expected the teacher to do too much of the work for them. She hated that, when people were so dependent on others. Do it yourself or it’s pointless, that was her perspective.



She always sat at the same spot in the library, a corner seat at one of the long tables on the second floor. It was far more quiet than the one on the first floor, where there was the constant buzz of students around the tiny cafe and the sound of people coming in and out. What little chatter there was, she tuned out until it became something like white noise. Relaxing, in its own way. She focused on her work best in this environment, near enough to other people and yet away.



She didn’t even glance up as someone took the seat across from her. Her textbook was open, and so that is where her mind was. She didn’t hear the rustle of paper or see the quick, smooth of the pencil. She wouldn’t have known anything about this person at all, had the girl’s elbow not caught on her own headphone cord. The cord popped out of the student’s mp3 player, sending it into speaker mode– and loud, ridiculously loud rap music suddenly filled the air.



“, , sorry– I’m so sorry ,” the girl was stuttering, and even though Wonyoung was sure she wasn’t the only one glaring, the apology seemed strangely directed at her. She shook her head and looked back down at her textbook, biting her lip when she saw the glaring pink highlighter mark that had jumped across the page.



The girl had finally managed to shut off her stupid music, and she ducked her head and slid a piece of paper across the table before she fled. Wonyoung frowned and reached for it. “Hey! You forgot this!” But the girl was already gone. Wonyoung sighed. So annoying. She was going to crumple it up and recycle it later, but she stopped when she saw what it was.




It was a sketch.





Of her.






She turned it right side up, curious against her will.


There was no mistaking it, even though obviously unfinished, from the shape of the face, the big arc of the eyes and mouth. This was her. She had wondered how someone could possibly study with such loud music blaring in her ears. It was probably a little creepy that this girl had sat there drawing Wonyoung without her consent or anything, all that aside, it was sort of flattering, right?



Gosh this is stupid, she thought. She was supposed to be studying. She brushed the sketch away from her things and focused determinedly on her textbook, though she couldn’t for the life of her remember what she had been reading about before that blue-haired kid had disrupted her.




Luckily, that jagged highlighter mark had kept her place.









She climbed onto bed, alarm set and double checked, she closed her eyes thirty minutes later than usual. That girl in the library had cost her precious time, since she had thoroughly shattered Wonyoung’s concentration. Her mind had kept wandering after that, wondering who in the hell did semi-creepy sketches of strangers in their spare time and why she hadn’t noticed. It was still bugging her, but not quite as much as the fact that she hadn’t gotten a good-enough look at the stranger’s face.



She was being really, really stupid. It didn’t matter, anyway. She was sure she wouldn’t see that girl again, since the stranger had made such an embarrassment of herself earlier.



She rolled onto her stomach and pressed her face into her pillow, but she still couldn’t make her mind shut up, still very aware of the sketch sitting on the corner of her bedside table.









She was studying again, at the same seat on the same second floor. Though she, in no way, had any official claim over this spot, she was there so often that it seemed like it was practically reserved for her. It had been her refuge since freshman year, so it was comfortable, familiar. It barely took her any time at all to set out her study materials and get settled in her chair, and she began work on the chapter review.



Except that then she was thoroughly interrupted as a coffee cup was into her line of vision.



“I’m sorry for yesterday.” It was the girl from yesterday and she was babbling a mile a minute, all apologetic eyes and frizzy blue hair that had probably never seen conditioner in their life. “I wanted to make it up to you, so, here? It’s espresso. I didn’t know what you liked, so I asked the barista and she said this was the most popular thing, so I hope it's okay.”



Wonyoung just sort of blinked at her. She really hadn’t thought this girl would dare to show her face around here again, after

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Chapter 3: so GOOD
Chapter 5: this is so good in so many ways. keep up the good works author-nim!
Chapter 4: wony snapped so hard lmaoo
Chapter 5: Omg I love it <3<3<3
So they're cutee ?
Chapter 5: WAHHHHH SO SOFT, FLUFFY, CUTE, AND ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE AHHHHHH I LOVE IT!<3. This fic made me smile so big that it made me look like a fool lmao XD. Thanks for this fic author-nim! It really made me feel warm and my soft heart is full of fluff now haha :D
samyuj #6
Chapter 5: this is the cutest annyeongz fic i’ve read omg
yujinz_wonny0304 #7
Chapter 5: Too soft, so pure uwu
xZeiki #8
Chapter 5: this is actually quite good. hmm
1761 streak #9
Chapter 5: so uwu!!!!!!!! fluffy and soft and all other synonyms!!!!!