
It is what it is
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Yuri was browsing her private Instagram account when a message notification popped up. - "I sent you a text message." it read. She was surprised by the sudden communication. It has been a while since they last talked. Checking her phone, she saw the familiar photo next to the name forever embedded in her heart. It tugged something familiar.


Jessica: I feel so tired. -sent 9:38pm

Jessica: I feel so damn tired. Burnout phase. -sent 9:47pm


Even after everything that happened, they were still friends. How can you ignore a person you've shared your life for more than a decade, right? There has to be some sort of connection that remained. Platonic or not. Yuri heard about what happened with the case and the backlash Jessica got from the internet. She was about to type her reply and try to comfort the woman when another message appeared.


Jessica: There are times I wonder if I am just okay with our relationship because I am so tired of everything or because he's the one I'm with now. I don't know. -sent 9:52pm


Yuri doesn't know how to reply to that. How long has it been? After all this time, there is still a slight tug at her chest. The break up was mutual but damn, was it painful. It was even more excruciating because they were forced to accept it. Things got so toxic, they were hurting each other. They both had to let go. Sometimes love is not enough to keep it together.


Yuri: Cheer

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Kryberyulsic #1
Chapter 1: :(
Chapter 1: sequel pls?
Chapter 1: Omg can I expect more ?
langsircoklat #4
Chapter 1: Have to vote this story ???