Fav Authors

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There are some amazing EunHae fanfic authors who write amazingly well and have written many stories. Kindly checkout their profile! ♡


1. BlueEscrima (cute and fluff with right amount of angst. I think she is a Legend Eunhae writer 😂)

2. RC_Lillie (amazingly written stories. Another Eunhae legend type of writer)

3. SLHusky (amazingly written HaeHyuk stories covering many genres, her writing of is chef's kiss ♡) 

4. Eunhaeluv (angsty stories amazingly written. I read few but my poor heart couldn't stop crying, so yeah...)

5. WicketCriminals (beautifully written characters and stories. Fluff and romance with some strong drama and angst. Really loved all of her fics.)

6. FirstAnotherSujufan (God tier fics with so many feelings and emotions; each and every fic is a MUST READ)

7. LeeSoftHae

8. Moonpebble

9. Bitterkitty (written on non-mainstream AUs like AI tech, post apocalypse and more) 

10. Splendid-times

11. Donghaeyah ( Go to Chap 8 to find her fics. They are Fluff fluff and more fluff :*)

12. ReapJewelFish (Supernatural/ Gore/ Psychological themes)

13. HyukjaesJellyBean

14. Icey_likelots

15. Standstill

16. Ifallelsefails

17. Inkedblack

18. Crime-tsumi

19. Alex_supertramp

20. Bluestee

21. Silverstarzgurlz

22. Haeimecah

23. JenluvSJ

24. Panda-Hero (mystery, supernatural a

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If you have your own fav stories, please suggest to me. I'll add them too. ♡


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1455 streak #1
Browsing here again for a reread to some fics. This really helped me a lot when I was just a newbie here then :)
970 streak #2
Chapter 12: Thank you so much foe preserving BlueEscrima's work to share with us. I just finished Take Yourself Out From Me. It is so well written yet so painful.
Chapter 12: Hi, i just found this and thank you soo much!! Do you perhaps have hutsugaya15 works??
Linecursive #4
Chapter 10: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1430038/10'>Author: Voodoobaby</a></span>
why i can't access voodoobaby google drive link 😭 help me, i really want to read her fics 😭😭
leigh1381 #5
Chapter 9: thank you for this 😘😘😘
Chapter 1: I have some recs: old fics of @draculasdaughter and also @cinnersk.

Oh also does anyone remember PandaOcean and lovefisheymonkey69? It seems they both deactivated too 😭
Thank you for this 😭
Chapter 10: omg 28 fics! thats a shame they deleted them
omg this is literally what I needed
Chapter 10: Author mybabyhae stories are also so good, can u add them too