Just another AU
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Joohyun knows that the house on the corner lot next to theirs has always been empty. Well, as far as she can remember. Aside from the middle aged guy who visits the house twice a week, she thinks.


The middle aged guy, Mr. Kim, visits the house twice a week to look after the house. To clean the lawn and all those things. Mr. Kim is a cool and nice guy. He would sometimes give Joohyun fruits that he gets from the trees from the backyard of the house that he’s been taking care of. 


Mr. Kim would sometimes give her oranges, mangoes, or apples. Depends on the season.


This day is one of those days, and Joohyun knows it’s the season for mangoes. Joohyun giddily ran from her room to the front door when she heard the doorbell.


Even though she’s already almost in college, she’s still acting like a kid. 




“I’ll get it, Mom! It might be Mr.Kim. It’s mango season.” Joohyun said excitedly. But instead of just mangoes, Mr.Kim is also carrying a cake. Joohyun looked at Mr.Kim confused. The old guy laughed.


“Good morning, Joohyun! Good morning, Mrs. Bae!” Mr.Kim shouted.


“Good morning, Mr.Kim!” Mrs.Bae answered.


“Here, Joohyun. It’s mango season and here’s a cake. It’s baked by the young miss.” Mr.Kim explained as he handed the food to Joohyun.


“Young miss?” Joohyun asked, bewildered.


“Oh! You didn’t know. Right. The young miss Son returned. Well, actually there’s two of them. But the older one is the one who baked that. They came back last night from Canada.” Mr.Kim explained.


Joohyun just stood by the door thinking about what Mr.Kim told her when Mrs.Bae popped out of nowhere.


“Oh! The Son’s are back?” Mrs.Bae asked happily.


“My gosh! Mom, you scared me!” Joohyun whined. Mrs.Bae just waved her hand at Joohyun shushing her.


“Oh no, Mrs.Bae. It’s just the kids. Or may say the young ladies. If I remember correctly, the older one is older than Joohyun by a year.”


“Oh yes, that cute kid. She came back with her sibling? I remember them leaving with the youngest just a baby. Are Mr. and Mrs.Son coming?” Mrs.Bae inquired.


“No, Mrs.Bae. They stayed behind in Canada because of their business. Young miss said that their parents decided for her to finish her uni here but the younger miss won’t let her unnie go alone so the younger one came along.” Mr.Kim giggled as though remembering a happy memory.


“I see. Maybe we’ll visit them sometime. Thanks again, Mr.Kim.”


“You’re welcome, Mrs.Bae. Enjoy the mangoes and the cake. The young miss bakes really good.” Mr.Kim laughed and then waved goodbye.


After the chit chat, Joohyun just shrugged all the information she heard and went to the kitchen to eat some mangoes and cake.


Joohyun tasted the cake and it is heavenly. She never knew carrot cakes can be this good. Joohyun likes carrot cakes, yes, but to be this good? My oh my, that young miss Son has some good baking hands.


“Joohyun, I’m going out to the grocery. Want to come with me?”


“No, mom. I’m good. I can’t leave this carrot cake unattended it might feel lonely if I leave it here.” Joohyun said as she took another spoonful of the cake.


Mrs.Bae laughed. “Okay. I’m just going to buy the things that I need to cook tteokbokki so I can give it to the two young Son’s later. How about later? Do you want to come with me and visit the Son’s place?”


“No, mom. Maybe some other time.” Still eating the cake.


“Okay. I’ll go now. I’ll be back later. And leave some of the cake for your father, you know how much he likes carrot cakes too. I don’t want to hear you two bickering over some cake.” Mrs.Bae said in a motherly tone.


“Ye~ye..” Joohyun nodded and just waved at her mother.




Days have passed since the day her mother, together with her father (that she left a cup of carrot cake), visited the Son’s. Joohyun’s father was happy to visit the young girls next door because he said that he was and still good friends with Mr.Son. Like they’re best buds since highschool. So there.


Joohyun knows that it’s not the only reason why her father wanted to go with her mom, it’s because he wants more carrot cake. The old man can never fool her. But hey, carrot cake for him means more carrot cake for Joohyun.


Don’t get Joohyun wrong she loves her old man. She really does. Mr.Bae is that cool father that fights with her daughter even over the smallest things. Like what Mrs.Bae always say she feels like she has two kids. A beautiful loving daughter and a man-child. And Joohyun is just so lucky to have such cool parents.


Back to the few days after the day the Son’s arrived, Joohyun haven’t seen even a hair of the Son’s. Joohyun would still see Mr.Kim, but not the two girls living next door.


It’s been a week to be precise. And still no carrot cake.


That morning was a bit chilly for Joohyuns taste. She doesn't like the cold season very much, but it’s a good day so she decided to get her book, a cup of hot tea to warm her up, and sit by their balcony.


Joohyun was about to take a seat when she saw a whitish blonde short haired girl on the lawn at the Son’s house. 


The blonde girl is wearing an outfit like she’s about to or just worked out. By the looks of it, it looks like the latter. Because Joohyun

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Chapter 5: okay I didn't expect an ending like this, but this is very funny 😂
Chapter 5: The ending seems rushing a bit... But this is absolutely cute story... Joohyun is so cute ^^
Chapter 5: 😂😂 it's a pregnant homornes we're talking in here so best of luck Seungwan 😂😂
hi_mitochondria #4
Chapter 5: Lmao 😭 that was cuuuuuute. It's the hormones ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Riscark #5
Chapter 5: Jealous pregnant woman, good luck Seungwan kekeke
Thirdysaur #6
Chapter 5: It's so cute. The ending got me hahaha thank you for this author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 5: Oooooohhhh sooooo funny and cute 😍
ReVeLuvyyy #8
Chapter 5: Hahaha lol. So it was a dream 🤣
aglaonema #9
Chapter 5: Cute