Lucas 1

A Poisoned Night
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Taeyong awoke from a deep sleep and to his side to grab his phone. “1 AM?! Why am I up so early…” He whispered. He figured he was thirsty and that is why his body woke him up so he could go get some water. He swung his legs over his bed and hopped out of it to walk to the kitchen. He rubbed his tired eyes as he opened his door and walked out into the dark hall. “Why did practice have to go so late…” He whispered with a groan. His body was tired from their long nights of practice and Taeyong could start to feel it now as he walked. Sun rise to sun set they practiced these past few days, which Taeyong did not mind one bit since he loved to dance. The choreography needed to be spot on since the new group he was placed in was starting to promote in the United States. They needed to be tight and together when they danced and Taeyong was more than happy to be the one who corrected a step when needed. He rolled his shoulders and neck to ease some of the soreness that was approaching and the kitchen light. He went over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle to drink.

He guzzled the bottle and threw it away realizing just how thirsty he really was. The chicken they ate last night was pretty salty and his body must have been craving some liquid from it. As he turned around to turn off the light and go back to bed, he swore he heard a faint groan from nearby. “Who in the world would be up this late?” He asked himself. He stood still for a minute to try and see if he heard the sound again. Nothing. He shrugged his shoulders and started to walk when he was stopped by another faint but noticeable groan. He turned his head and tried to figure out where that noise was coming from. He heard some shifting and another groan coming from the living room. He quietly, but quickly, grabbed the first thing he could find on the counter. He lifted his hands up to grasp the item in his hands so he could be ready to attack if needed. He slowly made his way to the room and took a deep breath. “Alright, come on Taeyong. You can do this.” he said to himself to try and calm his heavy breathing. His hands were slightly shaking, and his heart was racing. He quickly the light and held up the item. But what he found was not a thief, but a lounging Lucas who had an arm around his stomach and another arm on top of his forehead. He had a blanket across his body and Taeyong wondered if his friend planned to sleep on the couch the whole night. Suddenly he heard a new set of footsteps coming up behind him. He swung around and held up the item again and jumped when he saw that it was just Jungwoo. “Geez! You scared the crap out of me Jungwoo!” Taeyong yelled/whispered.

Jungwoo bowed slightly as he apologized. “Sorry hyung…didn’t mean to scare you. I was just getting some medicine for Lucas.” Taeyong’s head cocked a little to the side hearing this. “Oh, and hyung? You can’t really hurt someone with a spatula.” Jungwoo commented as he walked away snickering. Taeyong looked down at the object still in his hand and he sighed. Of course he would grab the one thing that wouldn’t do any damage to someone. He set the spatula down and followed Jungwoo to the couch as he watched him try and wake the tall boy up. “Is he sick?” Taeyong asked. Lucas groaned a little and sat up as he took the two pills from Jungwoo’s hand. He plopped them into his mouth and drank some water. After he swallowed, he cracked his back and laid back down. Jungwoo pulled the blanket up over his friends’ shoulders as Lucas closed his eyes. Jungwoo turned around and answered his hyung. “I don’t really know actually. He called me from his dorm an hour ago saying he didn’t feel good in his stomach and that he wanted to come over to our dorm. So, I said yes, and he fell asleep on the couch as soon as he got here.” Jungwoo answered.

Taeyong nodded in understanding and looked down at the younger. He remembered how all of the units were just here at their dorm for that party they had to help ease some of the tension they were all feeling. Lucas was acting fine then, and nothing seemed to be off that he could remember. They did order chicken though from a new place so maybe it just wasn’t sitting well with Lucas. That usually happens to anyone when they try something new. “Alright well I am going back to sleep. Wake me if you need anything.” Taeyong said as he left to go back to his bed. Jungwoo looked down at his sleeping friend and wondered what could be wrong. He was fine earlier at the party. Why now? Lucas groaned again and placed a hand onto his stomach. Jungwoo folded his hands together and closed his eyes. “Please don’t puke. Please don’t puke. Please don’t puke.” He repeated over and over. That is not something Jungwoo wanted to deal with tonight. Or ever for that matter. He walked over and grabbed the trash can that was in the kitchen and placed it next to Lucas’s face. Just in case. “This is going to be a long night.”


Lucas tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. Though he had only been at Jungwoo’s house for 2 hours at this point. No position was comfortable for him and laying down has just made the gurgling of his stomach worse. He had pain all over and he was so tired, but his body would not let him sleep. What is wrong with him? He has never felt like this before. He sat up slowly and looked around the dark room. He couldn’t see much, but when he looked down at the floor, he saw a sprawled out Jungwoo asleep. He chuckled a little seeing his friend sleeping the way he was. But that laughter soon became pain when his stomach gave a horrible gurgle and cramp. He figured something was going to happen here soon and he didn’t want to wake up his friend

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Chapter 1: oh my friend you and I have the same writing stle I love this
Wanna come and check my Stay Strong Sequels ?
maroomzelolover #2
Chapter 2: Waiting for an update <3
atiqah95 #3
Chapter 1: I hope you can continue this story
Leavegreen #4
Thank you for your story.