Chapter 19

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Loud cheers exploded inside the school buildings after the school bell rings, indicating it was the last class of the day and the beginning of summer breaks. Students rushes out from their respective class to the school auditorium, as it was their last activity for the day before summer vacation will officially start. Some had banners with them and others had huge placards as they search for any vacant seats and waits for the showcase to start.


Behind the closed curtains, the stage crews were running around, rearranging the props, last audio test, lights check and couple of yelling here there for the final set up. For short, the backstage was in a complete mess.


Irene stood still at the door in the dressing room. She was nonplussed by the displayed in front of her. Wendy, who dressed in white button-down shirt tucked inside her black jeans, a loose black tie hanging around her collar and a paired of white sneakers was in the room with Seulgi and a junior Irene met before named Lisa, dressed with the same outfit as Wendy but both were dressed in all black.


However, that was not the reason she stop in the middle of the doorway. In front of the two alphas stood Jessica, holding the front of her silk red robe in secure grip when the alphas tries to unfastened the knot, curious what was hidden under the red garment. And poor Lisa looked worried at her spot, couldn’t do anything to stop the two seniors.


“Stop it.” Jessica backed away, slapping those naughty hands.


“Wae? We want to see what you’re wearing inside.” Seulgi says.


“We are curious, Sica. Just a little peek.”






“Just because.”


“Is it too revealing?” Seulgi innocently asked.


“Err...yes. So you can’t see.”


“Okay, now I’m really curious. We can’t let you wear something y on stage. Let me see.” Wendy says reaching out to the belt which Jessica quickly slap away.


“Wendy, stop it.”


Irene was debating if she should interfere and rescue Jessica from those two because that’s how she’d usually do. But Irene was not ready to face Wendy so soon. She fear Wendy will pressure her to talk about the incidents between them two weeks ago. Irene legs won’t move and she thought the two alphas were lucky that Jessica didn’t turn into hellsica, or else the situation would turn backward.


Irene stiffen when she felt a chilly wind passed her and in no time, the two alphas were crying out in pain. Jessica looks stunned when Miss Hwang suddenly appeared, pulling the two troublemakers ears and saved Jessica from their curious mind and naughty hands.


“Can you two stop bothering people around you or you two want another punishment?” Miss Hwang snarl.


The two alphas pale and quickly exclaimed, “NO!”




Irene goes to stand beside her friend as they watch Miss Hwang scolding the two pouting girls.


“Urm, Jess?”




“Why are you wearing a robe?”


“Not you too.” Jessica groan. “You have to wait until I’m on stage.”


“Why?” Irene whined. “I’m your best friend. Can I at least see what you’re wearing?” Irene does puppy eyes.


Jessica groan, reminding herself not to fall for another cute trap. “Ughh, don’t do that please. It’s a surprise.”


“Oh, come on. Just a tiny peek?” Irene made a tiny gestured with her thumb and index finger.


“If I show you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”


Irene puffed her cheeks. “You’re no fun.”


“Miss Bae!” The two princesses jerk at the stern tone and found a pair of sharp gaze on them sending chills to their bones.


“What are you doing here? Our dressing room is next door, not here.”


Irene stammers and Jessica quickly jump in to help. “I need help with something so I ask her to come. But everything’s alright now. I’m sorry Miss Hwang.” Jessica bow.


“Huhh...that’s okay. Miss Bae I have to do something first and I want you to get ready.” Miss Hwang said to Irene, which the girl quickly nodded.


After the strict teacher left, Irene sigh.


“Thank you Jess.”


“Not a big deal anyway.” Jessica shrugged. “So...why are you here?”


“Ah!” Irene made a sudden cute hop. “I just want to say good luck. Good luck Jess. Hwaiting!” Irene beamed pumping her fist.


Jessica laughed at the cute cheered. The side of Irene that was limited for other people to see and Jessica pinch that lovable cheek. “Don’t act cute, I’m not gonna show you my dress.” Irene pout. “Now, go get ready before Miss Hwang finds you again.”


“Fine! Seriously though, good luck Jess.”


Jessica smile and pinch her cheek again. “You too.”


Just as Irene was about to reach the doorknob, Wendy slid in front of her with that signature cheeky grin of hers and almost made Irene loses her balance, stumbling a step back.


“Wendy! God!” Irene huffed.


“Hi.” Wendy beamed cheerfully.


Irene grunt. “Okay, hi. Now can you please move? I have to get ready.”


Wendy once again block her way and Irene groan aware that everyone in the room were watching. “What? What do you want?”


The grin on Wendy’s face widen. “Can I please know what outfit you’re wearing?”


Irene crossed her arms and stared at the girl with an annoyed look. “Why do you wanna know? And why should I tell you? Now, move!”


“Nu-uh. I have to know what that devil ask you to wear. Is it y? Is it not? Is it?”


Irene was in a hurry and Wendy was not helping at all. “So what?” she eyed Wendy from top to bottom. “If else, it’s better than you. Dressed up like a man again Wendy? Trying to impress those fan girls of yours?”


“I don’t have to. It doesn’t matter what outfit I wear, I don’t have anything to prove because they know I’m always charming and cute.” Wendy grin putting a hand under chin.


Irene squint her eyes. Why did she like this cocky girl in the first place?


Her lips curl upward into a smirk as she lean closer to the girl face. She let out a seductive hummed trailing her fingers over Wendy loose tie. Her smirk grew when she saw Wendy throat bobbed.


Irene pull Wendy closer by the tie, her lips brushing against the tip of the girl’s ear as she whispered, “I too... don’t need to wear a y outfit to show everyone that I’m attractive and hot.”


When she didn’t get a respond from the statue girl, Irene swiftly open the door and left.


Everyone stares at the frozen girl by the door in bewilderments. Irene must have said something to make the alpha looks so dumbstruck.


Seulgi hurries to her friend side, worried about this peculiar quietude. She grab the statue girl shoulders and give a light shake.


“Buddy? You okay? What did Irene said to you?”


“Seul?” Wendy spoke looking up.


“What – uphhh!!” Seulgi grunt by the sudden weight that fell on her.


“Bearbear, pinch me. I think I’m dreaming because I think Irene just flirts back.” Wendy says dreamily.


“Ya Wen – ughhh...” Seulgi struggle to lift the limp body. “Lisa – Lisa! Help me!”


The young junior who was watching from earlier grumble, stomping her feet over to help the two seniors.


“Irene flirts back.” Wendy squeal.


“Unnie, you really are hopeless!” Lisa huffed.





“Unnie, do you think they will see our banners? I mean...will they know these banners are from us?” Joy asks as she unroll the banner in her hold.


“Jessica unnie probably won’t, but I think Joohyun unnie and Wendy unnie would.” Eunbi replies handing out the rest of the banners to the two alphas.


“What about my bearbear? Do you think she will spot my sign?”


Eunbi smile. “Of course. I think you’re the only one who knew she’s going to be on stage today.”




“Sorry to break your hope our fruity princess.” Sakura chimed in. “But, apparently you’re not the only one.” Sakura beckoned to her left where the basketball team seated. A huge banner was spread that says ‘BEAR CAPTAIN JJANG! MAKE WAY EVERYONE, BEAR GOT MOVES!’


Joy purse her lips, looking sadly at her small yellow poster. Sakura jaw drop, hissing when she felt a stingy pain on her waist.


“Why do you have to upset the giant baby? She works hard preparing that sign for your bear friend.” Eunbi whispered fiercely to the girl ear.


“What did I do? I was just stating the truth. It’s not like I was dissing her small yellow sign – ouch!”


“Stop it! She can hear you.”


The soccer captain made a disgusted expression when Sakura begin acting like a sulky child, cringing when Eunbi tries to cajole her friend with countless of pecks on the latter lips.


Taeyeon sighs and look at her phone. “Should I send her a good luck text?”


She was debating; thumb froze on top of the white screen. After couple of sparring session in her head, Taeyeon eventually turn off the device and slump her back against the seat.


“Since when did you become a coward Taeyeon.” She self-scold.


“Why are you talking to yourself?” Taeyeon jerks up and found the three were staring at her.


“Nothing! I was just – you know wondering. Yes, yes,yes! I was wondering what kind of songs they will perform. That’s it, that’s all.” The two princesses nods doubtlessly while Sakura still staring at her suspiciously didn’t buy the explanation at all.


“Yeah, when I think about it, they didn’t tell us what songs they will perform. I’m curious though.” Eunbi says.


“Well, I know Wendy unnie will dance. That’s why she needs my bearbear. But those two unnies...” Joy pressed her lips as she let out a long humming sound.


“I think, Jessica unnie will sing a slow song because well, she’s lazy.” Joy conclude and Eunbi agreed right away shifting her gaze to Taeyeon.


“Taeyeon unnie, did Jessica unnie tells you anything about her performance?”


Second later, the three had their eyebrows flying upwards by the sudden outburst of vocabulary and the exasperating body movement.


“Why are you asking me? How should I know? We don’t talk in our room. We have our own personal space. Heck, we don’t even look at each other. I’m minding my own business and so is she. She has her own privacy and so do I. We don’t share, we never. She doesn’t share and I don’t mind because we’re not close enough to sit and talk, sharing our like and dislike, about – “


Sakura quickly grab the latter shoulder and put a stop to Taeyeon blabbering messed, which by the way not making any justice to the poor progressing relationship.


“Tae, breathe. Calm down.”


Joy cautiously leans forward and with watchful eye she carefully says, “Unnie, you could’ve just answer no. We’re not pressuring you into telling us.” Eunbi then nods vigorously still flustered by the outburst.


When the two princesses attention wer

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1703 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1703 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh