Chapter 15

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“Eun, someone’s looking for you.” Chaeyeon says teasingly after they stop to take a short break from their cheerleading practice.


Wiping her sweats with her towel, Eunbi cocked an eyebrow. “Who?”


Chaeyeon smirk, pointing towards the exit where the hockey captain stood, watching from a distance. A huge smile breaks out from Eunbi lips at the sight of her girlfriend.


Chaeyeon snorted as she watch Eunbi giddily skips towards the cold city girl.


“Can’t believe they’re finally together. Hyewon wicked plan really worked.”




“Are you sure about this?”


“Hundred percent.” Hyewon says, hands busy on the keyboard.


“B-but, but... This will ruin their friendship. You don’t think Sakura will kill her friend for this?”


Hyewon snickered. “I think Wendy unnie can take a light blow.”


“You’re crazy, you know that?”






Sakura push herself from the wall, her lips stretching out so widely at the sight of her dream girl aka her girlfriend making her way towards her.


“Kkura.” Eunbi beamed brightly.


“Hey, beautiful.”


Eunbi shy at the sweet greeting. After they officially announce their relationship, Sakura is more straightforward, gentle and her sweetness could give Eunbi a toothache and sometimes greasy too. Maybe she learn that from Wendy but whatever. This Sakura is very different from the Sakura she used to know and sometimes she wonders if she mistakenly date Sakura doppelganger or something.


“What are you doing here? Don’t you have practice?”


“Yes. But I miss my girlfriend.” Sakura said, interlacing their fingers. “I need my source of strength before practice.” She pull the shy girl into her arms and sighs. “Now, I feel much more better.”


“Kkura, they can see us.” Eunbi says trying to break free from the unexpected PDA, aware that her friends are watching them.


“Don’t care.”


“Kkura~ I’m sweaty and I smell bad.”


“Don’t care. I need to regain my energy.” Sakura says, burying her face into Eunbi’s hair. “And FYI, you always smell nice.”


Eunbi chuckles, finally returning the hug. “Since when did you get so clingy?”


“Get used to it.”



When Eunbi returned to her squad, all of them had that same teasing grins on their faces and the widest is on Chaeyeon.




“Oh, nothing. We just witness the most sickening sugary couple ever.” Chaeyeon teased. “And we were wondering how in the world you manage to turn that cold stray cat into a cute harmless puppy.”


“Shut up.” They all laughed at the flush girl.






Taeyeon pressed her lips, face scrunches up, gripping on her spoon, which she assumed any minute from now, would accidentally fly and hit one of the three couple in front of her. For the first time ever in her high school life, eating lunch with her friends feels awkward and irritatingly bothered. She felt she was left alone, a third wheeler. Being single .



“Why are you ignoring me?” Wendy asks the grumpy girl beside her. Irene didn’t answer and resumed scooping the rice, eating like Wendy is not there.


“Why won’t you look at me?” Wendy whined. “Are you mad at me? Is this about Jennie?”


That manage to get Irene attention and the laser eyes are on the hamster in a split second.


“This is about Jennie.” Wendy grinned, unaffected by those laser beams. “I didn’t flirt with her if that’s what you were thinking.”


Irene scoffed. “Oh, asking her number is not called flirting anymore.”




“Then, what are you gonna do with her number then? Oh, I know. For your girls collection, am I right?”


“No..” Wendy chuckled. “Why are you making it sounds like I’m a huge playgirl?”


“Cause you are.”


“Now, that breaks my heart a little. Loyal is my middle name. Wendy Loyalty Son” Wendy declared.


Irene rolls her eyes. “I warn you Son. Don’t even think try to score a goal with one of my teammates.”


Wendy smile. “Don’t worry. This heart already booked for someone else.” Wendy says, whooping her chest in a proud manner.


“Whatever. Eat your lunch and stop bothering me.”





Taeyeon smirk. “Whipped.”


At least one of them are still behaving normal. Her gaze then travel to the second couple. The real official couple that Taeyeon still having a hard time to believe they ended up together. Sure, Eunbi is a great girl; Taeyeon herself would fall for her if it weren’t for her protective older sister. What made her surprised by the whole thing was Sakura. How could she not noticed her friend liked Eunbi?


Taeyeon could have sworn the rice getting bitter and bitter the longer she stared at the couple.


Nevertheless, she’s happy for Sakura. Even though this couple is so nauseatingly cute, she’s happy for them. When will you get to see the stone face girl smiling widely while looking at her girlfriend eating?


“What?” Eunbi asks.


Sakura shakes her head her smile never fades as she tuck a strand hair behind her girlfriend’s ear.


“You look cute while eating.” Eunbi flushed, hitting Sakura shoulder lightly.


It was so freakishly weird that Taeyeon almost throw a spoon at her. What happened to this cold girl?


Taeyeon huffed, closing her eyes, trying to get rid her friend unnatural behavior. However, a sudden cried broke her concentration.


“What’s wrong?” Joy asks hearing the bear whimper.


“That coke gives me oo. Look at my finger.” Seulgi complained, showing Joy her finger that accidentally got scratch from opening the can of coke.


“Does is hurt?” Seulgi nods very much like a child. “You want me to kiss it better?” Seulgi smile, nodding her head.


“That’s it.” Taeyeon drop her spoon, slamming her palm onto the table, startling the couples and her finger shot up to Seulgi. “Yah! Are you a kid?” She exclaimed. “Do you want me to hit you with a tray?”


Seulgi tilt her head to the side, confused. “Suddenly? Why is your face like that? Are you angry at me?”


“Take a guess.”


Seulgi hummed. “I’m guessing the answer is...yes?? But why though?”


“Because you make me sick. And you!” her finger move to Joy. “Why are you babying her?”


Joy folds her arms, eyebrow lifting up. “And why can’t I?”


“Because clearly she’s not a kid anymore. She’s a growing girl.”




Taeyeon expression and her body language showed she’s about to lose her . “Did you hit your head somewhere?”


“Tae, calm down. What’s wrong with you?” Sakura says.


“What’s wrong with me? HELLO!! Am I invisible? I’m sitting here all by myself, alone, while you guys are busy with your significant others.”


“Excuse me.” Irene chimed in. “What do you mean by significant other? I was peacefully eating my lunch until you decide to ruin it with your stupid hand.”


“Shut up.”


Wendy chuckles. “We’re sorry Tae. We didn’t mean to make you feel left out.”


Sakura smirk. “Or maybe...she just feel lonely because her princess is not here.”


Taeyeon frown when her friends grins at her. “W-what?”


“Hehe... She miss her princess.” Seulgi add, snickering.


“Princess who?”


“Ooo...I don’t know. The Elsa of our school. Ice princess...ring a bell?” Sakura says.


Taeyeon gape similar to a fish. “Did you lose a screw? Why would I miss that iceberg?” Sakura shrugged before exchanging knowing (teasing) smiles with Eunbi.


“ wish she’s here though.” Wendy says, joining the teasing party.


“N-no.” Taeyeon denied but deep, deeeeeep inside, she sort of wondering Jessica whereabouts. Okay, maybe part of her wishing Jessica is here next to her, bickering with her. I miss fighting with her.


Taeyeon quickly shakes her head. What were she thinking? She definitely has gone insane. Why would she wish something like that?


“Sica!” Seulgi suddenly shouted, waving her hands excitedly.


Taeyeon narrow her eyes at the bear, thinking they’re trying to pull a stupid joke. Taeyeon open to say something but no sound comes out. Her body stiffened when she hears a faint greeting and the next thing she knew, Jessica is there, sitting next to her.


“Hey.” Jessica greets them.


Taeyeon stares at her, mouth parted slightly when Jessica casually stole her apple and stuck out her tongue at her.


“What the – Yah, popsicle! That’s mine.”


Jessica smirk, biting the apple. “Not anymore.”


Taeyeon scoffed, turning her body to face the ice princess, inhaling a good amount of air...




The Alpha and The Princess shakes their head, chuckling silently when the two soccer players begin their daily routine, bickering. Taeyeon become instantly livelier, her face glowing while exchanging snarky remarks with the ice princess.


(Everything went back to normal.)


“I don’t know if they really hate each other or this is their way of flirting.” The youngest remarks was unheard by the duo.


“After Sakura and Eunbi, we’ll just have to wait and see.” Seulgi says.


Joy hummed, eyes narrowing to the side. “What about the other couple?” She whispered.


Seulgi tilt her head. “You and me?”


Joy giggled. “No, silly. I’m talking about the biggest rivals of them all.”


“Who?” Clueless bear ever existed.


Joy sighed. “Never mind. So! Today is the big day. Are you nervous?”


The bear bounce excitedly on her seat, stretching out to the fullest. “Not at all, cause Wendy is going to be there.”


Joy laughed. “Unnie, you sound pretty thrilled.”


Seulgi nods. “You bet I am. Cause...finally I’ll get to play with my best friend. We’re on the same team.”


“Unnie, why are you so cute?” Joy chirp, pinching Seulgi cheek.


“Cutie is my middle name.”





“You’re coming to the game right?” Wendy asks.


Irene raise an eyebrow at her. “Why should I?”


“Obviously because I’ll be playing. It’s my debut game. So... I need my lucky charm. In case you haven’t notice... you’re my lucky charm. The half owner of our purple unicorn keychains.”


Irene scorn at her. “Ha Ha! That tickle my tummy. How many times have you repeat those sentences today?”




“Tsk! Sorry but not sorry, I ain’t gonna watch you play.”


“Why not?”


“Because I have practice with your mushro- “Irene coughed. She almost made a slip.


“I have practice.”


“Can’t you skip practice?”


“I can but I won’t do it for you. Plus, you have your fan club. They’re going to be there, happy and delighted to cheer for you on your debut game.” Irene stand up.


“But, but – “


“Oh yes I forgot. Jennie, Jisoo and what’s her name again... ah! Rose. They all will come and they...“ She emphasized the word loud and clear. “ - can be your good luck charms. So, I’m pretty sure you won’t be needing me.” She says grimly and storm off, leaving a devastated hamster.


“Great.” Wendy sigh.


“Trouble in paradise?” Sakura snickered.


“Shut it or I’ll make the whole fake kissing rumor come true.”


“You wanna die?”






Irene glance at the clock on Miss Hwang desk, wishing the time would go faster. She thought she is a perfectionist but Miss Hwang are two times worse than she is. felt dry and her vocal cord must had suffer from the countless overuse high register, which she never thought she could do. Silently thanking Miss Hwang for watering the talent seed plant inside her. Like someone used to say, practice makes perfect. Although hurt, by the end of the day she gets a great result.


Taking another sip of water, her gaze darted to the clock once again, cursing the time for being slow.


Irene choked the water spill onto her face, flustered with what Miss Hwang had said.


“Careful! Are you trying to flood my office?”






Irene lean against the door, releasing a long weary sigh. After embarrassing herself in front of the strict teacher, flapping, trying to wiped her spilled water and then, clumsily knocking over the teacher chair, making a huge messed, she’s lucky she manage get out alive.


It’s the older woman fault anyway. Talking about the game and brought up Wendy’s name. She should know better about the rivalry situation between Wendy and her, since both of them are possibly in a relation-


Irene shakes her head. Nope. She shouldn’t bring that topic back into her head. Migraine is the last thing she wants to deal right now.


Checking the time in her phone, the match probably on a half-time break. She groan inwardly staring at the device.


Her brain refuse to send signal to her legs, convincing her to just head back to the dorm. Her heart? Her heart speak otherwise, telling her to move the other direction.


All that struggles and self-debating was thrown away immediately. Irene push her feet and run as fast as she can to get to her destination. Anxiousness hit her like a bullet after receiving a chilling text message.





Loud cheers explode the moment she enter the stadium. Soothing her uneven breath, Irene eyes travelled to the scoreboard before descending at the court where the players gather. Her legs starts to move without her knowing eyes wandered to each players with unsettling feelings.


Her tense body loosen, releasing a deep audible breath; an easy smile appeared across her face when she see Wendy high-fiving Seulgi who just made a basket, smiling brightly without any harm.


“Stupid Irene. It’s probably just a stupid prank to scare you.” Irene let out a short mirthless laugh, mentally cursing herself for being gullible.


Irene recoil in shock. She could feel the blood rushing to her face, not because she was angry. The main reason is embarrassment, aware of the stares she received.


“Wendy, you idiot.” Irene hissed; badly want to disappear from the spotlight the cheeky hamster put them on.


“Joohyun ah.” Wendy exclaimed overexcited, mouth forming into a goofy grinned. “You’re here!”


Irene press her lips, holding herself back from lashing out at the girl while her eyes roam over the large room.


“Babo! You’re embarrassing me. Go back there.” She muttered sharply.


The hamster was not faze as her smile reaching to her ears. “I’m glad you’re here. I am so going to win and get a big reward from you.”


Irene gape. “I ain’t kissing you again.”


Wendy pouted. “But, but – “ Wendy felt someone pull the back of her collar and found herself dragged into the court.


“We’re not finish yet.” The bear scold the flailing hamster.


“But bearbear, my reward.”


Irene groan inwardly watching Seulgi lecturing the defeated blonde after the referee award them with a warning. Well, at least the spotlight is not on her anymore. Or so she thought...






“What a cute scene, unnie. Even better watching in real life drama.” Joy commented as soon as her hit the metal bleacher.


“Joy, I’m not in a mood to tolerate with your bull. So, zip it!”


Joy pursed her lips. “You’re no fun.” She says, turning her attention back to the game.


Irene rub her temple. Maybe coming there was a terrible mistake. If it wasn’t for the text, t

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1703 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1703 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh