
late night 'date'

“H-Hey, Hitoma...” Chaewon nervously called, trying to act cool but she's visibly sweating.



She growls a bit when she heard the light snickers and low teasing laughters of the other members in the distance, peeking from the kitchen.



The japanese girl looked up from the book she's currently reading, ignoring the suspicious members behind her Chaewon-unnie. She hummed as a response— putting her book aside, turning her full attention to the older girl.



Chaewon scratches her nape, fidgeting. “Uhhh, well, you know— we dont have any schedule tomorrow until afternoon, right?” She said, giving Hitomi an awkward smile.



Nodding, Hitomi cant help but to think. “Right.” She replied, trying to understand what Chaewon is trying to imply.


“Yes, yes! So, it means, we can stay up late? Imma' right?”



“Yes. You're right,”



“Good. And we can do what ever we please until late night, yes?”



“Of course? I mean, we still have a lot of time until our first schedule tomorrow, we can rest long.”


Hitomi is quite unsure what Chaewon really wanted to say— she knew that the other girl wanted something from her but cant say it straightforwardly, but she still responded at the awkward and stiff questions thrown at her by the older girl with obvious answers. Even Chaewon herself can answer her own questions mentally. Plus, her suspicion doubled when Yena cackled loudly following by Eunbi's disappointed face palm while watching their non-sense conversation.



Chaewon is known for being straightforward and chill in the group so what is stopping her from saying her real purpose?— and they're close with each other, so why is the older girl is acting strange and looked nervous talking to her? Chaewon always expresses herself well and also very vocal about stuffs to Hitomi.



Hitomi chooses to wait patiently.



“Hahahaha yeah! That's right.” Chaewon awkwardly laughs, pacing back and fourth for unknown reason. The japanese girl watches her intently.



“Yes...” She mumbled, her brow rising as her eyes move from left to right, following Chaewon's movements. This is so unlike her. Her Chaewon-unnie is confident and cool, and this Chaewon look nervous and troubled.



The older girl then looked behind her, glaring at the laughing members. Yujin mouthed. “Come on! Say it, . Hitomi knew something is up with you!” Chaewon cant help but to let out a snicker then rolled her eyes.



And of course, Chaewon didnt listened. Well, its so simple to say the words she wanted to say to Hitomi but she suddenly cant bring herself say it, the words are seem to be stuck on the back of .



She stayed like that for a while, letting Hitomi stare at her. The members are shaking their heads in disappointment, losing hope and ready to call Chaewon a coward for the rest of her life.



Until Hitomi cant take it anymore, Chaewon wont mutter a word also, just nervously pacing and glancing around.


“Okay, unnie. What's the matter? Do you—”



“Lets go out.” Chaewon cutted her off, mumbling the words lowly, suddenly gaining courage to finally open and say the words she's meaning to say to her.



The youngest japanese tilted her head, confused, she didnt seem to catch Chaewon's words because her voice is so low. “Pardon?” She asked, giving the older a pointed look.



With a red face, Chaewon took a deep breath before finally saying it in a audible voice. “Lets go out. Me and you. Uhm, lets get some tteokbokki, ice cream, fish cakes— whatever you want. The night sky looks lovely tonight, perfect time to walk around the streets of Seoul.” She said with a serious yet chill tone, like her heart is not beating wildly. It came off a little bit romantic, Nako lets out a small snort with that.



A silence.



Everyone are patiently waiting for Hitomi's answer.



After a almost minute of silence, Chaewon lost hope. With a sad tone and head hung low, she muttered. “Uhm, its okay, if you reject— uhh, i can understand. We can do it next time hahaha! We can ask the manager if we can have a vlive like in the past on Namsan Tower. Sorry if i bo—”






“—thered you. Wait what?” Chaewon's face suddenly lit up.



“Okay. Lets go out. I would love to.” Hitomi answered, smiling cheekily at the older girl. Chaewon slowly grinned and nodded. “Yes! I mean, yes... Haha yes,” She exclaimed, happy and excited. The members started to cheer but with no voice, they just danced around the kitchen quietly, celebrating that Chaewon is no coward now. God, all the nights trying to listen to Chaewon's rants and compliments about Hitomi, from assisting and helping her to mf gain courage to ask the youngest japanese girl— finally. Eunbi lets out a relieved sigh, hopefully, everything will go smoothly as planned but knowing Chaewon, it might not go well at all but she trust her friend because if Chaewon came back home with no progress at all from that date then she's gonna give her a good flying kick in the face for being a panicked gay.



Eunbi didnt sacrificed her sleep the most just to comfort Chaewon and give advices to her just to end up with nothing. The other members also helped a lot too, but Chaewon is the most comfortable talking with the leader. They went through a lot together, and they're more than willing to help each other. Plus, the oldest is experienced and old (in a good way, of course), so she knew a lot.



“Hmm. Should we go out now?” The japanese girl asked and stood up from her seat. Chaewon nodded. “Sure. No wasting time.” She replied, smiling sweetly at her.



Hitomi nodded. “M'kay. Lets dress up now then.” She said, and the older nodded. “Lets meet at the hallway in a bit!” She exclaimed, waiting for Hitomi to give a sign before she dash out to the door.



The japanese girl smiled and its the sign, Chaewon dorkishly grinned and ran to the door, but before she could even open it, she heard Hitomi.



“How about you guys?” She asked the members. Chaewon's smile faded. The plan is only the two of them, not with the members. Because for sure, the others will ruin their date. She glanced back and gave them a death glare.



Hyewon was about to say yes when Chaeyeon put her into a headlock, making her shut . Oh hell no, they planned this and waited for the perfect timing— just to be ruined by hungry amd excited Hyewon? A big no no. The latter lets out a small 'oof' when she realized her mistake and gave Chaeyeon a -eating grin.



Eunbi chuckles. “No, we're going to be fine here. Just enjoy your dat— i mean, late night walk with Chaewon. Okay?” She said, then gave her a nod. “Dress up now. Hurry.” She added, then rose a teasing brow at her friend who's frozen at the door step.



Hitomi nodded and went to her and Chaeyeon's shared room to change her clothes to a more warm and presentable one.



Chaewon stucked her tongue out to mock the others. “Psh. Told ya' i can do it.” She smirked, and Sakura rolled her eyes. “Tss. Yeah whatever. Took you a long time, buddy. Go now, shoo!” She shoved the girl out of the room to go to her unit. Chaewon complied immediately.





Chaewon stood there at the hallway, leaning her body to the wall as she waited patiently for her date. Oh how she felt giddy. Damn, this is so unlike her.



( As Yuri said one time to her after she baked strawberry cupcakes for Hitomi because she heard the said girl muttering that she's craving for it,


Whipped.” )



She dressed up warmly— dark blue trench coat, long sleeved shirt, track pants, and white sneakers. It's getting colder as winter's approaching. She also have a mask and her favorite cap with her (she also brought a spare one, she knew Hitomi wont bring one with her), she wont risk to be caught by some fans that might disturb her walk with Hitomi.



The unit door opened and Chaewon immediately stood up properly then smiled, just to roll her eyes after and leaned back at the wall again. It's Eunbi, followed by happy Minjoo and Wonyoung.



Minjoo smirks at the other girl. “Hii-chan is still changing. You're too fast,” She said then crossed her arms. Wonyoung grinned. “Its not obvious that you're excited for this.” She teased, then the three of them chuckled.



Chaewon is not amused. “Yeah yeah,”


Eunbi laughed and pinched Chaewon's cheek. “Awww, this baby is growing up. I'm sad,”



“Oh my god, shut it, unnie.” The grumpy girl exclaimed, shaking her head. “Why are you guys here, anyway?” She asked.



“Well, i want to send you two off, any problem with that? Huhuhu, oh how time flies fast! You're just a shy stuttering baby back then when we met and now, i'm sending you off with your date...” Eunbi said, and wiped her imaginary tears, making the two other girls laugh.



Chaewon scoffed. “You're really weird—” She pressed her lips together when the unit door opens again, revealing Hitomi.



The japanese girl is wearing a pink sweater, the same track pants as Chaewon's, and white sneakers too. Hitomi smiled at her. “I'm ready.” She said before turning to the other three. “Oh, hey,”



Wonyoung went to Hitomi and hugged her, Minjoo did the same too before going back to the unit, but not after giving Chaewon a teasing pointed look.



Eunbi smiles. “Okay, you guys should go now. Go home before midnight, alright?” She said, before turning to Chaewon who composed herself then looked at her. “Be careful. Use protection.” She teased and Chaewon blushed, shoving her away, good thing Hitomi didnt understood it. “S-Shut up, old hag! Go inside now!” She shouted, embarrassed. Sigh, this unnie really.



Hitomi waved at Eunbi who's being forced to enter the dorm by Chaewon, the leader winked at her and stucked her tongue out to Chaewon before finally slipping inside.



“Aish, that woman, really.” The older muttered, shaking her head before turning to Hitomi. “L-Let's go?” She asked, blushing a bit when she felt the younger's stare. The japanese girl nodded.



And they finally started to walk to the elevator. Before they walked out of the building, Chaewon gently puts her spare cap on top of Hitomi's head then fixed it before wearing hers. “It can hide your face a bit,” She said. Hitomi muttered a small thanks, her fluffy cheeks warming at the sweet gesture. They finally left the building and walked to the lamp filled street.



Its only starting, Hitomi. She said to herself as she stared at Chaewon who's walking beside her, hands inside her coat, and looking effortlessly beautiful and charismatic.





Their first destination is to the famous Myeongdong night market. Fortunately, there's no crowd but just enough people.



They went to the street food stall, Chaewon's mouth is watering at the sight of the foods. “Hii, what do you want to eat?” She asked the japanese girl beside her who's also amazed at the sight. Hitomi turned to her. “Cheese Hotdog and Tteokbokki for me, please,” She said, eyes sparkling.



The older smiled, then nodded at her before turning to the vendor. “Two cheese hotdogs and one plate of tteokbokki, please. And oh, two cans of cola too.” She said, then fished her wallet from her coat pocket.



Then, in the corner of her eyes, she saw Hitomi also taking out her wallet. “Hii, i got it covered. I asked you out, so i will pay everything, okay? Consider it as a treat.” She said, then gave Hitomi a wink before handing the right amount of cash to the vendor.



The japanese girl smiled and hid her wallet back. When Chaewon got the receipt, they went to a vacant table. Before Hitomi could even touch the chair, Chaewon already pulled it for her and dorkishly grinned at her. Hitomi was flustered but she sat down to the chair quickly. Seeing Hitomi already sitting comfortably, she sat at the opposite side.



They talked about random stuffs as they waited for their food, like how Yena tripped yesterday at the stairs and Hyewon accidently ate a candy wrapper.



After a few minutes, their orders are served. They talked and laughed, as they ate— they even shared even they have the same food, half of Hitomi's cheese hotdog was been eaten by Chaewon and vice versa, for no particular reason, theyre just like that. The other small stick was abandoned at the side because they only shared one, or more like, Chaewon fed Hitomi through out with tteokbokki.



They didnt stayed there long as they still have a lot of stalls and places to check out. Grabbing their trashes, and cleaning the table, they went to the trashbin, near the stall. The vendor thanked them and they did too. They were about to go on their way when the vendor spoke.



“You two looked cute together.” She said, smirking. Chaewon blushed deeply, and Hitomi is flustered. For the older girl, that compliment is so important to her, it made her confidence boost. “Are you two a couple? You guys are so sweet, i cant help but to watch you guys being lovey dovey from here,” She added.



Chaewon immediately shook her head, furiously. “N-No, we're just friends.” She replied, although she wanted much more than friends. The vendor gave them a pointed look. “Hmm. Okay if you say so. Have a good night, ladies.” She said, obviously not buying her answer.



Hitomi bowed at the vendor, cheeks pink and Chaewon did the same before dashing away.



They were quiet for a few seconds, shy and a little bit embarrassed at what happened but later on, the awkward atmosphere vanished when Hitomi spotted a stuffed toy shop. She squealed and grabbed Chaewon's coat, jumping lightly while pointing the shop. “Let's check this, unnie. Pweeaseeee.” She cutely pouted, eyes glimmering like a adorable puppy.



The older chuckled then nodded, its not like she can say no to this girl.


Hitomi dragged her inside the shop in hurry, excited to check the toys up.



The japanese girl lets out a small 'wow' upon entering the shop, and didnt wasted anytime and roamed around to see the cute toys. Chaewon followed her behind, glancing at the toys too but her full attention is only on Hitomi, she's watching her grab dolls and gush on how cute it is. She kinda looked like a boyfriend who's accompanying her girlfriend.



“Hey, unnie, Look at this doll!” She heard Hitomi called over to her. She saw the japanese girl holding a wolf stuff toy that looked very grumpy and annoyed, she frowned with that. “You look exactly like this toy, haha!” Hitomi exclaimed, pointing out that they both look grumpy. Chaewon was about to protest but the next words she heard made her lips purse and her heart skip.



“You both look so cute.” She softly said, smiling sweetly at her.



The tip of Chaewon's ears went red at the compliment. She coolly shrugged it off. “Hahaha yeah, of course.” She replied, looking around while scratching her cheek even if its not itchy.



“Hehe, i'll buy this.” Hitomi said before dashing to the counter, leaving Chaewon dumbfounded. She just blinked and stood there, glancing around while waiting for her. Then, she spotted a shelf full of a familiar peach stuff toys.



She walked there and grabbed one, smiling as it looked like Hitomi. She got a lot of these peach toy because it reminds her so much of the japanese girl.



“All done!” She heard a familiar squeak behind her.




They strolled around the shop for a few minutes or so before finally leaving. Hitomi refused to put the grumpy doll to the cage which is the paper bag, and walked around while hugging it tightly.



Chaewon is not really interested at girly stuffs, but she's more than happy accompanying Hitomi look for some make ups, perfume, and other stuffs like a cool boyfriend. She even let Hitomi put ugly headbands and masks on her just to make the younger smile.



“Chaewon-unnieee, kawaii~” Hitomi giggled and pinched the latter's reddening cheeks after putting the cat headband on her head.




While Hitomi is checking out some dresses, Chaewon saw a accessories shop nearby and looked at the couple accessories like ring, necklace, bracelet, etc. A particular couple anklet caught her eye and cant help but to stare at it with amusement. Its just simple yet elegant.



The vendor chuckled. “What can i do for you, miss? Any stuff that caught your attention?” She asked making Chaewon flinch.



“Uhh, well, that anklet looks really nice.” She replied after clearing , pointing at the silver accessory inside the glass. The vendor gaped. “Hmm nice taste, young one. Most people dont buy anklet for their lover, they usually buy rings, necklace, or other stuffs.” She said, and Chaewon doesnt know what to do with that information.



“It's a little bit pricey but its the only anklet we have left since the demand is low, but i can give you a discount, you and your girlfriend looks cute and sweet...Ahh, young love!” The vendor piped in again, excited and eyes sparkling before sighing dreamily. “My wife also gave me an anklet years ago when were still dating. I'm wearing it now!” She chirped, before showing off the gold anklet above her shoe.



Chaewon blushed again, she cant believe that two people already thought they were a thing, are they that close? Damn ma, she cant help but to hold back a grin.



“I'll take it,” She replied, smiling.


The vendor winks. “May you two have a strong and long relationship, love.” Completely unaware that she and Hitomi are not in a relationship. Let Chaewon live her life. Its so good to hear that they look like a cute couple. Hopefully, they'll end up together before midnight, if not then, soon.





Almost two hours had passed, and they're still roaming around the night market, checking almost all the available stalls and taking a lot of pictures. Its a miracle that no one recognized them through out the night and Chaewon is thankful for that. No one disturbed them.



Now, they're currently ordering a drink so they have something to sip / drink while on their way home. And as usual, Chaewon immediately paid for it before Hitomi could beat her to do it.



Chaewon is anxious. She still havent done any big move, well she lost count  already when she attempted to flirt, but its only subtle as she doesnt want to make Hitomi uncomfortable. She does tried hard, like wrapping her arm around Hitomi's shoulder (if only necessary) and hugging her if they won tickets at the arcade. Eunbi kept messaging her non-stop, Chaewon didnt bothered to check it at all, too busy having fun with Hitomi.



The older girl went to the counter when she heard her name being called, collecting their drinks. She gave Hitomi hers before finally leaving the café together.



“Well, its time to go home or Eunbi-unnie will kill me.” Chaewon exclaimed after looking at her watch that says 11:04pm. Hitomi pouted cutely as she sipped on her drink, hugging SsamSsam, the grumpy wolf stuff toy, tightly with her other arm. Yes, Hitomi herself gave that name to the stuff toy, and we all very well knew its inspired at Chaewon's nickname.



“Aww, what a bummer. I still want to walk around.” She whined, and Chaewon patted her head. “We're still walking home though. Lets go home now,” She said, wrapping her arm again around Hitomi's shoulder, dragging her gently to the exit while the japanese girl whined.



Chaewon saw Hitomi's other hand is not occupied as she's holding her cup with her right while the toy is squished between her right arm. The older took this as a chance. She swiftly grabbed Hitomi's hand, interwining their fingers together.



Hitomi was surprised at the bold action, but she let her, Chaewon's hand is warm. She felt a heat rising up on her cheeks, and took a glance to the older girl. Chaewon is just looking forward, cheeks also red. She smiled secretly, enjoying the skinship, her stomach is full of butterflies.



Chaewon noticed that Hitomi's hand is kinda cold, so she putted their interwined hands inside her coat's pocket to warm it. She felt her heart thumping wildly as Hitomi caressed her fingers gently as a sign of gratefulness.



They're just quiet on the way home, enjoying the chilly night and each other's presence.



They stopped at the nearby trash can to throw away their empty cups, and before they continued walking again— Chaewon took off her coat and wrapped it around Hitomi. “Its getting cold. Warm up, i'll be alright.” She said, fixing the coat neatly before holding her hand again, gently pulling her to walk again. Hitomi is dumbfounded and blushing, very moved at the sweet and heart-fluttering gesture.



Chaewon thinks deeply as they walked at the empty street. She doesnt know what to do. Should she confess or chicken out? She's quite unsure if Hitomi felt the same. To be honest, she's scared of being rejected so the negative thoughts are kicking in. But she wanted Hitomi to know her feelings, badly, so she can finally breathe freely. She's overthinking again.



God, please save her from Eunbi's wrath later after she learned that she didnt confessed. Oh, Chaewon can feel it, the older girl will definitely kick her out of the dorm and ignore her for a month.



She then remembered the anklet she bought earlier, it will definitely end up in the trash later because keeping it will remind her how coward she is.



The members will be definitely sad also. The plans, the timing, the sacrifices will be put into waste because she cant ing say I love you to Hitomi. Chaewon is also frustrated at her own self. What if their friendship will end if she confessed? What if Hitomi avoids her after that? Oh, Chaewon is already going crazy at the thought.



The japanese girl noticed that Chaewon is spacing out, so she stopped walking, the latter kept walking but was stopped when she felt Hitomi pulling her.



Chaewon turned around with a confused eyes but Hitomi is serious. “Are you okay, unnie? You're zoning out. Do you have any problem that's bugging you?” She asked, worried. The older averted her gaze, Hitomi is really good at reading people, especially Chaewon. She knew how Chaewon's mood and expression works.


“Nothing,” She firmly replied. Hitomi is not convinced in a slightest bit.



“Yeah right, and the pigs can fly,” The japanese snorted, taking a step close to observe Chaewon's grumpy face. “Look, unnie. I wont force you to say it, but atleast, tell me if you're okay and if its bearable. My hugs wont run away, you know?” She said sweetly, looking at Chaewon with those sparkling orbs.



Oh Lord, Hitomi is making it more harder for Chaewon. Those puppy eyes. Those worries. That sweet voice. Just everything about Honda Hitomi makes her heart flutter. She absolutely fell hard for this woman.


Chaewon, breathe, control yourself



She gulped when she felt her heart and brain fighting. Confess? or Back out?


“Chaewon-unnie?” Hitomi whispered, taking a step forward again. Her breath hitched. Oh god, Chaewon is literally losing her . She cant think clearly, her heart is racing wildly. She's going crazy, crazy for Hitomi.


God, i cant handle it anymore... everything, this — i just wanted to kiss her badly and confess,



Chaewon's confidence suddenly skyrocketed, she felt adrenaline rush over her for no particular reason, her heart is beating wildly. One more look from Hitomi and she's gonna burst.



“Chaewonnie,” Hitomi softly calls again, its so sweet and melodic to Chaewon's ears. The older gulped, random thoughts entering her head.





Chaewon felt her mind went blank for a moment, and her feet moves on its own, bringing herself closer to the girl. And in reflex, Hitomi walked backwards until she hitted the wall.



Hitomi blinks and Chaewon lightly slammed her hand to the wall just beside her head, and leaned closer.



She doesnt know what Chaewon is thinking but she felt nervous yet excited, she's kinda anticipating the next move because this situation felt so familiar like in the movies.



Hitomi tried to keep her gaze straight to Chaewon's black and alluring orbs, trying not to cower because the older woman looked so serious and hot. The japanese girl cant believe she said that, but did she lie? Did she LIE???



Before she could even open to speak, she felt a soft and delicate fingers grazing over her jaw to her chin, cupping it gently before tilting it up to a better angle for a kiss.



Wait for a KISS??????



Hitomi is still trying to process whats happening when Chaewon leaned down, aiming for her lips but before it touched, the older whispered something while staring straight to Hitomi's trembling eyes.




“I love you, Honda Hitomi,”




She softly mumbled before pressing their lips together gently.


When Hitomi felt a soft lips brushed on hers, her heart bursted rainbows.



Chaewon was carefully caressing her lips with her own, like Hitomi's lips will break easily. She tried to test the waters by parting her lips then started to move it, without a shame but still ever gentle. Kim Chaewon the coward is not present that time.



After a while, Hitomi responded to her kisses and even wrapped her arm around Chaewon's nape as she kisses back with the same intensity. Chaewon removed her hand on Hitomi's chin and wrapped it around her waist to pull the younger closer.



Fortunately, no poor soul was lost in that empty street that time or they might go home, traumatized.



They kissed passionately under the night sky with twinkling stars until god's knows when— well, when they're already out of breath, lungs burning. Chaewon pulled away first, giving Hitomi a peck after. She cant get enough of those sweet and soft lips of Hitomi's.



Both of them just looked at each other, slightly panting as they tried to catch their breath.



Then realization hits Chaewon. She abruptly took a step backward, eyes wide in fear. Oh no, what did she do?



She felt crying. Did she just kissed Hitomi? Without her consent or never knowing if she felt the same at all, oh god, she's the worst! , she deserve to be avoided by Hitomi, to be hated by Hitomi, to die! She lost her self-control, .


“I-I'm sorry!” Chaewon exclaimed, ruffling her hair in frustration as Hitomi watches her in awe.



“What are you sorry for?” She asked, innocently. Chaewon froze. “I-I, for k-kissing you... Hitomi, i'm really sorry, i just got caught up—”



Hitomi shuts her up with a kiss. Its effective, Chaewon shuts up immediately.


“Why are you apologizing for that, Chaewonnie?” The japanese girl asks, giving her a small smile. Chaewon blinks furiously, trying to collect herself.



“I-I kissed you without your permission,” She replied, embarrassed. “I dont know also if you felt the s-same— ... Its j-just, i'm out of my mind...” She said, groaning in frustration, smacking her own head. Hitomi slowly grinned, watching Chaewon miserably sighs. “Oh, unnie, you didnt felt my kisses tell you?” She said, walking closer to the frustrated girl, who's about to cry.



“W-What?” She mumbled, tears forming on her eyes. Hitomi rolled her eyes. “Ei, unnie, you're so dense. I'm inlove with you also. Tss. For a long time now.” She said, making the older malfunction. “Y-You felt t-the same t-too? W-When? How? Why—”



“God, unnie, my wallapaper is literally the animation of us, there's SsamBbang on my cellphone case too. My eyes are literally on yours only. My heart is going doki doki whenever you smile. Whatever, i just realized i fell inlove with you after you gave me bread to comfort me then hugged me to sleep. I thought its just normal but after you kissed me, i realized a lot of stuffs.” Hitomi explained smiling before giving Chaewon another kiss on the lips then hugs her.



“I-I, i'm not dreaming?”



“No, unnie. Its real. Tch, you want it to be dream only then?”






“Hmm, i thought so. How about you, unnie? When did you realized you fell inlove with me?” She mumbled against Chaewon's chest. The older girl composed herself and answered, “I just woke up one morning, and realized i cant lose you or stuffs. It all started after that Namsan Tower date. As the day pass by, i fell deeper because of your charms.” Chaewon honestly answered making Hitomi chuckle, hugging her tightly.



Finally, Chaewon managed to confess but it caught her off guard that Hitomi actually loves her back. Holy . She cant believe it. Was this real? Oh hell yea it is.



All those sleepless night of thinking Hitomi, questioning her uality, assumes, the possible outcome of her decisions, etc. She became paranoid and careful. Well now, she doesnt have to be paranoid and worried from now on. Eunbi will be delightened after she heard this news, the members too, they will definitely throw a party because this coward finally confessed.



Chaewon remembered something.



“Uhm, so are we official?” She asked, lowly. Hitomi shrugged. “I dont really mind having no label but if we have then our relationship will be much more clear.” She replied and the older girl fished her hand to the other coat pocket, before taking out the box.



“Well then, Honda Hitomi, will you be my girlfriend?” She asked, pushing the younger lightly. Hitomi grinned, cheeks a little bit red. “You know the answer already,” She teased. “Of course. Yes. I would love to, Kim Chaewon.” She answered and the older girl grinned, she looked like she's the happiest woman alive (well in some way, she is).



Chaewon gave Hitomi a kiss on the lips and foreheard before kneeling, that made Hitomi shocked. “Uhm, so, while youre busy checking out dresses i went to a accessories store just to check some rings and stuffs but i came out there with a box. Hahaha. This is not a ring though but its kinda better.” She whispered, before opening the box. Hitomi gasped when she saw the silver accessory inside the elegant looking box.



The older picked it up then set the box aside, to the ground before gently grabbing Hitomi's foot, wrapping the anklet around her ankle then hooking it. She smiled happily then looked up to Hitomi. “Rings and necklaces are too common. So yea, hope you liked it. I already wore the other pair. Its a couple anklet.” She said before standing up and picking up the box, showing off where is her anklet is.



“This is just perfect. I love it.” Hitomi gushed, hugging Ssamssam before giving Chaewon a kiss on the jaw. The older gave her a dork grin.



Chaewon extended her hand infront of Hitomi, and the younger tilted her head. “Let's continue our journey way home? Its almost midnight, Eunbi will kill me.” She mumbled, chuckling. Hitomi gaped and smiled, holding Chaewon's hand then interwined their fingers together.



They both smiled at each other before walking again, talking about their thoughts on falling inlove with each other.





( Eunbi felt a tear escaped from her eye. Chaewon noticed it and was bewildered.


“Eunbi-unnie?! Are you really crying?” She exclaimed, very surprised that the leader is emotional after revealing that she and Hitomi are already girlfriends.


The oldest sighed, sniffling. “Yes. I'am Kim Chaewon. Shut up, i'm just happy. I watched you grow up.” She said before wailing loudly. Sakura comforted her by pulling her into a embrace and the others joined on hugging their leader, getting emotional as well.


“Our Chaewonnie is no longer a coward,” Yena cried, covering her face. “I remember when she used to kick our door open and wake us up to say Hitomi is so cute that day and that she wanted to marry her.” Yujin said, sniffing then used Minjoo's shirt to wipe her tears away, and earned a smack from the latter.


Chaewon is blushing there, while Hitomi, who's beside her is smiling at her teasingly. “Oh, you want to marry me, Chaewon-unnie?” She asked, wiggling her brows. The older went redder and hissed. “D-Dont listen to those weirdos!” She's embarrassed. She did say that though.


“Ugh, you guys are a mess and weird af. Hey, Hii-chan, lets sleep and cuddle now?” She added, getting annoyed at the loud cries. Hitomi nodded without hesitation. “I like the sound of that.” She answered, eyeing the members who are huddled on the couch while holding each other, crying.


The couple sneakily slipped away from the mess and locked theirselves on Chaeyeon and Hitomi's room.


Chaeyeon realized that. “Wait. Where are they?” She asked, still looking like a crying mess. She doesnt know why she cried in the first place.


Nako stomped her foot. “. We still need some juicy deets from them.”


Eunbi pouted. “Tss. Those two, really. I should really put a skinship curfew for them because for sure, theyre going to be more touchy and sweet.” She said and shivered at the thought of catching Chaewon and Hitomi making out at the empty dressing room.


The members agreed. They dont want to see cutely-annoying and traumatizing stuffs. )





not @ me for saying to myself this is going to be only 1k words 🙄 cant really trust myself... anyway, hope u guys enjoyed! sorry for the mistakes

that kissing scene is actually inspired from hitomi's ideal kiss lmaoooo

Happiest Birthday to the Best Girl in Earth ever, Honda Hitomi !!!! ✨ (hopefully im still not late)

#PeachyHitomiDay !!! 🎉🎉

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Chapter 1: This is so cute and soft ;; Ssambbang is really fluffy
Chapter 1: so soft:')
JackyLambino #3
Chapter 1: You are one of my fave author nim now
JackyLambino #4
Chapter 1: One of my fave ssambbang story. Make more pls
TRL109 #5
Chapter 1: Author nimmmm, good story:) make moreee
Aldrich #6
Chapter 1: Ssambbang ???
Good story! thank you ?
Chapter 1: this is so good thank you!!
kimtaetaehwang #8
Chapter 1: Ohhh finally we have brave Chaewon in here
And the kiss part really sweet
Really love SsamBbang
Thank you author nim to make good and sweet story about SsamBbang
cooloveZ #9
Chapter 1: I was so whipped reading the Ssambbang kiss part while suddenly reminded that they were kissing with ssam ssam in between. LOL
1762 streak #10
Chapter 1: This is just uwu!!!!!!!