
Mark Her Red
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IRENE ran as fast as she could right after she got off of the car. She’s running late. Her father has called her for a family dinner, the first ever gathering that they will have after she got married, but now she is thirty minutes late.

She might be the daughter of the king, the one and only princess, but a king is a king. No one should make him wait and the princess is not excused from it. It is still clear in her memories when the King punished her when she got late in her classes even when her teachers didn't do it to her. The Vampire King might be sassy and all but his discipline in time is really tight. His reason? Human lifespan is short, one shouldn’t waste other people’s time by waiting.

“I’m so dead!” Irene puffed as she climbed the stairs and ran on the hallway that leads to the grand dining room. Her ban on blood packs hasn’t been lifted up and now she is already disappointing her father for being late in an important dinner. All thanks to the audio conflict they had at a variety show shoot. All thanks to some weird fan of her cousin, Minjoo, they had to wait until the audio control was fixed. She made sure that Minjoo would teach that fan a lesson.

Irene saw two maids standing in front of the entrance of the dining room and the said servants immediately stopped her from entering the room.

“W-Why?” she stammered in fear. “Did my father tell you not to let me in because I am thirty minutes late?”

“No, Princess.” One of the maids stated. “His Highness didn’t tell anything about it but it’s not thirty minutes. You are 42 minutes late already, Princess.”

“Forty-two minutes!?” Irene shrieked.

The two maids then fixed her messy hair and clothes and even corrected her posture. “Princess Seulgi is already inside. You better be on your best.”

“Huh?” Irene frowned. “Why do I have to be on my best when she’s—”

The Vampire Princess was silenced when the eldest maid knocked at the door. She immediately stiffened. “Your Highness, Princess Joohyun has arrived.”

“Let her in!”

Irene felt her skin crawl when she heard her father’s voice. She couldn’t understand what was happening but… he sounded… happy.

Irene made her way inside and saw her father and Seulgi alone at that huge dining table, having fun with the magic that Seulgi is doing.

“Oh, my dear Princess! Come here and join us!” The King invited her with a huge smile on his face. “Finally, you have arrived! We’ve been waiting for you for ages!”

“I am… so-sorry, Father. T-There was something—”

“Enough with the excuses, Joohyun. Come here and sit! We are starving!” the King then made her sit on the opposite of Seulgi’s seat. The other girl’s smile obviously faded when she arrived. It seems like she’s still aloof about what happened in their honeymoon. It has been three days since they haven’t seen each other but Seulgi doesn’t seem happy about seeing her at the very least.

The maids then entered the room, bringing the appetizers. Seulgi’s eyes glistened in happiness when she saw that even the starters look really tasty. She’s happier to see food than to see Irene and the latter couldn’t help but to roll her eyes while witnessing that truth.

The King suddenly smiled in the middle of that awkward silence. He then turned to Seulgi with that grin on his face. “You better show the young vampires those magics that you showed me earlier. I bet they will be really amazed!”

Seulgi returned him a smile. “I tried doing that during the wedding day and the kids were really amazed by what I did. I didn’t know that they would like it that much.”

“Oh! That’s probably the reason why I am hearing reports about how cool you are~! It seems like you have caught a lot of young vampire hearts with your charisma and magics!” The King couldn’t stop smiling and Irene still couldn’t understand how the two are getting along so well. Was it really because of Seulgi’s magic tricks? Or is there something else?

Oh wait, did she hear that many young vampires are into Seulgi now?

“Gullible kiddos.” Irene murmured.

She was staring at Seulgi when the girl looked at her way and their eyes met. Seulgi managed to stay smiling for some seconds but it soon faded as she averted her stare. Seulgi is evidently trying to stay away from her.

“What charisma are you talking about, my King?” Seulgi laughed. “I will surely practice more magic and I will surely show you new ones when I come back.”

“I will be looking forward to it, Seulgi~!” The King then rose his wine glass and one servant immediately came and poured wine on it. He even told the servant to pour wine on the newlyweds. “Also, don’t call me King. You can call me ‘father’. I am your father-in-law anyway.”

Irene wasn’t sure if her eyes were playing with her but she saw how Seulgi looked surprised with that. “I… can call you my father?”

“Of course! You are my daughter’s partner!” He then raised his glass towards them and the two did the same. “For peace amongst kingdoms, for a prosperous married life! Cheers!”


The three then took their first glass of wine that night. It was, of course, real wine.

And after that, they proceeded with finishing the appetizer and the main dish soon followed. Seulgi’s eyes widened even more at the parade of special dishes being served. “This dish is all prepared by Chef Sohyi. She came all the way from Australia just to make dinner for us but someone here came so late.”

Irene sighed. “Father, who is your real daughter anyway?”

The girl was already sulking when her father suddenly patted her head. She looked up at him and saw her father grinning at her too.

“Good job, Joohyun-ah.” He said, his eyes are also smiling. He is a picture of pure joy. “I didn’t know that you would be this amazing! Seulgi can’t even properly move her shoulder.”

“Wha—” Irene almost choked with what she was eating. She then turned to Seulgi who was actually holding her right shoulder. She didn’t notice it until her father pointed it out. She was busy rolling her eyes at Seulgi whenever their stares met. ‘What on earth? Is she acting?’

“I already told you not to tease us about that, Your Majest—”

“Father~” The King corrected. “Just call me ‘father’. Come on and try, Seulgi-ya.”

The Shaman Princess froze for a moment and bowed her head. “F-Father…”

“That’s great!” the King was about to place his hand on her shoulder but he stopped midway. “I forgot… It still stings right?” He then laughed once more. “Don’t worry, Seulgi~ It will be better soon. It might take some time to heal but it is a mark that you will be proud of.”

The King turned back to Irene and winked. He is obviously telling his daughter that it was a job well-done and the ban will be lifted up at the very moment.

The dinner went that way with the King getting to know more about Seulgi and just ended up getting more amazed with the girl. He knows well that the girl is a zero but the way she speaks just really amazes him. He could see how detailed the girl’s dreams are. She might be powerless in the eyes of their clan in terms of inherited powers but she is an amazing girl who raised herself despite being exiled, despite being away from her comfort zone.

The two were then sent away as Irene said that she still has a schedule for tomorrow. The King wanted them to spend the night but he thought that his daughter just really wants Seulgi for her own so he immediately sent them home with his heart put at ease believing that his daughter is indeed now a tied vampire… or not.

“They probably thought that they could fool an old man like me…” He told himself as he went back to his office. “Seulgi won’t be obvious only if I don’t know what kind of face Joohyun makes when she’s lying.”

The King then shook his head but a smile still pasted on his face. “But I guess starving her pushed her to make the first step... but please don't take so long...”



“DID you just lie to the King?”

Irene asked Seulgi on their way to her dorm. The other girl just sighed.

“You didn’t know what you just did, Seulgi.” Irene stated. “My father will be very disappointed in us when he finds out that we lied to him about the mark.”

Annoyed, Seulgi turned to the complaining Irene. “Look, Rusty… Which is more disappointing in your kingdom: lying about getting a mark or not wanting to mark her partner at all?”


“Why would you think I have the heart to mark you!?”


Irene’s own words echoed at the back of her head. She did say that to Seulgi. The girl is actually doing her a favor for lying… lying for her sake.

“You can’t do it anyway so that’s the last resolve. At least now your ban from buying blood is already lifted up.” Seulgi then took a deep breath. She wanted to say something more but she chose to keep it to herself. She then tried to focus on driving. She actually received a car from one of their relatives. Driving her own car is really different from driving for drunk people which she did as a part time while she was still in exile.

The red burgundy-haired girl stayed silent. Seulgi has been so kind to her despite the cold treatment and she doesn’t like what she is feeling about it. She doesn’t want to feel indebted with all the kindness she is showing.

The two then arrived at where Irene and the other girls are staying. The Vampire Princess then unbuckled her seatbelt but before she could even get out, Seulgi suddenly spoke.

“When are you coming home anyway?” she asked. Irene closed the door again so they could talk.

“I just have to finish some schedule by Friday. I think I can make it home by that day. Why?” She then smirked. “Do you miss me already?”

Seulgi smirked back at her. “You wish.”

“Then why are you asking?”

“Jaewook wants us to come for lunch this Saturday. He said I must bring you there but it is fine if you can’t make it. I will make excuses for you.”

“When you say Jaewook you are pertaining to your father, right?” Irene asked which was answered with a nod by Seulgi. “Okay then, I will tell Sakura about it. She’s the one handling my time table anyway. I’ll make sure to be there.”

“You don’t have to force yourself. Go ahead and sleep. You still got work to do tomorrow.” Seulgi then set her navigation to her home since she’s still not used with the new address. But, Irene didn’t get off.

“Do you have plans tomorrow?” The Vampire Princess asked.

“I will play with my friends again.” The Shaman Princess coldly answered.

“Aren’t you hanging out so much with them?” Irene frowned a bit. She still couldn’t erase the thought of that certain picture from her concerns. That girl irks her so much.

“And does that concern you? I get bored when I am in that house. It’s too quiet.” She then gestured for her to get off. “Go ahead. Just tell me if there’s a problem with attending the lunch. I will cover up for you.”

Irene then got off. She was about to wave goodbye to Seulgi but then the girl shouted, “Say hi to Jisoo for me!” and then left without even waving at her.

“What on earth is that!?” Irene stomped her feet as she watched Seulgi’s car disappear from her sight. “She didn’t even wish me a good night but she’s asking me to say hi to Jisoo for her!?”

“Princess, are you throwing a tantrum?”


Irene was taken aback when Sakura suddenly appeared behind her. She made another picture-worthy meme face but that didn’t even make Sakura laugh.

“K-Kkura!” Irene called out. “How long have you been here?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to come back.” Sakura answered. “How was your dinner with the King? I am sorry I wasn’t able to do anything with the shoot earlier. I had to go and do some errands the King has told me to do.”

“It is fine. Father didn’t get mad at me. It was all thanks to Seulgi.”

Sakura’s eyebrows twitched a little. “You are now thanking Seulgi. It seems like your relationship has developed a lot during your—”

“Please don’t remind me of that stressful point of my life, Kkura-ya.” Irene started walking towards their building. As much as possible, she doesn’t want to get reminded of how she wanted to kiss Seulgi that one night.

“…Or not.” Sakura followed her Princess who was obviously throwing tantrums. She then took a deep breath before proceeding with what she had to say.

“Joohyun-ah.” When she calls the other girl by her name, it means that she is talking to her as a senior vampire and not just a knight. Irene then turned to her as she continued walking.

“I have heard from the other girls about your complaint with Seulgi. Is it true that she’s been hanging out with different girls?”

That question from Sakura made Irene stop walking. “Jisoo said that those are her friends.”

“And there was one friend who kissed her on the cheek and you almost wanted to burn Jisoo’s phone?”

“Kkura~!” Irene whined followed by a pout.

Sakura didn’t say anything more because she has already confirmed that Irene is indeed jealous of what she saw. But if Irene is indeed jealous, she shouldn’t be acting like this but do her best to be closer to Seulgi. If she continues acting high and mighty like this, she wouldn’t win Seulgi’s heart at all.

“Joohyun-ah...” she called out. “I have cleared your schedule tomorrow after lunch. I believe it is best for you to go home by that time.”

Irene’s face brightened up. “You mean I can go home early and rest! That’s really nice, Kkura~! The girls have been wanting to play out—”

“I am talking about going home… to Seulgi.”

Irene produced another meme face as her jaw dropped. “But—”

“You have to go home, Joohyun. If you don’t spend time with Seulgi then this relationship will not work out.” Sakura suddenly remembered the face that Seulgi made whenever Irene is being mentioned. With Irene clueless about it, Sakura was the one who directed Seulgi to the mansion. They had time to talk but Seulgi would always change the topic whenever she tries to talk about Irene. She’s sure that the two didn’t stop bantering during their honeymoon.

“I can’t believe I am hearing this from you, Kkura-ya. You were the one who said that we can get a divorce anytime.” Irene squinted.

“Oh, is that what you really want?”

Again, Sakura caught her off-guard. She averted her stare and sighed. Sakura couldn’t help but to nod to herself. “I mentioned divorce when I thought you are go

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Chapter 32: the incredible story implies representation and detail, thank u for sharing this masterpiece authornim🫶🏻
Chapter 32: I was just bored and out of seulrene reading when I typed 'arrangedmarriage' and 'seulrene'. Then this story came up. I'm not the type who likes unique themes especially royalty. I prefer the lives of normal people with simple yet romantic love stories. Therefore, I had no expectations. But hey, I guess not having expectations made me really enjoy this story! You wrote all the plot twists quite neatly. It left me confused but excited. The love story is also very tragic and romantic. However, now I'm very confused about their genealogy. But I don't care, the point is that seulrene is united and they are adorable!
Chapter 30: Oh gosh, this is so complicated 🥲
Chapter 29: :)
Chapter 28: 🖕🖕🖕 Matthew
Chapter 20: What the heck happened with their brother 😃 like, everything fine if they don't exist 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: What happened here 😭😭😭😭 I was so confusedd
Chapter 14: What the fox????
Chapter 12: Oh my god, there's a lot of entity 🥲
Chapter 11: Their love story are all complicated