Mark Her Red - Finale

Mark Her Red
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Matthew opened his eyes only to find himself surrounded by darkness. He closed his eyes again because it was no different.

"It's over… What was I fighting for again?" He could hear his thoughts echo in that space. "Why was I even angry?"

He could feel himself float yet sinking at the same time. There was a cold wind slapping his face but warm from the back.

"Right. I was really angry with humans. I was jealous of them but..."

Matthew opened his eyes again only to see a faint light coming from afar. "Why was I jealous of them?"

The faint light suddenly grew brighter only to project a picture from Matthew's memories. It was one of those nights where he and Angus were being reminded by their father about their life mission.

"Remember, Angus, Matthew. We vampires are born to continue the rebellion of our ancestors. Vampires are designed to feed on human blood and to that you two shall live."

"Right… Father always reminded us of that. We ruled the land feeding on humans until they found out how to kill us. Thanks to those shamans."

The memories being projected by the light changes every time he remembers. He is basically watching his life unfold in his very eyes. He watched how his father was killed by a shaman. Matthew smiled bitterly at the scene.

"This was a long time ago. I can't believe I will be able to witness this again."

He started remembering everything, how Angus and him declared all out war against the shamans who protect the humans. He remembered how bloody it was and how many friends they lost during the battle.

Their fight went on generation to generation until even the Creator couldn't bear to watch what's happening and sent them an Overseer.

Matthew felt something warm on his cheeks when he saw how he first met Azriel. She was the most beautiful being that he had ever seen. He wiped his tears away since it blurred his vision. This might be the last time that he would see Azriel again and he couldn't afford to miss it.

"I was sent here to stop all of you from killing each other. The Creator's beloved creation can't leave in peace with the both of you fighting each other."

That was what Azriel told him and Agnus. Though he couldn't deny that he was enchanted with Azriel's beauty, it didn't stop him from fighting for what he knew was right.

"We are the sons of the rebels thrown away from the heavens. Do you think we will listen to an angel like you?"

Matthew even spoke together with his previous self. He could remember so well what he told Azriel that time.

But since Angus was already tired of all the blood lust that time, the arrival of Azriel was like an answered prayer to him. With his brother stronger than him, he didn't have the courage to oppose his brother's resolve. He stayed like a loyal brother to Angus but when it's only him and Azriel, there were times that he opened up his true feelings about peace to her.

"Having one of us marry someone from those low class nephilim is a sign of peace? Are you guys crazy?"

Matthew smiled seeing how Azriel reacted to that question of him once again. She was snacking into an earthly dish and her cheeks were almost exploding with the food. She looked like a cute chipmunk with wide-opened eyes.

He watched how Azriel struggled to swallow just to get back at him. "Don't you think that's romantic? Having a couple formed to stop all these killings?"

"Romantic?" He scoffed. "That would be like hell for the vampire who will get married to the shaman. Getting married to an enemy and not bearing any offspring at all."

"Who told you they won't bear offsprings?" Azriel asked, now munching to another street food. "Of course they would have children! Their offspring will be the biggest sign of peace!"

"Oh really?" Matthew asked in a challenging tone. "And then what? Give birth to another nephilim race? What would come out this time? A magic user who survives in eating human liver?"

"Come on, don't be like that!" Azriel pouted at him. "I believe the Creator will bless them with beautiful babies."

Matthew fell silent for a moment. "A honhyeol, huh?"

The Duke then fell aghast for the next scenes that flashed. It was him devouring the hearts of young honhyeols. It was also him who made the rumour about a honhyeol heart being special because of their rarity.

This caused the shaman race to doubt the marriage even though a messenger from the Creator himself told them about it.

No one knew about his works. Even Azriel was clueless about it. He devised everything on his own. With this fear that he spread, the marriage was pushed for a few more centuries.

"Who on earth spread that rumour about honhyeols? I won't be able to go back to heaven until the marriage takes place!"

He watched how his past self smiled at that statement from Azriel.

"What kind of Overseer are you if you don't know anything about it? Step your game up and find the culprit!" He joked but he knew exactly what to do back then.

It was right then when he bowed to stop the marriage with everything he had. There's no way he would be sending Azriel back to heaven.

His memories kept on playing but every time a memory with Azriel on it flashes, he doesn't know what to feel.

"So you can't kill anyone? That’s why you just watch even when people get murdered in front of you? What kind of an angel are you?"

Azriel flicked him by the forehead. "I am only an Overseer. I report everything that I see. I am not a Judge so I can't pass judgement. Even if the Creator told me to kill someone, it would cost my immortality."

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"When I am told to kill then it means I failed my job as an Overseer. Killing means things got out of my control. I am sent as the temporary bridge to both clans so if I failed then being ordered to kill is just another term for punishment. But yeah…"

Matthew watched how beautiful Azriel is even if the wind was blowing her long, black hair away.

"That would just happen if a war erupts once more and it won't happen again, right, Matthew?"

"She already told you about these things but you still pursued your ideals, what's the deal with you?"

Matthew was surprised when someone suddenly appeared behind him. He looked at the source of the voice and found Euigeon floating with his legs crossed.

"And what are you doing here?" Matthew's memory live show was halted at the appearance of the said guy. "Did you die as well? Did little Seulgi go berserk?"

"Well, I gave my heart to the last honhyeol that you murdered." Euigeon said with a faint smile.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "Playing the role of a hero, huh?"

"It may not completely atone my sins but I am proud of what I did." Euigeon took a stretch. "I gave her all of my powers as I transfer my heart to her. With that, my sister will still have power in the form of that young lycan."

"It that you didn't die midway through your surgery, doctor." Matthew just closed his eyes this time.

"I guess I inherited my healing ability from my mother. It kept me alive until I finally secured the heart on Yujin’s body."

"Yeah, yeah…"

Euigeon released a sigh. He also laid down.

"I just came from the void. It seems like everything was settled in there. It's like a big gathering of memories there."

"And then?"

The smile on Euigeon's face faded. "Do you know why you're here and why your memories are being shown to you?"

"Don't go around the bush. Relay me the judgement, angel's son."

Euigeon then took a deep breath.

"Congratulations, Uncle Mattew. You've won a place in hell."

Matthew's eyebrows twitched. "Hell? But I am--"

"There's no way that you would be reincarnated, after everything that you have done…"

Matthew erupted into laughter. He sat up and faced Euigeon. "Why? Because I killed a lot of people? How about Angus? And Baekho? He slaughtered a lot of people but he was still reincarnated as your sister, right? Why am I the only one going to hell?"

There goes another sigh from Euigeon. "You kept talking about it throughout your whole lifetime… 'You are forsaken.' The Judge just went on with what you believe."

Matthew scoffed. He couldn't argue about it.

"Also, we both know that the White Tiger won't fall into his evil deeds if it wasn't because of you, right? And the Vampire King listened to what my mother instructed as if he was listening to the voice of the Creator."

"Yeah, yeah… So when is the start of the trip to hell?" Matthew started picking his ear.

"Don't worry, Uncle Matthew. Apparently, there are a lot of nephilim in hell as well, including all the original rebels."

"Wow. I will meet my heroes." The Duke monotonously answered.

Euigeon shrugged his shoulders. "I just want to ask one thing before you get locked in hell."

"What is it?"

The Shaman Prince took a deep, deep breath. He’s been curious about this thing after seeing some of Matthew’s memories. "Why didn't you just confess to my mother?"

Matthew was surprised, but he wasn't fazed at all. A smile lit up on his face after receiving that question.

"You loved my mother, right?" Euigeon asked, smiling back at Matthew.

"I also… wanted to know why…" Matthew's shoulders dropped. "I know I love her but I kept denying it from myself. I pushed the idea away knowing that the Creator won't let me be with one of his precious angels."

Euigeon shook his head. "What even made you so sure about that?"

"I don't know. Somehow, my mind was locked up to that idea."

There goes another sigh from Matthew.

"So knowing that she's precious for the Creator, I devised a way so that she would take someone's lives. With that the Creator, who's also bound with his own laws, will not have any chance but to punish his precious angel. I succeeded with that but..."

"You thought you’d hurt the Creator but you suffered more at her loss." Euigeon finished his statement.

"Well, I guess that's right."

"But… Why did you still continue with your ways after everything that has happened?" Euigeon followed up.

"You're right. I was given a lot of chances to change my ways and her mortal form being killed by my nephew is the ultimatum. I guess I really have a huge ego and my pride just wouldn't let me change at all."

"I guess you deserve that special place in hell then." Euigeon nodded at himself. “You’re so stubborn.”

"I would be even more surprised if I wasn't sent to hell. He even sends his precious humans' souls in there, right? What more about a nephilim like me?"

"Here we go again with the forsaken drama."

The both of them just laughed.

"You'll be with the Creator this time, Uncle Matthew. It's just that it is his wrath that you'll be with."

Matthew nodded. "I'm fine with that."

"Are you disappointed that it was me who met you here and not my mother?" Euigeon asked once more.

"No, I would be so ashamed to meet her knowing what I have to her kids." Matthew laid back and looked at Azriel's projection in his memories. "I'm fine seeing her just like this. Say hi to her for me if you meet her."

"I will… If I am given the chance."

"You had the chance to come here, I'm sure there's a way for you to meet her." Matthew then started gesturing for him to leave. "Leave me alone now, Shaman Prince. Let me watch my masterpiece before judgement is passed on me."

"Alright." Euigeon stood up and gave his uncle a bow. "Have a good time in hell."

Matthew smirked. "I will, bastard."





CHEERS filled the whole parade after seeing the representatives of each nephilim race held hands and bowed down to everyone who were watching them. It was a great feast as that day was declared Day of Peace and in the middle of them were the representatives of the Vampires and Shamans.

"How was the event?" Sunmi asked the Shaman Representative as the latter walked down the stairs backstage. Sunmi even gave her an energy potion.

"This is so tiring, I should've just come here using my astral body." Son Seungwan answered, now the Prime Minister of the shamans. "I still have to go to the party after this."

"I think we should go now."

The two turned to Jisoo who represented the vampires. She's properly introduced as their kingdom's princess.

"You're right, Princess Jisoo~" Sunmi clung to the girl's shoulder before handing her a potion as well but the vampire looked at it suspiciously.

Sunmi couldn't help but to laugh at the girl's reaction. "It's just an energy drink, don't worry~"

Jisoo politely smiled and put the said potion in her pouch. "T-Thanks, Aunt Sunmi. I'll drink it later."

Prime Minister Son let out a sigh. "You really traumatised the Princess, Sunmi-unnie."

"Everyone, I believe we better go."

Their attention was caught by the graceful Lycan Representative, Princess Wonyoung. She's the complete opposite of a typical lycan prejudice. She’s sparkling even though she wasn’t even wearing any sparkly jewellery at all.

“I can’t believe that the Lycans will actually send their birthday girl here.” Seungwan fixed her suit. She’s now the holder of the 5-star badge in their ranks. “You’re far from the other lycan that I know.”

Wonyoung smiled at them. Even that smile of hers was sparkling. “I’ve waited for this time and to have my debut to society like this is really an honour for me. But, we really have to hurry now. I don’t want to be late to my own party.”

The others nodded at Wonyoung's statement. They greeted each other with "See you later at the party." before finally moving to their vehicles.

"This way, Prime Minister Son, Lady Sunmi." The two were surprised when Sooyoung led the way for them.

"Sooyoung?" Seungwan called before taking a look at Sunmi then back to the said girl in a body guard uniform. "I thought you were--"

"No, I was sent here. They say you might need the best driver in town."

The girl gave them a playful wink before opening the car door for them.

Sooyoung, who Yerim and the King tagged as the second greatest actor of all time (next to Duke Matthew), actually didn't die when she was attacked by the Duke. She just actually fainted in shock and in so much pain.

She thought that Seulgi might have a power up if she found out that her friend died just like those shonen anime leads so she pretended that she's dead even though her consciousness was already back up. (She just almost lost her life to Yerim when the other girl found out about her acting. "Give me back all the tears I shed for you!")

"Don't drive us straight to the void." Seungwan said as she gulped. She made sure that her seatbelt fastened correctly.

Sooyoung just laughed. "Don't worry, Prime Minister. You are safe with me~"

The drive was actually really smooth, something that Seungwan didn't expect at all. She remembered the last time she rode on a car the Sooyoung was driving and she stayed up on her astral body for days because her physical body won't stop puking.

"Say," Sooyoung broke the silence. "Am I the one only wishing that the King showed up to the people? The cheer for the King and Queen earlier was out of this world."

Sunmi smiled at herself while looking at the view outside. "We can't help it. We have a shy King."

"There's still a part of the King that doesn't let her trust the world fully." Seungwan commented which Sooyoung laughed at.

"That may be true but I guess the King's just running from responsibilities. I have known that person since we were young. I know she wouldn't like dealing with political matters."

Seungwan scoffed. "You're right. Hence, I am designated as the Prime Minister. All thanks to Sunmi-unnie and her potions that I am still alive now."

The two just laughed at Seungwan's suffering. She does look like she hasn't slept for days because of today's event.

"I agree with you, Sooyoung." Sunmi started while nodding her head. "The King isn't really used to events like this. She just wanted to bring smiles to people's faces."

"Well, that's why she chose to be a magician, right?" Seungwan let out a sigh. "But I also agree with what Sooyoung said at first."

Seungwan looked outside and saw how the streets were decorated festively. Everyone is rejoicing and in high spirits. "I hope that one day, the King and Queen will present themselves to their people. They are the ones who saved us from bloodshed anyway and they deserve to be celebrated."






Howl's ears twitched at that call. He looked back to his sparring partner only to defend himself for her upcoming blow.

"You don't look away during a fight, Howl!"

Little Howl struggled to push his opponent but he was able to stand her. "K-King... The Queen is already calling you..."

"I know~" Kang Seulgi, the King of the Shamans and the official strongest person on earth, said with a playful smile. "Race?"


Howl wasn't even able to answer yet but Seulgi already started running. He just shook his head and sighed. "Do you really think you can win over a vampire, Seulgi-nim?"

Well, that’s what Howl thought. He ran as fast as he could but he was surprised to see Seulgi already at the porch of their house, standing beside Irene. She even had to rub her victory on the kid as she smugly waved at Howl.

"Teleportation isn't fair." Howl murmured as he walked towards them, eyes unamused, back on a hunch.

"And you think vampire speed is fair?" Seulgi started ruffling his hair but the boy quickly swatted her hand away.

"And you think you two still have time?" Irene asked, her arms crossed, her foot tapping on 16 beats. "Can't you see what time it is already? We are going to be late at the birthday party!"

Seulgi looked at her watch. "We still have an hour to prepare."

"An hour to prepare!?" Irene repeated. The two had to cower away with her shout.

"The party starts an hour from now! You still haven't taken a shower and the heavens know how long you take a shower, Seulgi! And then you have to prepare and dress up for another 30 minutes? What about transportation!?"

Seulgi gave Irene an assuring smile and gave her a thumb up.

"Jagiya, have you forgotten about Seulgi Metro?"

Irene's eyes widened even more, this time in anger. "You mean your defective teleportation power? Do you still remember where you took us the last time you teleported with us? Do you know how my hair turned out that time?"

Seulgi scratched the back of her head. She then heard someone shout from the second floor.

"Appa! I won't be going with you if we are going to teleport! This is my day and I don't want to look like a clown at my own party!"

The voice came louder and louder as the owner went down the stairs and joined them by the porch. It

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Chapter 32: the incredible story implies representation and detail, thank u for sharing this masterpiece authornim🫶🏻
Chapter 32: I was just bored and out of seulrene reading when I typed 'arrangedmarriage' and 'seulrene'. Then this story came up. I'm not the type who likes unique themes especially royalty. I prefer the lives of normal people with simple yet romantic love stories. Therefore, I had no expectations. But hey, I guess not having expectations made me really enjoy this story! You wrote all the plot twists quite neatly. It left me confused but excited. The love story is also very tragic and romantic. However, now I'm very confused about their genealogy. But I don't care, the point is that seulrene is united and they are adorable!
Chapter 30: Oh gosh, this is so complicated 🥲
Chapter 29: :)
Chapter 28: 🖕🖕🖕 Matthew
Chapter 20: What the heck happened with their brother 😃 like, everything fine if they don't exist 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: What happened here 😭😭😭😭 I was so confusedd
Chapter 14: What the fox????
Chapter 12: Oh my god, there's a lot of entity 🥲
Chapter 11: Their love story are all complicated