
Mark Her Red
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“AZRIEL, do you really have to do this!?”

Euigeon flinched at the sound of Matthew’s voice. He looked around and realised that he’s back again to these flashbacks but this time, things looked clearer yet he still couldn’t see Azriel. Everytime the Duke calls out to the said girl, the Duke would be always looking at his way.

“There is no other way, Matthew. I, the Overseer, have to use force.” Euigeon heard the lady answer, for some reason her voice sounded nearer than the last time.

"You don’t have to do this! That guy is dangerous! Even Angus tried to stop him but he's controlling a lot of powers! The only way to stop him is to kill him and you know you can’t–"

Matthew was taken aback when Azriel just looked at him. Her eyes were filled with pity yet they also reflected the feeling of being betrayed.

"Matthew… I didn’t know that you were actually behind all of this…"

The vampire’s pupils started shaking. "W-What do you mean?"

Azriel turned her back to Matthew. That is when Euigeon realised that he's seeing his mother’s memories and he's standing on her feet.

"Everything that you did was made known to me by the Creator."

Euigeon felt something painful on his back. For a second he thought that it was the wound that the Vampire King inflicted on him but he was startled when he looked back–there was a pair of white wings.

"Aren’t you the one who killed his parents and made it look like the other shaman soldiers killed them. You were the one who angered him and pushed him to the edge. And now you made it look like the vampires lead a revolt against him."

The Duke then forced a laugh. "What are you even saying, Azriel? Why would I do that!? Yes, I hate those shamans and I don't like my nephew being given into marriage with one of them but–"

"But what? What kind of lie will come out of your mouth this time?"

Matthew was downcasted. He didn't expect that Azriel would know about his schemes.

"B-But why? Why are you doing this? That man is unstoppable… If you use your powers then you—"

"Are you worrying about me now, Matthew?" Azriel, out of nowhere, motioned as if she was unsheathing a sword from an invisible sheath. A sword then appeared in her hand and it produced a bright flame in just a blink of an eye.

"No, Azriel! If you do that then—"

"If you were really worried about me then you would never start this kind of bloodlust. You have created a monster out of Baekho's poor soul. To whatever I become after this, it will be your fault."

Matthew fell to his knees. This wasn't what he was planning to do. He didn't expect that Baekho would turn out that way to the point that none of the nephilim could stop him. Even the voice of his lover wouldn't get through him.

After finding out that he would become a father, the White Tiger decided that he would no longer aim for bloodshed. He has already overthrown their king and became the ruler of their kingdom. But Matthew disliked seeing Baekho settle with a happy family, he stirred rebellion in the shadows, not only in the part of the shamans but also with the other nephilim race.

This started into an all-out war which cost the lives of many other nephilim and the war is known to be the Great Nephilim War in the present day. Due to the restless attack of other kingdoms and the betrayal of his own, Baekho turned into a berserker. He couldn't control his powers anymore, it became the opposite. His powers were controlling him, erasing anyone who would stand on his way to be with his family.

He removed the caste system in the shaman hierarchy which resulted in more enemies. Even though he won favour in the eyes of zeros, they couldn't defend him since they don't have any powers to offer him or even defend him physically.

As Azriel walked towards the source of the chaos, Euigeon noticed a pregnant woman sitting on the floor. It seemed like she's injured and just by looking at the woman's ears, he could conclude that the woman was a lycan.

"I'm sorry that this happened." Azriel said as she reached out to the crying woman. "I also thought that having a child was enough to enlighten him but Baekho has deeper emotional scars than the ones he obtained from battle."

"Please…" the lycan woman bowed her head so low that her face was almost touching the ground. "I need him… Our child needs him."

Euigeon felt a tear roll down his cheek. Azriel was crying. "I'm really sorry but he has already claimed a lot of lives. I must step in."

The lycan woman could only cry. She knew sooner or later that this would be Baekho's fate but she grieves even more knowing that their child won't be able to meet her father.

"Don't worry. I will take care of Baekho's soul." Azriel's hold to her sword tightened as she looked back at the rampaging shaman. The flame of her sword turned blue.

"Azriel! He will die soon anyway! You don’t have to do this!" Matthew called but the lady didn't even look at him instead, she gave him one final message.

“If only I had a choice of who I should kill, I would’ve chosen you.”

She then flew at such a speed on Baekho's way. The shaman detected her as a threat and attacked her with different kinds of attack but Azriel wasn't affected at all. She continued dashing towards the shaman.

"I can't let you take lives anymore, Baekho." Azriel deflected Baekho's ultimate attack which took the shaman aback. "I am sent here to keep peace and you have become a huge threat to it! I am sorry for what you have become!"

Azriel cried even more when she saw the human in Baekho's eyes. Even he was grieving of what he had become. Baekho spread his arms wide open and closed his eyes, receiving the fate from an angel's sword.

With one swift move, Azriel swung her sword causing a bright light that engulfed the whole area.

"Oh lonely soul, for now please rest. When it's time for you to come back to this world, let this body be your nest. I will raise you with love and not let you feel this loneliness anymore. And through you, who was a victim of violence and wrath, peace shall come forth in this land. With this your sins shall be forgiven."

Euigeon witnessed how Baekho's body was consumed by the blue flame, nothing remained even ashes.

As soon as the flames disappeared, Euigeon started to fall. He looked behind him but the wings were gone. Knowing that using his powers won't do anything, he just closed his eyes and waited for the impact but then–


Euigeon opened his eyes when he heard that familiar voice. He looked around and noticed that he was back on the land. He turned to the direction of the voice and saw Matthew gnashing his teeth while in tears. He was hiding in the bushes and seemed to be watching something.

When Euigeon turned to where Matthew was looking, he was surprised to see a baby in the middle of a huge crater. Azriel was reduced into a baby, the result of having the overseer take a life, a sign that she has been reduced into a mortal.

"Azriel…" Matthew was heavily crying. Euigeon then noticed that his right arm was injured and was bleeding furiously. The both of them were surprised when the Vampire King suddenly appeared in front of them, carrying the baby in his arms.

Matthew shrieked at the sight of the baby. He immediately moved away from Angus and fear was written all over his face.

Clueless of what his brother did, Angus asked. "What’s wrong?" His face was stoic, far from the usual Vampire King who was filled with mischief. No, it was more like he looked like the dark, edgy person he was before he met Azriel.

His brother didn't answer. He just kept shivering in his place, holding his bleeding arm.

Angus then looked at the baby. He smiled at first but that smile instantly turned into mourning as his lips started to shake, his eyes welled with tears. He hugged the baby as he cried harder.

They just lost a friend they had for centuries–the person who stopped the vampires from wreaking havoc across the land.

“H-How many more important people will I lose at these meaningless fights?” Angus fell into his knees as he grieved. "No more war… I pledge with my life, the Vampire Kingdom shall never participate in any war! I will instantly put an end to it even if it involves other kingdoms. There shall be no bloodshed in this land!"

The King gave the baby a kiss on the forehead. "I will make sure that peace shall come in this land. I swear with my life that everyone shall live in peace!"

Azriel. The baby was still called her original name. She was raised by Angus in the shadows. He gave him to a trusted shaman clan and there she was raised as one of them. As she was once an angel, she still had the power of dream manipulation and healing.

Her memories were reset and nobody knew about her being the overseer, angel Azriel. She grew up in stature and won favour in the eyes of many kingdoms. But ultimately she fell in love with young Jaewook, the shaman crowned prince, who actually loved her back. Jaewook rose to the throne in such a young age since his father, the only survivor of the royal family, died out of old age. Jaewook was only given birth because of the need to continue the royal bloodline. The original heir of the throne was slain by Baekho. And since he was unripe with age, his reign was very much influenced by the elders.

Matthew despised Angus' decision about giving Azriel to the shamans. He despised the fact that his beloved had fallen in love with a shaman. But above all, he loathed the truth that he couldn't even come close to the girl himself. He tried once when she first turned into a baby but some unknown force protected the girl from him hence the scar on his arm. It hurt so much that he became afraid to go close to her ever again.

He didn’t have the chance to present himself better that time. And with the idea of being deprived of the chance to win the girl's heart, the anger and envy in his heart didn't subside at all. He loathed the Creator even more.

"Don't tell me you're going to start another nephilim race?" was what Matthew murmured to himself when he first laid his eyes on baby Euigeon. He was gawking at him until a smirk curved up his lips. "But hey, I can actually touch you."

"Duke Matthew?"

Matthew flinched when Azriel entered the room. Even the girl was surprised to see him there but being the sweet, pure woman that she is, she welcomed him with a warm smile.

“It is a pleasure to meet you here but may I ask what you are doing at my son’s room?”

He averted his stare. “I am just checking if this kid will be the one to marry Jiwoo.”

Azriel moved closer and Matthew subconsciously moved backwards. “I gave birth to a boy. His name is Euigeon. It’s sad to say that he isn’t the one destined for the marriage.”

“A boy, huh?” Matthew then remembered the last words of Azriel. He looked at baby Euigeon once more and another smirk curved up his lips. Euigeon could see everything.

“Also, can you also check on Jiwoo?” Azriel sounded so worried. “I’m hearing unsettling news about him. Is it true that he’s actually against the intermarriage and is leading the supremists?”

Matthew then composed himself but he couldn’t stop himself from sneering. “Don’t worry, my Queen. Everything is under my control.”

The scene changed once more and Euigeon was brought into a nightmare he didn’t even wish to see once again. Things happened very fast, Jiwoo attacking his mother and little him actually killing Jiwoo. He watched how Matthew approached the young him and grieved with him.

That time, he saw Matthew as the only person that grieved for the death of his mother but looking at it now, in another perspective, after seeing all the revelations to him, Euigeon could only feel anger towards the guy.

“When will you ever stop!?” He shouted and tried to attack Matthew but he just passed through him as if he was a ghost. He immediately gained his balance and shouted at his young self.

“Don’t listen to him! He will ruin your life! Don’t listen to him!” Euigeon fell to his knees. He shouted near to the ear of his young self. “Don’t listen to him! He’s brainwashing you! He’ll make you do horrible things! He’ll make you kill your own father!!!”

Euigeon then punched the ground since all what he was doing was futile. He then felt shivers run through his whole body, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

He slowly lifted up his head and looked in the direction where he could feel the stare only to be surprised that Matthew was looking at him. With a sarcastic, devilish look on his face he mouthed.

“Too late.”





“NOT on my watch!”

Irene was surprised when the Duke was suddenly thrown away to the ground before he even pushed his weapon deeper to Irene’s skin. The Princess looked behind and saw her adopted child.

“Yujin!” she called, the kid just gave her a smug smile before giving her a nod. Knowing what that means, Irene took a free fall and landed straight to where Seulgi was.

“Blood!” was the only thing she managed to tell Seulgi before she took a bite of on her unmarked shoulder. Yujin then followed, protecting her parents from the attacking vampires.

Seulgi immediately noticed the wound on Irene’s back and her blood started boiling. Strangely, she started to feel more powerful even though Irene was drinking her blood.

“Nice meal!” Irene wiped her lips and presented a more radiant red hair to Seulgi. “Now I can get back and to fight—”

Before she could even run, Seulgi grabbed her by the wrist. “Stay here with me.”

"But Seulgi…" Irene suddenly felt weak at how Seulgi was intensely staring at her. "I feel better now."

The other girl didn't have to repeat what she just said. She just pulled Irene closer and hid her behind her back.

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0 points #1
Chapter 32: the incredible story implies representation and detail, thank u for sharing this masterpiece authornim🫶🏻
Chapter 32: I was just bored and out of seulrene reading when I typed 'arrangedmarriage' and 'seulrene'. Then this story came up. I'm not the type who likes unique themes especially royalty. I prefer the lives of normal people with simple yet romantic love stories. Therefore, I had no expectations. But hey, I guess not having expectations made me really enjoy this story! You wrote all the plot twists quite neatly. It left me confused but excited. The love story is also very tragic and romantic. However, now I'm very confused about their genealogy. But I don't care, the point is that seulrene is united and they are adorable!
Chapter 30: Oh gosh, this is so complicated 🥲
Chapter 29: :)
Chapter 28: 🖕🖕🖕 Matthew
Chapter 20: What the heck happened with their brother 😃 like, everything fine if they don't exist 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: What happened here 😭😭😭😭 I was so confusedd
Chapter 14: What the fox????
Chapter 12: Oh my god, there's a lot of entity 🥲
Chapter 11: Their love story are all complicated